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My name is Ellios Bastian, a high school student who just set foot in a quite prestigious high school in

my hometown. I can be considered quite popular here because I am friendly and easy to get along
with. But behind my popularity, it seems that people don't know the other side of me. To me, I am
someone who doesn't have anything.

Ellios: Hey bro, what are you doing so early in the morning?

Daevi: Stop calling me bro, I'm a girl, El.

Ellios: Sorry-sorry, btw what are you doing with Melz? You're so diligent, already studying this early,
even the classes haven't started yet.

Daevi: It's usual, reviewing the material first. We're in 12th grade now, so we don't have time to play
around. Plus, we're already behind on a lot of material, El.

Melz: Yeah, exactly. Aren't you afraid of the upcoming exams? Especially since I've heard that your
grades are always on the edge, El. You might have to take a "gap year" next year, El.

Ellios: T-that, let me think about it myself, it's impossible for an Ellios to fail

*While scratching his head

Melz: It's up to you, El, what's important is that we have warned you, the decision and consequences
are in your hands.

Ellios actually realized that his grades were not that good, and he had tried his best. However, the
results always disappointed Ellios.

Ellios left the two of them and went to the cafeteria feeling confused.

*Bruk, a loud crash caught Ellios' attention.

Ellios: Duh.

Felicia: Sorry, sorry. I'm in a hurry.

Ellios: Wait, your paper fell.

Ellios looked at the fallen paper with admiration. It turned out to be a poster for a drawing
competition that would be held soon. He took the paper with him.

In the classroom,

Vena: Fel, why is there one poster missing? Shouldn't there be fifty? How come only fourty-nine?

Felicia: Really, Ven? But I already printed fifty copies earlier. Did a paper fall or something?

Vena: So careless, Fel. Well, it's not a big deal if only one is missing.

Vena: Oh right, this poster is for a drawing competition, don't you have any intention to participate?
Your drawings are really good.

Felicia: Thank you for the compliments, Ven. I actually already planned to join the competition,
hoping to win as well.
Vena: Well, then go ahead and participate. The competition seems interesting enough.

Felicia: Alright, I will join it.

After arriving in his room, Ellios took out the poster and hung it on his wall.

Ellios: I think I'll participate in this competition. Drawing is one of my skills. I'm confident that I can
win it.

Ellios took a piece of paper and started sketching for his final drawing. He was busy with his

while rolling up the paper and throwing it in the trash

Finally, Ellios produced a brilliant depiction that matched his vision. He refined and perfected his
drawing, then uploaded it according to the competition's guidelines.

Ellios: I hope this drawing leads me to victory.

The day that Ellios had been eagerly anticipating finally arrived, and he hurriedly made his way to the
school bulletin board, feeling excited to see the winners of the competition.

Felicia: Look, Ven, I won first place again in this competition. I'm so happy to win.

Vena: Wow, congratulations, Fel. It's no surprise, you're always amazing.

Felicia: Thank you, Vena.

Daevi: Wait, did Felicia really win? That's so cool, always winning drawing competitions.

Melz: I agree, you're really talented, Fel. Can you teach us how to draw? Daevi and I are still

Felicia: Thank you so much for the compliments, guys.

Ellios was now right in front of the bulletin board, and he immediately searched for his name among
the list of winners.

Ellios: Oh, there's my name, turns out I won second place!!

*Ellios said with a feeling of great happiness.

Daevi: An Ellios actually managed to win in this competition.

Melz: It's a bit unexpected, but congratulations, Ellios. It seems you're not what I thought all this
time, there's still a good side to you.

Ellios: Of course, I have a multitude of talents.

*He said with a hint of arrogance.

Ellios: By the way, I'm going to canteen first, I just wanted to see the results here.

Daevi: Bye, El.

As Ellios arrived at the canteen , he was approached by Felicia.

Felicia: You're Ellios, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Felicia. I saw your name on the bulletin board
earlier, so I got curious.

Ellios: Yeah, I'm Ellios. Wow, it seems like I'm quite famous too.

Felicia: Well, somewhat. Anyway, I wanted to ask, would you be interested in learning drawing
together with me? I mean, so that both of us can improve. I also want to learn a lot from you.

Ellios: Is my drawing really that good? That you're inviting me to learn together?

Felicia: Your drawing is decent, it just needs some improvement in coloring techniques. Actually, I've
been wanting to have a talented friend in this field as well. Luckily, I found you.

Ellios: It's a coincidental encounter, huh? Alright then, when should we start learning?

Felicia: We can start tomorrow if you're up for it.

Ellios: Okay

They both started learning to draw day by day and motivated each other. They continued doing so
until they graduated.

In the classroom

Daevi: Melz, where are you planning to go after this?

Melz: I think I'm going to major in accounting.

Daevi: Same here, Melz. Hopefully, we can go to the same university. So we can be together again.

Melz: Yeah, I still want to be friends with you for a longer time, Daev.

Daevi: El, what about you? Where are you planning to go?

Ellios: Maybe I'll apply directly to "Win Art O" company first. So that I can have a stable job, and then
I'll continue studying in the university

Felicia: Same, El. I also want to apply to that company. The interview is next month, right? Let's go
together, El.

Melz: By the way, Ven, I heard you got accepted to Yale University. I'm so jealous.

Vena: Don't be jealous, you also got accepted to Cambridge University. Instead of being jealous, let's
focus on ourselves starting from now. Someday, we'll meet again as the best versions of ourselves!

Daevi: Wow, that's a great mindset, Ven.

Felicia: Alright, guys, let's continue the conversation another time. Ellios and I want to study now, so
we can be one hundred percent sure to get accepted by that company.

Ellios: Yeah, bye guys.

They both prepared extensively to apply to the Win O Art company, aiming to develop their skills
and gain experience and positions there.
At half-past nine, Ellios Bastian hurriedly entered the interview room. However, he still had enough
time to calm himself down. He regulated his breathing to stabilize it before entering the interview

Ellios: Excuse me, ma'am. I apologize for being slightly late. I encountered some obstacles on the
way here.

Catarina: It's alright, please have a seat.

Catarina: Alright, please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself.

Ellios: Alright, ma'am. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ellios Bastian, a graduate of SMA Negeri 1
Kabanjahe. Currently, I am interested in applying for the position of Illustrator. During my school
years, I was active in the drawing community and achieved success in several drawing competitions.
With the skills I possess, I believe I can contribute directly to the company.

Catarina: Okay, Ellios. I have heard a little about you and your experiences. Next, could you mention
your strengths?

Ellios: Based on my educational background and achievements, I also have good communication
skills. To minimize miscommunication, I can convey information in an appropriate manner. This
ensures that coordination with the team I work with goes smoothly, including communication with

Catarina: Alright, your strengths could be beneficial if you are accepted into the company. But
before that, I also want to know what weaknesses you have.

Ellios: One weakness I have is my forgetfulness, which sometimes leads to carelessness in tasks.
However, I overcome it by taking notes on important matters related to work, to ensure that nothing
is overlooked.

Catarina: The weakness you mentioned can be quite critical, but the solution you apply might be the
right way to overcome it. I have a general understanding of you now. So, why are you interested in
applying for the Illustrator position?

Ellios: Because I have experience and achievements that align with this job position. Moreover, your
company is currently the best in this field, so I want to build a career in this company.

Catarina: Your statement is true, but what do you know about this company?

Ellios: Your company is the best and most experienced company in the field of art. The products
offered are innovative and of excellent quality. These advantages have piqued my interest in
applying to this company. I have also consulted with friends/relatives who work in this company, so I
will further delve into the company's developments.

Catarina: Alright. One last question, why should I hire you in this company?

Ellios: The ability to illustrate various client ideas and communicate effectively with team members
and clients are some of the requirements for the position I am applying for, and those are skills that I
possess. Additionally, I have skills related to technology, such as using popular social media
platforms. If given the opportunity to work in this company, I will give my best for the company.

Catarina: Alright, Ellios. We will reconsider your recruitment. We will inform you personally later.
You may leave the room now.
Ellios: Alright, thank you very much, ma'am. Excuse me.

Ellios left the room and found out that Felicia had finished her interview before him. They chatted
for a while before Ellios went back home. A few days later, Ellios, who was busy drawing, ignored the
notifications on his phone. He only realized it when Felicia called him. Ellios answered the call.

Felicia: El, quickly check the notifications on your phone. The interview results have been

Ellios: Wait, let me check first

Ellios immediately opened the notifications and searched for his name among the list. He
successfully found his name as one of the accepted applicants at the company.

Ellios: Oh my God, I got accepted as an Illustrator. Finally, my struggle wasn't in vain. And Felicia also
got accepted at this company.

He contacted Felicia and congratulated her as well. Their friends also congratulated both of them on
their achievements.

Ellios Bastian, someone who used to think he was worthless, has now proven that he can do
something if he dares to try and give his best effort in the process. The end.

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