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Topic 6 : Advantages and limitations of models and simulations

● Because hardware and software capabilities have become better, modelling and
simulations cannot be looked at being so perfect still. Computer models still have issues
and can still present with errors. Computer models and simulations represent the real

Climate models

● We are able to predict climate change using climate models. These climate models use
laws from physics and conservation of mass, energy and momentum by using
mathematical equations developed in these climate models.
● These models are great as they will help us make predictions on the effects of droughts,
floods, cyclones and other weather events. The burning of fossil fuels cause emissions
and pollution which will lead to high temperature and humidity levels leaving our world a
place where humans will not be able to survive in.
● These climate models use quantitative methods to simulate the way in which the
atmosphere, oceans, land surface and ice all interact. We are able to use the climate
models to investigate past, current and observed climate changes.


● However, these climate models are still not totally reliable when it comes to making
predictions. Our global climate is already very complex, so errors will come up from
simulations and models. At least having these simulations and models helps us with
predictions and simplifying complex climate change because we still do not as humans
understand climate change completely.

Training and education

● One of the main reasons why simulation and modelling programs are used is because
they allow people to use them instead of being placed in dangerous situations. For
example, flight simulators give users the advantage to model dangerous situations
safely. See examples below how they are able to achieve this.

1. Various flying conditions: pilots are able to experience this e.g poor visibility at night
and bad weather conditions.
2. Emergency situations: they can be simulated without danger e.g frozen runways, fog,
or engine failure can all be experienced with the use of a simulator.
3. Landing procedures: simulations on how to land an airplane safely can be modelled.
4. Users of simulators can be viewed: this data can then be used to watch their reactions
to events in the simulator and then modifications, new tasks and/or adjustments can
then be carried out in real time for them.
We must not forget that simulators are not always perfect even though they have the
ability to represent the real-world objects and situations accurately. In order for a model to
run perfectly it depends on the level of understanding of the designer and the computer
capabilities of the computer and equipment being used. Computer models can never be
compared to real life as reality is reality which is made up of the human element e.g., a pilot in a
major real-life crisis will differ in front of a computer compared to if it was happening in real life.
Simulation software poses challenges such as being able to cover everything e.g., extreme and
unexpected conditions.


1. Why should computer models and simulations not be regarded as perfect?

2. What are climate models?
3. Identify the data required to produce an accurate weather forecast?
4. List four advantages of flight simulator programs?
5. List three reasons why there will always be a limit to the extent that climate can be


1. Computer models/situations shouldn’t be regarded as perfect because they can still have
issues and present errors even though they can represent real-world objects/situations
2/3. Climate models are models that help us predict climate change. These models use the laws
of physics and similar concepts like the conservation of mass, energy etc., by utilizing
mathematical equations, algorithms developed in these climate models.
4. Four advantages of flight simulators programs/simulators is that pilots are able to experience
various flying conditions, emergency/dangerous situations, landing procedures and their
reaction can be viewed so modifications can be made for an environment that best suits them
and all these happen from a safe, training environment.
5. There is always a limit to predicting the climate due to the fact that climate change in our
world can be unpredictable/obscure, global climate is complex and errors may come from
simulations and models and we as humans do not have enough knowledge about that topic.

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