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F > Decreased Activity Tolerance related to Left Knee Amputation (ORTHO WARD)

D > Received awake lying in bed with an ongoing IVF of D5LRS 1L x 16 hours @ the right
hand and PNSS 1L to run KVO at the left hand. “Nahihirapan padin akong huminga.” as
verbalized by the patient. Confined in bed. Weakness on lower extremities noted. Dependent to
significant other in doing activities of daily life.

A > Assessed current health status. Assessed for muscle weakness and pain. Assess the patient’s
level of activity tolerance and difficulties in mobility. Assisted in performing active range of
motion exercises. Assisted the patient in his morning care. Ensured patient’s comfort for rest by
elevating the head of the bed. Encouraged significant other to offer emotional support to address
dysphoric mood by communicating with the client. Instructed significant other to re-position the
client from side to side. Educate on the proper use of assistive device like crutches prior to
admission. Encourage significant other to call for assistance if needed.

R > Still needs assistance in doing activities of daily living.

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