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Subject: Request for Amendment in the tentative letter of appointment dated 12.04.


Dear Sir,

I trust this email finds you well. Firstly, I wish to extend my gratitude for the opportunity to
join your esteemed team. After a thorough review of the tentative letter of appointment, I have
noted a few areas that require further consideration and adjustment to ensure alignment with
standard industry practices.

1. Position Clarification

It has come to my attention that the current draft of the appointment letter specifies the position
as "Legal and Claim Maintenance Executive," whereas it was mutually agreed upon that I
would serve as the "Legal Head of Department ". Hence, I kindly request that the appointment
letter be revised to reflect the agreed-upon designation.

2. Clarity on Working Hours and Compensation

Clause 4 which pertains to working hours requires refinement for better clarity. The current
language suggests ‘extending work hours as necessary for the proper discharge of duties’
without specifying the specifics. It is essential to delineate the standard working hours and
clarify the compensation structure for additional hours if required.

3. Salary

Clause 3 of the appointment letter concludes by stating that it encompasses "everything," yet
the specifics of basic pay, gratuity, and monthly bonuses are not provided. To ensure clarity, it
is crucial to include a comprehensive breakdown of these components in a clear and concise

4. Expenses for Pan-India Movement

Furthermore, the proposed draft mentions the possibility of pan-India movement for work
purposes but does not address the expenses that may be incurred during such relocations. It is
essential to include provisions regarding the reimbursement or coverage of relocation-related
expenses for work purposes.
5. Probation Period Duration

Lastly, while the current draft stipulates a probation period of 8 months, it is noted that standard
industry practice typically ranges between 3 to 6 months. Therefore, I respectfully request that
the probation period be adjusted to 6 months to align with common practice.

Furthermore, I would like to emphasize the importance of communication

channels. Given the significance of this document, I believe it would add genuineness and
credibility if it were relayed through the HR team. Therefore, I request that either the
recruitment process be overseen directly by the managing partner of the firm, or if not feasible,
that the intermediary responsible for proposing such documents for recruitment be an HR

I trust that these amendments and considerations will be taken into account promptly to ensure
clarity and fairness in the terms of my appointment. Your attention to these matters is greatly

Thank you for your time and understanding. I look forward to your response and the
opportunity to finalize the terms of my appointment.

Best regards,


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