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What is the conversation mainly about?

The reason that the student submitted his paper late
The marketing strategy chosen by the student's group
Factors that can affect how people work together in groups
New evidence that supports an old theory about groups

Why does the professor mention bicycle riders?

To encourage the student to read more studies about group dynamics
To illustrate that theRingelmann effect has also been observed in sports
To show that theRingelmann effect has become more common over time
To point out that the opposite of theRingelmann effect can also occur

What does the student imply about the group he is working in?
None of the members is willing to lead the group.
Group members disagree on how to divide the workload.
The group should try to take advantage of theRingelmann effect.
There is no apparent evidence of theRingelmann effect in the group.

What does the student indicate about the promotional strategy he is working on?
It is more time consuming than a task assigned to another group member.
It was completed with the help of other group members
It had to be revised because it was too complicated.
It is based on a strategy used to promote an actual product.

What does the professor imply when she says this:

The paper will not have a large effect on the student's grade.
The student should have spoken with the professor sooner.
The topic of the paper needs to be narrow.
The student did not follow the guidelines for length.
참석자 1
To a conversation between a student and his marketing professor.
참석자 2
Hello Professor JOHNSON

참석자 3
Hi ROBERT How's it?

참석자 2
Good? Here's my assignment the one about market segmentation.
Thanks again for the extension.

참석자 3
Okay just try not to make a habit of it.

참석자 2
I won't.

참석자 3
So was my advice helpful to focus on one way that people can be divided into
consumer markets sometimes students try covering too many bases.
They separate markets based on geography and education and occupation.
And you know, this is a two page paper,

참석자 2
right I ended up examining just geographic segmentation, specifically how companies
market products to people living in rural areas.

참석자 3
Good I look forward to reading it.
Okay so how is your group project going to put together a marketing plan?
Remind me what product it's for

참석자 2
developing a plan for a new line of running shoes.
It's going okay but it seems like I'm doing a lot of work.

참석자 3
Hmm, are some people not doing their fair share?
You know, working in groups is a funny thing.
There's actually been a lot of research about it.
Maybe there's something called the Wringleman effect that's taking place in your

참석자 2
The Wringleman effect.

참석자 3
Yes it describes the phenomenon of people expending less effort when they work in
groups than when they work on their own.
The name comes from a study conducted in the 1880s, I believe by an engineer
named Max Ringleman.
Wringleman had people pull on a rope and measured the force of their pulling.
And he discovered that people pulled harder when they pulled by themselves than
when they were in groups.

참석자 3
So you know, it's possible that when people are in groups, they don't try as hard
because they think maybe other members will pick up the slack or maybe they think
their decreased effort wouldn't be noticed.

참석자 2
But don't you think it could also be true that having people in a group counting on
you might make you work harder?

참석자 3
Yes I think a lot of it just depends on the circumstances.
You know, there's another old famous study that showed that bicycle riders were
motivated to ride faster when they were in groups than when they rode alone.
And studies are still being conducted today on individual and group performance
more than 100 years later.
So clearly people are still looking for answers.

참석자 2
Well, I don't think anyone in my group is slacking off.
It's just we each took different parts and the one I took I'm working on the promotion
I guess there's more to it than I thought.
But the person who's researching the competitor strategies, she's already done.

참석자 3
Hmm well, maybe you could break the promotional strategy part into smaller pieces
and get her to help with that.

참석자 2
That's an idea. I bet she'd agree.

참석자 4
What is the conversation mainly about?

참석자 4
Why does the professor mention bicycle riders?

참석자 4
What does the student imply about the group he is working in?
What does the student indicate about the promotional strategy he is working on?

참석자 1
Listen again to part of the conversation then answer the question.

참석자 3
Sometimes students try covering too many bases.
They separate markets based on geography and education and occupation.
And you know, this is a two page paper.

참석자 1
What does the professor imply when she says this?

참석자 3
And you know, this is a two page paper.
What is the lecture mainly about?
Theories about how some spiders catch their prey
Reasons that researchers often misinterpret animal behavior
Possible explanations for a certain animal behavior
Ways in which spiders have adapted to specific environments

Why does the professor emphasize that the function of decorated spider webs is to
trap prey?
To review a previous lesson on insects
To point out an apparent contradiction related to decorated webs
To remind students to observe spider webs carefully
To prevent a common misconception about the diet of spiders

What evidence does the professor provide to support the prey attraction hypothesis?
Click on 2 answers.
Decorated webs attract the spiders' main source of food
The decorations use colors that only bees can see
The decorations help hide spiders from the bees.
Spider webs with more decorations catch more bees.

Why does the professor mention a study comparing webs made by well fed spiders
with webs made by hungry spiders?
To illustrate a challenge a to the hypothesis that spiders make web decorations to
attract prey
To explain that spiders have to make more decorations in order to eat more
To support the hypothesis that spider webs in good locations do not need
To demonstrate that spiders use too much energy when building decorations

According to the lecture, how do birds react to spider web decorations?

Birds tend to avoid webs with decorations.
Birds use the silk of the decorations to build nests.
Birds are attracted by the ultraviolet light in the decorations.
Birds often fly into decorated webs by mistake.
What is the professor's opinion of the studies about the function of spider web
She believes that some of the studies were better designed than others.
She doubts that the studies contribute to the understanding of web decorating
She thinks researchers have overlooked a key explanation for a decorations
She thinks the results varied because the studies used different species
참석자 1
Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class

참석자 2
I'm sure you have all been amazed by spider webs by the fact that they're made of
silk that the spiders produce and by how strong they are.
But did you know that some spiders weave really decorative designs into their webs
like zig zac lines and the bright white silk of the zig zag lines reflects ultraviolet light.
Now this kind of decoration would seem to draw attention to the web and that's
puzzling because spider webs are intended to trap prey right?

참석자 2
So why do spidters make the web the trap more obvious?
Okay one hypothesis is that these decorations attract certain bees.
This is known as the prey attraction hypothesis.
The prey attraction hypothesis is the idea that bees are attracted to the ultraviolet
light in the spider web designs.
You see the interesting connection is that bees usually take nectar from flowers that
also reflect ultraviolet light.

참석자 3
Are these bees the kind of insects the spiders want to trap?

참석자 2
Yes in fact, these bees are the major prey of spiders that have these decorated webs.
And that's one thing that strongly supports this hypothesis.
Another is the finding that even if a web has only one zigzag line of silk, the bee will
usually get trapped which should show us that this really works that the zig zag of silk
reflects ultraviolet light like the flowers do.

참석자 2
And here's even more support.
Researchers found that webs decorated with more zigzag lines captured more bees
than webs that had fewer lines.
It seems pretty convincing considering all that.
But think about it if webs that have more decorations capture more prey than less
decorated webs, does that prove the hypothesis?
Do we know that the decorations actually serve the function of attracting prey?

참석자 4
Wait, are you saying it's just a coincidence that maybe there's no connection?

참석자 3
Well, maybe these webs were just in a good spot for catching prey

참석자 4
or maybe spiders that catch a lot of prey tend to decorate their webbs.
If that's true, the prey attraction hypothesis wouldn't be so convincing anymore.

참석자 2
Exactly having more food could lead to the creation of more decorations rather than
the other way around.
What would we have to do to establish that?

참석자 3
Compare the webs of well fed spiders with those of hungry spiders,

참석자 2
right? A study involving two species of fighters did just that and the findings show
that spighters given a lot of food do invest more in web decorations than spiders
deprived of food and they make larger decorations.

참석자 3
So the extra energy goes into the decorations seems an inefficient way to use.

참석자 2
Well, not necessarily there might be some other benefit.
There's evidence of one that has to do with birds birds
참석자 4
I don't know what the benefit of attracting

참석자 2
would be. Consider the opposite.

참석자 3
Oh, okay so birds like stay away from them for some reason.

참석자 2
Yes a study has shown that decorated webs are damaged by birds less often than
undecorated webs by birds flying into them by mistake.
So in this case the benefit of the decorations is to keep birds away.
But another study showed that some of the spider's predators go after they target
the more conspicuous spider webs.

참석자 4
Well, I don't know the decorations attract bees, but also predators and spider webs
are protected from birds by decorating their webs.
And how could all this be true at the same time?

참석자 2
Good question. All in all these studies show the lack of agreement among researchers
about the function of spider web decorations.
What the adaptive advantage is?
They might have observed different species of spiders, different spider prey or
predators and so these experiments don't necessarily match up but that doesn't
mean the studies aren't valid.
What do the theories discussed in the lecture try to explain?
.Whether technology has the ability to shape history
Why humans have attempted to improve technology throughout history
How certain innovations have affected the study of history
How attitudes toward technology have changed throughout history

Why does the professor mention tools used to guide ships?

To explain how technological innovations spread from one place to another
To a point out a problem with the theory of hard technological determinism
To illustrate how history is thought to be determined by technology
To indicate that new technologies may not be adopted right away

What does the professor point out about the teaching of history?
It should take a neutral stance toward the role of technology in driving history
It is usually based on an optimistic philosophical model
It disregards the long term effects of technological advances
It is often done from the perspective of hard technological determinism

What basic beliefs do optimistic and pessimistic hard technological determinists

Technology itself has the power to bring changes
Technology is only one of many factors that affect history
Technology's central role in society began in the early twentieth century
The way humans use technology is more important than the technology itself

According to the professor, what do soft technological determinists believe?

It is not possible to determine why technologies develop at a particular time and
A wide variety of human factors affects the development of technology
Technology will only advance when a society is ready to accept it
All members of a society benefit from technology in some way

At the end of the lecture, what opinion does the professor express?
Most of humanity's problems can be solved by technology
Technology and history should be studied separately
Technology's power to affect history has been greatly underestimated
Only humans have the power to direct historical events
참석자 1
Lecture in a history class when we study the history of technology, of inventions and
technical innovations, the question always emerges whether the course of history is
determined by technology.
In other words, does technology itself have the power to effect change, to make a
Today I want to talk about two theories that address this question.
Two, you might say competing theories.
One of these theories is called hard technological determinism.

참석자 1
Hard technological determinism is a description coined by the philosopher William
James just before the turn of the 20th century.
In this theory, inanimate objects themselves drive events, history and the
development of social structure and cultural values.
And that's how we're often taught about historical events in the classroom.

참석자 1
It is often said, for example, that Europe knew very little about the Western
Hemisphere until the development of the Compass and the Astrolid, two important
tools used to guide ships.
And it was only with the development of those technologies and others that
Europeans explored and crossed the Atlantic.
I'm sure you can think of other examples of how history is taught in school based on
hard technological determinism.

참석자 1
Okay in more recent history, we're often told that the automobile created suburbia or
that robots and factories put people out of work.
Now notice here how it's actually the technologies or the things themselves that are
assumed to have the power to act.
The automobile created suburbia, the robots put people out of work whether they
know it or not.
The people who say these kinds of things, who say that technology is the cause of
change they're speaking as hard technological determinists

참석자 1
and in each of these cases, there's a technological innovation that leads to a future
that's somehow inescapable.
Humans are no longer in control and the social consequences of the inventions and in
fact, our destiny is something that can't be reversed.
It's out of our hands. Now some hard technological determinists are, I suppose we
could say optimistic.
They foresee a future where technology, while inevitable is equal to progress.

참석자 1
Here, technology will solve the world's problems and lead to a future where we have
solutions to some of the things that have plagued history.
Other hard determinists are pessimistic and these people think of technology
determining history and they don't think that's something to look forward to.
They think of technology as not having regard for human interests.
So they envision a bad future if technology has its way.

참석자 1
But I think we have to ask ourselves can a car really create suburbia?
Can robots really put people out of work without having had humans design and
conceive and program them?
Okay I'd also like to spend some time talking about a different point of view.
Soft technological determinism.
Soft technological determinists see the history of technology as the history of human
So to understand technology, one must understand the human actors who created it.

참석자 1
And they would say there are many factors involved.
Why did these people create a particular technology and not other people?
Why is this technology being created now and not at another time?
Why was this particular technology developed here and not some other place?
Soft determinists describe the relationship between technology and history as
something very complex.
Technological revolutions, for example, can be attributed to a very wide variety of
social and cultural and economic

참석자 1
and even geographical factors and not solely to this thing we call technology.
Okay let's go back to our original question.
Is history determined by technology?
Well, there's been some pretty loud criticism of hard technological determinism.
But if hard technological determinism cannot be supported as a theory, what have we
arrived at?
Well, humans create technologies that drive history.
The origin of technology and its power is ultimately human.
Why does the man go to talk to the woman?
To show her an outline of an assignment
To conduct an interview
To discuss an article he was assigned to read
To respond to an email from the woman

What can be inferred about the woman when she mentions a biographical article
about a astronomer?
She does not clearly understand the man's reason for setting up the meeting.
She assumes that he is an astronomy student.
She believes that the man has confused her with another astronomy professor.
She regrets that she has not had time to read the magazine article.

Why does the woman ask if the man will record their conversation?
She does not feel confident that he would take accurate notes.
She prefers not to have her conversations recorded
She wants to use the conversation as the basis for a class discussion.
She has a plan to help the man complete his first draft.

Why might the woman speak toProfessorBurgess?

To ask him to clarify his requirements for an assignment
T ask him to reschedule a meeting
To assist the student in his request for an extension of a deadline
To explain that she is responsible for the student arriving late to class

What can be inferred about the woman when she says this:
She is tired of dealing with her assistant's mistakes
She expects ne man to give her assistant the correct information late
She is willing to accept the man's explanation
She feels embarrassed that she was in such a hurry.
참석자 1
Conversation between a student and an astronomy professor.

참석자 2
I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me Professor

참석자 3
No problem. So the message I got from my assistant said you have some questions
something related to an article you're writing for a journalism course something
related to astronomy I assume.

참석자 2
Well, kind of when I talked to your assistant, I thought I explained to her that I'm
writing a biographical piece.

참석자 3
Yes that's right. So you're writing about an astronomer.

참석자 2
Yes you actually provided you agree.
Of course I'm in a feature writing course and our assignments to write a biographical
feature and I was hoping to write about you Your background, your research.
Oh, I'm sorry I should have made that more clear to your assistant.

참석자 3
I was in a hurry when she called.
Perhaps I misunderstood her.
So that's what you wanted to do today.
Interview me for the article.

참석자 2
I was hoping to

참석자 3
you do know that we have some world famous astronomers on the faculty

참석자 2
Yeah and everyone including me already knows everything about them.
I see

참석자 3
okay sure why not but I have to leave in 15 minutes for an appointment.
How about Friday morning Would that work for you?
I could block out a nice chunk of time say from 10 to 11.

참석자 2
The thing is I have to turn in a first draft of the article on Thursday.

참석자 3
Were you planning to record the INT?

참석자 2
If you don't mind

참석자 3
sure that would be fine. Well, in that case, after we meet on Friday morning, you'll
have a recording of the interview.
Could you just make a transcript from that and submit it as your first draft?

참석자 2
Yeah I think I could and that would save a lot of time.
It'd still be a day late though.

참석자 3
Professor Is this for

참석자 2
Professor Burgess?

참석자 3
Oh, well I know him. If you'd like I could give him a call.
Would you sure?

참석자 4
Why does the man go to talk to the woman?
What can be inferred about the woman when she mentions a biographical article
about tennis dronimer Why does the woman ask if the man will record their
Why might the woman speak to Professor Burgess?

참석자 2
I'm sorry I should have made that more clear to your assistant.

참석자 3
I was in a hurry when she called.
Perhaps I misunderstood her.

참석자 1
What can be inferred about the woman when she says this?

참석자 3
Well, I was in a hurry when she called.
Perhaps I misunderstood her.
What is the lecture mainly about?
Reasons why some structures from the Roman Empire are still standing
How concrete reacts under extreme weather conditions
New developments in concrete formulation and repair
Properties of concrete that is reinforced with steel

What current problems with concrete does the professor mention? Click on 2
The concrete discolors when exposed to sunlight.
The concrete is expensive to maintain.
The concrete does not adjust easily to sudden temperature changes.
The concrete is difficult is to inspect when used on long bridges

Why does the professor mention a paper cut?

To help students understand a concrete repair process
To illustrate the size of a typical crack in concrete
To warn students about the sharp edges of broken concrete
To imply that most cracks in concrete are straight rather than jagged

What point does the professor make about the microcapsules in the coating
developed in South Korea?
They can be used instead of steel bars.
They contain a toxic material
They work effectively without a chemical agent serving as a catalyst.
Their contents form a substance that hardens when exposed to rainwater.

What does the professor imply about a composite material that contains micro fibers?
Click on 2 answers.
It has the ability to bend
It is not expected to last as long asRoman concrete.
Ice is unable to form on its surface
Any cracks that develop in it can repair themselves.

What does the professor say regarding the high cost of constructing highways using
new materials?
Governments should pay for the additional costs by raising the tax on fuel.
The high cost will probably lead to fewer highways being built.
The materials should not be used until scientists find ways to lower costs.
Lower maintenance costs might help to offset higher construction cost
In an engineering class.
There's a reason why many highways and bridges are made with concrete.
Concrete's durable lasts a long time under the right conditions.
Look at the concrete structures built during the Roman Empire.
Some of those Roman bridges are still standing after 2000 years.
But even though concrete structures can stand the test of time, they may not survive
it entirely intact.
See concrete is brittle.
참석자 1
It cracks relatively easily when stress is applied to it.
Giant trucks traveling on highways night and day the weight, the vibrations, the
friction from the tires, they all take their toll.
Now, modern concrete has the advantage of being reinforced with steel bars but even
reinforced concrete will develop cracks.
What happens then

참석자 2
water gets inside the cracks and the steel bars rust out

참석자 1
and also the steel gets corroded by chemicals like the stuff that's used to de ice roads
in winter right?
So then we have a threat to the integrity of the structure.
This is why concrete roadways have to be regularly maintained and repaired.
That's very costly however, and you often find governments putting off maintenance
for financial reasons and the cracks just keep getting worse.

참석자 1
And another thing is we now have these super long bridges that cross large bodies of
They're so long that it's not easy to check these bridges for deterioration.
So what we need is a type of concrete that doesn't need to be repaired.
You mean concrete that like, doesn't crack or concrete that does crack but is self
repairing, self healing or at the very least has a self healing coating.

참석자 1
Scientists have been experimenting for a while with coatings that can be sprayed
onto a concrete surface.
These coatings contain tiny microcapsules.
If the concrete cracks, the microcapsules burst open and let out two substances that
react together to form a hard material that fills in the crack.
It's a little bit like how your skin heals itself when you get a paper cut on your finger.
However, with these microcapsules, there has to be a catalyst to make the reaction
A catalyst being what
참석자 2
a chemical agent that makes a reaction take place?

참석자 1
Yes and what are the potential problems there?
Well, the catalyst could be toxic, right?
And it also adds to the cost of the coating.
So that's not a perfect solution.
The good news is that a chemist in South Korea has created a coating with a different
kind of microcapsule.
These microcapsules react with a natural catalyst that's found everywhere and costs
absolutely nothing.
Would anyone like to guess what it is?

참석자 2

참석자 1
No, these coatings have to be waterproof oh sunlight correct exposure to sunlight is
what causes the two substances in the microcapsules to combine and harden.

참석자 2
But even though that is a breakthrough, it's just another way of patching things up.
Really, why can't we just make concrete less brittle then it wouldn't crack so easily
You said something about self healing concrete before

참석자 1
HA, HA, HA Very good did you all hear what she said?
Laura wants to know if we can modify the concrete to make it less likely to crack
under heavy loads.
This is exactly what's being developed right now by an engineering professor at the
University of Michigan.
His type of concrete incorporates a composite material he invented that contains soft
threads known as microfibers.

참석자 1
A section of roadway made with this composite actually becomes flexible so it's less
likely to break under the weight of heavy truck traffic.
That's advantage number one.
The other advantage is that this concrete has self healing properties even if small
cracks do occur no problem when the dry concrete is exposed to air and water over
time, it forms a calcium compound that hardens and SEALs up the crack.

참석자 1
But do these new technologies really save money?
They both sound like they'd add a lot to the cost of a highway construction project.
But the total cost of the highway isn't just its construction.
You have to consider the maintenance costs as well over the years.
The savings in maintenance costs should offset the additional expense.

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