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Lesson 2: Fair Learning

Check (/) the box that corresponds to your class observations and answer the succeeding

Yes No
The teacher provides students
opportunities to make /
The teacher knows the /
students well.
The teacher provides a wide
range of option from which /
students can choose from in
order to engage in an activity
The students are encouraged /
to express themselves
The teacher extends the
lesson so that all students /
benefit from it.
The teacher utilizes various
ways of determining how /
students learn.
Read carefully and answer the following questions based on what you have observed in class.

1. What could have contributed in the presence or absence of a fair learning environment?

2. How does a fair learning environment affect the way children learn?

It only affect if the teachers doesn’t allow students to express their selves by which
learning interaction should be done by exchanging ideas and thoughts between teacher
and students, and not teacher alone.
Complete the following:

1.I realized that fair learning is necessary in learning of each student

2. I believe that: without fair learning it would might be difficult for the side of students to
express their thoughts and ideas.
3. I feel that the fair learning focus isn’t just about the students, but also how the teachers do his
or her job effectively.
4. when I become a teacher, I will always bare in my mind that fair learning should be applied at
all times.

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