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Name: Luisa Ancha Daniel Class: B01 Grade: 12th

Number: 52
Subject: English

Importance of business communication for your success

The function of keeping the worker informed about a certain subject is to help in
coordinating tasks. Só as a result there is a more collaborative and united team with the
organizational environment.

In short business or corporate language and the name given to the set of words,
expression abbreviations and jargon within the common for the corporate Word, in
general, to Howe a common language, which describes the company's day-to-day
activities and processes.
Business communication-and the relations hp between a company’s availability of
information and how this message is interpreted it's about communication business that
a company uses strategies of communications in order to improve the image the
company and the results obtained.

Communication has four basic functions within the organization, control motivation,
expression, emotional, and information-in this sense Web will analyze the four functions
of communication and details and how do they work at work judiciary.

That are newspaper, murals in terms of TV, corporate, newsletter, and the Internet ar
examples they are very effective tools for communicating White the internal public and
the external public can you use traditional média like TV and radio the newspapers or
presort digital marketing strategies.

The pillars of business communication are:

 Communication in e everyday life
 Communication forma leadership to the tem

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