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To God be the Glory

Ovinus Ovis

Philipphians 4:13
1. H antigen represent - Flagellar
2. Fetal hair - Lanugo
3. Scavenger free radicals in tissues - Glutathione Peroxidase
4. Stain for Negri Bodies - Seller Stain (Magenta)
5. Inflammation of crop - Ingluvitis
6. Damaged in medial strabismus - 6th CN /Abducent Nerve
7. Absence of lens - Aphakia
8. Nutmeg liver attributed to - Chronic Passive Congestion
9. True gid - Coenurus cerebralis
10. False gid - Oestrus ovis
11. Pipe stem liver is due to - Fasciola and Schistosoma
12. Philippine cases of Schistosomiasis - 1st Agusan del sur, 2nd Northern Samar, 3rd Eastern Samar
13. Agent, Transmitter, and effect - Flavivirus, Aedes, Microencephaly
14. Masters Gland - Hypothalamus (Pituitary Gland)
15. Siphonaptera (order) includes - Fleas
16. Communication between alveoli - Pores of Kohn
17. Pulmonary surfactant produced by - Type 2 Alveolar Pneumocytes (Inositol Phosphatidyl Choline)
18. Inhibit Glucose Transport (Anthelmintic) - Mebendazole
19. Crossing breeds so that offspring have better traits - Heterosis /Hybridvigor
20. Increasing food intake prior to breeding to increase ovulation rate - Flushing
21. Drug with antiplatelet property - Aspirin
22. Romana Sign in - Chagas Disease (Trypanosama cruzi)
23. Erythropoitein produced by the - 90% Kidney, 10%Liver
24. Sensory structure in ticks Tarsus - Hallers Organ
25. Fertilization site in mammals - Magnum/Ampullae
26. Shell Membrane formed in - Isthmus (1hr)
27. Hepatogenous Photosensitizing substance - Phylloerythrin
28. Type 1 Hypersensitivity - Anaphylaxis (Immediate type)
29. Anglo Nubian is a crossbreed of - Saanen and Toggenburg
30. Disease producing power of organism - Virulence
31. Drug of choice for Pseudomonas infection - Carbenicillin and Ticarcillin (Now Enrofloxacin)
32. Drug of choice for Canine Pyometra - PGF2Alpha
33. Gold standard test for brucellosis - Rose Bengal Test
34. Fried egg organism - Mycoplasma spp
35. Tilmicosin classified as - Macrolides
36. Aminoglycosides effects on ear - Kanamycin and Neomycin - Cochlear, Gentamicin - Vestibular
37. Satellitism exhibited by - Haemophilus (Avibacterium)
38. Salt loving bacteria - Halophiles
39. McConkey agar selective for Gram Negative Bacteria due to - Bile Salts
40. Gold standard test for Glanders - Mallein Test
41. 3 sugar attacked in TSI - Glucose, Sucrose, Lactose
42. Standard media for fungal cultures - Sabourauds Dextrose Agar/SDA
43. Inhibit bacterial Contaminants in fungal cultures - Chloramphenicol
44. Buffycoat contains - Platelets, Reticulocytes, and WBC
45. Cheesy exudates in pigeons mouth - Canker (Trichomonas gallinae)
46. Drooping of eyelids - Ptosis
47. Inflammation of skin surrounding nail - Paronychia
48. Pseudomonas aeurginosa pigments in culture - Fluorescein and Pyocyanin
49. Apple Green on woods lamp - Pterigin
50. Chinese character bacteria - Corynebacterium spp
51. Predominating Ig in colostrum - IgG (all species)
52. Condensation of Nucleus - Pyknosis
53. Smallest bone - Stapes
54. Smallest muscle - Stapedius
55. 2nd response in immunology - Anamnesis
56. Turkey egg kidney - Hog Cholera (Pestivirus - Toga)
57. Button Ulcers on Intestine - Salmonellosis (and Hog Cholera)
58. Drug of choice for Swine Erysipelas - Penicillin
59. Infective Stage of Microfilariae - L3/3rd Larval Stage
60. Microfilaricide for large animals - Diethylcarbamazine/Dec
61. Fowl heartworm - Bhalfilaria ladami
62. Fessikh Ingestion can cause - Heterophyes heterophyes infection
63. Acid fast stain for Mycobacteria - Ziehl - Neelsen Stain
64. Oriental lung fluke - Paragonimus westermani
65. Fluke transmitted by leeches - Apatemon gracilis
66. Diagnosis of anthrax - Ascoli Test
67. Media to diagnose FMD - Frenkels Medium
68. Media to Diagnose Trichomoniasis - Diamonds Medium (T gallinae)
69. Causes Quartan Malaria - Plasmodium malariae
70. 2 sporeforming bacteria - Bacillus and Clostridium
71. Naturally occurring Tetracycline - Oxytetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Dimethylchlortetracycline
72. Anthrax spore Disinfection - Formalin
73. Milk adulteration with Chlorine - Wodes Test
74. Differentiate cow and Carabao meat - Carotene Test
75. Fat presence in milk diagnose by - Bobcock Test
76. Unbuffered Formalin on tissue forms - Hematin (Pigment)
77. F hepatica treatment for cattle less than 14 wks - Clorsulon
78. Sevin contains - Carbaryl
79. 1st limiting amino acid in poultry - Methionine
80. Gopher ear goat breed - La Mancha
81. Mohair sheep breed - Angora
82. Pinworm of horses - Oxyuris equi and Probstimyria vivipara
83. Smallest most pathogenic fowl Tapeworm - Davainea proglottina
84. Causes lizard poisoning in cat - Platynosomum fastosum
85. Telescoping of intestinal segment - Intussusception
86. Ventral curvature of spine - Lordosis
87. Adenohypophysis derived from - Rathkes Pouch (Stomodaeum)
88. Produces CSF/Cerebrospinal Fluid - Choroid Plexus
89. Substance from deadly nightshade - Atropine (Atropa belladonna)
90. Excessive pupillary Constriction - Miosis (Pilocarpine induced)
91. Cecal worm - Heterakis gallinae
92. Drug of choice for stomach bots - Trichlorfon
93. Proventricular worm - Dipharynx spiralis
94. Gizzard worm - Cheilospirura hamulosa
95. Triceps surae - Gastrocnemius and Soleus
96. Suttural bones - Wormian bones
97. Boat shape organelle - Mitochondrion
98. Wishbone - Clavicle/Furcula
99. Duodenal coccidiosis - Eimeria acervulina
100. Drumstick - Tibiotarsus
101. DNA double helical strand by - Watson and Crick (1953)
102. Ochratoxins classified as - Nephrotoxin
103. Most potent toxin - Botulinum toxin
104. Keelbone - Sternum
105. Rabies enter brain via - Trojan horse effect
106. Yellow pigment in feces - Stercobilin
107. Oral drugs enter liver prior to circulation - First Pass Effect
108. Property of drug to cross blood brain barrier - Lipid Soluble
109. Common pig dermatophyte - Microsporum nanum
110. Broch bone - Fibula
111. Mineral in carbonic anhydrase - Zinc
112. Goose stepping in pig deficient in - Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid
113. Promotes Vitamin E Absorption - Selenium
114. Pinbone - Ischium
115. Curled toe Paralysis deficient in - Vitamin B2/Riboflavin
116. Father of canning - Nicholas Appert
117. Lightning causes - Neurogenic Shock
118. Drug of choice for ventricular fibrillation - Lidocaine
119. Lelystad Virus causes - PRRS (Arterivirus - Toga)
120. Prominence of rib in chicken - Uncinate Process
121. Anthelmintic and antifungal - Thiabendazole
122. Enhances RBC production - Hematinics
123. Promotes cardiac contractility - Inotropes
124. Clod bone - Humerus
125. Diagnosis conjugated and unconjugated Bilirubin - Van den Bergh Test
126. San Miguel sea lion virus causes - Vesicular Exanthema in sow/VES
127. 6th Coccygeal bone in chicken - Pygostyle
128. Antibacterial and antiprotozoal - Metronidazole
129. Immunostimulant Anthelmintic - Levamisole
130. Largest skull foramen - Foramen Magnum
131. Microscopy for Mycoplasma spp - Phase Contrast Microscopy
132. Milk adulteration with Formalin - Hehners Test
133. Causes wet feather in ducks - Holomenopon leucoxanthum
134. Drugs restoring bodily functions - Analeptics
135. Indicant presence in urine - Obemayer Test
136. Indicator of regenerative Anemia - Reticulocytes
137. Cranial vault - Calvaria
138. Gumboro derived fr - Gumboro, Delaware, USA
139. Drug of choice for babesiosis - Imidocarb
140. Massive hemorrhage leads to - Hypovoelmic shock
141. Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
142. Father of Protozoology - Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
143. Grass Tetany deficient in - Magnesium
144. Commonest dermatophyte in ruminants cattle, sheep, and goat - Trychophyton verrucosum
145. H2O soluble vitamins - B complex and C vitamins
146. Side effect of Chloramphenicol - Aplastic Anemia and Myelosuppression (Pig and Man)
147. Egg Shell pigment - Porphyrin
148. Inflammation of Bile duct - Cholangitis
149. Crescent shape organelle - Golgi body /Golgi complex
150. Cecal coccidiosis - Eimeria tenella
151. Vitamin D2 - Ergocalciferol (plant origin)
152. Ploughshape bone - Bone
153. Gapeworm - Syngamus trachea
154. Drug of choice for Tapeworm infection - Praziquantel
155. Fibrosarcoma like treatment in dogs - Spirocerca lupi
156. Drug of choice for Trichuris suis infection - Hygromycin B
157. Vitamin B1 - Thiamine
158. Vena spuria present in - Series Aschiza (flies)
159. Sensory structure in 8th - 9th abdominal segment of fleas - Sensillium/Pygidium
160. Egg shell formed in - Uterus (23hrs)
161. Strongest bone for flight in birds - Coracoid (breakage flight failure)
162. Commonest dog dermatophyte - Microsporum canis (also in cat)
163. Excessive pupillary Dilatation - Mydriasis (Atropine induced)
164. Negri Bodies samples collected from - Hippocampus of brain
165. Milk adulteration with rice wash - Indole test
166. Procencephalon give rise to - Telencephalon and Diencephalon
167. Differential stain for Cryptocococus neoformans - India ink
168. Lindane contains - G - Hexachlorocyclohexane
169. Dorsal curvature of spine - Kyphosis
170. Vitamin B12 - Cyanocobalamin
171. Placental type allowing passage of maternal antibodies to fetus - Hemochorial Placental
172. Orthoptera (Order) includes - Cockroaches
173. Caruncles and Cotyledon form - Placentome
174. Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine
175. Present in all types of placenta - Fetal Layers (Varies in maternal)
176. Golden color milk due to - Carotene
177. Cobalt containing vitamin - Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin
178. Placental type in Dogs and Cats - Endotheliochorial - Zonary
179. Human pinworm/seatworm - Enterobius vermicularis
180. Absence of nuclear segmentation in WBC/Leucoytes - Pelger - Huet Anomaly
181. Vitamin E - Tocopherol
182. Fluke in circulatory system of fishes - Sanguinicola inermis
183. Serial polyembryony in - Gyrodactylus elegans
184. Head of Tapeworm - Scolex
185. Vitamin B8 - Inositol
186. Midbrain derived from - Mesencephalon
187. Placental type in sheep - Syndesmochorial - Cotyledonary
188. Placental type in goat - Epitheliochorial - Cotyledonary
189. Male organ develope 1st (Cestode) - Protandry/Androgyny
190. Vitamin H - Biotin
191. Diagnostic test for human dengue - N51 antigen
192. Catches yolk from follicles - Infundibulum/Funnel (15mins)
193. Immuno stimulant vitamin - H2O - soluble vitamin (B complex and C)
194. Cerebrum/cerebral hemisphere from - Telencephalon
195. Gold Standard test for Leptospirosis - Microscopic Agglutination Test
196. Vitamin K2 - Menaquinone
197. Medulla oblongata derived from - Myelencephalon
198. Facial nerve passes thru - Stylomastoid Foramen
199. Placental type in horses - Epitheliochorial - Diffuse
200. Oriental Liver Fluke - Chlonorchis sinensis
201. Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid
202. Placental type in cattle - Epitheliochorial - Cotyledonary
203. 1st sequence protozoal genome - Encephalitozoon cuniculi
204. Adulticide for Dirofilaria immitis - Thiacetarsamide Sodium
205. Drug of choice for Toxoplasmosis - Clindamycin and Pyrimethamine
206. Vitamin M - Folic Acid
207. Obstructed in Hydrocephalus - Mesencephalic Aqueduct
208. Acid fast stain reacts with this substance in Mycobacteria - Mycolic Acid
209. Salt and pepper Lesion - Eimeria necatrix infections
210. Fat soluble vitamins - ADEK vitamins
211. Pentameric structure and Largest Ig - IgM
212. Osmotic Diuretic - Mannitol (Osmitrol)
213. Heartworm of dog - Dirofilaria immitis
214. Small molecular weight binding with larger protein, causing allergy - Hapten
215. Shape of Spirocerca lupi ova - Paper Clip Shaped
216. Dissolution of Nucleus - Kayolysis
217. Ig in bile, milk and other secretions - IgA
218. Milk adulteration with coconut milk - Resorcinol Test
219. Bacteria with Tumbling motility - Listeria monocytogenes
220. Inflammation of apocrine gland - Hidradenitis
221. Penis of flea - Aedeagus
222. Placental type in pig - Epitheliochorial Diffuse
223. Vitamin B3 - Niacin/Nicotinic acid
224. Night blindness - Xeropthalmia (Vitamin A Deficiency)
225. Causes Favus in chicken - Trichophyton gallinae
226. Vinegar eel in human vagina - Tubatrix or Tubetrix aceti
227. Trifunctional organ in birds - Cloaca
228. Shattering of Nucleus to fragment - Karyorrhexis
229. Inflammation of Gall Bladder - Cholecystitis
230. Most pathogenic chicken Coccidia - Eimeria tenella and necatrix
231. Bacteria with bottle brush colony - Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
232. Vitamin A - Retinol (From Beta Carotene)
233. Placenta with 6/complete layer - Epitheliochorial (horse and pig)
234. Ig in 1st response - IgM
235. Aorta (& heart) worm of Cattle - Elaeophora poeti
236. PCV/Packed Cell Volume aka - Hematocrit
237. Vitamin B9 - Folic Acid/Folacin/Pteroyglutamic acid
238. Proglottid disintegration from body - Apolysis
239. Microscopy for Leptospira spp - Dark Field Microscopy
240. Mesencephalon give rise to - Mesencephalon
241. Lateral curvature of spine - Scoliosis
242. Placental type in man and Rodents - Hemochorial - Discoid (single)
243. Vitamin K3 - Menadione
244. Serves as antigen receptor to antibody, esp IgG - IgD
245. Egg albumen formed in - Magnum (3hrs)
246. Reagenic antibodies - IgE
247. Thalamus (Epi, Sub, and Hypo) from - Diencephalon
248. Ig in Second response - IgG
249. Christmas factor - Factor 9
250. Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic acid
251. Placenta without lining Epithelium - Syndesmochorial
252. Anticoccidial drug Antagonist of Vitamin B1 - Amprolium
253. Proglottid segment form - Strobila
254. Vitamin D3 - Cholecalciferol (Animal origin)
255. Rhombencephalon give rise to - Mesencephalon and Myelencephalon
256. Ig in allergies and parasitic infection - IgE
257. Egg shell pigment added along - Vagina (less than a minute)
258. Heartworm of pig - Suifilaria suis
259. Pons and cerebellum derived from - Metencephalon
260. Vitamin G - Riboflavin (Formerly Lactoflavin)
261. Gold standard test for EIA/Equine Infectious Anemia - Coggins Test
262. Group of bacteria - Sarcina
263. Largest foramen in the body - Obturator Foramen
264. Vitamin K1 - Phylloquinone
265. Placenta without lining Epithelium and connective tissue - Endotheliochorial
266. Ig in joints - IgD
267. Vitamin B7 - Biotin
268. PPLO/Pleuropneumonia like organism - Mycoplasma spp
269. O antigen represent - Somatic
270. Surface antigenic determinants - Epitopes
271. Wear and tear pigment - Lipofucscin
272. Removal of ovary in chicken - Poulardization
273. Makes up stratum germinativum - Stratum basale and S spinosum
274. Earliest agent for Disinfection - Phenol
275. Pigeon louse fly - Pseudolynchia canariensis
276. Fern effect exhibited by - Skeletal muscles
277. Inflammation of fat - Steatis
278. Epistropheus - Axis/2nd Cervical Vertebra
279. Saw horse stance - Tetanus
280. AS in prescription means - 1/2
281. Adverse effect of PDS in puppies - Calcinosis circumscripta
282. Act of giving birth in dog - Whelping
283. Only hinge joint in anterior limb - Elbow joint
284. Arthropod borne viruses - Arboviruses
285. Forked shape cercaria - Furcocercous (Schistosoma spp)
286. Catecholamines include - Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
287. Disease of unknown causation - Idiopathic
288. Most potent opioid analgesic - Ethorphine (Blowpipes and darts)
289. Ebola disease transmitted by - Simian Primates and Bat's
290. Zoonoses from invertebrates - Metazoonoses
291. Inflammation of uterus - Metritis
292. Curling of lip in horses - Flehmen reaction (Detect Pheromones)
293. Male to female ratio in chicken breeding - 1:10
294. Causes Bubonic plague or black death (Pestillential fever) - Yersinia pestis/now Yersinia
295. Scale like Epithelium - Squamous
296. Fertilization site in Avian and poultry - Infundibulum
297. Badminton racket bacteria - Clostridium tetani
298. Neural tube defects deficient in - Folic Acid
299. Aids emergence of insect from its pupal sac - Ptilinium (from Ptillinal sac)
300. Inhibits Prolactin release - Dopamine
301. Freeze dried vaccine - Lyophillized vaccine (Processed by Lyophillization)
302. Damaged in Ingluvitis - CN X (Vagus Nerve)
303. Inflammation of Vertebra - Spondylitis
304. Male gonad embryonic Precursor - Wolffian ducts (Mesonephric ducts)
305. Inclusion body of fowl pox - Bollinger bodies (Also elementary bodies)
306. Devised the first stethoscope - Laennec
307. Chloramphenicol derived from - Streptomyces venezuelae
308. Eagle effect exhibited by - Quinolones and Beta lactams
309. Inflammation of lymph nodes - Lymphadenitis
310. Innermost Auditory ossicles - Stapes
311. Positive geotactic, negatively, phototactic ectoparasites - Fleas
312. Heart rate in horses - 23 - 70 beats/mins
313. Enzyme for conversion of glucose into ascorbic acid in liver - L - Gulonolactone Oxidase
314. Causes cone cutters fever - Leptospira interrogans sv australis
315. Wool fat of sheep - Lanolin
316. Secreted by kidney upon hypoxia - Erythropoitein
317. Worm in caduceus of vet med - Guinea worm (Dracunculus/Fuellebornicus medinensis)
318. Breaking egg shell by chicks beak - Pipping (19th day of incubation)
319. Outermost lining of osteon - Concentric lamellae
320. Inflammation of Spleen - Lienitis/splenitis
321. Infective dose of microbe (bacteria) - 10 raised to 6th (1 million)
322. Causes elevation of plasma Pepsinogen in ruminants - Ostertagia ostertagi
323. Promotes penicillin retention in the body - Probenicid
324. Yes joint - Atlanto occipital joint
325. 3 beat horse gait - Canter
326. Fold of dura mater separating brain hemispheres - Falx Cerebri
327. Gestation period in horses - Heavy breeds - 330 - 340 days, Light breeds 340 - 342 days
328. Comb like process in Siphonaptera - Ctenedia
329. Inclusion body of Chlamydia psittaci - LCL Bodies (Levinthal - Coles Lillie Bodies) some reference
Elementary bodies
330. Clotting factor from vascular Epithelium that adheres Platelet and collagen - Von willebrand
331. Bloodless castration in ruminants - Burdizo (Emasculator also)
332. Struvites is - Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Calculi /MAP
333. Zoletil/Telazol Contains - Tiletamine HCL & Zolazepam HCL
334. New cases over population at risk - Incidence
335. Pulsatile flow of blood - Vasomotion (Capillaries)
336. X/gamma radiation international unit - Roentgen
337. Young female horse - Filly
338. Uterine type in pig - Bicornuate (Multiple - Bearing)
339. Epithelium impermeable to H2O - Transitional
340. Damage in Sweeny - Suprascapular nerve
341. Programmed cell death - Apoptosis
342. Highly sensitive and specific test for AIDS - Western blot Analysis
343. Inflammation of salivary glands - Sialoadenitis
344. Most pathogenic Raillietina spp - Raillietina echinobothridia
345. Worm extracted from skin using stick - Dracunculus medinensis
346. Causes canine echinococcosis - Echinococcus granulosus, multiocularis, and vorjelli
347. Gradual increase and decrease in cyclic breathing followed by cessation - Cheyne Stroke
348. Other term for fertilization - Syngamy
349. Twisting of Intestine on longitudinal axis - Torsion
350. Pus in anterior chamber - Hypopyon
351. Proceeding by leaps of impulses along nerve fiber - Saltatory conduction
352. Semen volume in beef bull - 4 ml
353. Removal of comb - Dubbing
354. OP/Organosphosphate antidote - Pralidoxime 2 PAM and AtSO4
355. Inflammation of glans penis - Balanitis
356. Spasm of facial muscle in Tetanus - Risus Sardonicus
357. Principal Inspiratory muscle - Diaphragm
358. Viral transfer of Genetic material b/w bacteria - Transduction
359. Sperm release from semineferous tubule - Spermiation
360. Adhesion of iris to other eye parts - Synecchia
361. Exudate from mucus and serous cells - Fibrinous
362. Reduces efficacy of pilocarpine - Atropine
363. Chicken with rose typed comb - Wyandotte
364. Muscle absent in goat - Lumbricales
365. Regional continental or worldwide outbreak of disease - Pandemic
366. Inflammation of spinal nerve roots - Radiculitis
367. Mouth of tick - Hypostome
368. Organ of hearing - Organ of Corti
369. Predominating cell in Granuloma - Epitheliod cell
370. Bladders urolith surgical removal - Cystotomy
371. Administering hormone to increase ovulation rate - Superovulation
372. Stiffening of muscle after death - Rigor Mortis
373. Radial carpal bone - Scaphold
374. Causes Feline echinococcosis - Echinococcus oligarthus
375. Scare in Italy in 17th century - Lycos tarantula
376. Inflammation of kidney cortex and medulla - Nephritis
377. Female ability to produce many offspring (increase conception rate) - Fecundity
378. K - Antigen represents - Capsular
379. Endometrial glands and stoma outside uterus - Endometriosis
380. Heart rate in cattle - 60 - 70 beats/mins
381. Secretes testosterone - Interstitial cells of Leydig
382. Sterile female horse - Barren
383. Dentition type in pig - Bunodont
384. Excretory units of flatworm - Solenocytes/Flame Cells
385. Visual purple pigment of retina - Rhodopsin
386. Inversion of eyelid - Entropion
387. Philippine swamp Buffalo Chromosomes no. - 48 n
388. Inflammation of renal cortex, medulla, and pelvis - Pyelonephritis
389. Largest and strongest forehead mm - Frontalis
390. Prevent strike/myiasis - Mules Operation
391. Checking for egg fertility - Candling (7th and 14th day)
392. Medusa head colonies in - Bacillus anthracis
393. Scientific name of human - Homo sapiens
394. Fate of spermatid mitochondria - Midpiece of Sperm
395. Differential diagnosis for Dirofilaria immitis - Dipetalonema reconditum
396. Increased corneal vascularization - Pannus
397. Forecasting growth of snail in prevention of Schistosomiasis - Mt system
398. Pulsatile inflow and smooth outflow in this blood vessels type - Windkessel Vessels
399. 2X and 1Y Chromosomes in males with Infertility small testes and gynecomastia - Klinefelter
Syndrome (Klinefelter Karyotype)
400. Fight and flight response - Sympathetic Nervous System
401. Craving for unusual diet - Pica
402. Prospective pericardial cavity shape during embryo development - Horse Shoe Shape
403. Hemiptera (Order) Includes - Bugs
404. Conjunctival sac inoculation of E coli and Listeria to test invasiveness - Sereny Test
405. Sausage shape stages of Dirofilaria immitis in this Mosquito structure - Malphigians tubules
406. Pressure sensitive receptors - Baroreceptors
407. Fusarium graminearium Mycotoxins with potent estrogenic property - Zearalenone (from corn)
408. Acute lung inflammation - Pneumonia
409. New infection in a pre existing infection - Superinfection
410. Deer meat - Venison
411. Arbor vitae/Tree of life of brain - Cerebellum
412. 2 structures are sutured - Rhaphy
413. Bone fracture classification schemes - Salter Harris Classification System
414. Infection Stage of pentastomid/tongue worm in final host - Nymph
415. Albumin/plasma protein bounded to sugar - Fructosamine
416. Causes chicken Infectious Anemia - Gyrovirus - Circo
417. Banana shape ova - Syphacia obvelata
418. Mesencephalic Aqueduct aka - Aqueduct of Sylvius
419. Most potent natural vasodilator - Endothelin
420. Increase cornified cells, RBC and decrease Neutrophils in vaginal smears - Estrus/Heat Period
421. Largest sessamoid bone - Patella
422. Anesthetic for fishes - TMS/Tricaine Methane Sulfonate
423. Coast of goat - Pelt
424. Corpora quadrigimena is part of - Midbrain
425. Fibular tarsal tendon - Tendon of Achilles
426. 1° loading of animals in herd/flock to check disease susceptibility - Sentinel
427. 3 S shape stigmatal openings in - Stable fly - Stomoxys calcitrans
428. Volume of air that does not participate in gas exchange - Dead Space Ventilation
429. Young female cattle - Heifer
430. Vertebral formula in chicken - C14 T17 LS14 Cy6
431. Chastek Paralysis deficient in - Vitamin B1/Thiamine
432. Inflammation of renal pelvis - Pyelitis
433. Prophylaxis for human lepto - Doxycycline 100mg 1x a wk
434. 6 white Pigs head, tail, and 4 feet - Berkshire
435. Allows extensive opening of chicken mouth - Quadrate Bone
436. Disease constantly present in area throughout the year - Endemic
437. Rx symbol addressed to - Jupiter (Roman God)
438. Flasked shape intestinal Ulcer in - Entamoeba histolytica infection
439. Cowlick susceptible to accidents - Espada y daga
440. Dollor spot in - Dourine (Trypanosama equiperdum)
441. Macrocyclic lactones - Ivermectin, doramectin, Selamectin and Abamectin
442. Inflammation of limb - Laminitis
443. Hydroalcoholic sweetened drug - Elixir
444. Connective tissue attaching muscles - Aponeurosis
445. Schistosoma japonicum adult in - Portal and Messenteric veins
446. Preventing Alveolar collapsation - Surfactant (Lipoprotein)
447. Uterine type in horses - Bipartite (Single Bearing)
448. Fixed macrophage of liver - Von Kupffer Cells
449. Black tongue deficient in - Vitamin B3/Niacin
450. Fringed Tapeworm - Thysanosoma actinoides
451. 2 important horizontally and Vertically transmitted fowl disease - Salmonellosis and
452. Dextrose aka - Glucose
453. Inflammation of prepuce - Posthitis
454. Causes CBPP Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia - Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides
455. Oscillatory movement of eye - Nystagmus
456. Inflammation of lacrymal sac - Dacryocystitis
457. Causes Bacillary White Diarrhea - Salmonella pullorum
458. Barrel shape ova - Capillaria and Trichuris
459. Young female Pig (Breeding purpose) - Gilt
460. Inflammation of cecum - Typhilitis
461. Pseudocolex in - Fimbria fasciolaris
462. Inflammation of Rectum - Proctitis
463. Causes CCPP/Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia - Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies capri
464. Inflammation of vein - Phlebitis
465. Heart hormones controlling diuresis - ANF/Atrial Natriuretic Factor (from Cardiac Atria)
466. Fruit sugar - Fructose
467. Inflammation of lip - Cheilitis
468. Heart rate in pig - 55 - 86 beats/mins
469. Medium for M tuberculosis - Lowenstain Jensen Medium
470. Causes creeping eruption in man - Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum
471. Secretes Progesterone - Corpus Luteum
472. Tyrosine derived hormones - T3, T4, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
473. Inflammation of sura mater - Pachymeningitis
474. Navel ill - Omphalophlebitis
475. Host specificity for ova - ZP3 receptors
476. Factors needed by Avibacterium - X Factors (Haemin)
477. Factors needed by Haemophilus - V Factor (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
478. Inflammation of tongue - Glossitis
479. Causes dengue and yellow fever - Flavivirus - Flavi
480. Castrated young horse - Gelding
481. Lepidoptera (order) includes - Butterfly and moth
482. Gestation period in cattle - 283 days
483. Inflammation of Testicles - Orchritis
484. Stalk for conidia of Penicillium - Phalide
485. Inflammation of mucus membrane of mouth - Stomatitis
486. Scientific name of wolf - Canis lupus
487. Maltese cross arrangement - Babesia equi and felis
488. Fate of spermatid Golgi body - Acrosome
489. Inflammation of ovary - Ovaritis/Oophoritis
490. Commonest canine and Feline Tapeworm - Dipylidium caninum
491. Organ of Equilibrium/balance - Semicircular canals
492. Media for antibacterials susceptibility testing - MH Agar/Mueller Hinton Agar
493. Inflammation of brain - Encephalitis
494. Causes Dourine - Trypanosama equiperdum
495. Anterior Sensory structure in nematode - Amphids
496. Semen volume in dairy bulls - 6 ml
497. Secretes estrogen - Graafian (Ovarian) Follicles
498. Testing bacterial gas production - Durham Tube
499. Castrated young cattle - Steer/Bullock
500. Inflammation of bone marrow - Osteomyelitis
501. BID in prescription means - Twice a day
502. Heart rate in sheep - 60 - 70 beats/minutes
503. Non lactating mare - Barren
504. Causes EIA /Equine Infectious Anemia - Lentivirus - Retrovirus
505. Inflammation of bone - Osteitis
506. Duct of bellini - Collecting Duct
507. Mycotic otitis externa in dog - Malassezia pachydermatis
508. Inhibited by antifungal - Ergosterol and Zymosterol
509. Hamburger strainof E coli - E coli O157:H7
510. Counterstain in Gram staining - Safranin (Red or Pink)
511. Observed behavior of tissues on chemicals - Xavier Bichat
512. Authored phagocytosis - Metchnikoff
513. 2 types of fungal invasion of hairshaft - Ectothrix and Endothrix
514. Inflammation of cloaca - Cloacitis
515. Partial hemolysis - Alpha Hemolysis
516. Cotrimazine contains - Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine
517. Areolar connective tissue aka as - Loose
518. Dermis of skin derived from - Dermatome (Lateral Plate SC)
519. Laid procedures in necropsy tech - Carl Rokitansky
520. Inflammation of lymph vessels - Lymphangitis
521. Respiratory structural in larval Mosquito - Siphon Tube
522. Involuntary muscle twitching - Chorea (Canine Distemper)
523. Trismus caused by - Clostridium tetani
524. Fat cell - Adipocyte
525. Tryptophan derived hormone - Melatonin and Serotonin
526. Ivermectin derived from - Streptomyces avermitilis
527. Equine ehrlichiosis in Sacramento Valley, California, USA caused by - Ehrlichia equi
528. Causes Feline Toxoplasmosis - Toxoplasma gondi
529. Inflammation of ear - Otitis
530. Excretory structure in insects - Malphigian tubules
531. Rose gardener disease is caused by - Sporothrix schenckii
532. Hardest tissue - Enamel
533. Embryonic process of digit formation - Apoptosis
534. Dictyocaulus viviparus larva spread - Pilobolus Fungus sporangi
535. Embryonic origin of teeth enamel - Ameloblast
536. Pneumotaxic center present in - Medulla Oblongata (Vomicenter)
537. Dilation of alveoli - Emphysema
538. Bovine Tuberculin testing - Stormont Test
539. Blood by pass structure between atria - Foramen Ovale
540. Technical term for hiccup - Singultus
541. External Marginal pouch aka - Herringman pouch
542. Korat is a breed of - Cat
543. Sperm exposure to F secretion to because motile - Capacitation
544. Canal of Schlemm present in - Eye
545. Inflammation of portal triad - Triaditis
546. Surgery for vaginal urine pooling - Urethroplasty
547. Heat receptor - Ruffinis end organ
548. Signals adrenal to secretion Aldosterone - Angiotensin
549. Female gonad embryo Precursor - Paramesonephric Duct
550. Pin point hemorrhage - Petechiae
551. Chemical Sterilization of surgical materials - Ethylene Oxide
552. Instrument for percutaneous Abomasopexy - Bar Suture
553. Night Blindness - Nyctalopia (Vitamin A Deficiency)
554. Somatomedin produced by - Liver
555. Avian Platelet - Thrombocyte (Nucleated)
556. Gestation period in pig - 114 days (112 - 115 days)
557. Inflammation of eye - Opthalmitis/Opthalmia
558. Contraindicated for large animal surgery - AtSO4
559. Gravitational settling of blood - Livor Mortis
560. CO2 Elimination from rumen - Eructation (Belching)
561. Fused macrophages (Giant type cells) - Foreign Body (Nuclei Distribute) Touton (Nuclei at
562. Lines Body Cavities - Mesothelium (Pleura and Peritoneum)
563. Repetition of earthworm segment - Metamerism
564. CO2 displacement when O2 binds - Haldane Effects
565. Inflammation of liver - Hepatitis
566. Antimicrobial intestinal Peptides from - Paneth Cells
567. Castrated young sheep and goat - Wether
568. Ingestion of feces - Coprophagy
569. Baroreceptors - Aortic and Carotid Bodies
570. Causes fowl typhoid - Salmonella gallinarum
571. Duodenal hormone promoting Gall Bladder emptying - CCK/Cholecystokinin
572. Rest and digest response - Parasympathetic nervous system
573. Treatment of stringhalt - Lateral Digital Extensor Tenotomy
574. PPD stands for - Purified Protein Derivative
575. Langerhans delta cells secretes - Somatostatin
576. Heart rate in goat - 70 - 135 beats/minutes
577. General term for (Immunological) cells of the liver - Littoral Cells
578. Respiratory structures in pupal Mosquito - Respiratory Trumpets
579. Inflammation of subcutaneous tissues - Panniculitis
580. Form of fatty acid in micelles - Tryglycerides
581. Ability of diagnostic test to detect true positive - Sensitivity
582. Hypoadrenocorticism aka - Addison disease
583. Scientific name of cat - Felis catus
584. Abnormal amount of tissue in organ - Hematoma
585. Increase Retinal ability to see in dim light - Tapetum lucidum (Choroid)
586. Platelet substance for Vasoconstriction - Thromboxanes
587. Most concentrated lipid - Tryglyceride (In terms of energy)
588. No joint - Atlanto Axial Joint
589. Formation of excess collagen - Kelloid
590. Inhibited by NSAID Inhibits secretion of this causing gastric ulceration - Prostaglandins
591. F antigen represent - Fimbrial
592. Ear mite of dog - Otodectes cynotis
593. No loss of cytoplasmic contents - Merocrine gland (Saliva)
594. Semen volume in ram (Sheep) - 1 - 1.5ml
595. Collagen producing cell - Fibroblast
596. Inflammation of muscle - Myositis
597. Partial/Complete Absence of eyelid - Coloboma
598. Heart rate in dog - 100 - 130 beats/minutes
599. Intervertebral disc protrusion - Dachshund (common)
600. Complete hemolysis - Beta Hemolysis
601. Sedative for hyperemesis gravidarum inducing phocomelia - Thalidomide (Man and primate)
602. Causes harvest fever Leptospira interrogans sv bataviae
603. Study of eyes and ears - Aesthesiology
604. Abnormality in erythrocytes size - Anisocytosis
605. Inflammation of eyelid (free border) - Blepharitis
606. Castrated young rabbit - Leoporine
607. Sleeping sickness induced by - Tryptophol (Pharmacologically lethargic substance from
608. Cough suppressant drugs - Antitussives
609. Krebs cycle product in Mitochondrion - ATP/Adenosine Triphosphate
610. Inflammation of capillaries - Telengitis
611. Fixed macrophage of Intestine - Payers Patches (Ileum)
612. Coleoptera (order) includes - Beetles
613. Suprahamate process present in - Cat Humerus Only
614. Gestation period in sheep and goat - 150days average
615. Loss of Cytoplasmic contents - Holocrine gland (Sebum)
616. Inflammation of nerve - Neuritis
617. Carbohydrate needed by Sperm - Fructose
618. Angularity of H atoms to O in H2O - 120 degrees
619. Causes human and primates TB - Mycobacterium tuberculosis
620. Needed for cats normal vision - Taurine
621. Study of animal behavior - Ethology
622. Intermediate loss of Cytoplasm - Apocrine gland (Sweat, prostate)
623. Fat cell hormone for hibernation - Leptin/Os protein hormone (1993)
624. Inflammation of gums - Gingivitis
625. Scientific name of horse - Equus caballus
626. No hemolysis - Gamma hemolysis
627. Skin fold dermatitis - Intertrigo (Sharpei and American Bull)
628. Ciliated Epithelium - Columnar
629. Opening/Cavity in mouth - Vestibule
630. Chronic lung inflammation - Pneumonitis
631. Study of algae - Phycology
632. Inhalant anesthetic for rabbits - Isoflurane
633. Orange to brown pigment in rabbit urine - Porphyrin
634. Salts in bile - Glycocholic and Taurocholic acid
635. Connective tissue arising from external occipital protuburence - Ligamentum Nuchae
636. Inflammation of lacrymal gland - Dacryoadenitis
637. Hensens disease aka - Leprosy (Mycobacterium lepreamurium)
638. Human filariasis/elephantiasis - Wucheria brancofti
639. Cellular drinking - Pinocytosis
640. Pulley like articular bone mass - Trochlea
641. Yellow dry encrustrstion in Splenic capsule of dog due to senility - Gamma gondi bodies
642. Inflammation of tooth - Odontitis
643. Zoletil contraindicated in - Tiger
644. Cold receptors - End Bulb of Krause
645. Fetal monster with 2 heads - Janiceps
646. Flight mechanism in bat's - Patagium
647. Largest flagellate of man - Chilomastix mesnil
648. Castrated young turkey - Hokie capon
649. Parturition in dairy animals - Freshening
650. Motile cilia - Kinocillia
651. Cutaneous Lesion in human anthrax - Eschar (Depressed black Lesion)
652. Inflammation of Epiphyseal Plate - Physitis
653. Brush border - Microvilli
654. Diptera (Order) includes - Flies
655. Dehydrating agent in paraffin technique - Xylene
656. Semen volume in Stallion - 60 - 70 ml
657. Twisiting of intestines on mesenteric axis - Volvulus
658. Cooling of body after death - Algor Mortis
659. Frozen thawed fish deficient in - Thiamine
660. Causes human syphilis - Treponema pallidum
661. Heart rate in cat - 110 - 140 beats/minutes
662. Inflammation of joint - Arthritis
663. Bacterial viruses - Bacteriophage
664. Fixed macrophage of skin - Histiocytes (&Dendritic cells)
665. Castrated pig before puberty - Barrow
666. Excretory structure in Crustacean - Nephridia
667. Chick sexes not yet determined - Straight run chicks
668. Under shell of turtle and tortoise - Plastron
669. Extensive belt like Circular junctional complex - Desmosomes
670. Inflammation of uterine tube/Oviduct - Salpingitis
671. Nagana and derangadera caused by - Trypanosama congolense
672. Causes human typhoid fever - Salmonella typhi
673. Act of giving birth in horse - Foaling
674. Type 2 Hypersensitivity - Cytotoxic reaction
675. Inflammation of Heart - Carditis
676. Ghon Sach Bacillus - Clostridium septicum
677. Fixative agent in paraffin technique - Formalin
678. SCUD/Septicemic Cutaneous Ulcerative disease caused by - Citrobacter freundi
679. Pressure receptor - Valter - Pacinian Corpucle
680. Mouth rot - Canker
681. Cellular eating - Phagocytosis
682. Transport system requiring carrier but no energy expenditures - Facilitated diffusion (Glucose
and Amino acids)
683. Tryptophan derived hormones - Melatonin and Serotonin
684. Inflammation of Eustachian tube - Salpingitis
685. Causes icteroanemia like disease in swine - Eperythrozoon suis
686. Inflammation of Umbilical/navel - Omphalitis
687. Instrument for cricoarytenoidectomy - Deschamps needle
688. Fusion of eye - Cyclopia/Cyclops
689. Instrument for Sectioning tissues - Microtome
690. Inflammation of spermatic cord - Funiculitis
691. Largest breed of cattle - Chianina (Italy)
692. Fixed macrophage of lungs - Alveolar macrophages and Intravascular Pulmonary Macrophages
693. Not require carrier nor energy - Simple diffusion (O2, CO2, Alcohol)
694. Inflammation of tendon and its sheath - Tenosynovitis/Tenovaginitis
695. Temperature varies with environment - Poikilothermia
696. Causes influenzae - Orthomyxovirus
697. Bacteria in Legume that fix nitrogen in air - Rhizobium spp
698. Inflammation of hard palate - Lampas
699. Transport system requiring energy - Active Transport (Require ATP)
700. Heart rate in chick - 350 - 450 beats/Minutes
701. Inflammation of ductus/Vas deferens - Vasitis
702. Scientific name of humped cattle - Bos Indicus
703. Chromosomes number in gold fish - 104 n
704. Laymotile cilia - Stereocillia
705. Lyme disease caused by - Borrelia burgdorferi
706. Act of giving birth in cattle - Calving
707. Inflammation of Ligament - Desmitis
708. Embedding substance in paraffin technique - Parafin wax
709. Brill disease caused by - Rickettsia prowazekii
710. Hypertonic solutions effect on RBC - Shrinkage
711. Wrinkling of RBC in smears - Crenation
712. Type 3 Hypersensitivity - Immune Complex Reaction
713. Treatment for bone spavin - Cunean Tenectomy
714. Deposition of fat in lean fibers - Marbling
715. Ability of diagnose test to detect true negative - Specificity
716. Causes Ohara, Deerfly, and Rabbit fevers - Francisella tularensis
717. Common intestinal flaggelate in man and primates - Pentatrichomonas hominis
718. Cranial nerve 1 - Olfactory nerve (Olfactory/smell)
719. Excitable cells - Nerve and Muscle fiber
720. CSD/Cat Scratch Disease caused by - Bartonella henselae
721. Lymphoid tissue in birds eyes orbit - Harderian gland
722. Hypotonic solution effect on RBC - Swelling and bursting
723. Dissecting Aneurysm common in - Turkey
724. Best example of 1°Active transport - Na - K pump (Electrogenic pump)
725. Causes Posthitis, uteritis and kidney abscesses - Corynebacterium renale
726. Semen volume in buck (goat) - 0.8 - 0.9ml
727. Best example of 2°Active transport - Glucose Transport (Intestine and Renal Tubule)
728. Twisting of neck - Torticollis
729. Shortness of maxilla - Brachygnathia superior
730. Causes phryngotonsilitis fever (Rheumatic and Puerperal) - Streptococcus equi
731. Vaccine against more than 1 strain - Polyvalent vaccine
732. Most vulnerable to toxic agents - Proximal Convoluted Tubule
733. Act of giving birth in pig - Farrowing
734. Highest degree of milk transfer from cow to calf - Iodine
735. Causes Q Fever - Coxeilla burnetti
736. Major production of Nitrogen Metabolism in birds - Uric Acid
737. Only poultry susceptible to IB - Chicken
738. Vitamin associated with Urolithiasis - Vitamin A/Retinol
739. Depolarization in nerve due to - Na Influx
740. Smallest pig trichomonad - Tetratrichomonas buttreyi
741. Causes mite typhus - Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
742. Repolarization in nerve due to - K efflux
743. Substance capable of binding to receptor - Ligand
744. Ancestor of chicken - Pterodactyl
745. H2O requirements of cattle/day - 45 liters
746. Eosinophils with rod shaped Cytoplasmic granules in - Horse and Cat
747. T cell derived from - Thymus
748. Periodic Opthalmia caused by - Leptospira interrogans subspecies pomona
749. Cell membrane enzyme for cyclic AMP - Adenyl Cyclase
750. Causes rabbit syphilis - Treponema cuniculi
751. Increase in immature Neutrophils - Shift to the left
752. Act of mud rolling by buffaloes - Wallowing
753. Bacterial resistance in Pseudomonas - R - Factor (Plasmid encoded)
754. Mastitis test for Streptococci - CAMP test/Christie Atkins Muench Petersen Test
755. Causes Exudative epidermitis/greasy pig disease - Staphylococcus hyicus hyicus
756. Nuclear remnant as Nucleus extends - Howell Jolly Bodies
757. Young duck (Either sex) - Duckling
758. Scar revision of palpebrae - Z plasty
759. Scientific name of non humped cattle - Bos taurus
760. 2 diagonal stripes on Ventral neck - Chevron
761. Causes respiratory infections in kittens and puppies - Streptococcus spp
762. Fixed macrophage of kidney - Mesengial cells
763. Best model for cell membrane - Fluid Mosaic Model
764. Causes Feline Benign lymphoreticulosis - Chlamydia spp
765. Fixed macrophage of brain - Microglia
766. Organelles for protein synthesis - Ribosome and RER
767. Susceptible to salt poisoning - Poult
768. Oxidase contained in - Peroxisome
769. Scrub typhus caused by - Rickettsia/Orientia tsutsugmu
770. Reptilian amoebiasis - Entamoeba invadens
771. Young pigeon either sex - Squab
772. Short vs long term memory processing - Amygdala
773. Kreb cycle aka - Citric acid cycle or Tricarboxylic acid cycle
774. Causes Salpingitis in laying hens - Actinobacillus salpingitidis
775. Lipid and steroid synthesis in - SER/Smooth ER
776. Raillietina cesticillus transmitted by - Beetle
777. Struvites common in - Feedlot Steers
778. Chromosomes no. In dove - 16N
779. Genetic variability of offspring due to - Crossing over
780. Causes Stuttgarts disease/Canicola fever - Leptospira interrogan subspecies canicola
781. Acti of giving birth in sheep - Lambing
782. Stain Acidic/Component of Nucleus - H/Hemotoxylin
783. Balloning intestines in ducks - Tyzerria perniciosa
784. Hydrolase contained in - Lysosome (Suicidal bag)
785. Fear and emotion center - Amygdala (Of Limbic system)
786. Stain alkaline component of Cytoplasm - Eosin (Red or Pink)
787. Young turkey (either sex) - Poult
788. Chief extensor muscle of hip - Hamstring Muscle
789. Red jungle fowl (Ancestor of bird) - Gallus gallus
790. Most commonly used bacteria in recombinant DNA technology - E coli (& Retrovirus)
791. Protects Bronchioles - Clara cells
792. Scientific name of pig - Sus domesticus
793. Life span of horse erythrocytes - 145 days
794. Gestation period in dog and cat - 60 days average (Dog - 58 - 70 days, Cat 58 - 65 days)
795. Pisik - Infectious Coryza
796. Error in duplication of DNA - Mutation
797. Causes salmon poisoning/Elokomin fluke fever - Neorickettsia helminthoeca
798. Clotting factors 1 - Fibrinogen
799. Causes Surra - Trypanosama evansi
800. Antidote for urea poisoning - Acetic Acid
801. Reducing Virulence for vaccine production - Attenuation
802. Persistent Penile erection - Priapism
803. Causes swine herd disease - Leptospira interrogans subspecies pomona
804. Milk allergy common in - Jersey cattle
805. B cell derived from - Bursa of Fabricius (birds) Bone marrow (mammals)
806. Perosis deficient in - Manganese
807. Damage in calving Paralysis - 6th Lumbar nerve
808. Causes ornithosis and psittacosis - Chlamydia psittaci
809. Life span of man erythrocytes - 120 days
810. Isolation to prevent disease spread - Quarantine
811. Vitamin B17 - Amydalin
812. Causes thrush/moniliasis - Candida albicans
813. Horse urine turns brown due to - Pyocathecin (esp long standing)
814. Antidote for Anaphylaxis - Epinephrine
815. Reinsh test detect - Arsenic, mercury, bismuth, antimony, silver
816. Ca and P deficiency in young - Rickets
817. Formula for computing MCHC - Hb/PCV
818. Causes cattle meningoencephalitis - Haemophilus somnus
819. Semen volume in boar - 200 - 300ml (100 - 400ml)
820. Copper guaiac test detects - Cyanide
821. Causes tropical canine pancytopenia - Ehrlichia canis
822. Philippine Native goats classified as - Katjang
823. Act of giving birth in goat - Kidding
824. Innervates hyoglossus, Geniolgossus, and Styloglosus - CNXII/Hypoglossal nerve
825. Causes nine mile fever - Coxiella burnetti
826. Chemical messenger that regulate growth and mitosis - Chalones
827. Achilles tendon shortens in - Mn deficiency (Poultry)
828. Chemical messenger in cells - Cytokines
829. Young rabbit (Either sex) - Kid
830. Oldest breed of domestic sheep - Karakul
831. Causes turkey Coryza - Bordetella avium (formerly Alcaligenes fecalis)
832. Heart rate in chicken - 250 - 300 beats/minutes
833. Connective tissue of lymphnodes - Trabeculae
834. Causes depluming Itch in fowl - Cnemidecoptes gallinae
835. Chromosomes no. In humans - 46N
836. Formula computing MCH - Hb/PCV × 10
837. Type 4 Hypersensitivity - Delayed type reaction
838. FMD strain exotic in Philippines - Asia 1
839. Tyzzers disease caused by - Bacillus piliformis
840. Produced by virus infected cells in response to infection - Interferon
841. Binds with Mycotoxins - Antitoxins/Toxin binder
842. Causes kuru and Scrapie - Prion
843. Crystal indicator of protein metabolism interference - Cysteine
844. Causes 5 day fever, shin bone fever and wolhynian fever - Rickettsia quintana
845. Bont tick - Amblyomma hebraeum
846. Scientific name of sheep - Ovis aries
847. 1st few spinous process of Thoracis - Wither (in horses)
848. Heart rate in rabbit - 180 - 350 beats/minutes
849. Principal digits in ruminants - 3rd and 4th
850. Causes Undulant fever - Brucella abortus, suis, melitensis and canis (Zoonotic)
851. Presence of ferric compound in Hb forms - Methemoglobin
852. Cranial nerve 2 - Optic Nerve (Vision/Sight)
853. Damage in knock down hip - Tuber coxae
854. Causes benign Ovine ehrlichiosis - Ehrlichia ovina
855. Brown winter tick - Dermacentor nigrolineatus
856. Prevents peroxidation of membranes lipids - Antioxidant
857. Inhibit Platelet aggregation - Prostacyclin (PGI2) (Stimulated by thromboxanes)
858. Causes equine verminous Aneurysm - Strongylus vulgaris
859. Antagonistic substance of Vitamin K - Dicoumarol
860. Induces tumors and cancers - Free Radicals
861. Shearing not required in - Katahdin (Meat type sheep)
862. Causes Infectious necrotic Hepatitis - Type B Clostridium novyi
863. Pacific coast tick - Dermacentor occidentalis
864. Gestation period in rabbit - 31 - 33 days
865. Tactile/touch receptor - Meissner Corpucle
866. Causes rapid blood clotting in ruminants - Clostridium chauvoei
867. Clotting factor 2 - Prothrombin
868. Target site of somatotropin - Epiphyseal Plate (Metaphysis)
869. Causes Weil’s Disease - Leptospira interrogans subspecies icterohemorrhagiae
870. Almond smelling ingesta in - Cyanide poisoning
871. Act of giving birth in cat - Queening
872. Most popular stain for Histopathology - H & E stain
873. Foot louse of sheep - Linognathus pedalis
874. Causes Feline lymphadenitis - Streptococcus canis
875. Sheep with black face, ears, and leg - Suffolk
876. Ca and P deficiency in adult - Osteoporosis
877. 1 host Dermacentor ticks - Dermacentor nitens, albipictus, nigrolineatus
878. New duck disease caused by - Reimeralla anapestifer (formerly Pasteurella)
879. Epiphysis and Metaphysis meets at - Metaphysis
880. Respiratory rate in horse - 12 breath/minutes
881. Cystecerci of T solium and Saginata in - Masseter, Diaphragm and tongue
882. Human Erysipelas caused by - Streptococcus spp
883. Causes bacillary, specific and infectious, pyelonephritis in cattle - Corynebacterium renale
884. Semen volume in dog - 6ml
885. Medium sized pig trichomonad - Trichomitus rotunda
886. Causes Bovine tuberculosis - Mycobacterium bovis
887. Formula for computing MCV - PCV/RBC
888. Roup - Infectious Coryza
889. Hb transporting CO2 - Carbaminohemoglobin
890. Young male chicken - Cockerel
891. 1 host Margaropus ticks - Margaropus winthemi and Reidi
892. Causing shipping fever, transit fever and bronchopneumonia - Pasteurella hemolytica
893. Achondroplasia predisposition - Dachshund
894. Aflatoxin classified as - Hepatotoxin
895. Taenia multiceps metacestode - Coenurus cerebralis
896. Causes PIA/Porcine intestinal adenomatosis/Regional Ielitis - Campylobacter sputorum
subspecies mucosalis
897. 1st host Boophilus ticks - Boophilus annulatus, decoloratus, microplus, and calcaratus
898. Scientific name of goat - Capra hircus
899. Anticoagulant preserving blood cell morphology - EDTA/Ethylenediamine Tetraacetic acid
900. 3 potentially harmful Mycotoxins in birds - Aflatoxin, Ochratoxins, Trichothecene
901. Expensive Penicillin - Augmentin (Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid)
902. Causes ulcerative Lymphangitis in equine - Pasteurella hemolytica
903. Loss of striation in muscle - Zenkers Degeneration
904. Respiratory rate cattle - 30 breath/min
905. 2 host Rhipicephalus ticks - Rhipicephalus evertsi and bursa
906. Act of giving birth in rabbit - Kindling
907. Milking parlor allowing cattle to enter directly in single pile - Herringbone
908. Causes Abu Nino (Sudan) - Mycoplasma strain F38
909. Fibrocartilage between joints providing congruency - Menisci
910. Clotting factor 3 - Tissue thromboplastin
911. Tool for concentrating larva of trichostrongylid worms - Baerman apparatus
912. Raising young chicks - Rearing
913. New Zealand cattle tick/bush tick - Haemaphysalis longicornis
914. Causes scaly leg in fowl and turkey - Cnemidecoptes mutans
915. Thin filament in muscle fiber - Actin, Troponin and Tropomyosin
916. Physical attributes of animals - Phenotype
917. Tick transmitting Q Fever - Haemaphysalis humerosa
918. Cutting of beak - Debeaking
919. Thick filament in muscle fiber - Myosin
920. Chromosomes no. In elephant - 56N
921. Fatigu substance - Lactic acid
922. Causes whooping cough - Bordetella pertussis
923. Competitive Antagonist of Ach/Acetylcholine Receptors - Curare
924. Native/Indigenous breed offspring - Grades
925. Bird tick - Haemaphysalis chordellis
926. Young cat either sex - Kitten
927. Accumulation of excess synovial fluid in Palmar/Plantar recess - Windpuff/Windgulls
928. Causes Spontaneous and antibiotic induced enterotoxemia in rabbits - Clostridium spiroforme
929. Vomero nasal organ aka - Organ of Jacobson
930. Administration of liquid drug via throat - Drenching
931. Rabbit Itch - Haemaphysalis leporis palustris
932. Cranial nerve 3 - Occulomotor nerve (movement of extra ocular muscle)
933. Causes wooden tongue in cattle - Actinobacillus lignieresi
934. Hinge joint - Ginglymus (Atlanto - occipital)
935. To burn with hot iron - Cauterize
936. Bacitracin derived from - Bacillus subtilis
937. TDN should be multiplied by - × 2.25
938. Yellow dog tick - Haemaphysalis leachi leachi
939. Causes sheep meningoencephalitis - Haemophilis agni
940. Diagnosis of Dirofilaria immitis microfilaria in blood smear - Modified Knotts Techniques
941. Respiratory rate in pig - 32 - 58 breath/minutes
942. Mineral for excitation contraction coupling - Calcium
943. Act of laying eggs in poultry - Oviposition
944. Gliding joint - Arthrodia (Intercarpals)
945. Causes sleepy fecal disease - Actinobacillus equuli
946. Increase WBC production - Interleukin 2
947. High fiber, low energy - Roughages (Forage)
948. Drug of choice for systemic fungal infection - Amphotericin B
949. Feed given to animal in 1 day - Ration
950. Pivot joint - Trochoid (Atlanto - axial jt)
951. Causes rat bite fever - Streptobacillus moniliforme and Spirilium minus
952. Brown dog tick - Rhipicephalus sanguineus
953. Clotting factors 4 - Calcium
954. Ball and socket - Enarthrosis
955. Easily managed/tamed animal - Docile
956. Largest pig trichomonad - Tritrichomonas suis
957. Giving food and H2O freely as wanted - Ad Libitum
958. Horses grabbing soil by its incisors - Cribbing/Crib Biting
959. Causes swine Proliferative ileitis - Campylobacter hyointestinalis
960. Soft spot in skull of babies - Fontanel
961. Young dog either sex - Puppy
962. Yellow body louse of poultry - Menacanthus stramineus
963. Causes Bovine pneumoenteritis - Chlamydophila psittaci
964. Amphotericin B derived from - Bacteroides nodosus
965. Shortest cranial nerve - Trochlear nerve
966. Largest horse Roundworms - Parascaris equorum (80cm)
967. Location of genes in Chromosomes - Locus
968. Haemoflagellate of marine and freshwater fishes - Crytobia novyi
969. Neurotransmitter in Skeletal muscle - Ach/Acetylcholine
970. Disease causing organism/microorganisms - Pathogen
971. Brown ear tick - Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
972. Scientific name of chicken - Gallus gallus domesticus
973. Flatulence inducing drug - Carminatives
974. Causes botryomycosis - Staphylococcus aureus
975. Navicular disease common in - Quarter horses and Thoroughbred
976. No. Of offspring in 1 parturition - Littersize
977. Tack used in horses to control head carriage - Martingale
978. Yellow lamb disease is caused by - Type A Clostridium perfringens
979. Synsarcoses connecting anterior limb muscle to trunk in dog - Serratus ventralis
980. Amino acid not synthesized by body - Essential amino acid
981. Sudanese beady legged tick - Margaropus reidi
982. Potomac horse fever caused by - Ehrlichia risticii
983. Rudimentary bone in dog situated at Brachiocephalicus - Clavicle
984. Brain sugar (impulse transmission) - Galactose
985. Virus as vector for recombinant vaccine in Philippines - Mareks ds virus (Turkey Herpesvirus)
986. Only Nitrogen containing carbohydrates - Lignin
987. 2 organism normally present in egg shells - Adenovirus and Salmonella spp (S. enteritidis
988. Produced by zoonotic brucellae - Erythritol
989. Regulates actin and myosin filaments in smooth muscle - Calmodulin
990. Causes pink eye/Keratoconjunctivitis - Moraxella bovis
991. 3 potentiator of GABA - Alcohol, Barbiturates, and Benzodiazepines
992. Universal solvent - H2O/Water
993. Argentine tick - Margaropus winthemi
994. Causes jowl abscesses - Group E Streptococci
995. Coronary band injury with chondritis and chronic draining tracts - Quittor
996. Narrowing of blood vessels - Stenosis (or any passages)
997. Mating native animal to highly improved breeds - Upgrading
998. Fermented milk - Yoghurt
999. Tropical cattle tick - Boophilus microplus
1000. Causes quail disease - Clostridium colinum
1001. Sheep for commercial wool production - Merino and Ramboulliet
1002. Exaggerated reaction to drugs - Indiosyncrasy
1003. Variegated tick - Amblyomma variegatum
1004. Causes Bovine petecchial fever and ondiri disease - Cytocetes ondiri
1005. Young goat (Either sex) - Kid
1006. Nerve vitamins - B complex (B1, B6, & B12)
1007. Intermediate host of Harteria gallinarum - Termite Macrohodothermes mossambicus
1008. Causes Malta/Mediterranean fever - Brucella melitensis
1009. Blue tick - Boophilus decoloratus
1010. Greenish Contaminants in meat - Pseudomonas aeurginosa
1011. Degeneration of Basal ganglia, leading to Dopamine release disorder - Huntingtons chorea
/Parkinsons disease
1012. Causes South African, Indian tick bite fever /typhus and Kenya fever - Rickettsia spp
1013. Unusual habits could be harmful - Vices
1014. North American tick - Boophilus annulatus
1015. California black legged tick - Ixodes pacificus
1016. Largest chicken louse - Gonoides gigas
1017. Drug of choice for Rickettsioses and Chlamydioses - Tetracycline
1018. Causes Bovine Polyarthritis - Mycoplasma and Chlamydia spp
1019. Junction b/w adjacent cardiac cells - Intercalated discs
1020. Backward bowing of body - Opisthotonos
1021. Grain Itch mite - Pediculoides ventricosus
1022. Scientific name of mallard duck - Anas bochas domesticus
1023. High mountain disease - Brisket disease
1024. Causes swine arthritis - Streptococcus suis
1025. Most prevalent inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter in CNS - GABA
1026. Immature fluke - Marita
1027. Macrominerals clotting factor - Factor 4 /Calcium
1028. Shoulder tick/Black legged tick - Ixodes scapularis
1029. Location of chicken testes - Dorsal of abdominal/Pelvic cavity
1030. Noticeable in pigment eggs - EDS/Adenovirus
1031. Orf aka - Contagious Ecthyma
1032. Causes parturient/gas gangrene in sheep - Clostridium chauvoei
1033. Ammonia effect in poultry - Keratoconjunctivitis
1034. Common red bug in USA - Trombicula alfreddugesi
1035. Semen volume in Tomcat - 0.06ml
1036. White horse sphaled with dark spots - Tobiano
1037. Causes Ovine epididymitis - Actinobacillus seminis and Brucella ovis
1038. Genetic make up of animal - Genotype
1039. Paralysis tick of Australia - Ixodes holocyclus
1040. Young male (& female) sheep - Lamb
1041. 2 Different Strains of viruses combine to form a new subtypes - Antigenic Shift
1042. Chromosomes no. In hamster - 44N
1043. Causes Bovine farcy/farcin de boeut - Mycobacterium farcinogene
1044. Harvest mite Aoutat or lepte autumnale in Europe - Trombicula/Neotrombicula autumnalis
1045. Meat of adult cattle - Beef
1046. Gap junction b/w 2 Schwann cells - Node of Ranvier
1047. Clotting factor 5 - Proaccelerin (Heat labile factor)
1048. Most dominant excitatory neurotransmitter in CNS - Glutamate
1049. Causes rose gardener disease - Sporothrix schenkii
1050. Rural zoonotic Leishmaniasis in middle east caused by - Leishmania major
1051. Egg type duck - Mallard duck
1052. Paralysis tick of southern Africa - Ixodes rubicundus
1053. Chlamydiosis in psittacin birds - Psittacosis
1054. Insulator in myelinated fiber - Sphingomyelin
1055. Causes Ovine Polyarthritis - Chlamydophila psittaci
1056. White sclera, mottled B and W skin and hoof with vertical stripes - Appaloosa
1057. Respiratory rate in sheep and goat - 19breaths/minutes
1058. Russet, sourveld or bush tick - Ixodes pilosus
1059. Iodine containing amino acid - Phenylalanine and Tyrosine
1060. Submucosal plexus - Meissner plexus
1061. Soudanese Bovine farcy caused by - Nocardia farcinica
1062. No. Of parturition in 1 year - Litter number
1063. Air cell of egg at - Rounded end (not pointed)
1064. Myenteric plexus - Auerbachs plexus
1065. Low fiber, high energy - Concentrates
1066. British dog tick - Ixodes canisuga
1067. Causes Infectious/viral Pneumonia in Pigs - Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
1068. Yellow pigment in egg yolk - Xanthophyll
1069. Antidote for Cyanide poisoning - Methylene blue
1070. Sulfur containing amino acids - Methionine and Cysteine
1071. Greatly expanded Auditory tube - Guttural pouch (horse)
1072. Causes contagious opthalmia - Colesiota conjunctivae
1073. Intermediate host of amoebotaenia cuneata - Earthworm (elsenia spp)
1074. Causes equine Strangles - Streptococcus equi
1075. Hedgehog tick - Ixodes hexagonus
1076. Young male (& female) pig - Piglet
1077. Summer mastitis in dairy calves - Actinomyces pyogenes
1078. Meat of young cattle - Veal
1079. Conversion of environment to electrical energy - Transduction
1080. Cranial nerve 4 - Trochlear nerve (movement of superior Oblique)
1081. Causes lamb Dysentery - Type B Clostridium perfringens
1082. Sweating sickness in cattle, sheep, goat and pig - Hyalomma transiens and truncatum
1083. Botulinum toxins classification - Neurotoxin
1084. Filarial edema above knee - Wuchereria brancofti
1085. Respiratory rate in dog - 22 breaths/minutes
1086. Castor bean tick - Ixodes ricinus
1087. Causes flevre boutonneuse - Rickettsia canori
1088. Tinactin components - Tolnaftate
1089. Meat type duck - Muscovy duck
1090. Filarial edema below knee - Brugia malayi
1091. Causes mouse trachoma/Inclusion Conjunctivitis in mice - Chlamydia trachomatis
1092. Losing of yellow pigmentation - Bleaching (vent, eye ring, beak, bottom of feet, shank hock
upper side of toe
1093. Meat of sheep - Mutton/Lamb
1094. Powerful antinociceptive property - Endorphin
1095. Causes periodontal and subgingival plaques in hamster - Actinomyces viscosus
1096. Largest cranial nerve - Trigeminal nerve (3 branches Opthalmic, maxillary and Mandibular)
1097. Zigzag fashion on esophagus - Gongylonema spp
1098. Channel collecting aqueous humor from anterior chambers - Canal of Schlemm / Scleral Venous
1099. Chromosomes no. In rabbit - 44N
1100. Causes ovina Posthitis/Pizzle rot - Corynebacterium renale
1101. Pajaroello tick - Ornithodoros cariaceus
1102. Young male (& female) cattle - Calf
1103. Surgical to narrow palpebral opening - Trasorraphy
1104. Drug of choice for Infectious Coryza - Erythromycin
1105. Cornified Epithelium in horses fetlock - Ergot
1106. Causes North Queensland tick typhus - Rickettsia australlis
1107. Semen volume in rooster - 0.5ml
1108. Backfat of pig - Panniculus adiposus
1109. Clotting factors 6 - Accelerin (Factor 5 as Precursor)
1110. Bacteria with green metallic sheen in EMB - E coli
1111. Causes blackleg, blackquarter and quarter evil - Clostridium chauvoei
1112. Respiratory rate in cat - 26 breath/minutes
1113. Eyed Tampan - Ornithodoros savignyi
1114. Causes caseous lymphadenitis in goat - Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
1115. Meat of goat - Chevon
1116. Hardened insect forewing forming covering for posterior wing - Elytra
1117. Young male horse - Colt
1118. Principal osmoregulatory organ - Hypothalamus
1119. Causes Symptomatic Anthrax - Clostridium chauvoei
1120. Common coccidium of cattle in USA - Eimeria alabamensis
1121. Longest cranial nerve - Vagus nerve
1122. Cat predispose to acne - Persian
1123. Causes new typhus (member) - Rickettsia canada
1124. Relapsing fever tick - Ornithodoros turicata
1125. Antibiotic derived from Philippines soil - Erythromycin
1126. Loop of henle Diuretics - Furosemide, bumetanide and ethacyrnic acid
1127. Scientific name of Muscovy duck - Cairina moschata
1128. Soft type horn - Epikeras
1129. Causes diamond skin disease - Erysipelothirx rhusiopathiae
1130. Sweat glands aka - Sudorifeous gland
1131. Adult female chicken - Hen
1132. Eyeless Tampan of Africa - Ornithodoros moubata
1133. Causes black spot disease - Pasthodiplostomum cuticula
1134. Most important lice in intensive poultry system in Philippines - Menacanthus stramineus
1135. Causes ulcerative Lymphagitis in equine - Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
1136. Most popular breed for egg production - White Leghorn
1137. Bluetongue/Orbivirus Transmitter - Culicoides varilipenis
1138. Causes Redwater and neurologic disease - Clostridium hemolyticum
1139. HCl in stomach secreted by - Parietal cells
1140. World 1st hybrid egg type duck - Cherry Valley 2000
1141. Test for skin ability to produce melanin - DOPA/Dihydroxyphenylalanine Test
1142. Cause murine typhus - Rickettsia typhi
1143. Spinose ear tick - Otobius megnini
1144. Signet ring in Avian RBC - Aegyptianella pullorum
1145. Carnassial teeth in dog - 4th upper molar and 1st lower molar
1146. Most popular NCD vaccine - La Sota (B1 only as primary dose)
1147. Infectious icterohemoglobinuria - Clostridium hemolyticum
1148. Binds with biotin in egg - Avidin
1149. Cayenne tick - Amblyomma cajennense
1150. Air sac mite - Cytodites nudus
1151. Post gastric fermenters - Horse (Cecum)
1152. Causes Epidemic typhus (European type) - Rickettsia prowazekii
1153. Adult female rabbit - Doe
1154. Origin of Pulmonary trunk - Conus Arteriosus
1155. Clotting factors 7 - Proconvertin
1156. Pepsinogen secreted - Chief cells
1157. Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome - CSD Bacillus (Bartonella henselae)
1158. Shedding of feathers - Molting
1159. Gulf coast tick - Amblyomma maculatum
1160. Chromosomes no. In rat - 42N
1161. Causes enterotoxemia, struck or Romney mash disease - Clostridium perfringens
1162. Cranial nerve 5 - Trigeminal nerve (Opthalmic, maxillary and Mandibular structures)
1163. Male Chromosomes in mammals - XY (Heterozygous)
1164. Definitive host of Besnoitia besnoti - Cat/Felines
1165. Causes Anaplasma like disease in swine - Eperythrozoon suis
1166. Common Coccidia of sheep and goat - Eimeria orloingi and ovina
1167. Respiratory rate in chicken - 13 breaths/minutes
1168. Causes sporadic Bovine Encephalomyelitis - Chlamydia psittaci
1169. Sperm concentration in beef cattle - 1.0 billion /ml
1170. Arterial barroceptor - Aortic and carotid bodies
1171. Blood streak mouth and beak in - ILT (Herpesvirus)
1172. Toxic substances in ipil ipil - Mimosine
1173. Causes shaky foal syndrome - Clostridium botulinum
1174. Fever causing substances - Pyrogenes
1175. Scientific name of quail - Coturnix coturnix japonica
1176. Curdle milk in calf - Rennin/Chymosin
1177. Alternate Anticoccidial drug to prevent resistance - Shuttle program (Decoquinate)
1178. Causes ulcerative stomatitis or sore mouth - Fusobacterium necrophorum
1179. Tropical fowl tick - Argas persicus
1180. Uvea is - Tunica vasculosa (Iris, Ciliary body, and choroid)
1181. Stapes in Avian - Columella
1182. Eye rim mite of snake - Ophionyssus natricis
1183. Causes western duck disease - Clostridium botulinum
1184. Inverse volume pressure relationship - Boyles law
1185. Thermoregulatory mechanism in chick completed at - 4 wks/1 month
1186. Adult female cat - Queen
1187. Tropical breeds mature faster than temperate breeds - Anthropomorphic extrapolation
1188. Causes lota enterotoxemia in rabbit - Clostridium spiroforme
1189. 1st response organ in birds embryo - Allantois
1190. Concomitant infection with Salmonella typhimurium - Cryptosporidium agni
1191. Rectal temperature in horses - Mare 37.8°C, Stallion 37.6°C
1192. Most popular Coccidiostat - Amprolium
1193. Lung sound due to Abnormal amount of fluid in airways - Rales
1194. Causes placentopathy, buss disease, and Feline pneumonitis - Chlamydia psittaci
1195. Causes pasture fever and tick borne fever - Ehrlichia phagocytophilia
1196. Sulfur colored Diarrhea - Fowl typhoid
1197. Obsolete prescription part giving instructions to pharmacist - Signa
1198. Causes jembrana - Rickettsia spp
1199. Reptilian tick - Aponomma spp
1200. Increase palatability of NCD vaccine in drinking H2O - Skim Milk
1201. Clotting factors 8 - Antihemophilic globulin
1202. Eyeless needle - Sevage needle
1203. Causes necrobacillosis or calf diptheria - Fusobacterium necrophorum
1204. Red mite of poultry - Dermanyssus gallinae
1205. Gap between incisor and cheek teeth in ruminants - Diasterna
1206. Male Chromosomes in Avian - ZZ (Homozygous)
1207. Most common coccidium of cattle - Eimeria bovis
1208. Causes limberneck and Lamziekte - Clostridium botulinum
1209. Inspiratory center inhibition via Vagus nerve preventing lung overdistention - Hering - Breuer
1210. Sodium Ionophore anticoccidiosis - Monensin and Lasalocid
1211. Dog mite in nasal passages and sinuses - Pneumonyssus caninum
1212. Waterfowl just found drowned in - Botulism/Limberneck
1213. Nuclear condensation at different region marks - Heteropyknosis
1214. Causes caseous lymphadenitis and pigeon fever - Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
1215. Causes pigeon malaria - Hemoproteus columbae
1216. Simplest dosage form of drug - Powder
1217. Adult female dog - Bitch
1218. Old term for NCD - Tortor furens
1219. Russian tick typhus caused by - Rickettsia siberica
1220. Smallest Oocyst of all Bovine spp - Eimeria subspherica
1221. Scientific name of pigeon - Columbia livia domestica
1222. Stain for connective tissue - Mallory triple stain
1223. Chromosomes no. In hens - 77N
1224. Mordant in Gram staining - Iodine
1225. Chromosomes no. In Guinea pig - 16N
1226. Causes CRD/Chronic respiratory disease - Mycoplasma gallisepticum
1227. Cigar shape mite - Demodex spp
1228. Semen volume in turkey - 0.3ml
1229. Developmental Stage b/w Molting - Instar
1230. Transmit agent of pigeon malaria - Pseudolynchia canariensis
1231. House mouse mite - Allodermanyssus sanguineus
1232. Causes Enteritis in colostrum deprived calves - Mlyogawanella bovis
1233. Group of horse - Team
1234. Components of triple Mallory stain - Acid fuscin, phosphotungistinic acid, anlline blue, orange G
and Oxalic acid
1235. Necrotizing enterocolitis in pig - Type A Clostridium perfringens
1236. Appears at 12th hour of egg incubation - Primitive streak
1237. Safe margin inhaled dust in poultry - 10 mg/cubic meter of air
1238. Shedding of oldest and dead skin cell - Exfoliation
1239. Causes ferkelgrippe - Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
1240. Benign neoplasm of smooth muscle - Leiomyoma
1241. Calcitonin in fowl secreted by - Ultimobranchial body
1242. Decreasing rate of killing effect of antibiotic as dose increases - Eagle Effect (Quinolone and Beta
1243. Oviposition occurs at - 7am - 4pm, majority 10am - 2pm peak at 12noon
1244. Causes hemorrhagic enteritis in chicken - Adenovirus
1245. Female Chromosomes in Avian - ZW (Heterozygous)
1246. 1st vet school in the world - Lyons Vet School France (1762)
1247. Exudative diathesis deficient in - Selenium and Vitamin E
1248. Most common Coccidia in pig - Eimeria debliecki
1249. Causes Bovine Conjunctivitis - Mycoplasma bovoculi
1250. Moist in nose of dog due to - Moisture in air
1251. Adult female goat - Doe/Nanny
1252. Intermediate mesoderm give rise to - Nephrogenic tissues
1253. Antihemophilic factor - Factor 8, 9, & 11
1254. Aplasia cutis aka - Epitheliogenesis imperfecta
1255. Botulism and Forage poisoning - Clostridium botulinum
1256. Tropical fowl mite - Ornythonyssus bursa
1257. Best indicator of optimum environment in brooder - Behavior of chicks
1258. Group of cattle and sheep - Drove
1259. Most pathogenic stercorarian - Trypanosama cruzi
1260. Causes foot rot in sheep (these agent act synergistically) - Fusobacterium necrophorum and
Bacteroides nodosus
1261. Keep fighting cock ready for match - Conditioning
1262. 1st vet school established in response to - Rinderpest outbreak
1263. Scientific name of turkey - Meleagridis gallopavo
1264. Causes Avian TB - Mycobacterium avium intracellulare
1265. Chromosomes no. In rooster - 78N
1266. Reservoir of nocardia asteroids - Soil
1267. Causes Dysentery food poisoning Enteritis - Campylobacter jejuni
1268. Sperm concentration in dairy cattle - 0.2 billion/ml
1269. Causes Enzootic Pneumonia in pig - Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and M hyorhinis
1270. Most sensitive to aflatoxicosis - Duckling
1271. Lappets in - Anoplocephala perfoliata
1272. Group of pig - Drift
1273. Fate of ductus arteriosus after birth - Ligamentum arteriosum
1274. Causes Redwater fever - Babesia bigemina
1275. 2 clinical forms of demodecosis - Squamous and Pustular forms
1276. Sessile flea - Echidnophaga gallinacea
1277. Membrane to bone formation - Intamembranous ossification
1278. Causes Bovine papillomatosis - Papovavirus
1279. Sheep ked - Melophagus ovinus
1280. Cranial nerve 6 - Abducent Nerve (Movement of lateral Rectus muscle)
1281. Causes chiclero Ulcer and bay sore - Leishmania mexicana mexico
1282. Slow but strong smooth muscle contraction - Latch Mechanism
1283. Antihemophilic factor A - Factor 8
1284. Garbage can with tight fittings - Hodges garbage can trap (control of Musca domestica)
1285. Causes chronic cutaneous Leishmaniasis - Leishmania mexicana pifano
1286. 2 important Mosquito transmission of poultry disease - Malaria and Fowl pox
1287. Drug administration b/w skin and GIT - Parenteral
1288. Female Chromosomes in mammals - XX (Homozygous)
1289. Tylosin and Neomycin derived from - Streptomyces fradiae
1290. Causes Chagas disease - Trypanosama cruzi
1291. Respiratory rate in rabbit - 39breaths/minutes
1292. Drug of choice for Giardiasis and Amoebiasis - Metronidazole
1293. Functional ovary in chicken - Left (right is vestigial)
1294. Can dropped larva 70 cm thru wire size - Sarcophaga carnaria
1295. Causes classical espundia in Brazilian rainforest - Leishmania brazillienis brazilliensis
1296. Structure lacking in Mycoplasma - Cell Wall
1297. Indicators of properly converting feeds consumed - Average live weight and feed conversion
(ADG and FCR)
1298. Causes cattle tick fever and Texas Fever - Babesia bigemina
1299. Scientific name of rabbit - Oryctolagus cuniculus
1300. Destroy islet of langerhans - Alloxan
1301. Causes tenosynovitis/viral arteritis - Reovirus
1302. Other term for gizzard - Ventriculus (mechanical digestion)
1303. Congo flour maggot - Auchmeromyia luteola
1304. Sperm concentration in ram (sheep) - 2 billion /ml
1305. Causes Bovine trichomoniasis - Tritrichomonas fetus
1306. Adverse effect of Sulfa drug - Nephrotoxic (Nephritis) & petechiation on Intestine
1307. Predisposes to necrotic Enteritis - Coccidiosis
1308. Transmitted by Melophagus ovinus - Trypanosama melophagium
1309. Causes Maedi and Visna - Retrovirus
1310. Contraindicated in cat - Acetaminophen and Aspirin
1311. Wet type Fowl pox Lesion same in - Vitamin A Deficiency
1312. Drug of choice for Congestive heart failure - Digoxin
1313. Anatomical terms for hands and feet in animals - Hands - Manus, Feet - Pes
1314. Causes bacillary fever in horse - Babesia equi
1315. Flesh flies - Sarcophaga
1316. Group of goat - Tribe
1317. Drug of choice for malignant hyperthermia in swine - Dantrolene
1318. Causes turkey bluecomb - Coronavirus
1319. Universal antidote - AtSO4
1320. Meat of pigeon - Squab
1321. Universal remedy - Panacea
1322. Adult female sheep - Ewe
1323. Alternative to ivermectin - Milbemycin oxime (safe for collies and Shetland sheepdog)
1324. Causes pian bois - Leishmania brazilliensis guyane
1325. Antihemophilic factor B - Factor 9
1326. Leishmania Stage in macrophages - Amastigote (Leishman - Donovan bodies)
1327. Causes Lymphoid /Avian leukosis - Retrovirus
1328. Thornyheaded worms - Acanthocephalans
1329. Rectal temperature in cattle - Beef 38.3°C, Dairy 38.6°C
1330. Intermediate host of gizzard worm - Grasshopper
1331. Old world flesh fly - Wohlfaria magnifica
1332. Causes Benign tertian/vivax malaria - Plasmodium vivax
1333. Chromosomes no. In mouse - 40N
1334. Obligatory in nasal sinuses and Larynx of horses and mule - Rhinoestrus purpurensis
1335. Most common agent of Avian malaria in Philippines - Leucocytozoon caulleryi
1336. Causes Polyserositis in pig - Mycoplasma hyorhinis
1337. Camel nasal bot fly - Cephalopsis titillator
1338. Group of dog - Pack
1339. Topical anesthetic used by dentist - Lidocaine
1340. Causes Benign Bovine theileriasis - Theleria mutans
1341. Adrenergic drug - Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Isoproterenol
1342. Subcutaneous cyst fluke - Collyriclum faba
1343. Elephant throat bot fly - Pharyngobolus africanus
1344. Scientific name of true hare/jackrabbit - Lepus cuniculus
1345. Opiate Antagonist - Naloxone
1346. Zoonotic birdflu caused by - Orthomyxovirus Type A H5 N1
1347. Ox warble - Hypoderma bovis and lineatum
1348. Opening of infundibulum - Ostia
1349. Depolarizing Adrenergic Blocker - Nicotine
1350. Causes Avian paratyphoid - Salmonella typhimurium
1351. Treatment of Urolithiasis in Dalmatian - Allopurinol, NaHCO3
1352. Adult female Pig - Sow
1353. Poorly absorbed by calf - Sulfathiazole
1354. Causes Americans forest Leishmaniasis - Leishmania brazilliensis guyanensis
1355. Only motile Mycoplasma (with polar bleb) - Mycoplasma gallisepticum
1356. Berne, nuche, forcel, flies - Dermatobia hominis
1357. Causes canine nocardiosis - Nocardia asteroids
1358. Ability of agent to induce disease (governed by host, agent, environment) - Pathogenicity
1359. Cranial nerve 7 - Facial nerve (movement of facial muscle)
1360. Subcutaneous cyst mite - Laminosioptes cysticola
1361. Velvet disease in Mugil capito - Amyloidinium ocellatum
1362. Causes African kalaazar - Leishmania donovani sensu - lato
1363. Fluke utilizing dragonfly nalads - Prosthogoninius spp
1364. Myiasis aka - Strike
1365. Only lactose fermenting Salmonella - Salmonella arizonae
1366. Ratio of Trimethoprim to Sulfamethoxazole - TMP 1 : 5:5
1367. Causes Trichinellosis - Trichinella spiralis
1368. Y shape Ig - IgG
1369. Chromosomes no. In pig - 38
1370. Causes canine anctinomycosis - Actinomyces viscosus
1371. Control of blowfly strike - Mules operation
1372. Per acute disease chicken found dead - Fowl Cholera (P multocida)
1373. Massive accumulation of lipids in Avian macrophages - Xanthomoniasis
1374. Causes Lockjaw and Tetanus - Clostridium tetani
1375. Eyeworm of dromedary - Thelazia leesei
1376. Group of cat - Clowder
1377. Parasite of Marra - Eimeria dollichotis
1378. Scientific name of house mouse - Mus musculus
1379. Ear mite of rat - Notoedres muris (ear mange)
1380. Antihemophilic factor c - Factor 11
1381. Sticktight flea - Echidnophaga gallinacea
1382. Disease transmitted by flying needles - Dirofilaria immitis
1383. Causes swimmers Itch and bededermatitis - Schistosoma spp (metacercaria)
1384. 3 NCD Strains - Velogenic (Virulent), Mesogenic (Moderate), Lentogenic (Mild)
1385. Fluff louse - Goniocotes gallinae
1386. Sheep nasal fly - Oestrus ovis
1387. Causes Purpura hemorrhagica in horse - Streptococcus equi
1388. Adult female cattle - Cow
1389. Commensal by can be parasitic in pig - Balantidium coli
1390. Head louse of poultry - Cuclotogaster heterographus
1391. Feline mite attacking rabbits - Notoedres cati
1392. Causes TEME /Thromboembolic Meningoencephalitis - Haemophilus somnus
1393. Mature male and female chicken for breeding purposes - Breeding cock, breeding hen
1394. Ear chicken - Earlobe
1395. Eyeworm of horse - Thelazia lacrymalis
1396. Waterer/drinking through in poultry - Fount
1397. Paralyzed in laryngeal hemiplegia (Roaring in horses) Left Recurrent laryngeal nerve
1398. Patient in dying state - Moribund
1399. Horse milk higher in - Ash and Fat
1400. Causes summer sores/bursati - Habronema musca
1401. Cubital - Elbow
1402. Largest flat bone - Ox coxae
1403. Administration of drug thru mouth - Per Os
1404. Laryngeal port for voice production - Rima glottis
1405. Apparatus for hatching eggs - Incubator
1406. Sheep nasal fly - Hydrotoea irritans
1407. Cause EDS76/egg drop syndrome - Atadenovirus - Adeno
1408. Slender wing louse - Lipeurus caponis (Chicken), Columbicola columbae (pigeon)
1409. Causes sparganosis - Spirometra mansoni and mansoni
1410. Barbule mite - Analges spp
1411. Eyeworm of pig - Thelazia erschowi
1412. Causes Circling disease - Listeria monocytogenes
1413. Follicular mange of man - Demodex folliculorum
1414. Northern mice of poultry - Knemidecoptes gallinae
1415. Chromosomes no. In donkey - 62N
1416. Causes snuffles in rabbit - Type A Pasteurella multocida
1417. Drug of choice for sedation - Diazepam
1418. Group of chicken - Brood
1419. Sheep scab caused by - Psoroptes ovis
1420. State of (blood) infection - Sepsis/Septicemia
1421. Granular coccidiosis in carp - Eimeria subepitheliasis
1422. Adult female horse - Mare
1423. Eyeworm of cattle - Thelazia rhodesii
1424. Clotting factor 9 - Christmas factor /plasma thromboplastin components
1425. Causes small pox, chicken pox, Avian pox, and swine pox - Poxvirus, Avipoxvirus, Suipoxvirus
1426. Scientific name of black rat - Rattus rattus
1427. Gestation period in Carabao - 320 days
1428. Disease prevention - Prophylaxis
1429. Thornyheaded worm - Macracanthorhyncous hirudinaceous
1430. Sole part of chicken foot - Foot pad
1431. Tumbu fly/skin maggot fly - Cordylobia anthropophaga
1432. Possible outcome of disease - Prognosis
1433. Follicular mange of pig - Demodex phylloides
1434. Causes Rubarths disease/Infectious canine Hepatitis - CAV1/Canine Adenovirus
1435. Disease causation - Etiology
1436. Circular/rectangular range used in breeding chicks - Canopy/Hover
1437. Sperm concentration in Stallion - 0.15billion/ml
1438. Chlamydiosis in non psittacines - Ornithosis
1439. Female fox - Vixen
1440. Eyeworm of man - Loa Loa
1441. Causes RMSF/Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - Rickettsia rickettsii
1442. Disease of unknown causation - Idiopathic
1443. Rectal temperature in pig - 39.2°C
1444. Indicated for end to end Anastomosis - Cushing
1445. Suspension of live/modified live bacteria - Bacterin
1446. Most popular breed for broiler production - Cornish
1447. Surgery for ectropion - Canthotomy
1448. Causes Rinderpest - Morbilivirus - Paramyxo
1449. Persistent sweat fly of horse and man - Hydrotea meteorica
1450. 1° immunization of chicks in Philippines - NCD, Mareks (& Fowl pox)
1451. Treatment for Purpura hemorrhagica - Heparin
1452. H2O consumed by 100 layers - 7 gallons
1453. Necrosis in heart attack (myocardial infarction) Coagulative necrosis (dead cells are
1454. Dalmeny disease caused by - Sarcocystis cruzi
1455. Causes rickettsial pox - Rickettsia akari
1456. Roughage aka - Forage
1457. Oviductal (& bursa of Fabricius) fluke - Prosthogonimus spp
1458. Intense pruritic mange caused by - Sarcoptes scabei
1459. Average amount of feed consumed by mature layer - 110 grams/day
1460. Adult male duck - Drake
1461. Tsetse fly - Glossina spp
1462. Causes rheumatic heart fever - Streptococcus sp
1463. Bulk of Ration in herbivore is - Roughage
1464. Number of egg laid in a day - 1 only (chicken)
1465. Agent named after discover who died due to accidental louse bite - Rickettsia prowazeckii
1466. Scientific name of Carabao - Bubalus bubalis
1467. Milkers nodule - Vaccinia/Cow pox (Poxvirus)
1468. Chicken blood collected from - Wing Vein
1469. Horn fly - Hematobia irritans
1470. Causes rabies - Lyssavirus - Rhabdo
1471. Treatment for Chagas disease - Radanil
1472. Blood approximation in birds - 6 - 12 ml/100 gms (10% body weight)
1473. Epidural injection in horse - Sacrococcygeal
1474. Avian kidney derived from - Mesonephros
1475. Ehrlichia effect on Platelet - Thrombocytopenia
1476. Queensland Itch - Culicoides robertsi
1477. Buffalo fly in India - Hematobia exigua
1478. Principal voice organ in birds - Syrinx
1479. Rabbit furmite - Cheyletiella parasitivorax
1480. Anesthetic administration above dura matter - Epidural
1481. Cheapest Diuretic - Water/H2O
1482. Sharp, horn covered bony shank projection in male bird - Spur
1483. Causes pulpy kidney disease and over eating disease - Type D Clostridium perfringens
1484. Sperm concentration in boar - 0.2billion/ml
1485. Sweat fly attracted to sweat and mucus of man cattle and horse - Morellia oenescens, hortorum
and Simplex
1486. Lumbosacral mass in chicken - 16 Vertebrae (total), 7 Thoracic, 14 Lumbosacral and 1st
1487. Unpaired airsac in chicken - Interclavicular (continues to Humerus)
1488. Antidote for Xylazine effect - Yohimbine
1489. Chromosomes no. In mule - 63N
1490. Require skin rubbing to take effect - Liminent
1491. Causes Aujeszkys disease/Pseudorabies - Herpesvirus
1492. Walking dandruff of dog - Cheyletiella yasguri
1493. Adult male turkey - Gobbler/Tom
1494. Antidote for lead poisoning - EDTA
1495. Tapeworm using gastropod mollusk - Davainea proglottina
1496. Ehrlichia effect on Monocytes - Monocytosis
1497. Tapeworm utilizing housefly - Choanotaenia infundibulum
1498. Stable fly - Stomoxys calcitrans
1499. Oriental sore and aleppo button caused by - Leishmania tropica
1500. Rectal temperature in sheep and goat - 39.1°C
1501. Cranial nerve 8 - Vestibulocochlear nerve (Auditon/hearing and balance)
1502. Classification of Avian bone - Pneumatic bone
1503. Skin softener - Emollient
1504. Bilobed oil gland on side of pygostyle - Preen/Uropygial gland
1505. Steroid effect on lymphocyte - Lymphopenia
1506. Causes Orf/contagious Ecthyma - Parapoxvirus - Pox
1507. Pre anesthetic in cat - Meperidine
1508. Heterakis gallinarum transport host - Earthworm
1509. Latrine fly - Fannia scalaris
1510. Commonest Roundworms of chicken - Ascaridia galli
1511. Sucked by Ancylostoma caninum/day - 0.1ml blood/day
1512. Group of rabbit - Warren
1513. Walking dandruff mite of cat - Cheyletiella blakei
1514. Scientific name of lion - Panthera leo
1515. Drug of choice for E coli/Gram Negative bacterial infection - Gentamicin (Streptomycin before)
1516. Otoliths also known as - Statolith (CaCO3)
1517. Bronchial antispasmodic - Isoproterenol
1518. Epithelial tumor ends with suffix - Oma or carcinoma
1519. Common housefly - Musca domestica
1520. Means of dissipating heat in chicken - Panting (if temperature above 80°F)
1521. Causes NCD/New Castle Disease - Paramyxovirus
1522. Walking dandruff of hare and rabbit - Cheyletiella strondtmanhi and fumani
1523. Empty live weight of feathers - 4 - 9% of body weight
1524. Drug of choice for Gram positive bacterial infection - Vancomycin (Penicillin before)
1525. Clotting factors 10 - Stuart factor
1526. Glomerulonephritis allergy type - Type 3
1527. Definite tracts wherein feathers are arranged on chicken skin - Pterylae
1528. Causes navel ill and Omphalitis - E coli etc
1529. Best anabolic drug - Steroid
1530. Sperm concentration in dog - 0.65billion/ml
1531. Pelage inhabiting mite in laboratory and other mice - Myobia musculi
1532. Chicken urine that is pasty - Uric Acid
1533. Smallest (RNA) virus - Picornavirus
1534. Causes Mareks disease - Herpesvirus
1535. Tuberculin testing allergy type - Type 4
1536. True stomach of chicken - Proventriculus (chemical digestion)
1537. Hover flies/drone flies - Syrphidae
1538. Usual size of chicken ceca - 4 - 6 inches
1539. Brick shape virus - Parapoxvirus
1540. Group of turkey - Rafter
1541. Blood transfusion reaction allergy type - Type 2
1542. Smallest egg size - Peewee
1543. Determines bacterial invasiveness - Quellung reaction
1544. Hormone for broodiness - Prolactin
1545. Ca:P ratio - 2:1
1546. Rectal temperature in dog - 38.5 - 39.5°C (Average 38.9°C)
1547. Crown shape virus - Coronavirus
1548. Causes malignant edema, baxy and bradsot - Clostridium septicum
1549. Tweety bird is a - Canary
1550. Blood dyscrasia caused by - Chloramphenicol
1551. Turkish towel Intestine in - Necrotic Enteritis (Clostridium perfringens)
1552. Horse flies /breeze flies - Tabanidae/Tabanus
1553. Causes madcow disease - Prion
1554. Safe for cleansing wounds - Normal saline (not destroy tissue)
1555. Adult male rabbit - Buck
1556. Neurotoxins in red tide - Saxitoxin
1557. Yellow buttons of crop in - Canker (Trichomonas gallinae)
1558. Cat stomach worm - Ollulanus tricuspis
1559. Mal de caderas caused by - Trypanosama equinum
1560. Silkworm disease caused by - Nosema bombycis
1561. Chromosomes no. In hinny - 63N
1562. Comma shape organism - Vibrios /Campylobacter spp
1563. Cat Lung worm - Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
1564. Causes streptotrichosis - Dermatophilus congolensis
1565. Oriental black rat flea - Xenopsylla cheopis
1566. Vegetative Endocarditis caused by - Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
1567. Pituitary Gland lodges in - Sella turcica/Turkish saddle (of Basihyoid)
1568. Elementary bodies in - Chlamydia and fowl pox
1569. Earliest antiseptics - Phenol (even for surgery)
1570. Scientific name of tiger - Felis/Pantera tigris
1571. Goat with longest milking period - Saanen
1572. Causes Lumpy wool disease - Dermatophilus congolensis
1573. Rat lungworm - Angiostrongylus cantonensis
1574. Group of duck - Brace
1575. Hydatid cyst produced by - Echinococcus spp
1576. Penguin like posture in - Derzys disease (Parvovirus)
1577. Human flea - Pulex irritans and Tunga penetrans
1578. Drug of choice for gapeworms - Tetramisole
1579. Sperm concentration in rooster - 4billion/ml
1580. Copra mite - Tyrophagus longior
1581. Causes Lumpy jaw in cattle - Actinomyces bovis
1582. Jigger/chigoe flea - Tunga penetrans
1583. Special affinity of microorganism/viruses to certain body tissues - Tropism
1584. Helicopter wings in - Malabsorption syndrome (Reovirus)
1585. Cheese mite - Acorus siro
1586. Clotting factor 11 - Plasma Thromboplastin Antecede
1587. Colonization factor of Mycoplasma on host cells - Adhesins
1588. Non apit/mesenchymal tumor ends with - Sarcoma
1589. Mycoplasma transmitted thru AI/Artificial insemination - Mycoplasma meleagridis (Turkey)
1590. Adult male chicken - Rooster/Cock
1591. Northern rat flea - Ceratophyllus/Nosopsyllus fasciatus
1592. Clubbed down embryos in - Mycoplasma iowae infection
1593. Bacillus anthracis discovered by - Robert Koch
1594. Causes anthrax and Woolsorters disease - Bacillus anthracis
1595. Rainworms - Mermis subnigrescens
1596. Enlarged feather follicle in - Mareks disease (skin Leukosis)
1597. Late feather gene - K gene
1598. Blood smear part of parasite examination - Tail/Feather of bloodsmear
1599. Causes johnes disease - Mycobacterium paratuberculosis
1600. Abnormality in nakanuke disease - Abnormal feathering
1601. Scientific name of swan goose - Anser cygnoides
1602. Bragus crosses - 5/8 Angus, 3/8 Brahman
1603. Human lymphogranuloma venereum - Chlamydia trachomatis
1604. Attenuated/killed virus suspension - Vaccine
1605. Chromosomes no. In horse - 64 N
1606. 1st Routinely done before transfusion - Crossmatching
1607. Delhi boil caused by - Leishmania tropica
1608. Hemal node present in - Ruminant
1609. Diphyllobotrium latum competes with - Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin absorption
1610. Comb growth hormone - Testosterone
1611. Nucleated RBC in circulation - Reticulocyte
1612. Cranial nerve 10 - Vagus nerve (Innervation heart and viscera)
1613. Clotting factor 13 - Fibrin Stabilizing factor
1614. Non contagious footrot agent - Fusobacterium necrophorum
1615. Ototoxic, nephrotoxic, neurotoxic - Aminoglycosides
1616. Short nosed cattle louse - Hematopinus eurysternus
1617. Causes East coast fever - Theileria parva
1618. Microbial Fermentation in horse - Cecum and colon
1619. Connects yolk sac to Intestine - Meckels Diverticulum
1620. Antigen colonization factor of E coli on calves, piglets and lambs - K99 (most important)
1621. Measures of albumen height - Haugh units
1622. Sucking louse of buffaloes - Hematopinus tuberculatus
1623. Rectal temperature in chicken - 40.6 - 43.0°C
1624. Insemination at uterus of females - Horse and pig (others at vagina)
1625. Syndactyly (Poultry) deficient in - Biotin
1626. GFR stands for - Glomerular Filtration Rate
1627. Animals Retinal cones less sensitive to - Red (Wavelength)
1628. Suckling louse of equines - Hematopinus asini
1629. Infectious Coryza Lesion in - Infraorbital sinuses
1630. Semen disposition on Female genital tract - Insemination
1631. Adult male cattle - Bull
1632. Carbohydrate deficiency - Marasmus
1633. 1st producing highest antibodies - Sentinels
1634. Presence of nitrogenous waste products in blood - Azotemia
1635. Incubation period in muscovy duck - 35 days
1636. Previously thought as Hematopinus eurysternus - Hematopinus quadripertusus
1637. Scientific name of cynomologous monkey - Macaca fasicularis
1638. Antigenic determinants on cell surface - Epitope
1639. Causes espundia - Leishmania braziliensis
1640. Line respiratory passage - Pseudostratified ciliated columnar Epithelium
1641. Sulfur colored Drooping in turkey - Histomoniasis/Blackhead
1642. Viability of Sperm in sheep and goat - 30 - 48 hours
1643. Esophagus of chicken - Gullet
1644. Chick gasping for air - Brooders Pneumonia (Aspergillus fumigatus)
1645. Causes Infectious fowl Coryza - Avibacterium paragallinarum (Haemophilus paragallinarum)
1646. Crop worm - Capillaria contorta
1647. Transmitted by ants - Raillietina tetragona
1648. Defense of upper respiratory passages - Mucocillary clearance
1649. Crop milk - Prolactin
1650. Protein deficiency - Kwashiorkor
1651. Chromosomes no. In sheep - 54N
1652. Fate of Basophils in tissue - Mast cells
1653. Causes Gall sickness - Anaplasma marginale
1654. Only Unpaired facial bone - Vomer
1655. Good sitters - New Hampshire and Rhode Island red
1656. To please the owner - Placebo
1657. Fermented grass - Silage or Atsarang damo
1658. Rectal temperature in rabbit - 38.6 - 40.1°C
1659. Fate of Monocytes in tissue - Mobile Macrophages
1660. Quarantine period - (Historically) 40 days
1661. Interstitial cell of CNS - Astrocytes
1662. Causes Glanders - Burkholderia mallei
1663. Uterus type in horses - Bipartite (single bearing)
1664. Quill mite - Syringophillus spp
1665. Responsible for bleeding in dog during proestrus - Estrogen (Ruptures vaginal capillaries)
1666. Wing web method vaccination aka - Prick Method
1667. Male organ of intromission - Papilla
1668. Freeze treatment - Cryosurgery (using liquid nitrogen of CO2)
1669. Causes thrush/crop Mycosis - Candida albicans
1670. Aortal wall sensory nerve endings - Baroreceptor
1671. Stain for blood parasites - Romanowsky stain (Giemsia or wright's stain)
1672. Adult male horses - Stallion
1673. Causes glassers disease - Haemophilus parasuis
1674. Stacking of red blood cells - Rouleaux formation (normal in horse and cat)
1675. EDS first describe in - 1976
1676. Agranulocyte with round Nucleus - Lymphocytes
1677. Incubation period in goose - 25 - 28 days
1678. Retinal cones sensitive to - Colors (red, blue and yellow)
1679. Button Ulcer on geese Intestine - Duck Viral enteritis
1680. Opening b/w middle and inner ear - Cochlear window
1681. Causes Granular coccidiosis in carp - Eimeria subepitheliasis
1682. Humoral Immunity from - B cell
1683. Mass method of poultry vaccination - Dusting, spraying, drinking
1684. Drug of choice for Canker - Metronidazole
1685. Retinal structure sensitive to Color - Cones
1686. Kidney Coccidia of geese - Eimeria truncata
1687. Predominating plasma protein during infection - Globulin
1688. Scientific name of rhesus monkey - Macaca mulatta
1689. Agranulocyte with bean shape Nucleus - Monocytes
1690. Causes sour crop - Candida albicans
1691. Causes green wool of sheep - Pseudomonas aeurginosa
1692. Cell mediated Immunity from - T cell
1693. Highly resistant Staphylococcus - MRSA/Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
1694. Pernicious Anemia deficient in - Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin
1695. Granulocytes - Neutrophils, eosinophil and Basophils
1696. Aortal Rupture in turkey due to - Copper deficiency
1697. Chromosomes no. In cat - 38N
1698. Valgus - varus bowing deficient in - Vitamin B3/Niacin
1699. Canine chewing louse - Trichodectes canis
1700. Retinal structure sensitive to light - Rods
1701. Kinky back disease is - Spondylolisthesis
1702. Organ of Equilibrium/balance - Semicircular canal
1703. Stargazing in poultry deficient in - Vitamin B1/Thiamine
1704. 1st heart sound by closure of - AV/Atrioventricular valves
1705. Perosis due to deficiency in - Manganese, Choline, Vitamin B12, Biotin
1706. Lateral sclerite of insect - Pleuron
1707. Dental caries deficient in - Flourine
1708. Cranial nerve 11 - Spinal accessory nerve (Innervation Pharynx, back, shoulder)
1709. Causes Heartwater fever - Cowdria ruminantium
1710. Blood vessels attached on right Atrium - Vena cava
1711. Viability of Sperm in pig - 28 - 118 hrs
1712. Splanchnic bone in ox - Os Cordis
1713. Hormone for albumen formation - Progesterone and Adrogen
1714. Pentastomid in air sac of gulls and terns - Rheighardia spp
1715. Scientific name of ostrich - Struthio camelus
1716. Blood vessels attached on right ventricles - Pulmonary Artery
1717. 3 disease associated with vitamin E deficiency - 1 Encephalomalacia E only, 2 Exudative diathesis
E and Selenium, 3 Muscular dystrophy E and Selenium
1718. Causes human Amoebic Dysentery - Entamoeba histolytica and E poli
1719. Columbine are the - Pigeons
1720. Dorsal sclerite of insect - Tergum
1721. Calomel contains - Mercurious chloride
1722. Innervates Diaphragm - Phrenic Nerve
1723. Induced by Avian leukosis - Fowl glioma
1724. Splanchnic bone in pig - Os Rostri (Snout)
1725. Incubation period in Guinea fowl - 28 days
1726. Parent broiler stock optimum temperature - 18 - 20°C
1727. Multinucleated RBC - Metarubricyte
1728. Antidote for warfarin and coumarin - Vitamin K
1729. Neck Paralysis in - Limberneck (Clostridium botulinum)
1730. Principal site of nutrient and waste product exchange - Capillary
1731. Eyeworm of chicken and gamefowl - Oxyspirura mansoni
1732. Causes human Visceral Leishmaniasis - Leishmania braziliensis (espundia)
1733. Inclusion body in derzys disease - Cowdry type a - Intranuclear Inclusion body
1734. Female worm Globular/swell - Tetrameres americana (gravi)
1735. Assume Y or Forked shaped - Gapeworms
1736. Acrosomal enzymes - Acrosin, Hyaluronidase and neuraminide
1737. Adverse effect of ionophores - Depresses appetite
1738. Ventral sclerite of insect - Sternum
1739. Causes Indian kalaazar - Leishmania donovani - donovani
1740. 2nd hear sound due to closure of - Semilunar valves
1741. Fluke Eyeworm of birds - Philopthalmus spp
1742. Best method for disease prevention - All in all out system
1743. Blood vessels attached on left Atrium - Pulmonary vein
1744. Scaly leg mite - Cnemidecoptes mutans and galli
1745. Chromosomes no. In dog - 78N
1746. Fish lice - Argulus
1747. Causes Infectious enterohepatitis - Histomonas meleagridis
1748. Splanchnic bone in dog - Baculum/Os penis
1749. Differentiate Staphylococcus strain - Phage typing
1750. Pentastomid in ophidians, lacertillians and birds - Raillietiella spp
1751. Nocturnal Feeder mite - Dermanyssus gallinae
1752. Interval between ventricular contraction and relaxation - Q - T wave
1753. Semilunar valves - Pulmonary and Aortic valves
1754. Scientific name of turtle - Cuora amboinensis
1755. Cecal cores in - Eimeria tenella and Pullorum disease
1756. Splanchnic bone in cat - Os clitoris (Estrogen Imbalance)
1757. Depluming Itch mite - Neocnemidocoptes gallinae
1758. Causes malignant tertian/subtertian malaria - Plasmodium falciparum
1759. Immunoglobin in crop milk - IgA (secretion)
1760. Cuticular Thickening at anterior end of Epomidostomum worms - Epaulettes
1761. Scaly leg in fowl and turkey - Cnemidecoptes mutans
1762. Blood vessels attached on left Ventricle - Aorta
1763. Interval between Atrial contraction - P - Q wave
1764. Viability of Sperm in horses - 72 - 120 hrs
1765. Anchor worms - Lernea elegans
1766. Tetrameres americana transmitted by - Cockroach
1767. Drain deoxygenated blood from myocardium to right Atrium - Coronary Sinus
1768. Non motile Salmonella spp - Salmonella gallinarum and Pullorum
1769. Right atrioventricular valve - Tricuspid
1770. European chicken flea - Ceratophyllus gallinae (world wide)
1771. 1st branch of Aorta - Coronary artery
1772. 2 types of gout in birds - Articular and Visceral gout
1773. P Wave - Atrial Depolarization
1774. Anatine are the - Ducks
1775. Auditory ossicles (Inward - Outward) - Stapes, Incus, and Malleus
1776. Causes megrims in pigeon - Salmonella typhimurium
1777. Pentastomid in lungs and trachea of phyton and venomous snakes - Armillifer armillatus
1778. Calcium supplements in feeds - Limestone or oyster shell
1779. Left atrioventricular valve - Bicuspid or Mitral
1780. Necessary at peak of egg production - Vitamin D3, Ca and P (Layers)
1781. Double yolk due to - Hypocalcemia
1782. QRS wave - Ventricular Depolarization
1783. Causes Malloidosis - Pseudomonas pseudomallei
1784. Cell of taste bud - Gustatory cells
1785. Sperm volume in chicken - 0.5 - 1ml (4 billion Sperms)
1786. Normal pacemaker of heart - SA /Sino Atrial Node
1787. Mycotoxins causing gout - Oosporein
1788. Chicken normally deficient in - Retinal Rods (night blind)
1789. Muscle weakness and decrease muscle tone - Hypokalemia (potassium deficiency)
1790. Causes mild tertian malaria - Plasmodium ovale
1791. Exoskeleton casting - Ecdysis
1792. Other term for Dermatophytosis - Tinea/Ringworm
1793. Disinfectant for incubator - Formaldehyde
1794. Perosis commonly affects - Tibiometatarsal joint
1795. Tend to spread on chickens - Bacillary white diarrhea / Pullorum disease (Adult fowl typhoid)
1796. Scientific name of tortoise - Gyclemys dentata
1797. Causes mild tertian malaria in chimpanzees - Plasmodium schwetzi
1798. 2 Form of broodes Pneumonia - Pulmonary and encephalitic forms
1799. H and N antigens genes in Orthomyxovirus (Type A) - Hemagglutinin - 16, Neuraminidase - 9
1800. T wave - Ventricular Repolarization
1801. Must be dominant during Mating - Male (or no Mating will occur)
1802. Osteoporosis in layers seen in - Femur (Femoral fragility)
1803. MSG/Monosodium Glutamate taste - Umami (6th taste type)
1804. Zoonotic botulism toxins - A, B, and E toxins
1805. Kidney worm of swine - Stephanurus dentatus
1806. Chicken malaria caused by - Plasmodium gallinaceum
1807. Causes milk drop syndrome - Leptospira interrogans subspecies hardjo
1808. Botulism to H2O fowl by Ingestion of - Maggots
1809. Amyloid arthropathy effect - Hockjoint
1810. Turkey malaria caused by - Plasmodium hermani
1811. Pacemaker of stomach - Interstitial cells of Cajal
1812. Largest turkey louse - Chelopisthes meleagridis
1813. Causes nagana and derangadera - Trypanosama congolense
1814. Drug of choice for new duck disease - Enrofloxacin
1815. Fur mite of Guinea pig - Trixecarus caviae
1816. Harvest mite - Trombicula autumnalis
1817. Fermented milk - Yoghurt
1818. Gout attributed to deposition of - Urate/Uric Acid
1819. Shaft louse of poultry - Menopon gallinae
1820. Cranial nerve 12 - Hypoglossal nerve (tongue muscle movement)
1821. Type of reaction in Tuberculin Test - Type 4/delayed type
1822. Abnormal pacemaker - Ectopic pacemaker (if not SA node)
1823. Causes neon fish disease - Pleistophora hyphessobryconis
1824. To in from poison oak causing urticaria - Urushici
1825. Incubation period in turkey - 28 days
1826. Tongue worm - Linguatula serrata
1827. Meleagrine are the - Turkey
1828. Wet litter with Ammonia and toxins causes - Breast buttons
1829. Causes food borne Salmonellosis - Salmonella enteritidis
1830. Viability of Sperm in dog - 90 hrs
1831. New world/American Visceral Leishmaniasis - Leishmania chagasi
1832. 3 nerves affected in Mareks disease - Vagus, brachial and Sciatic
1833. Poionus substances from toad - Bufagin
1834. Scientific name of Syrian hamster - Mesocricetus auratus
1835. Chitinous plates of exoskeleton - Sclerites
1836. Incubation period for NCD - 2 - 12 days (average 5 days)
1837. Type of tumor in Avian leukosis - B cell tumor
1838. 2nd most potent toxins - Tetanospasmin
1839. Natural host for Leukosis/sarcoma - Chicken
1840. Fluid inside membranous labyrinth of inner ear - Endolymph
1841. Nopi/nofel in Western Africa - Ehrlichia bovis
1842. Effectively Transmit Mareks disease - Dust or Dander
1843. Mycotoxins causing diuresis - Citrin (Penicillium and Aspergillus)
1844. 3 forms of fowl pox - 1 Cutaneous, 2 Diptheric, 3 Systemic
1845. Main objective of lighting in rearing - Encourage growth and sexual maturity
1846. Bacteria as 1° Pathogen during stress - E coli (opportunistic)
1847. Old world cutaneous Leishmaniasis - Leishmania tropica
1848. Recommended Philippines poultry house orientation - East to West
1849. Poultry get nutrition from locally available sources in - Free range system
1850. Preference method of Serum Sterilization - Filtration
1851. Lenses in electron microscope - Electromagnet
1852. Causes olifantvel - Besnoitia besnoiti
1853. Ventilator requirement requirements in poultry houses - Minimum - 0.7 m2/kg body wt,
Maximum 3.6 m2/kg body wt
1854. Ejaculation time in cattle, sheep and goat - Less than a second
1855. Incubation period in budgerigar - 17 - 18 days
1856. Chicken origin in monophyletic theory - Red jungle fowl
1857. Product of 5 - 8 generation - Strain
1858. Causes bacterial otitis externa in dogs - Pseudomonas aeurginosa
1859. Spraying disinfectant/insecticide - Fumigation
1860. Scientific name of European hamster - Cricetus cricetus
1861. Raucous voice - Halak (Catarrh/Phlegm)
1862. Leporine are the - Rabbits
1863. Causes PAM/Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis - Naegleria fowleri
1864. Sabungan premises - Rueda
1865. Increases vaccine potency - Adjuvant
1866. Inappearance of traits after gaps between generations - Atavism
1867. Raucous clucking cry - Cackle
1868. Causes Reptilian amoebiasis - Entamoeba invadens
1869. Most immunogenic vaccine - Live modified live (bacterins) but could trigger Outbreaks
1870. Diseases locally present in area - Exotic disease (Rare in other area)
1871. Mating same breeds - Purebreeding
1872. Other term for antibodies - Immunoglubullins
1873. Antigen stimulate body production of - Antibodies
1874. Causes river Blindness - Onchocerva volvolus
1875. No. Of old and new cases of disease over population at risk - Prevalence
1876. Aflatoxin mostly from - Aspergillus flavus and fumigatus
1877. Incubation period in finch - 11 - 14 days
1878. Sri Lankan jungle fowl - Gallus lafayetti
1879. Immunosuppressive and bleeding disorder caused by - Sulfonamides
1880. Causes salt water ich - Cryptocaryon irritans
1881. Coccidia belong to phylum - Apicomplexa
1882. Drug of choice for MRSA infections - Enrofloxacin and Rifampin
1883. Ochratoxins mostly from - Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicillium
1884. Scientific name of Norway rat - Rattus norvergicus
1885. 1st product with truly broad-spectrum activity for Coccidia - Nicarbazin (1995)
1886. Causes silk worm disease - Nosema bombycis
1887. Grey jungle fowl - Gallus sonneratti
1888. Gallinacea are the - Chickens
1889. Malignant neoplasm ends with - Sarcoma or Carcinoma
1890. Trichothecens mostly from - Fusarium spp
1891. Sleeping sickness in goldfish - Cryptobia cyprini
1892. New term of hexamita - Spironucleus
1893. Dwell at temperature between 0 - 15°C - Psychrophiles
1894. Parrot fever aka - Avian Chlamydiosis
1895. Arthus reaction classified as - Type 3/Immune complex reaction
1896. Blood spots on egg shell as effect - Sulfonamides
1897. Causes summer bleeding in horse - Parafilaria multipapillosa
1898. Antibiotic that impairs Ca absorption - Tetracyclines
1899. Pathogenic E coli/APEC Strains - 01, 02, & 078
1900. Incubation period in parrots - 17 - 31 days
1901. Red jungle fowl - Gallus gallus bankiva
1902. Amplify genomic DNA/RNA sequence - PCR/Polymerase Chain Reaction
1903. Swine Dysentery/Bloody scours - Brachyspira hyodysentery
1904. Dwells at temperature between 15 - 40°C - Mesophiles (most pathogens)
1905. Sample used in PCR - Primers
1906. 5 capsular type of Pasteurella multocida - A, B, C, D, and F
1907. More susceptible to fowl cholera - Adult (than young birds)
1908. Important in choosing right bacterins for fowl cholera - Somatic serotyping
1909. Causes swine/Porcine Strangles - Streptococcus porcinus
1910. Dwells at temperature 40°C and above - Thermophiles
1911. Zoonotic form of erysipelothrix infection - Erysipeloid
1912. Scientific name of gerbil - Meriones unguiculatus
1913. Avian nephritis caused by - Astrovirus
1914. Responsible for black head - Cyanosis of head
1915. Causes trench fever - Rickettsia quintana
1916. Mating different breeds - Crossbreeding
1917. Paint or orchard spray leads to - Lead poisoning
1918. Incubation period in pheasant - 24 days
1919. Ionophores interact with Sulfonamides
1920. Causes Uts in mountain of Peru - Leishmania peruviana
1921. Deep pectoral myopathy affects - Supracoracoideus
1922. Feline are the - Cats
1923. Hexamita motion - Darting motion
1924. Trichomonas motion - Jerky motion
1925. Finger like projection of infundibulum - Fimbriae
1926. Former name for brachyspira - Treponema and serpulina
1927. Erectile fleshy protuburence on forehead of turkey - Snood
1928. Abnormal sounds during breathing - Rales/Rattling
1929. Indicator of environmental humidity - Size of air cell
1930. Speedy recovery in coccidiosis - Vitamin A and K
1931. Causes white spot disease and freshwater ich - Ichthyopthirius multifilis
1932. Ejaculate time in Stallion - 10 - 15 mins
1933. Induces Apoptosis in CIA - Vp3/Apoptin (Chicken Infectious Anemia)
1934. Incubation period in pigeon - 10 - 18 days
1935. Lesion similar to Eimeria acervulina - Eimeria hagani and mivati
1936. Causes whirling disease/twist disease in salmonid fish - Myxosoma cerebralis
1937. Most susceptible to botulism - Water fowls
1938. Added to enhance yellow - Lutein
1939. Antidote for necrotic poisoning - Naloxone
1940. Animal with shortest estrus period - Cattle (12 hours)
1941. Ovulation type in cat and rabbit - Induced/reflex ovulators
1942. Causes bacterial hog cholera - Salmonella cholerasuis
1943. Collapsation of alveoli - Atelectasis
1944. Study of drug dosages - Posology
1945. Scientific name chimpanzees - Pan troglodytes
1946. Formalin presence in fish - Amidol test
1947. Valuable information of titer level contained in - Serological test
1948. Instinct to remain in group - Sheep (even threatened)
1949. Causes PHE/Proliferative Hemorrhagic Enteropathy - Neobacter intracellularis
1950. Anti influenza drug - Amantadine (from amanita Fungus)
1951. Flagellate in human vagina - Trichomonas vaginalis
1952. Hydrolyzes Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin 1 - Renin (from JG cells)
1953. Ejaculate time in boar - 10 - 20 mins
1954. Respiratory analeptic - Doxapram (Sublingual)
1955. Tumor of gums in dog and cat - Epulis
1956. Swine contagious pleuropneumonia - Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia
1957. 1st true cattle breed developed in US - Sta. Gertrudes
1958. Rod shape tissue in dogs tongue - Lyssa
1959. Milk fermenting bacteria in yoghurt - Lactobacillus bulgaris and Streptococcus thermophilus
1960. Redstomach worms, causing breeding sow syndrome - Hyostrongylus rubidus
1961. Scientific name of baboon - Papio anubis
1962. Causes swine paratyphoid - Salmonella cholerasuis
1963. Stimulate interstitial cell to secrete testosterone - LH/Luteinizing hormone
1964. Prostaglandin secretion, terminating Cl, function in pregnancy - Uterus
1965. MgSO4 with cathartic property - Epsom Salt
1966. Incubation period in quail - 21 - 23 days
1967. Clinical form of brucellosis in man - Undulant fever
1968. 1st artificial insemination in - Rabbit
1969. TGE/Transmissible Gastroenteritis - Coronavirus
1970. Bone Growth, repair and nutrition - Periosteum
1971. Sucking louse of sea lion - Antarctophthirus microchir
1972. Final organ of Vitamin D3 activation - Liver
1973. Older term for cowpox - Vaccinia
1974. Treatment for swine aggression - Azaperone
1975. Hog cholera/classical swine fever - Pestivirus - Toga
1976. Principal effect of ACE - inhibitor - Vasodilation
1977. Testis descent in boar - 70th day of gestation
1978. Sperm migration in dogs Oviduct - 7 days
1979. Most potent Clostridium tetani toxin - Holotoxin
1980. Pure B2 Antagonist - Clenbuterol
1981. Causes reticuloendotheliosis - Retrovirus
1982. Stage 2 surgical Anesthesia - Involuntary excitement
1983. Solid ball mass of embryonic cells - Morula
1984. Endotoxins of Gram Negative Bacteria - LPS/Lipopolysaccharide
1985. Scientific name of Llamas - Lama glama
1986. Canine are the - Dogs
1987. Heart transportation to right side - Dextrocardia
1988. Causes ASF/African Swine Fever - Asfarvirus (Formerly Iridovirus)
1989. MOA of Diazepam - Potentiation of GABA
1990. Innervates most high muscles - Sciatic Nerve
1991. Incubation period in Swan - 33 - 36 days
1992. Post Weaning respiratory disease complex - PRRS, Aujeszky, Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus
infection, Pleuropneumonia, Enzootic Pneumonia and Pasteurella
1993. Natural habitats of Infectious agent - Reservoir
1994. Causes tick pyema in lambs - Staphylococcus aureus
1995. Homologous Chromosomes Align at equator - Metaphase 1
1996. Negstive for acute Vesicular Lesion of FMD - Horse
1997. Skeletal muscle derived from - Myotome (Dorsomedial somites)
1998. Thick infolding of meninges (dura mater) visible in CT scan - Falx cerebri and Tentorium
1999. Leukocytes Inclusion in cat - Dohle Bodies
2000. Causes Bovine Congenital Campylobacteriosis - Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis
2001. Caprine are the - Goats
2002. Unpaired bone of hyoid apparatus - Basihyoid
2003. Principal site of RBC destruction - Spleen
2004. Chronic mineral oil use leads to - ADEK/Fat soluble vitamins deficiency
2005. Causes atrophic rhinitis in Pigs - Progressive Type A and D Pasteurella multocida regressive
Bordetella bronchiseptica
2006. Anticholine depolarizing muscle relaxant - Succinylcholine
2007. Scientific name of Alpaca - Vicugna pacas
2008. Diuretics for cerebral edema - Mannitol
2009. Smallest RBC size - Sheep and Goat
2010. Causes cystitis in pig - Eubacterium suis
2011. Sodium iodide as Drug of choice for - Actinobacillus and Actinomyces infection
2012. Microenvironment for Sperm development - Sertoli/sustentacular cells
2013. Potentiate Penicillin effect - Sulbactam/Beta Lactams (esp penicillinase producing)
2014. Intravenous injection in swine - Jugular vein
2015. Karo Paralysis in South Africa - Ixodes rubicundus (check in other reference)
2016. Lower tolerance to Xylazine effect - Ruminants
2017. Small intestines gland type - Merocrine
2018. Cloak virus - Togavirus
2019. Ovine are the - Sheep
2020. Causes Vesicular stomatitis in swine - Vesiculovirus - Rhabdo
2021. Texas/American screw worm fly - Callitroga hominivorax
2022. Carrier of posterior pituitary horn - Neurohypophysins
2023. Abnormal keratinization of stratum corneum - Parakeratosis (still nucleated)
2024. Scientific name of polar bear - Ursus maritimus
2025. Causes rhinitis - Klebsiella pneumoniae
2026. Catecholamines derived from - Tyrosine
2027. Nerve blocking for dehorning - Cornual Nerve Blocking
2028. Major blood vessels for thyroid gland - Common carotid artery
2029. Sulfur granules produced by - Actinobacillus, Actinomyces, and Nocardia
2030. Lancet fluke - Dicrocoelium dendriticum
2031. Causes human house dust allergy - Dermatophagoides farinae and Pteronyssinus (Russia and
2032. Thyroid hormones increases - BMR/Basal Metabolic Rate
2033. Mitochondrial damage indicator - SGOT/AST
2034. Xylazine receptors - Alpha 2 receptors
2035. Morphine depresses Respiration at - Medulla oblongata
2036. Necrotic rhinitis in pig and bullnose - Fusobacterium necrophorum
2037. Determine viral replication property - PCR (1993 Noble Prize for Medicine by Karry B. Mullis and
Fred A. Faloona)
2038. Largest paranasal Sinus in cattle - Frontal
2039. 1st virus discovered in (Plants) - Tobacco mosaic virus 1892 by Igor Ivanoski
2040. Scientific name of mink - Mustela vison
2041. Target site of ADH - Distal and Collecting tubules
2042. Causes fowl plagues - Orthomyxovirus
2043. Photosensitizing Anthelmintic - Phenothiazine
2044. Study of drug weights and measures - Metrology
2045. Surgery for Closing large stumps - Parker kerr
2046. Ovine cyclopia due to ingesting - Veratum californicum
2047. Causes tuberculosis in fish - Mycobacterium marinum
2048. Causes red tide poisoning - Pyridium bahamense (dinoflagellate)
2049. Porcine are the - Pigs
2050. Onchocerca Volvulus evades host Immunity thru - Cystatin
2051. Sexual periodicity regulated by - Pineal Gland
2052. Urethra opens dorsally at penis - Epispadia
2053. ILT/Infectious Laryngotracheitis - Herpesvirus
2054. Gutta equivalent to - 1 drop
2055. PDA common in - Poodle
2056. Scientific name of emu - Dromulus novaehollandiae
2057. Mandible part without teeth - Ramus
2058. Causes tuberculosis in voles - Mycobacterium microti
2059. Post sensory structure in nematode - Phasmids
2060. MOA of cardiac Glycosides - Inhibit Na K ATPase
2061. Surgical excision of eardrum - Myringotomy
2062. Changes color during pregnancy - Tharparkar
2063. Causes Infectious Rhinotracheitis - Paramyxovirus
2064. Proximal phalanx - Long Pastern
2065. Nematode esophagus worth Corpus, Isthmus and terminal bulb - Rhabditiform
2066. Blood expectoration - Hemoptysis
2067. Melanin Precursor - Dopamine
2068. Causes AIDS/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - Retrovirus
2069. Damaged Radial nerve proximal to Triceps Brachii results to - Dropped Elbow
2070. Scientific name of Rhea - Rhea americana
2071. Anti arrhytmic beta Blocker used as antihypertensive drug - Propanolol
2072. Drug of choice for UTI - TMPS
2073. Causes swine pleuropneumonia (as complications) - Hemophilus influenzae
2074. Sexual receptivity in females - Estrus/Heat period
2075. Fan shaped muscle flexing the elbow - Latissimus Dorsi or Serratus ventralis
2076. Protein splitting bacteria in urine - Proteus spp
2077. Messenchymal to cartilage formation - Endochondral ossification
2078. Diluting fluid for platelets - Rees and Ecker
2079. Causes AE/Avian Encephalomyelitis or Epidemic Tremor - Picornavirus
2080. Atropinase can be produced by - Rabbit
2081. Treatment for Mammary carcinoma - Tamoxifen
2082. Scientific name of chinchilla - Chinchilla brevicaudata
2083. Atrichia/Hairless syndrome in cattle - Iodine
2084. Most medial of hamstring muscle - Semimembranosus
2085. Causes blue ear (PRRS) - Lelystad Virus (Arterivirus - Toga)
2086. Methane producing bacteria in rumen - Methanobrevibacter ruminantium
2087. Largest nematode ever known - Dioctophyma renale
2088. Biggest ruminants stomach part at birth - Abomasum/Rennet
2089. Bracken fern toxicity leads to - Thiamine Deficiency
2090. Causes Hemolytic Colibacteriosis - E coli
2091. Opioid antidiarrheal drug - Loperamide
2092. Act of Mating in horse - Covering (2x day)
2093. Causes PMWS/Post Weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome - Circovirus
2094. AOC are Strains of the Philippines swine disease - FMD
2095. Scientific name of goldfish - Carassius auratus
2096. Causes SVD/Swine Vesicular Disease - Picornavirus
2097. Fish lice - Argulus
2098. Site of chylomicron synthesis - Enterocyte
2099. Causes Porcine streptococcosis - Type 2 Streptococcus suis
2100. Toxic substances in sweet clover - Dicoumarol
2101. Systemic antifungal given IV - Amphotericin B
2102. Causes vomiting and wasting disease - Coronavirus
2103. Adverse effect of estradiol Ester - Bone Marrow Suppression
2104. No erection for penetration - Dog (Os penis present)
2105. Causes Nipah virus - Paramyxovirus
2106. Very long urethral process in - Goat
2107. Produces myelin sheath in PNS - Schawnn cells/Lemocyte
2108. Bovine are the - Cattle
2109. Causes necrotic Enteritis in chicken - Type A Clostridium perfringens
2110. Bacteriostatic aminocyclitol - Spectinomycin
2111. Pernicious Anemia deficient in - Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin
2112. Scientific name of milk fish - Chanos chanos
2113. Dorsal covering of turtle and tortoise - Carapace
2114. Renal calyces present in - Pig and Ox
2115. Causes calf Rotaviral infection - Rotaviral - Reo
2116. Bulk of CO2 found in - Blood (as HCO3 buffer system)
2117. Produces highest semen volume - Boar (100 - 400 ml)
2118. Renal pelvis absent in - Ox
2119. Dog hemorrhagic gastroenteritis - Type A Clostridium novyi
2120. Angiotensin effect on blood vessels - Vasoconstriction
2121. Aqueduct of sylvius connect - 3rd and 4th brain ventricles
2122. Adulticide for Dirofilaria immitis - Thiacetarsamide Na, Melasormine
2123. Gas anesthetic inducing malignant hyperthermia - Halothane
2124. Golden color milk produced by - Guernsey
2125. Causes Piglet scours - Reovirus (Rotavirus) & E coli
2126. Descemet membrane present in - Cornea
2127. Folliculogenesis (oogenesis and spermatogenesis) induced by - FSH (Follicle Stimulating
2128. Scientific name of tilapia - Tilapia (Ochreomys) nilotica
2129. Ganglionic Blocker Inhibiting Levamisole effect - Hexamethonium
2130. Discovered Streptomycin - Selman A Waksman
2131. Causes ulcerative balanoposthitis - Corynebacterium renale
2132. Equine are the - Horses
2133. Mohair goat - Angora
2134. Tracheal rings overlap in cervical and Thoracic region in - Pigs
2135. Causes FMD/Foot and Mouth Disease - Apthovirus - Picornavirus
2136. Inhibits thrombin formation - Heparin
2137. Neutrophil in reptiles and birds - Heterophils
2138. Thumping pathognomonic for - Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia
2139. Antibiotic with botulinum like effect - Aminoglycosides
2140. Causes derzys disease - Parvovirus
2141. Scientific name of tamaraw - Bubalus/Anoa mindorensis
2142. Porcine intestinal Spirochetosis - Brachyspira pilsicoli
2143. Abnormality in erythrocytes shape - Poikilocytosis
2144. French breed of cattle - Charolais
2145. Ventral aspect opposite palmar/plantar - Volar
2146. Mineralocorticoids ADH - Aldosterone
2147. Causes Pseudocowpox - Poxvirus
2148. Drug of choice for swine Dysentery - Dimetridazole
2149. Scapular spine fades out distally in horses
2150. Uncoils DNA helical strand - Helicase
2151. Loss of tissue architecture in - Cesation necrosis
2152. Suppurative Lesion in dolphin - Staphylococcus delphini
2153. Drug of choice for kalaazar/Dumdum fever - Antimonials, Pentostan
2154. Uvula is part of - Tonsil
2155. Scientific name of Phillipine eagle - Pithecophaga jefferyi
2156. Thymine Counterpart in RNA - Uracil
2157. IB/Infectious Bronchitis in chicken - Coronavirus
2158. Hardening of Tissues - Sclerosis
2159. Classified into generation - Cephalosporin and Quinolones
2160. Diffused tonsils in - Ox and Sheep
2161. Important bond in genes - H - Bond
2162. Causes bumble foot in chicken - Staphylococcus aureus
2163. Piece of necrotic tissue in separation from viable tissue - Slough
2164. Saccus cecus Counterpart in pig - Torus pyloricus
2165. Cotyledon type in ewe - Umbilicate
2166. Scientific name of Phillipine cobra - Naja (naja) philippinensis
2167. Porcine Proliferative Enteritis - Lawsonia intracellularis
2168. Excessive lacrimation or tears - Epiphora
2169. Inflammation of 3rd eyelid in dog - Cherry Eye
2170. Scientific name of red deer - Cervus elaphus
2171. IBD/Infectious Bursal Disease - Birnavirus
2172. Frog of hoof nourished by - Cuneate Matrix
2173. Attractive force b/w actin and myosin - Ca ions
2174. Onychogryphosis in cat caused by - Leishmania spp
2175. Causes Enzootic Abortion in ewes - Chlamydophila abortus
2176. Repolarization wave in ECG - T wave
2177. Injection site in paravertebral blocks - T13, L1, L2 (Ox)
2178. Size of letters in name of vet - 16cm
2179. Causes Inclusion body rhinitis - Herpesvirus
2180. Pain receptor - Nociceptor
2181. Scientific name of white tail deer - Odocalleus virginianus
2182. Pig resistant to ASF - Hylocoerus, Phacocoerus and Potamocoerus
2183. True leg - Crus
2184. Study of joints - Syndesmology (Arthrology)
2185. Baroreceptor most sensitive to - Hydrogen ions
2186. PRRS virus named after - Lelystad, Netherlands
2187. Glucogenic VFA - Propionic acid
2188. Ketone bodies precursors - Acetic, Acetoacetic, and Beta hydroxybutyric acid
2189. Differentiation of Coccidia - Oocyst, Sporocyst, Sporozoite, Micropyle and Polar Cap
2190. Supports stomach - Omentum
2191. Uterine stimulant - Oxytocin
2192. Veterinarius means - Beast of Burden
2193. Promotes shedding of Epithelium - Exfoliant
2194. Supports Intestine - Mesentery
2195. Space between radius and ulna, Tibia and fibula - Interosseous space
2196. Tapetum lucidum absent in - Pig and human
2197. Fasciola in elk and wild goat - Fascioloides magna
2198. Distinct gland of goat at - Base of the horn
2199. Teat part with bactericidal proteins and protective WBC - Rosette of Furstenberg
2200. Brunners gland present in - Duodenal mucosa
2201. Predominating stratum in paw - Stratum lucidum
2202. RBC with single Protrussion in - Goat
2203. Early abortion with pus in cattle - Tritrichomonas fetus
2204. Indicated for dry cough - Dextromethorphan
2205. Microlecithal ova is - Iso/Oligolecithal (mammals)
2206. Hyperadrenocortism aka - Cushing disease
2207. 1°stain in Gram staining - Crystal violet (purple/violet)
2208. Gram positive bacteria takes color of - Primary stain (Crystal violet)
2209. Bass tapeworms - Proteocephalus ambloplitis
2210. 1st limiting amino acid in swine - Lysine
2211. Apatemon gracilis Transmitter - Leeches, Haemopis sanguisuga and Herpobdella atomaria
2212. Scurvy deficient in - Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid
2213. Transmit JE/Japanese Encephalitis - Culex tritaeniorhynchus
2214. Precursor of vitamin b3/Nicotinic acid - Tryptophan
2215. Ringworm of head and body - Tinea capitis and T corponis
2216. Necrosis plus bacterial putrefaction - Gangrene
2217. Few muscle hemorrhage - Ecchymoses
2218. Hallmark of allergy - Papule
2219. Attached blood clot - Thrombus (Thrombosis)
2220. Ulnar carpal - Triquetrum
2221. Free blood clot - Embolus (Embolism)
2222. Hardening of artery - Arteriosclerosis
2223. Softening of hard tissues - Malacia
2224. Accessory carpal - Pisiforme
2225. Plaque (Lipid) deposits on blood vessels - Atheroma (Atherosclerosis)
2226. Carbapems - Imipenem and Meropenem
2227. Aminoglycosides aka - Aminocyclitol
2228. 1st carpal - Trapesium
2229. Narrow spectrum Aminoglycosides - Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin
2230. Oldest and most widely used drug in veterinary medicine - Sulfonamides
2231. 2nd carpal - Trapazoideum
2232. 14 - ring macrolides - Erythromycin, Andomycin and Troleandomycin
2233. Platelets are remnants of - Megakaryocytes
2234. Produces myelin sheath in CNS - Oligodendrocytes
2235. Horse teeth 10 years over have - Galvaynes groove
2236. 3rd carpal - Capitatum
2237. Protozoan nutrition - Holozoic
2238. Trypanotolerant breed of cattle - N'Dama
2239. Mode of reproduction in Toxoplasma and Sarcocystis - Endodygeny
2240. Oldest drug for malaria - Quinines
2241. 4th carpal - Hamatum
2242. Ichthyophthirus multifilis juvenile - Tomites
2243. Sclerotized forewing that covers hindwing in Cockroaches - Tegmina
2244. Soft cushion like pads on feet of insect - Pulvilli (Pulvilus)
2245. Outer bone lining - Periosteum (for regeneration)
2246. Strains of Trichomonas gallinae - Belfast, Brisbane and Manley
2247. Drug of choice for TVT/Transmissible Venereal Tumor - Vincristine
2248. Infective particle of Dermatophilus - Zoospore (Motile)
2249. Lysozyme present in - Saliva and Tears
2250. Tibial tarsal - Talus
2251. Attaching factor of Moraxella spp - Pili
2252. 1st vaccine produced by gene splicing - FMD vaccine
2253. Hypopi/Hypopial nymphs in - Hypodectes, Hypodera, and Celluian
2254. Bone shaft - Diaphysis
2255. Most pathogenic coccidia in rabbit - Eimeria stiedai
2256. Thirst and hunger center - Hypothalamus
2257. Fibular tarsal - Calcaneus
2258. Positively charge ions - Cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg)
2259. Phosphorus containing lipid - Lecithin
2260. Organ of Equilibrium/balance - Semicircular canals
2261. Vision type in predators - Binocular (high visual activity)
2262. Junction of fronto parietal suture - Bregma
2263. Lightest organ - Skin
2264. Pathogenic strain of T gallinae - Jones Barn Strain
2265. Middle of foramen magnum - Basion
2266. Dye in renal function test - PSP/Phenolsulpthalein
2267. 4 elements of life by - Aristotle
2268. Receives sound vibration - Pinna/Auricula
2269. Synapsis occur at - Zygonema (of prophase 1)
2270. Unit sounds vibration - Decibels
2271. Bone forming cell for regeneration - Osteoblast
2272. Formula for skull indices - Width x 100/length
2273. Incomplete fracture, 1 part is bent - Greenstick
2274. Dislocation of a part from attachment - Luxation (partial subluxation)
2275. Inhalation of carbon Compounds - Anthracosis
2276. Similar effect with AtSO4 - Glycopyrolate
2277. Frontal plane aka - Coronal (or dorsal plane)
2278. Source of Gentamicin - Micromonospora purpurea
2279. NSS/Normal Saline solution - 0.9% NaCl (Physiologic saline)
2280. Tooth articulation on alveoli - Gomphosis
2281. Phosmet is a - Organosphosphate
2282. Antidote for arsenic toxicity - Dimercaprol
2283. 1st Sternal segments - Manubrium
2284. Drug of choice for seizure - Diazepam
2285. Blocks 30S ribosomal subunits - Tetracycline
2286. Eicosanoids (from arachidonic acid) - Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Thromboxanes
2287. MOA of Pyrantel - Worm Paralysis
2288. Class 4 anti - arrhytmic drug - Verapamil and Diltiazem
2289. Indicated for motion sickness - Acepromazine (as sedative and antipsychotic drug)
2290. Drug of choice for Equine Epistaxis - Epinephrine spray
2291. Hb determination method of choice - Cyanomethemoglobin method
2292. Benzimidazole indicated for flukes - Triclabendazole (no effect on tapeworms and Roundworms)
2293. Narrow spectrum Beta lactamase sensitive - Pen G, Pen V, Phenethicillin
2294. Ivermectin is effective against - L3 stage of microfilaria
2295. Class 1 anti arrhytmic drug - Lidocaine, Phenytoin, and Procainamide
2296. Urethra opens Ventrally on penis - Hypospadia
2297. Ureidopenicillin includes - Azlocillin and Mezlocillin
2298. Uncontrolled sexual drive in animals - Satyriasis (Nymphomaniac female)
2299. Intermediate host of Echinostoma ilocanum - Pila luzonica
2300. Fasciola predilection site - Bile ducts
2301. 1st site of blood cell formation - Yolk Sac
2302. Bronchial worm of duct - Cyathostoma bronchialis
2303. Clavulanate potentiates - Amoxicillin and Ticarcillin
2304. Class 2 Anti arrhytmic drug - Propanolol, Timolol, Metoprolol
2305. Acquired thru fish Ingestion - Diphyllobotrium latum
2306. 1 ppm equivalent to - 1 mg/kg or 1 g/tons
2307. Primitive streak reaches maximum length at - 18th hr of incubation
2308. Lowest heritability in swine - Birth weight
2309. Development disturbance of 1 or few organs - Anomaly
2310. Tilmicosin Synthesize from - Tylosin
2311. Class 3 Anti arrhytmic drug - Amiodarone, Bretylium, and Sotatol
2312. Formula for computing drug dosage - Dose x Weight over Concentration
2313. Constriction of efferent arterioles - Increase Glomerular Filtration Rate
2314. Rope safely used in surgery - Cotton
2315. Copulation type in pig, dog and horse - Prolonged (rapid in others)
2316. 15 ring macrolides - Azithromycin and Gamithromycin
2317. Ear tumor predisposition - Cocker Spaniel
2318. Development disturbance of many organs - Montrosity
2319. U shaped laryngeal cartilage - Thyroid Cartilage
2320. VFA's - Acetic, Butyric and Propionic acid
2321. Required for iron and cholesterol metabolism - Folic Acid
2322. Tropoblast give rise to - Extra Embryonic Membranes
2323. Vitamin essential in citric acid cycle - Niacin
2324. Fairly stable vitamins - Vitamin B12, Vitamin C & Vitamin E
2325. Pig with hanging ears - Large white
2326. Responsible for stress resistance of Bacillus and Clostridium in environment - Endospore
2327. Hypoblast give rise to - Endoderm (Epithelium of digestive, respiratory, urogenital system)
2328. Prone to acetonemia - Ruminants
2329. Heat resistance to endospore due to - Dipicolinic acid
2330. Site for thoracocentesis - 7th intercostal space
2331. Reshuffling of genes - Crossing over
2332. Enterovirus causes - Avian Encephalomyelitis (Picorna)
2333. Inner bone lining - Endosteum
2334. Negatively charge ions - Anions (Cl, HCO3, PO4, SO4)
2335. Borrel Bodies in - Fowl Pox
2336. Treatment for Congestive heart failure - Digoxin and Furosemide
2337. Divides body into 2 equal planes - Longitudinal Median/Mid Sagittal
2338. TSI test determines - Carbohydrate utilization
2339. Pneumonia leads to - Respiratory Alkalosis
2340. Connects Urinary Bladder to Allantois - Urachus
2341. Diarrhea leads to - Metabolic Acidosis
2342. Bacteria associated with dog Struvites - Staphylococcus (also Proteus)
2343. Dye in liver function test - BSP/Bromsulpthalein
2344. Cross sectional plane - Transverse (Horizontal plane)
2345. Most common IV route in dog - Cranial Cephalic vein
2346. Hormone for Implantation - Progesterone
2347. Ends/Extremities of long bone - Epihysis
2348. Vomiting leads to - Metabolic Alkalosis
2349. Increase WBC, plasma protein and specific gravity - Exudates
2350. Cannon and splint bone - Metatarsus
2351. Largest gland - Liver
2352. Junction of nasofrontal suture - Nasion
2353. Generalized edema - Anasarca
2354. Rapid ESR in plasma clotting test - Horse
2355. Failure of testis descent - Cryptorchidism
2356. DNA synthesis phase - S phase (Synthesis phase)
2357. Haemonchus worms causes - Black scours
2358. Predilection of Ostertagia spp - Abomasum
2359. Rostral end of interincisive suture - Prosthion
2360. Earthworm as intermediate host - Metastrongylus apri (Lung worm)
2361. Broad spectrum Anthelmintic - Ivermectin (than Pyrantel)
2362. Intermediate host of Thelazia rhodesii - Facefly (Musca autmnalis)
2363. Plane parallel to longitudinal median - Sagittal
2364. Inhalation of calcium Compounds - Chalicosis
2365. Great economic important in swine industry - Ascaris suum and Pneumonia
2366. Floating rib in dog - 13th
2367. Bile produced by - Hepatocytes of liver
2368. Emphysematous lung sound due to - Pleurisy
2369. 3 Germ layers formed at - Gastrulation
2370. Resting phase of cell cycle - Interphase (longest phase)
2371. Loss striation in peripheral nerves - Mareks disease
2372. Vitamin requiring intrinsic factor - Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin
2373. Inactivates bradykinin - ACE/Angiotensin Converting Enzyme and Carboxypeptidase
2374. Last Sternal segments - Xiphoid process
2375. Largest breed of horse - Shire and Percheron (Draft Horses)
2376. Milk with greater amount of protein - Goat milk
2377. Protects stomach wall against HCl - Prostaglandins (Inhibited by NSAID)
2378. Resistant to FMD but susceptible to VS - Horse
2379. Clear membrane - Zona Pellucida
2380. Sodoku fever caused by - Spirilium minus
2381. Depth for carcass Burying in anthrax - 5meters deep with lime (CaO) over
2382. Mallasmus caused by - Burkholderia mallei
2383. Fox (Northern) Hookworm - Uncinaria stenocephala
2384. Cat scratch disease diagnose by - Hanger Rose Intradermal Test
2385. Clindamycin is - Lincosamides
2386. Sardonic gri/Risus Sardonicus in - Tetanus (Monalisa smile)
2387. Soldier zoonosis in Vietnam War - Meliodosis (P pseudomalllei)
2388. Tazobactam potentiates - Piperacillin
2389. MERS - COV caused by - Coronavirus
2390. Mite typhus aka - Scrub typhus (O tsutsugamushi)
2391. Epiblast give rise to - Ectoderm
2392. Chigger is - Larval Mites
2393. Holes formed by Trombicula on skin - Stylostome
2394. Nymphal stages in ticks and mites - Proto, Deuto, and Tritonymph
2395. Wings and legs seen externally and bounded by moulting fluid in - Obtectate pupa (flies and
2396. Cranial part of primitive streak - Hensens node
2397. Prickle cell layer is - Stratum malphigil
2398. Colostrum is intestinally absorbed via - Pinocytosis
2399. Sulbactam potentiates - Ampicillin
2400. Water bag sac is - Allantochorionic sac
2401. Appendages are free and can move in - Free or Exarate pupa
2402. Formula for computing stock solution - Quantity wanted x % wanted over % at hand
2403. Site of semen deposition in pig and Horse - Uterus
2404. Integumentary and nervous system from - Ectoderm
2405. Appendages enclosed by puparium in - Coarctate pupa (Brachycera)
2406. Neuronal effect to achieve action potential - Temporal Summation
2407. Digitalis effect on calcium channels - Channel opening (Influx of Ca)
2408. Denatured Hb inclusions in RBC - Heinz Bodies
2409. 16 ring macrolides - Spiramycin, Josamycin, Tylosin, and Tilmicosin
2410. Transmit impulse toward cells body - Dendrites
2411. Adult fate of Notochord - Nucleus Pulposus
2412. Action potential achieved in neuron by receiving inputs from several cells - Spatial Summation
2413. Appears on horse teeth as the central pulp cavity is exposed - Dental Star (Pulp Mark)
2414. Shibasaburo kitasato contribution - Diptheria antitoxin (Vaccine Noble prize)
2415. 'S' in 30's and 50'S - Svedberg (unit for sedimentation)
2416. Anticlinal in dog - 11 Thoracic
2417. Autocoids/Local hormones includes - Histamine, Catecholamines and Prostaglandins
2418. Virgin fertilization - Parthenogenesis
2419. Positive and negative charge cellular ions - Electrolytes
2420. Congenital Bilateral subluxation of coxofemoral joints aka - Hip dysplasia
2421. Greatest visual aquity at - Area centralis retinae
2422. Water addition to drug or powder milk - Reconstitution
2423. Center of external occipital protuburence - Inion
2424. Scientific name of dog - Canis (lupus) familiaris
2425. Calcium Oxalate common in - Lhasa Apso, Yorkshire, and poodle
2426. Gram Negative Bacteria takes color of - Counter stain (Safranin red)
2427. Classical Brucella - Brucella abortus, suis and melitensis
2428. Pairing and union of homologous Chromosomes - Synapsis
2429. 3rd eyelid - Nictitating membrane
2430. Meat of rat - Star
2431. Benign neoplasm of striated muscle - Rhabdomyoma
2432. Fastest animal in the world - Cheetah
2433. Yolk aka - Deutoplasm/Lecithin
2434. Animal not mention in Bible - Cat
2435. Urate calculi common in - Dalmatian, Yorkshire and English bulldog
2436. Implantation aka - Nidation
2437. Dog trapped in car leads to - Respiratory acidosis
2438. Only accessory sex gland in dog - Prostate
2439. Used in casting bone fractures - Plaster of Paris
2440. Guides test descent across Inguinal ring - Fibrous gubernaculum (& Testosterone)
2441. Fungal like protozoa - Pneumocystis carinii (Oppurtunistic causing Interstitial Pneumonia)
2442. Rostral part of mandible - Pogonion
2443. Every drug is a poison stated by - Paracelcus
2444. Indirectly measures body Inflammation - ESR/Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
2445. Macrolecithal ova is - Telolecithal (Avian)
2446. Abnormally fragile Lymphocytes - Basket Cells/Smudge cells
2447. RBC containing granules iron - Siderocyte
2448. Penetrating enzyme of Sperm at - Acrosome
2449. Crossing over occur at - Pachynema (of prophase 1)
2450. Tool for measuring ESR - Wintrobe Tube
2451. Anticoagulant that Chelates Ca ions - Na Citrate
2452. Microhematocrit reader card - Critocap
2453. Tool for measuring lung capacity - Spirometer
2454. Concretions (stones) in Gall Bladder - Choleliths
2455. Reflex that connect body orientation - Righting Reflex (Cat)
2456. Antidote for Xylazine - Yohimbine
2457. Microhematocrit reader card - Citrocap
2458. Tool for measuring lung capacity - Spirometer
2459. Concretions (stories) in Gall Bladder - Choleliths
2460. Reflex the correct body orientation - Righting Reflex (Cat)
2461. Antidote for Xylazine - Yohimbine
2462. Property of drug cross BBB/Blood Brain Barrier - Lipid Soluble
2463. Sedimentation solution for worm eggs - Brine Solution (NaCl)
2464. Thicker in cell wall of Gram positive bacteria - Peptidoglycan (Crystal Violet Reaction)
2465. Intermediate host for Schistosoma japonicum - Oncomelania formosona, quadrasi, and hupenis,
O nosophora
2466. Stress leukogram in dogs - Neutrophilia, Lymphopenia, Eosinopenia, Monocytosis
2467. Insect for Chromosomes characterization - Common fruitfly/Drosophilia melanogaster
2468. Test for mastitis marked by arrow - CAMP test
2469. Pyogenic bacteria in canine pyometra - E coli, Staphylococcus
2470. Microfilaria concentration and identification - Modified Knott Method
2471. Best specific gravity for flotation solution - Specific gravity 1.2 - 1.3
2472. Diagnostic test for Schistosomiasis - Kato - Katz Method
2473. Gid aka - Sturdy
2474. Grass Tetany, Grass Stagger, Winter Tetany due to - Magnesium deficiency
2475. Inflammation of portal triad - Triaditis
2476. Diagnostic test for concentration of Giardia spp - ZnSO4 flotation techniques
2477. Flotation solution for worm eggs - Sheather solutions (Sugar)
2478. Set of all genes in bacterial Strains - Pangenome

2479. N - Acetylglucosamine, N - Acetylmuramic Acid and 4 Tetrapeptides make up - Peptidoglycan

2480. Quantify amount of worms in animal - Modified Wisconsin Procedures
2481. Alternative form of gene after mutation - Allele
2482. Anionic glycopolymer providing cell wall shape in Gram positive Bacteria - Teichoic acid
2483. Protozoan acquired thru Ingestion of Rhipicephalus sanguineus in dogs - Hepatozoon canis
2484. Diagnostic test for pinworm/Enterobius vermicularis - Scotch tape method
2485. Flotation fluids - MgSO4 (Epsom salt), Na Nitrate, Sugar and ZnSO4
2486. 1st limiting amino acid in corn soybean meal - Lysine
2487. Odorless, colorless, Isoflavone, insecticide - Rotenone
2488. Fasciola of elephant - Fasciola jaksoni
2489. Pingpong type (Double placement reaction) in - Acetobacter diazotrophicus
2490. Fat stain - Sudan stain
2491. Chromaffin cell of adrenal medulla secretes - Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, and
2492. Important worldwide pest of poultry industry - Alohitobius disperinus (Darkling Beetle)
2493. Hymenolopsis diminuta transmitted by feces of - Tenebrio molitov (Beetle)
2494. Respiratory distress syndrome attributed to - Alveolar Type 2 Cells
2495. Secretes PMSG/Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin - Endometrial Cups
2496. Lesion in Lawsonia intracellularis infection - Ileum (Ileal Symbiont)
2497. Contraction of Thoracic muscle result to - Inspiration
2498. Atrial reflex which increase heart rate due to increase central Venous pressure - Bainbridge
2499. Principle of fluid/blood viscosity passing along capillaries - Poisseuile law
2500. Faster transmission of nerve impulse due to - Myelin Sheath (In Myelinated fibers)
2501. Degree of active Constriction of blood vessels - Vascular Capacitance
2502. Used to stabilized oral virus vaccine - Skimmed Milk
2503. MOA of Sulfonamides - Inhibits folic acid synthesis
2504. Discovered Penicillin - Alexander Fleming (1928)
2505. Bounderies of Viborg triangle in horse - Angle of Mandible, Tendon of Sternocephalicus, Lingual
Facial Vein
2506. 2 Antidiuretic hormones - Aldosterone and Vasopressin
2507. Source of Amphotericin B - Streptomyces nodosus
2508. 'qd' in prescription means - 1 x a day (once a day)
2509. Banned drugs in vet med - Chloramphenicol, Clenbuterol, and Salbutamol
2510. Signs of Heaves in horse appears at - 8 years old
2511. Antiseptic of choice for foal navels - Chlorhexidine
2512. NaHCO3 administration causing acidosis - Slow IV
2513. Diazepam should not be placed or stored in plastic syringe due to - Plastic Adsorption
2514. Lesion of salt poisoning - Acute Cerebral Edema
2515. Source of Monensin - Streptomyces cinnamomensis
2516. Excessive use of furosemide leads to - Hypochloremia and Hypokalemia
2517. No of eggs laid by Sarcoptes scabie - 2 - 3 eggs/day (0.10 - 0.15 mm)
2518. More resistant to Anaplasmosis - Young Cattle (Adults susceptible)
2519. Metacestode of Taenia hydatigena - Cysticercus tenuicollis
2520. Innervates most posterior limb muscle - Sciatic Nerve (than femoral nerve)
2521. Winged insects - Pterygota
2522. Bovine parasitic otitis - Rhabditis bovis
2523. Indicated for dead/Aborted fetuses - Fetotomy
2524. Treatment for retained placenta in dogs - Methylergotamine maleate
2525. Zoonosis from bat Droppings - Histoplasma capsulatum
2526. Father of Epidemiology - Jhon snow (Cholera outbreak)
2527. Basis of modern surgical techniques - Halsted principle
2528. Adidas is - Chicken feet (Tarsometatarsus)
2529. Metacestode of Taenia krabbei - Cysticercus tarandi
2530. Dense eye spots present in - Miracidium (of fluke)
2531. Zoonosis from pigeon Droppings - Cryptocococus neoformans
2532. Wingless insect - Apterygota
2533. Palisade worms - Strongyloides spp
2534. Helmet is - Chicken head
2535. Technical term for pheromones - Methyl 4 Methoxybutyrate
2536. 2nd messenger for Vasopressin - Calcium and Cyclic AMP
2537. Progesterone peak at - Diestrus
2538. Most nephrotoxic Cephalosporin - Cephaloridine
2539. Sulfa drug indicated for burns - Silver Sulfadiazine
2540. Thigh bone - Femur
2541. Inflammed in external hordeolum - Gland of zeis and moll
2542. Strong muscle for flight in birds - Supracoracoideus
2543. Enhances yellow color in chicks - Carotenoids
2544. Introduced cotton plugs for plugging Microbial culture tubes - Schroeder and Von Dusch
2545. Cavern disease and darling disease caused by - Histoplasma capsulatum
2546. Inflammed in internal hordeolum - Meibomian gland
2547. Grape like odor in - Pseudomonas aeurginosa
2548. Degeneration of nerve fiber and its myelin sheath - Wallerian Degeneration
2549. Anesthetic with rapid recovery and consciousness - Nitrous Oxide
2550. Layer of tear film (Sebaceous type) from - Tarsal (Meibomian) gland
2551. Pungent semen like odor - Moraxella catarhalis
2552. Histamine produced by - Mast cell and Basophils
2553. Human pinworm/seat worm - Enterobius vermicularis
2554. Most potent steroid - Dexamethasone
2555. 1st limiting amino acid in soybean meal - Methionine
2556. Retrospective epidemiological study - Cohort
2557. Milk fever and Post-parturient Hypocalcemia aka - Calcium tetany/Parturient paresis
2558. Morning Breath Odor caused by - Gram Negative Anareobes
2559. Antibodies in mucus membrane - IgA (essential Ig in body surface)
2560. Popular goat breed originated from Africa - Boer
2561. Most susceptible to copper toxicity - Sheep and rabbit
2562. Difference between phyton and boa - Egg bearing Phyton, live bearing boa
2563. 1st aid in limb fracture - Splint
2564. Most important cause unhealed bone fracture - Lack of Blood supply
2565. Best time to deworm pregnant pig - 1wk before farrowing
2566. Ideal pre Weaning mortality in piglets - 9.5 - 10%
2567. Acceptable stillbirth and mummified rate - 3 - 5% still birth, 1 - 3% mummified
2568. Litter farrowing index and litter size in Pigs - 2 x a year, 10 - 12 piglets
2569. Minimum weight of newborn piglet and pairs of teat - 1kg wt, 6 pairs of teat
2570. 1st limiting amino acid in corn meal - Tryptophan
2571. Contraction of abdominal muscle result to - Expiration
2572. NaHCO3 administration preventing Alkalosis - PO (per Os/per Orem)
2573. Dropsy as old term for - Hydraminois
2574. Main artery of brain - Circle of Willis (internal carotid and basilar a)
2575. Guttural pouch in horse situated at - Viborgs Triangle
2576. Most irregularly shape of liver lobe - Cuadate
2577. Venous return amount = cardiac output amount - Frank Starling Mechanism
2578. Location of Pancreas - Descending Mesoduodenum
2579. Medial and Palmar arteries in direct communication with - Radial Artery
2580. Laughing gas - Nitrous Oxide
2581. Inflation and deflation as (function of) - Herring Breuer Complex
2582. Diabetes mellitus deficient in - Vasopressin (ADH)
2583. Naturally occurring neurotransmitter - Ach/Acetylcholine
2584. NaHCO3 administration preventing acidosis - IM
2585. Gall sickness as former term for - Anaplasmosis
2586. Urine condition in rhabdomyolysis - Azoturia
2587. Disinfectant of choice for stables - Chlorhexidine and formaldehyde
2588. Boundaries of femoral triangle - Inguinal ligament, adductor longus, sartorius,
2589. Precursor of Prostaglandins - Arachidonic acid
2590. NaHCO3 administration causing Alkalosis - Rapid IV
2591. Best time for calf deworming - 1 month old (every 6 months)
2592. Abnormal calcification of tissue - Calcinosis
2593. Qid in prescription means - Quarter in die (4 × a day)
2594. Diagnosis for horse strongyles - Flotation method
2595. Disc displacement common in - Dachshund
2596. Causes herzoid (pale soft pork exudates) - Porcine Stress Syndrome aka Malignant hyperthermia
2597. Opiate Antagonist - Naloxone
2598. Inhibit Gastric secretion - Enterogastrone (Secretin)
2599. Periodic vaccination in horses indicated for - EIA/Equine Infectious Anemia
2600. Dropped jaw - Rabies
2601. Antidote for anticholinesterase - Atropine
2602. Energy requirements for lactating sow - 3,100 K/cal
2603. Main cause of impaction in ruminants - Vagus Nerve Injury
2604. Equine colic treatment - Carbachol
2605. Treatment for ventricular Arrhythmia - Procainamide
2606. Kopliks spot diagnostic for - Human Measle
2607. Vector for EIA virus (Lentivirus) - Stomoxys and Tabanus flies
2608. Brown stomach worms - Ostertagia ostertagi
2609. TGE only affects - Small intestines
2610. Vitamin component of coenzyme A - Vitamin B5/Panthothenic acid
2611. Increased Serum lipase and amylase in - Pancreatic Dysfunction
2612. Gelatin Tube is for - Trypsin
2613. Increase in plasma creatinine indicates - Myositis
2614. Animal with lowest Lymphocytes - Dog
2615. Tumor arising from Epithelial glandular organ - Adenocarcinoma
2616. Accessory pancreatic duct in ruminants - Duct of Santorini
2617. Major pancreatic duct in small ruminants - Duct of Wirsung
2618. Non weight bearing bone in posterior limb - Femur
2619. Pulse rate in horse taken at - Facial Artery
2620. Largest cervical vertebrae - Axis
2621. Horse kidney - Right is heart shaped, (Left Bean Shape)
2622. Animal without Papillary process of liver - Pig and Horse
2623. Treponemas visualized by - Gentian Violet Stain
2624. Sebaceous gland of eye - Tarsal gland
2625. Retractor bulbi innervated by - CN VI/Abducent Nerve (also LR)
2626. Drawing of limbs when pulled done in - Flexor reflex
2627. 3rd eye gland - Pineal Gland
2628. Memory processing as function of - Cerebral Cortex
2629. Accessory sex gland absent in cat - Seminal Vesicles
2630. Blood pressure regulation greatest at - Arterioles
2631. Texas Fever most important Transmitter - Boophilus annulatus
2632. Anemic necrosis in liver due to - Ischemia due to Thrombosis
2633. Most commonly used topical costicosteroid - Hydrocortisone
2634. Mushroom poisoning due to - Amanita phylloides
2635. Chestnut color in horses is - Primary Red
2636. Animal inoculation for FMD, VS and VE - Guinea Pig
2637. Lab animal for testing drug Therapeutic efficacy - Mice
2638. Best systemic alkalinizer - NaHCO3
2639. Cholinergic receptors in Skeletal muscle are mostly - Nicotinic Receptor
2640. Sweet clover causes bleeding by - Antagonism with prothrombin
2641. Hyperglycemic hormone - Glucagon
2642. Temperature of bitch about to whelp - Drop by 1 - 2°C
2643. Visceral Larva Migrans caused by - Toxocara canis, cati, (T mystax)
2644. Drug of choice for Feline infectious Anemia - Oxytetracycline
2645. Largest Auditory ossicle - Malleus
2646. Branches of Brachiocephalic trunk in dog - Right Subclavian and Right Lateral Common Carotid
2647. Preformed cartilage not required in - Intramembranous Ossification
2648. Cotyloid Cavity of Os coxae aka - Acetabulum
2649. Ligaments of urinary bladder - 1 median and 2 Lateral ligaments
2650. Largest teeth in dogs - Carnassial (Shearing) Teeth
2651. Olecranon process is a part of Ulna
2652. Pulmonary Artery derived from - Aortic Arch 6 (Proximal Part of R & L)
2653. Partioning of ventricles in dogs at - 4th week
2654. Laryngeal cartilage with complete ring - Cricoids
2655. Positive result in pregnancy test due to - Progesterone
2656. Induce superovulation in horses - PMSG
2657. Molasses intake limited due to - Laxative effect
2658. Pica, emaciation, and death due to - Vitamin B1/Thiamine Deficiency
2659. Lugols solution contains - Iodine
2660. Initial treatment of oral candidiasis - Gentian Violet
2661. Transmit Yersinia Pestis - Oriental/Black rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis
2662. Produces red pigment - Serratia marcescens
2663. Temperature for optimal growth of Leptospira - 30°C
2664. Natural host for shigella spp - Human
2665. Bleeding test in cattle - Radan Test
2666. Posterior pituitary gland aka - Neurohypophysis
2667. Non functional part of pituitary gland - Pars Tuberalis
2668. Secrete Cortisol - Zona fasciculata of adrenal cortex
2669. Hormone diffuses thru Interstitial fluid in - Paracrine transmission
2670. Limping of Thoracic limb due to - Brachial plexus damage
2671. Secretes adrogens (Androstenedione) - Zona reticularis of Adrenal cortex
2672. Cystic enlargement of sublingual salivary gland - Ranula
2673. Drug of choice for Mucocutaneous Candidiasis - Nystatin
2674. Double apex heart in - Pig
2675. Common Contaminants in bacterial culture - Proteus
2676. Common medium for Leptospira isolation - Fletchers media
2677. Transport media for Campylobacter - Stuart transport medium
2678. Morphological classification of Moraxella - Diplococci
2679. Bacteria with safety pin appearance - Yersinia pestis and Pasteurella multocida (Bipolar Rods)
2680. Have head filaments - Fusobacterium necrophorum
2681. Antigenic scheme for Salmonella spp identification - O and H forms
2682. Nairobi Sheep Disease main Transmitter - Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
2683. Akabane virus Transmitter - Biting Midges (Culicoides spp)
2684. Canine ascarids by products inhibit - PTH secretions (Hypocalcemia)
2685. Foie grass of beef most expensive in the world - Wagyu
2686. Indicated for Ruminal tympany - Trocarization and Esophageal intubation
2687. Urine collection procedure in distended Bladder and Obstructed Urethra - Cystocentesis
2688. Elective Sterilization in bitches - Ovariohysterectomy
2689. Treatment for excess skin fold in perivascular area - Episioplasty (Vulvar fold resector)
2690. Temporary enlargement of vulvar cleft to expose the vestibule and vagina - Episiotomy
2691. Enhanced HCO3 secretion in Pancreas - Secretin
2692. Extensive metastatic calcification - Calciphylaxis (Vitamin D3, PTH, Ca Sensitive)
2693. Larger, pale staining, non functional cells of parathyroid - Oxyphil cells
2694. By pass structure in rumeno Reticulum of calf - Esophageal groove
2695. Worm causing Glaucoma - Onchocerca gibsoni
2696. Indicated for closed type pyometra - OVH/Ovariohysterectomy
2697. Treatment of chronic otitis externa (basset hound) - Lateral Ear Resection
2698. Major type of milk protein - Casein
2699. Chromophils and chronophores present in - Pars distalis (Pituitary Gland)
2700. Major type of lipid in milk fat - Triglycerides
2701. Vitamins not synthesized by ruminants - Vitamin A, D, E
2702. Lactose components - Glucose and Galactose
2703. Suspensory ligament of udder - Medial and Lateral suspensory ligament
2704. Duct from teat Cisterna to teat orifice - Papillary duct (teat canal)
2705. Elephant and primates Mammary gland at - Pectoral region
2706. Folds of mucosa in teat canal - Rosette of funstenberg
2707. Blocks bacterial entry and loss of water in egg - Cuticle of shell
2708. Yolk Sac in mammals persist as - Merkels Diverticulum
2709. Sperm host gland in turkey at - Infundibulum
2710. Return of uterus to its normal size - Uterine Involution
2711. Pulse of pregnancy - Fremitus
2712. Corpus luteum in cattle Palpable - 30 - 45 days of pregnancy
2713. Seasonal Breeders - Queen, ewe, doe, and mare
2714. Bovine oocyte survival upon ovulation - 20 - 24 hrs
2715. Natural leteolytic substance - PGF2Alpha (in uterus)
2716. All amine hormones derived from - Cholesterol
2717. Hypohysis cerebri aka - Pituitary gland
2718. Enzyme lacking in cat - Glucoronyl transferase
2719. Hormone transmission by passing thru gap junction between adjacent cells - Epicrine
2720. Endocrine hormones are transported thru - Blood (to distant parts)
2721. SON/Supraoptic Nuclei of Hypothalamus secrete - Vasopressin
2722. Principal part of pituitary gland - Pars distalis (Hormone secretion)
2723. Large glycoprotein secreted by thyroid follicle - Thyroglobulin
2724. Anterior pituitary gland aka - Adenohypophysis
2725. Milk ejection, milk let down hormone - Oxytocin
2726. Secrete PTH in parathyroid gland - Chief cells
2727. Neoplasm of adrenal Medulla - Pheochromocytoma
2728. Hormone transmission that diffuses thru synaptic cells between neurons - Neurocrine
2729. Lactogenesis hormone - Prolactin
2730. Secrete Glucocorticoids - Zona Glomerulosa (Adrenal cortex)
2731. PVN/Paraventricular nuclei of Hypothalamus secrete - Oxytocin
2732. Growth hormone important in maintaining ruminal lactation - Galactopoietics
2733. Sessamoid bone in gastrocnemius - Fabellae
2734. Rankets disease aka - NCD (Paramyxovirus)
2735. The disease in animals with demyenilation - Canine distemper, Leukoencaphalomyelitis in Goats,
Visna in sheep and possibly fold dog encephalitis
2736. Ruminant synthesis of Thiamine occur in - Rumen
2737. Small glial nodules found in the brains of canines, especially ruminants that died of rabies -
Babes nodules
2738. Nuclear, nutrition deficiency, endocrinopathies - Hyperkeratosis/hypertrophy of Cornea,
stratum corneum
2739. Nucleated in parasitism, zinc and vitamin a Deficiency - Parakeratosis
2740. Characterized by presence of B cells hyperaction formation of autoantibodies, defect of
suppressor T cell function - SLE/Systemic lupus erythematosus
2741. Increased Thickness of stratum spinosom, Hyperplasia and hypertrophy of stratum spinosum -
2742. DLE Lesion located in skin causing - Erythema, scalling, Crushing alopecia
2743. Feline leprosy caused by - Mycobacterium lepreamurium
2744. Etiologic agent of foot rot or bacterial pododerma - Bacteroides nodosus (contagious)
2745. Etiologic agent of foot rot that is not contagious - Fusobacterium necrophorum
2746. Carrier state of FMD observe in - Cattle, sheep, African Buffalo
2747. Tiger Lesion of what disease - FMD

2748. Coronavirus mainly cause enteric infection except - FIP, Encephalomyelitis (Swine), TGE, Bovine
Coronavirus, FIP - gut and Respiratory
2749. Lesions of Corona virus cannot be differentiated with virus - Rotavirus
2750. Colonization of enterotoxigenic colibacilli due to - Pili or Fimbria
2751. Colonization factor antigen that occur in Pigs - K88, 987P
2752. Colonization factor antigen occur in calves and Pigs - K41, F17
2753. Colonization factor antigen that occur in calves, Pigs, and lambs - K99
2754. Species where Microbial digestion occur in cecum and colon - Horse
2755. Anesthetic for reptiles - Ketamine
2756. Vector of Dicrocoelium dendriticum - Snail and Ants
2757. Greasy pig disease - Staphylococcus hyicus
2758. Part of pig body affected by Sarcoptes scabies - Abdomen and inner thigh
2759. Treatment of cerebral edema - Mannitol
2760. Oriental sore - Leishmania tropica
2761. Avian malaria - Plasmodium gallinaceum
2762. Treatment of Purpura hemorrhagica - Heparin
2763. Nerve damage during parturition - Obturator nerve
2764. Type 1 Hypersensitivity - Anaphylactic shock
2765. Botulism - Clostridium botulinum
2766. What constitutes the bulk of Ration - Roughage
2767. Milkers nodule, Pseudocowpox - Vaccinia
2768. Hard pad disease - Canine distemper
2769. First thing to do before blood transfusion - Crossmatch
2770. What should be used in the digestion of carbohydrates - Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
2771. Hypophyseal fossa is also known as the - Pituitary fossa
2772. Hypotonic solution makes the cell to - Swell
2773. Right time to vaccinate against Pasteurella multocida - 3 months then every 6 months after
2774. Hydatid - Echinococcus spp
2775. Worm in duodenum of chicken - Davainea proglottina
2776. Most common method for diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondi - Inoculation of experimental animal
2777. Cecal coccidiosis - Eimeria tenella
2778. Parasites increase in what type of water - Fresh water
2779. What attacks myiasis in sheep - Color of fleece
2780. Animal whose liver covered by connective tissue - Pig
2781. Deficiency of manganese - Perosis
2782. Zenker Necrosis occur only in - Striated muscles
2783. Number of Sternal and asternal ribs in dog - 9 pairs and 4 pairs, respectively
2784. Enarthrosis refers to - Ball and Socket
2785. Symphisis refers to - Fibrocartilaginous joint
2786. Synarthrosis refers to - Fibrous joint
2787. Dropped Elbow and forepaw with its dorsal surface on the arm - Damaged Radial nerve
2788. Nerve formed by Ventral branches of cranial nerve 5, 6, 7 - Phrenic Nerve
2789. The only hinge joint in Thoracic limb - Elbow
2790. Positive result of pregnancy test - Progesterone
2791. Hormone used in equine to induce superovulation - PMSG
2792. Limited used of molasses because of its effect - Laxative
2793. Diagnosis of leptospirosis in cattle - Demonstration of Leptospira in culture
2794. Rat flea primary vector of human disease called - Plague (Yersinia pestis)
2795. Optimal growth occurs at 30°C - Leptospira spp
2796. Causes Septicemia and gastroenteritis - Salmonella spp
2797. Natural host of Shigella spp - Humans
2798. Common Contaminants - Proteus
2799. Media for primary isolation of Leptospirosis - Stuart, Fletcher, and EMDH media
2800. Bloody scours, Spiral shape Anaerobic bacteria - Serpulina hyodysenteriae
2801. Pigment unique in Pseudomonas aeurginosa - Pyocyanin
2802. Mallein test for - Glanders
2803. Pseudomonas that do not possess flagella - Pseudomonas mallei
2804. Moraxella bovis (pink eye) are - Diplobacillus
2805. Pasteurella multocida are - Bipolar rods
2806. Fusobacterium necrophorum synergistic with causing foot rot - Bacteroides nodosus
2807. Lactose is Fermented by - E coli
2808. Virulence determinant of enterotoxigenic E coli increase - Pili and Exotoxin
2809. Salmonella colonies in culture plate or diagnosis in - Serologic test (Agglutination)
2810. Antigenic scheme for identification of Salmonella - Based on O and H forms
2811. Vector of Nairobi Sheep Disease virus - Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
2812. Akabane virus - Biting midges (Culicoides)
2813. Rift Valley fever - Mosquitoes
2814. Acetone like odored breath sign of - Bovine Toxocariosis
2815. By product of canine ascarid inhibit hormone in - Parathyroid gland
2816. Surgical treatment for upper respiratory tract obstruction - Tracheotomy
2817. Tracheal Prolapsed - Tracheal Intubation
2818. Cystic calculi - Cystotomy
2819. Urethral obstruction - Urethrotomy, Urethrostomy (Chronic)
2820. Dystocia - Cesarean section
2821. Roaring - Ventriculosacculostomy
2822. Gastric tympany - Trocarization, Esophageal intubation
2823. Urine collection in distended Bladder and Obstructed Urethra - Cystocentesis
2824. Esophageal obstruction - Esophagotomy
2825. Chronic recurrent urethral obstruction - Urethrostomy
2826. Elective Sterilization in bitches - Ovariohysterectomy
2827. A small Epidermal modification on the palmar (Plantar) of metacarpophalengeal joint, vestigial
pad or digit - Ergot
2828. Sternum of fowl consist of - Rostrum, lateral, Oblique process, Ventral crest (Keel)
2829. The common Bile duct enters the duodenum at the - 2nd Portion of duodenum posterior wall
2830. Way to locate the appendix easily - Fallow Taenia coli of the ascending colon
2831. Left and right lung contain how many broncho Pulmonary segment - 10 right, 8 left
2832. Unique feature of the right lung - Horizontal Fissure
2833. Cell in respiratory that produce surfactant - Alveolar Type 2 Cells
2834. Intrapleural Fissure normally high or - Normally low atmospheric pressure
2835. Purkinje cell found in - Brain (branching neuron in the middle layer of cerebral cortex)
2836. Pacemaker of heart - SA node
2837. Aortic Valve how many cusps - 3 (Tricuspid)
2838. Number of cusps in Mitral valve - 2 or bicuspid valve
2839. Heart sounds normally produced by - Closure of the valves
2840. Parasympathetic Stimulation of the heart causes - Decrease Heart Rate
2841. Gastrin Produced from - Pylorus
2842. A nerve cell of the body + axon and terminal branches with a muscle fibers supplied by a - Motor
2843. Describe the microbes (bacteria and protozoa) - Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723)
2844. Established that microorganism were respiratory for Fermentation - Louis Pasteur (1822 - 1895)
2845. German (1866)added 3rd kingdom protista - E. H Hackel
2846. 1964 kingdom monera (Cyanobacteria blue green algae), Kingdom protism, kingdom fungi (mold
and yeast) - R. H Whittaker
2847. Protozoan parasite in Avian RBC where pigment is present - Plasmodium
2848. Avian protozoa occuring in RBC and WBC - Leukocytozoon
2849. Protozoan organism appear as round signaling - Aegytionellosis
2850. Treatment of Aegytionellosis - TCN, Doxycycline
2851. Chicken Anemia Virus infection caused by - Circovirus
2852. Aortic Rupture and internal hemorrhage in turkey or - Dissecting Aneurysms
2853. Fowl plague (type A influenza) caused by - Orthomyxovirus
2854. Greenish diarrhea, cyanosis and head, comb, wattle discoloration of shanks and feet - Powl
Plague (Influenza)
2855. Acute respiratory disease of chickens characterize by nasal discharge, sneezing and swelling of
the face under the eyes - Infectious Coryza
2856. Infectious Coryza is caused by - Haemophilus paragallinarum
2857. Egg transmission occur in Infectious Coryza - False
2858. Treatment of Infectious Coryza - Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline, Flouroquinolones
2859. Disease caused by Coronavirus, Acute, rapid spreading disease of chicken affecting respiratory,
urogenital, and GIT tissues - Infectious Bronchitis
2860. Avian Bordetella affects URT of - Turkey and Quails
2861. Aspergillosis in poultry or - Brooder Pneumonia, Mycotic Pneumonia, Pneumonycosis
2862. Aspergillosis is caused by - Aspergillus fumigatus
2863. Typical Lesion of Aspergillosis - Plague formation in respiratory tracts (Nodules)
2864. Air sac mite - Cytodites nudus
2865. Egg Drop Syndrome, Soft shelled egg and Shell less, worldwide except USA caused by -
2866. Natural host of EDS virus - Duck, Geese and Quail
2867. All ages and breed of chicken is susceptible observe to be more severe among - Heavy broilers -
Breeders or brown egg producers (No treatment for EDS)
2868. Inflammation of the Oviduct - Salphingitis
2869. Salphingitis is usually caused by - E coli, Mycoplasma gallisepticum
2870. Encephalomyelitis (Epidemic Tremor) - Picornavirus
2871. Botulism or - Limberneck, Western Duck Disease
2872. Outbreak of botulism in poultry usually is the - Type C toxin (less type A & E)
2873. Gangrenous dermatitis (Necrotic dermatitis Gangrenous cellulitis, Clostridal dermatomyositis) -
Staphylococcus aureus or Clostridium septicum
2874. Bedbuds or - Cimex lecturalis
2875. Stick tight flea - Echidnophaga gallinacea
2876. Treatment for stick tight flea - Pyrethrin
2877. Pigeon fly - Pseudolynchia canariensis
2878. Fowl tricks - Argas persicus
2879. Chicken body louse (Chicken and Turkey) - Menacanthus stramineus
2880. Menopon gallinae or - Feather Shafts
2881. Lipeureus caponis - Mainly on wing feathers
2882. Brisket disease - Onchocerca cervicalis
2883. Cytologaster heterographus - Mainly on head and neck
2884. Gonoicotes gallinae, very small in the - Fluff
2885. Large chicken louse - Gonoides gigas
2886. Brown chicken louse - Gonoides dissimilis
2887. Small body louse - Uchida pallidula
2888. Large turkey louse - Chielopistes meleagridis
2889. Slender turkey louse - Oxylipeurus polytrapezius
2890. Common chiger - Trombicula alfreddugesi
2891. Scale leg mite - Knemidecoptes mutans
2892. Subcutaneous mite - Laminisioptes cysticola
2893. Spondylolisthesis, Vertebra T4 is deformed downward rotation of the anterior end - Kinky Back
2894. Most common cause of ascites in turkey - Spontaneous Myopathy
2895. Most common cause of ascites in poultry - Increase Vascular hydraulic pressure in venous
system caused by right ventricular failure or hepatic fibrosis
2896. Most common cause of ascites in meat type chicken - Right Ventricular Failure
2897. In broilers, obstructive cholangeo Hepatitis caused by Clostridium perfringens - Liver damage,
2898. Is caused by high pressure in Pulmonary arteries when the heart tries to pump more blood thru
the lungs to meet the body oxygen requirements - Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome
2899. Ascites syndrome - Waterbelly, RVF, Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome
2900. Breast blister caused by - Trauma or infection by Mycoplasma synoviae, Staphylococcus and
Pasteurella spp
2901. Oviduct fluke of poultry - Prosthogonimus macronchis
2902. 2nd host of Oviduct fluke - Dragon fly
2903. Fluke in poultry that appears as subcutaneous cyst frequently near the vent - Collyriclum faba
2904. Viral Hepatitis of turkeys - Picorna like virus
2905. The most pathogenic Streptococcus in Avian spp - Streptococcus zooepidermicus, Streptococcus
2906. Serotype of Streptococcus that is normal microflora in Avian species, mammals and humans -
Serotype D or the Enterococci or fecal streps
2907. Streptococcus that doesn't grow in MCA/Mckonkey Agar and ferment sorbitol - Streptococcus
2908. Gram positive cocci, grape like, clusters, white to orange colonies facultative an aerobe Beta
Hemolytic - Staphylococcus aureus

2909. Streptococcus that grows on MCA but don't ferment sorbitol - Streptococcus durans & faecium
2910. Coagulase test is important in Staphylococcus, Coagulase Positive are the - Pathogenic
2911. Pollurum disease is usually cause high mortality in - Young Chickens and Turkey
2912. Fowl typhoid is caused by - Salmonella gallinarum
2913. Pollurum and fowl typhoid, very similar except - High Mortality among all ages
2914. Arizona infection (Paracolon infection) is caused by - Salmonella arizonae (turkey)
2915. Paratyphoid infection in poultry usually caused by - Salmonella typhimurium
2916. Navel ill, mushy chick disease - Omphalitis
2917. Avian pneumoencephalitis - New Castle Disease
2918. Etiologic agent of Avian pneumoencephalitis - Paramyxovirus
2919. Signs of new castle disease can either be - Neurotrophic or viscerotrophic
2920. Clinical finding of New Castle Disease, Viscerotrophic virus - Watery Greenish Diarrhea, Swelling
of Tissues of head and neck
2921. Twisting of head and neck is a clinical signs of - New Castle Disease
2922. Most important natural host of Mareks disease - Chicken
2923. Mareks disease can be Vertically transmitted - False
2924. Infectious sinusitis usually in - Turkey
2925. The most pathogenic Avian Mycoplasma - Mycoplasma gallisepticum
2926. Infectious synovitis - Mycoplasma synoviae
2927. Infectious Bursal disease is caused by - Birnavirus
2928. Histomoniasis (Histomonas meleagridis) or - Blackhead, Infectious Enterohepatitis
2929. Species of Capillaria that has direct life cycle - Capillaria absignata
2930. Species of Capillaria that require intermediate host (Earthworm) - Capillaria caudinflata
2931. Species of Capillaria that both direct life cycle of require intermediate host - Capillaria contorta
2932. Gapeworm of geese and ducks - Cyathostoma bronchialis
2933. Mansonis Eyeworm - Oxyspirura mansoni
2934. Intermediate host of Mansonis Eyeworm (Cockroach) - Pycnoscelus surinamensis
2935. Fowl cholera - Pasteurella multocida
2936. Sudden death syndrome, heart attack, Acute death syndrome, fatal syncope, lung edema, lung
Congestion, dead in good condition - Flip Over Disease
2937. Causative agent of Duck Viral Hepatitis - DHV Type 1 (Enterovirus of Picornavirus)
2938. Colibacillosis, Colisepticemia - E coli infection
2939. Psittacosis, Ornithosis - Chlamydiosis (Chlamydia psittaci)
2940. Treatment for Chlamydiosis - Tetracycline
2941. Avian Spirochetosis - Borrelia anserine
2942. Campylobacter jejuni - Associated or major source of blood borne Enteritis
2943. Ulcerative Enteritis (Quail disease) - Clostridium colinum
2944. Canker, Roup, Frouthfree in hawks - Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas gallinae)
2945. Thrush, Candidiasis, Moniliasis, Sour crop - Candida albicans
2946. Visceral Leishmaniasis, Reservoir of parasite for man - Dog
2947. Causative agent of Salmon Poisoning Disease/SPD - Neorickettsia helminthoeca
2948. Vector of SPD - Small fluke (Nanophyetus salmincola)
2949. Causative agent of wooden tongue - Actinobacillus lignieresi
2950. Causative agent of contagious Pleuropneumonia in pig - Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia or
Haemophilus pleuropneumonia, H parahemolyticus
2951. Causative agent of Lumpy jaw in cattle - Actinomyces bovis
2952. Disease that produce yellowish Sulfur granules - Actinomycosis
2953. Clinical Sign of Actinomycetes suis infection - Pyrogranulomatous mastitis
2954. Disease characterized by excessive, extracellular deposition of inert protein fibrils - Amyloidosis
2955. The most common form of amyloid derived from Serum - Amino acid amyloid
2956. Dye for histology in amyloidosis - Congo Red Dye
2957. Splenic Fever, Charbon, Wilsbrand - Anthrax
2958. The lethal toxin and edema toxin of anthrax - Metalloprotease and Adenylate Cyclase
2959. Type of soils that favor diagnosis of anthrax - Neutral or Alkaline
2960. Protozoan disease of skin, subcutis, blood vessels, muscle and other tissues produce cysts in
scleral Conjunctiva and nasal mucosa - Besnoitiosis (Treatment Sulfanilamide and Oxytetracycline)
2961. Tick vector in Lyme disease - Ixodes pacificus and Ixodes scapularis
2962. Bacillary Hemoglobinuria (Red Water Disease) - Clostridium hemolyticum
2963. The most commonly used diagnostic test for leptospirosis - MAT/Microscopic Agglutination Test
2964. MAT measure what specific antibodies - IgM (6 - 12 days after infection) IgG (2 - 3wks)
2965. Red Water of Calves - Leptospirosis in cattle (L pomona)
2966. Treatment for Red Water disease - Chlortetracycline and Oxytetracycline
2967. Species of leptospirosis in dog - L canicola and L icterohemorrhagiae
2968. Treatment of leptospirosis in dogs - Penicillin and Doxycycline, Tetracycline
2969. Leptospira pomona and L bratiolava in Pigs causes - Abortion at 2 - 4 wks before term
2970. Circling disease - Listeria monocytogenes/Listeriosis
2971. Drug of choice for Listeria monocytogenes - Penicillin
2972. Typical clinical finding of listeria - Encephalitis
2973. Inflammation of the eyelid - Blepharitis
2974. Inflammation of the lacrimal sac - Dacryocystitis
2975. A condition that results from aqueous tear deficiency resulting persistent, mucopurulent
Conjunctivitis and corneal ulceration - Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
2976. Inflammation of Cornea - Keratitis
2977. Prolapse of the eye - Proptosis
2978. Opacity of the lens or its capsule - Cataracts

2979. Chlamydial Conjunctivitis, zoonosis causing infection in cats, lambs, Goats and Guinea Pigs -
2980. Opacity of the lens or its capsule - Phtiasis bulbi
2981. Equine Uveitis (Equine recurrent Uveitis, periodic opthalmia, recurrent iridocystitis,
moonblindness) caused by - Trauma, Infectious disease or Leptospira interrogans var pomona,
Onchocerca cervicalis
2982. Face fly - Musca autumnalis
2983. Species of Thelazia in Eyeworm disease - Thelazia rhodesii, T lacrymalis, T skrjbini, T gulosa
2984. Eyeworm of small animals - Thelazia californiensis, T capillada
2985. Causative agent of Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis - In Cattle Moraxella bovis, In sheep Chlamydia
psittaci, Pink eye, Infectious Opthalmia
2986. Bred of dog commonly affected with
Marginal auricular dermatosis - Dachshund
2987. Causative agent of necrotic ear syndrome in
swine - Staphylococcus hyicus (treatment
2988. Mite causing otitis externa in rabbit -
Psoroptes cuniculi
2989. Yeast found in ear canal of dogs and cat -
Malassezia cavis
2990. Tumor of the Chromaffin cells most common tumor of adrenal medulla - Pheochromocytoma
2991. Antithyroid drug - Melthimazole, Propylthiouracil
2992. Hormone the only iodinate organic compound in the body - Thyroid Hormone
2993. T4 - Thyroxine
2994. Sex predilection of feline acromegaly (Hypersomatotropism) - Male
2995. A condition that is caused by reduced secretion of ADH/Anti Diuretic hormone - Diabetes
2996. Inability of the kidney to respond to ADH - Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
2997. A Polydipsia in response to some psychological disturbance but a normal response to ADH -
Psychogenic Diabetes Insipidus

2998. Results in a partial deficiency of ADH activity due to antagonistic effect of Cortisol on ADH
activity in the kidney - Hypercortisolism
2999. Treatment of Polyuria especially in D insipidus - Desmopressin Acetate a synthetic analog of ADH
3000. Pituitary dwarfism occur most frequently in - German Shepherd

Learn to fight alone!!!

No One will define you,
who you'll become!!!
Keep going!!!
Philipphians 4 :13 Ovinus Ovis
1. The primary center for homeostatic regulation body temperature appetite and cyclic shedding of
hair - Hypothalamus
2. Hirsutism (Hypertrichosis) mostly seen in horses as a result of - Pituitary Adenoma of Pars
3. Hyperadrenocortism (commonly in dogs not in other spp) - Cushing Disease
4. Sex predilection of hyperadrenocorticism - Female
5. The screening test of choice ot Hyperadrenocortism in dogs - Low Dose Dexamethasone suppression
6. Hypophysis or the - Pituitary Gland
7. Adenohypophysis - Anterior Pituitary Gland
8. Neurohypophysis or the - Posterior Pituitary Lobe
9. Adenohypophysis consist of - Pars distalis, Pars tuberalis, Pars intermedia
10. The largest part of Adenohypophysis contain endocrine/cricorine cells - Pars distalis
11. Acidophils (in Adenohypophysis secretory cells) secretes - Somatotrophs (GH, Somatotrophs),
Lactotrophs (Prolactin)
12. Neurohypophysis (Pars Nervosa) Secretes - ADH (Vasopressin), Oxytocin
13. Calcium concentration in the blood of mammals - 10 mg/dL
14. Synthesis of PTH is regulated by - Level of Blood Ca2 + Mg + of lower degree
15. Primary function of PTH - Control Ca+ concentration in ECF
16. A Polypeptide hormone secreted by Parafollicular cells (C cells) of thyroid gland in mammals -
17. Basophils in Adenohypophysis secretory cells secretes - Gonadotrophs (LH, FSH) Thyrotrophs (TSH)
18. Calcitonin is secreted in avian spp and other submammalian spp - Ultimobrachial Tissue
19. Vitamin D3, Animal origin or - Cholecalciferol
20. Vitamin D4 plant origin - Ergocalciferol
21. Vitamin D hydroxylated in liver and kidney forming - 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D (Calcitriol)
22. The most common tumor associated with hypercalcemia - Lymphoma (Lymphosarcoma) in dogs and
23. Principal targets sites of insulin - Liver, Adipose cell, Muscles
24. Zona Glomerulosa (outer) secretes - Mineralocorticoids hormones
25. Zona Fasciculata (middle) secretes - Glucocorticoids hormones
26. Zona reticularis (inner) secretes - Sex Steroids
27. Action of Mineralocorticoids (Aldosterone) - Retention of Na and Loss of K
28. Resertion of Na occur in - Distal Convulated Tubules (DCT)
29. Adrenal medulla secretes - Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
30. Type 1 reaction and Ig involve - Anaphylaxis, IgE
31. Type 2 reaction - Antibody mediated Cytotoxic reaction
32. Intracellular protozoan parasite that resembles Toxoplasma gondi affects dog, cattle, sheep, goat,
horses, Rodents and Rats - Neospora caninum
33. In plague, fleas are the vector, treatment are - Streptomycin and Tetracycline

34. Rickettsial infection causing abortion in sheep, cattle, influenza like in man - Q Fever (Treatment
Tetracycline drug of choice)
35. Reservoir of Coxiella brunetti - Ixodids and Argasid ticks
36. Q Fever is caused by - Coxiella brunetti
37. Sweating sickness transmitted by ticks - Hyaloma truncatum (usually in young calves) the female
produce epitheliotropic toxin
38. The only known definitive host for Toxoplasma gondi - Cats
39. Toxoplasma gondi produce in man - Meningoencephalitis
40. Chronic debilitating disease, acid fast organism affect all species of vertebrates - Mycobacterium
41. Animal resistant to TB spp - Horse
42. Cat resistant M tuberculosis but susceptible to - M bovis and M avium
43. Tularemia caused by (causes septicemia) - Francisella tularensis
44. Vesicular stomatitis confirmed only in countries like North and South America caused by -
45. Swamp fever or EIA - Equine Infectious Anemia
46. The virus related to HIV - EIA (persist in WBC)
47. Glanders (Farcy) caused by - Pseudomonas mallei
48. Test for EIA - Coggins Test
49. Edema disease occur at what age/stage - 1 - 2 weeks after Weaning
50. Primary disease vasculature, SC edema, SM of stomach edema, gelatinous edema fluid fibrin strands
in peritoneal cavity - Edema Disease
51. Thrombosis is common in edema disease - False
52. Glassers disease (Porcine Polyserositis, Infectious Polyarthritis) - Haemophilus suis, H parainfluenza,
Mycoplasma hyorhinis
53. Classical swine fever, swine fever - Hog Cholera
54. Causative agent of Hog Cholera - Pestivirus (Flavivirus)
55. Causative agent of Infectious Canine Hepatitis - Canine Adenovirus
56. Mystery Swine Disease (USA 1987) - PRRS caused by Arteriviridae
57. Corneal clouding or Blue eye in - ICH (Infectious Canine Hepatitis)
58. Causative agent of Feline Panleukopenia (Feline Infectious Enteritis, Feline Distemper), most severe
in kittens - Parvovirus
59. Causative agent of Feline Leukemia virus - Retrovirus (Oncornaviridae)
60. Disease caused by Paramyxovirus, related to viruses of measles and Rinderpest - Canine Distemper
61. Vaccine of Canine Distemper - Modified live at - 6 - 7 wks to 12 - 16 wks
62. The organism that causes pyemic abscesses in tick pyema - Ixodes ricinus
63. The disease caused by cripple lamb - Tick Pyema
64. The disease of clovn hoofed animals characterized by fever, necrotic stomatitis, gastroenteritis,
Lymphoid necrosis and high mortality - Rinderpest/Cattle Plague (Morbilivirus)
65. Zebra stripping in the Rectum is a classical Lesion of - Rinderpest
66. Inflammation of tympanic membrane, tympanic cavity, Eustachian tube, Auditory ossicles and
tympanic nerve - Otitis Media
67. Rift valley fever, an influenza like disease in man transmitted - Bunyavirus
68. Inflammation of cochlea, vestibule and semicircular cavity - Otitis Internal
69. Surgery of external ear canal and Pinna - Lateral Ear Canal Resection LECR, Ventral Ear Canal
Ablation (VECA), Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA)
70. Surgery of Middle Ear - Neuringotomy, Bulla Osteotomy
71. Capillaria plica in dogs occur in - Urinary Bladder
72. Capillaria species in bird have - Indirect Life Cycle
73. Reluctance to fly, bright green feces and abdominal wing carriage are common signs of - Lead
74. Botulinum toxins most likely to be produced in - Shallow warm, stagnant bodies of water containing
considerable organic matter
75. Infection of Whipworm is thru Ingestion of - Infective Egg
76. Hookworm cause a condition in man called - Cutaneous Larva Migrans
77. Stomach worm, abomasal worm, wire worm - Monocephalus langemucronatus
78. Common Hookworm in the Philippine pig - Monocephalus langemucronatus
79. Barber's pole in Haemonchus due to - Spiral Ovary
80. Haemonchus infection is through Ingestion of - Infected Herbage
81. Organ affected by Meristocirrus digitalis - Abomasum
82. Intermediate host of Thelazia spp - Musca spp
83. Esophageal worm of dogs - Spirocerca lupi
84. Inversion of all part of the lid margin - Entropion
85. Inability to fully close the lids and protects the Cornea from dying and trauma - Lagophthalmus
86. Slack, everted lid margin - Ectropion
87. Surgical procedure for entropion - Holtz Celsus Procedure
88. Type 4 reaction (delayed type Hypersensitivity) - Cell Mediated Immune Reaction
89. Neonates don't exhibit fever because of - High levels of Arginine Vasopressin
90. Transport tetany in ruminants, railroad disease, railroad sickness - Staggers
91. Eclampsia puerperal Hypocalcemia, puerperal tetany - Periparturient Hypocalcemia
92. Pregnancy toxemia in cow and ewe usually caused by - Low Energy diet, inadequate nutrition
93. Post-parturient hemoglobinuria caused by - Exact cause unknown, related to P, Cu, Se, deficiency or
ingestion of Hemolytic and oxidative plant toxins
94. Parturient paresis in ewe - Ca, and Mg deficiency
95. 3 stages of milk fever (Hypocalcemia, parturient paresis in cow) - 1 Stand, hypersensitive, And
excitability, 2 Unable to stand but can maintain Sternal recumbency, 3 Loss consciousness progress
to come
96. Malignant hyperthermia or PSS/Porcine Stress Syndrome higher in lean such as - Duroc, Landrace,
Poland China and Most Susceptible to PSS is Pietrain
97. Acetone odored breath, urine and milk sign of - Ketosis/Acetonemia, Ketonemia
98. Fatty liver disease or fat cow syndrome - Occur Periparturient, off feed, high in triglyceride, low
blood glucose lead insulin suppress fat immobilization from adipose tissue
99. Saddle sores or - Collar Galls
100. Species affected by seborrhea - Dog
101. Pytiriasis rosea (in pig) or Porcine juveniles Pustular psoriaform - Landrace
102. Dermatitis, unknown etiology affects what breed of Pigs - Landrace
103. A nutrient deficiency disease decrease zinc and increase calcium - Parakeratosis
104. Soft tick - Argasidae
105. Hard ticks - Ixodidae
106. A developmental stages of ticks - Egg, Larvae, Nymph, Adult
107. Hard plate of dorsal plate - Scutum
108. Pairs of legs larva, nymph and adult - Larva 3 pairs of legs while Nymph and Adult have 4 pairs of
109. The lonestar tick (Ixodid tick) - Amblyomma americanum
110. The cayenne tick - Amblyomma cajannense
111. The golf coast ticks - Amblyomma maculatum
112. Considered the world's most important tick affecting livestock - Boophilus microplus
113. Loose tick usually affects ear, vector of Babesia caballi - Dermacentor nitens
114. Promotes conversion of adrenal cholesterol to Glucocorticoids, Mineralocorticoids and sex
steroid - ACTH/Adrenocorticotropic hormones
115. Function of Cortisol - Initiates gluconeogenesis, CHON metabolism, Fat metabolism, Counteract
116. Short acting Corticosteroids - Hydrocortisone/Cortisol, Cortisone
117. Intermediate acting Corticosteroids - Prednisone, Prednisolone, Methylprednisone,
118. Long acting Corticosteroids - Paramethasone, Betamethasone, Dexamethasone
119. Animal that produce both Cortisol and cortisone - Ruminant (in equal amount)
120. Glucocorticoids is important advantage in transplant because - It inhibit Antibody and interferon
121. Salivary characteristics when it is Parasympathetic Stimulation - Watery
122. Salivary characteristics when it is Sympathetic Stimulation - Viscous
123. True emesis is not possible in these animals - Horses, Ruminants, Rodents, Rabbit
124. Centrally acting Emetics - H2O, NaCl, CuSO4, ZnSO4 (Double check)
125. Centrally acting antiemetic - Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium silicate, etc
126. Antibiotic that should not be administer with Kaolin Pectin - Tetracycline
127. Adsorbent example - Activated Charcoal, Attapulgite
128. Protectant antidiarrheal Purified CHO from citrus - Pectin
129. Bismuth is a protectant because it is - Anti secretory
130. Protectants in GIT - Sucralfate, Misoprostole, Bismuth Pectin
131. Epsom salt or - MgSO4
132. Sodium sulfate or - Glanders salt
133. Surfactants, wetting agents, detergents - Emollient laxatives
134. Antispasmodic/Motility reducer etc - Cholinergic Blocker - Atropine, metheopolamine, Opiate
Derivative, Diphenoxalate, Loperamide
135. Coat line mucosa swim them passage of feces and H2O absorption eg Mineral oil, liquid parrafin
- Lubricant Laxatives
136. Added to food to provoke soft feces, control constipation ex are methylcellulose psyllium
Compounds, bran, agar etc - Simple Bulk forming Laxatives
137. MgSO4, NaSO4, Na K tartrate are example of - Simple bulk forming Isosmotic laxatives
138. Used for expulsion of gas and reduction of foam formation - Carminatives
139. Cholagogues (Stimulate bike flow) - Menbutone
140. Neutrophils have Golgi apparatus and mitochondria but don't have - Ribosomes and RER
141. Substance that promote attachment and egulfment of particles - Opsonin
142. Hb is a complex formed by - 4 Heme and Globins (2 L and 2 S)
143. Heme is convert into __ after breakdown - Bilirubin
144. Bilirubin conjugated with albumin, brought to liver excreted into - Bile
145. Tissue that extend from spine of 1st Thoracic Vertebra to the spine of axis - Nuchal Ligament
146. Thin and triangular muscle - Trapezius
147. Collagenous Thickening across the tendon of origin of Biceps at the interbucular groove -
Transverse Humeral Retinaculum
148. Large fan shape muscle act as sling to support body between limbs - Serratus Ventralis
149. A conversion of Collagenous tissue, which unites the radius and ulna proximally - Interosseous
150. Largest and most cranial Os coxae, articulates with sacrum - Ilium
151. Most caudal Os coxae - Ischium
152. Ventromedial in the Ilium and cranial to the large Obturator foramen - Pubis
153. Knee cap or - Patella
154. Thigh Bone or - Femur
155. Shin or leg bone - Tibia
156. Tarsus, Tarsal bone, are called - Hock
157. Calcaneous, Tallus, Central Tarsal bone (T1234) - Tarsal bones
158. First digit, dew claw, or - Hallux
159. The cervical Vertebra that lacks Transverse foramina - 7th Cervical Vertebra
160. Last sternebrae, also knows as - Xiphoid process
161. The thickest and most Sternal of the meninges - Dura Mater
162. Pachymenix or - Dura Mater
163. Brain case dermal bone roof - Calvaria
164. Foramen dorsal to the 3rd premolar tooth - Infraorbital foramen
165. Lower jaw mandible articulates with - Temporal Bone
166. Are bones developed in tendon to afford leverage - Sessamoid
167. Unpaired bone of the thyroid - Basihyoid
168. Unpaired bone of face and palate - Vomer
169. Number of bones in the Sternum - 8
170. Skull, Vertebral Column, Ribs, Sternum - Axial Skeleton
171. Paired bone of the brain case - Exoccipital, Parietal, Frontal, Temporal
172. No. Of total of pectoral limb and pelvic limb bone - 90 - 98
173. Largest bone of the face - Mandible
174. Formerly called maxilla Turbinate - Ventral Nasal Conchae
175. The jugal or molar bone - Zygomatic bone
176. Caudo medial to the maxilla is the - Palatine
177. Lacrimal bone is located on the Rostral margin of the - Orbit
178. Small, thin slightly curved, 4 sided bones - Pterygoid bone
179. Trochlear foramen when present is found in - Pterygoid crest
180. Pterygo palatine foramina - Maxillary, Sphenopalatine, Posterior Palatine
181. No. Of sacrum Vertebrae in dogs - 3
182. No. Of Lumbosacral Vertebrae in fowl - 14
183. No. Of sacral Vertebra in horse and Ox - 5
184. No. Of Coccygeal Vertebrae in fowl - 6
185. Vertebrae longer than other region, massive and quadriangular - Cervical
186. Vertebrae the facets for articulation with ribs, long spinous process - Thoracic
187. Vertebrae short bodies expanded Transverse process - Lumbar
188. 3 foramina in the atlas of the horse - Intervertebral, Atlas, Transverse
189. Transverse foramen is absent in - Sheep and Ox
190. Atlas foramen is a notch in what animal - Dog
191. Epistropheus or - Axis
192. Dens tooth like in what animal - Dog
193. Principal Metabolic pathway of RBC - Glycolysis
194. In the lymp node B cells are found in - Follicular centers
195. T cells are found in - Parafollicular center/zone
196. Humoral Immunity or - Antibody Production
197. Lymphocytes production originate in - Bone Marrow
198. Lymphocytes in the red pulp of the Spleen are - B cells
199. T cells in Spleen are located in - Periarteriolar Lymphoid sheets
200. The principal Ab of respiratory and intestinal secretion - IgA
201. The first Ab produced to a newly recognized Ag - IgM
202. The principal Ab of circulatory blood - IgG
203. The principal Ab involved in allergic reactions and parasite - IgE
204. Helper T cells or - CD4
205. Suppressor T cells or - CD8
206. Canine Tracheobronchitis - Kennel Cough
207. Respiratory rate per minute in cows - 8 – 12 bpm
208. Orf affects what species of animals - Goats and sheep
209. Prone to myiasis - Color of wool
210. Effective and most economical disinfectant - Sodium hypochlorite
211. Equine Infectious Anemia transmitted by - blood sucking flies -Stomoxys calcitrans
212. Softening of white matter - Leukomalacia
213. Equine pulmonary Emphysema - Heaves
214. Intravenous in dogs - Left saphenous vein
215. Irregular lobe of the lungs - Intermediate lobe
216. Columella present only in - Chickens
217. Longest cranial nerve - Vagus nerve
218. Paired facial bone - Frontal bone
219. Strongyles lodge in - Cranial mesenteric artery
220. Renal artery is a branch of - Abdominal aorta
221. Produced by juxtaglomerular cells - Rennin
222. Paired laryngeal cartilage - Arytenoid
223. Between two discs - Sarcomere
224. Located in cranial bone - Brain
225. Tendon of Achilles - Gastrocnemius
226. Mandible is attached to - Parietal bone
227. Crop milk is produce in ________ in mouth of pigeons - Superficial layer of lining epithelium
228. Tendons of which muscle make up calcanean tendon - Gastrocnemius & Superficial digital flexor
229. Treatment of candidiasis (moniliasis) - Nystatin
230. Major source of blood urea - Liver
231. Nerves involve in menace reaction - Facial & Optic
232. Site of blood collection in pigs - Caudal auricular vein
233. Structures ligated in nephrectomy (in order) - Renal artery & vein, ureter
234. Drugs for wild animal immobilization - Ethorphin
235. Antagonist for Yohimbine - Xylazine
236. Most irregular lobe of the lung - Middle lobe
237. When do sows ovulate - 36 – 48 hours after estrus
238. Treatment for Erysipelas in turkeys - Penicillin & TMP-S
239. Cause of cannibalism in poultry - Salt deficiency & overcrowding
240. Haemostatic used in tooth extraction - Thrombin, USP
241. Other name for AST; ALT - SGOT; SGPT
242. Transitional cells in urine comes from - Bladder
243. Squamous epithelial cells in urine comes from - Genital tract
244. Abundance of immature RBC - Left shift
245. Chemical for blood smears between staining - Methanol
246. Myeloma arises from what cells - Plasma cells
247. Why is aspirin used to prevent & treat Thrombosis - It impairs platelet function
248. Ovulation in cow - 12 – 16 hours after estrus
249. Standing heat of cows - 16 –18 hours
250. Drugs that has rapid recovery of consciousness - Nitrous oxide
251. Cells producing histamines - Mast cells
252. Most potent steroid - Dexamethasone
253. Synonym of milk fever - Calcium tetany
254. Species most susceptible to copper toxicity - Sheep and rabbit
255. Difference between python and boa - Egg-bearing; Live-bearing
256. First aid in limb fracture - Splint
257. Most common cause of unhealed bone fracture - Lack of blood supply
258. Dry period of lactating cows - 45 – 60 days before calving
259. Best time for deworming pregnant Pigs - 1 week before farrowing
260. Type of granulocytes in avian blood - Heterophils
261. Ideal preweaning mortality - 3% or better
262. Main artery of the brain - Circle of Willis (internal carotid Artery basilar artery)
263. Most irregular shaped lobe of Liver - Caudate process of the caudal lobe
264. Location of pancreas - Descending mesoduodenum
265. Medial and palmar arteries in direct communication with - Radial artery
266. Hormone that stimulates spermatogenesis - Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
267. Spermatogenesis occur in - Seminiferous tubules
268. Inflation and deflation is part of - Herring-Breuer complex
269. Naturally occurring neurotransmitter - Acetylcholine
270. Urine condition of Rhabdomyolysis - Azoturia
271. Precursor of prostaglandin - Arachidonic acid
272. Term for abnormal calcification of tissues - Calcinosis
273. Best time for calf deworming - 1 month old
274. Suggestive for calf deworming - 6 months
275. Flotation method in horses is for - Strongyles
276. Disc displacement common in - Dachshund
277. Cause of herzoid (pale, soft, exudates pork) - Porcine stress syndrome
278. Shock (type) for lightning strike - Neurogenic shock
279. Gland secreting melatonin - Pineal gland
280. Drug of choice for Pseudomonas infection - Carbenicillin,Penicillin, Gentamycin
281. Antagonist for opiates - Naloxone
282. Substances that inhibit gastric secretion - Enterogastrone
283. Cells that elaborate Hcl - Parietal cells
284. Periodic vaccine of horses for - Equine Infectious Anemia
285. Drop of jaw a manifestation of - Rabies
286. Antidote for anticholinesterase - Atropine
287. Energy requirement for lactating sow - 3100 k/cal
288. Main cause of impaction in ruminants - Vagus injury
289. Treatment of equine colic - Carbachol
290. Treatment of ventricular arrhythmias - Procainamide
291. Rubarths disease or - Infectious Canine Hepatitis
292. Vaccination of distemper in dogs - Active immunization
293. I.H. of equine infectious Anemia - Stomoxys sp. & Tabanus sp.
294. Brown stomach worm - Ostertagia ostertagii
295. Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) affects only - Small intestine
296. Component of co-enzyme A - Panthothenic acid
297. Increase in serum lipase and amylase - Pancreatic dysfunction
298. Gelatin tube test is for - Trypsin
299. Increase in plasma creatinine indicates - Myositis
300. Animal with lowest Lymphocytes - Dog
301. Wood’s light detects - Fungi
302. Tumor arising from epithelial glandular organ - Adenocarcinoma
303. Van der Bergh test is for - Bilirubin
304. Nerve supply of the superior oblique - CN IV (Trochlear nerve) – smallest CN
305. Nerve supply of the retractor bulbi - CN VI (Abducens nerve)
306. Largest and widely distributed cranial nerve - CN X (Vagus nerve)
307. Does not close a groove - Water (Esophageal grooved)
308. Epidural anesthesia in horse - Lumbosacral
309. Drawing of limb when pulled - Flexor reflex
310. Third eye - Pineal gland
311. Memory processing - Cerebral cortex
312. Accessory sex gland absent in dog - Seminal vesicle & bulbo urethral gland
313. Where is blood pressure is ggreatest - Arterioles
314. Second heart sounds - 2nd closure of semilunar valve
315. Texas fever is transmitted by - Boophilus annulatus
316. Anemic necrosis in liver is caused by - Ischemia due to Thrombosis
317. Female Sarcoptes sp. lay her eggs in - Underneath the skin
318. Topical corticosteroid commonly used - Hydrocortisone
319. Caused of mushroom poisoning - Amanita phylloides
320. Caused of red tide, organisms called - Demoflagellates
321. Red tide - P. bahamense
322. Animal with allergy (Ig) - IgE
323. Chesnut in horse is - Primary red
324. Animal inoculation of FMD, VS, & VE - Guinea pig
325. Laboratory animal for therapeutic efficacy of drugs - Mice
326. Best systemic alkalinizer - NaCHO3
327. Cholinergic receptors mostly in skeletal muscle - Nicotinic receptors
328. Sweet clover cause bleeding, antagonism with - Prothrombin
329. Hyperglycemic substance - Glucagon
330. Substances that cause hemolysis in blood culture - Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma
331. Drug that predispose animal to photosensitization - Phenothiazine
332. Temperature of bitch about to whelp - 103 (F / 39 (C
333. Treatment for giardiasis - Metronidazole
334. Visceral larval migrans caused by - Toxocara canis
335. Drug of choice for feline infectious Anemia - Oxytetracycline
336. Largest ossicle - Malleus
337. Branches of brachiocephalic trunk in dogs - Right subclavian and right lateral common carotid
338. Preformed cartilage not required - Intramembranous bone
339. Foramen where facial nerve originate - Stylomastoid
340. Bone not included in ox coxae - Acetabulum
341. Ligaments of urinary bladder - 1 median & 2 lateral ligament
342. Olecranon process found in - Ulna
343. Largest teeth in dogs - Upper 4th premolar, 1st lower
344. Pulmonary artery is derived from - Aortic arch # 6
345. Partitioning of ventricles in dogs occur - 4th week
346. Laryngeal with complete ring - Cricoids
347. Muscle not involve in kicking - Latissimus dorsi
348. Organ develop from placode - Eye and Ear
349. Attachment of mandible - Temporal bone
350. Smallest carpal bone - First (1st)
351. Location of aortic hiatus - Dorsal surface of diaphragm
352. Farriers are individual working in - Horseshoe
353. Cystic ovary common in - Cow
354. Site of collection of blood in puppies - Jugular vein
355. Common eye cancer of cats - Squamous cell carcinoma
356. Cause of bloody scours - Treponema hyodysenterae, E. coli, Salmonella sp.
357. General anesthetic for head injury - Ketamin HCl, pentobarbital Sodium, Phenobarbital sodium
358. Best stage for embryonic transfer - 10 days, morula forming 7 days
359. Inhibit antidiuretic hormone (ADH) - Ether, alcohol
360. Trypanosoma Brucei - African sleeping sickness
361. Trypanosoma cruzi - Chagas disease
362. Affected organ in bull with Trypanosoma fetus - Preputial cavity
363. Transmission of Parvo - Oral, (fecal)
364. Vitamin not digested by horse - Vitamin D
365. Thin and soft shelled egg is what vitamin deficiency - Vitamin D
366. Blackleg - Clostridium chauvoei
367. Keratoconjunctivitis - Mycoplasma bovis
368. Well develop subclavius - Pig and horse
369. No gallbladder - Horse and pigeon
370. Secrete Calcitonin - Parafollicular/chief cells
371. Causative agent of Infectious Bronchitis - Corona virus
372. Well’s disease or Icterohemorrhagiae - Leptospira interrogans
373. Treatment of cystic ovary - Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
374. Comb’s test is for - Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)
375. Treatment of white spot disease - Formalin
376. Brush border - Corynebacterium tetani
377. Most pathogenic ND - Velogenic strain
378. Scaly leg of parakeets - Cnemidecoptes pilae
379. Fowl soft tick - Argas persicus
380. Yellow body louse - Menacanthus stramineus
381. White spot disease - Ictyophillus multifilis
382. Spinous ear tick - Octobius megnini
383. Cytoplasmic inclusions in cats - Dochle bodies
384. Largest bone of ear - Malleus
385. Canker in - Chickens
386. Guttural pouch - Horse
387. Cholinesterase inhibitor - Organophosphate
388. Inhibitor of fumarate reductase - Mebendazole
389. Lesion of strangles in horses - Purulent lymphadenitis
390. Angiotensin is a potent - Vasoconstrictor
391. Narrowest opening of the larynx - Rimaglottis
392. Rathke’s pocket - Anterior pituitary
393. Mare’s milk high in - Ash and fat
394. Milk high in - Protein
395. Treatment for Hookworm - Mebendazole
396. Number of openings in right atrium - Five (5)
397. Location of sucker - Scolex
398. Part of heart that is supplied by the heart - Left ventricle
399. Microbial digestion of horses - Cecum and colon
400. Greasy pig disease, etiologic agent - Staphylococcus hyicus
401. Treatment for cerebral edema - Mannitol
402. Oriental sore caused by - Leishmania tropica
403. Optimum temperature for protozoal replication - 30°C
404. Carbon dioxide required for Bacillus anthracis - 5 – 10%
405. Wire worm - Haemonchus contortus
406. Ox warblers - Hypoderma spp.
407. Cheilosis - Riboflavin deficiency
408. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation - Septic shock
409. Acyclovir - Antiviral drug
410. Urethral urolith common in - Dalmatian
411. Pseudocowpox - Milker’s nodules
412. Hypophyseal fossa or - Pituitary fossa
413. Red mite of poultry - Dermanyssus gallinae
414. Sheep ked - Melophagus ovinus
415. False gid - Oestrus ovis
416. Infective stage of protozoan - Sporulated oocyst
417. Horse botfly - Gasterophilus intestinalis
418. Cecal coccidiosis - Eimeria tenella
419. Sticktight flea - Echidnophaga gallinacea
420. Worm in the duodenum of chicken - Davainea proglottina
421. Sheep scab - Psoroptes ovis
422. Cause of frothy bloat - Wet legumes
423. Test for ketone bodies - Ross test
424. Test for proteins - Robert’s test
425. Vitamin synthesized in the rumen of Cattle - Vitamin B
426. Animal with pyramid shaped colon - Pig
427. Air sac mite - Cytodites nudus
428. Treatment of ectropion - Canthotomy
429. Aldosterone inhibitor - Spironolactone
430. SMEDI caused by (Enterovirus) - Porcine parvovirus
431. Organism that produces green pus - Pseudomonas sp.
432. Antibiotic which act against Paba - Sulfa drugs
433. Encephalomalacia is caused by a deficiency of - Thiamine
434. White muscle disease is deficiency of - Vitamin E
435. Circling disease caused by - Listeria monocytogenes
436. Deficiency of manganese - Perosis
437. Zenker’s necrosis occur only in - Straited muscles
438. Number of sternal and asternal ribs in dogs - 9 pairs & 4 pairs, respectively
439. Enarthrosis refers to - Ball and socket
440. Symphysis refers to - Fibrocartilagenous joints
441. Synarthrosis refers to - Fibrous joints
442. Accessory carpal bone articulate with - Ulna and ulnar-carpal bones
443. Dropped elbow and forepaw with its dorsal surface on the arm - Damaged radial nerve
444. Thoracic duct terminates in - Left brachiocephalic vein
445. Nerve formed by ventral branches of cranial nerves V, VI, & VII - Phrenic nerve
446. The only hinge joint in thoracic limb - Elbow
447. Positive result of pregnancy test - Progesterone
448. Hormone used in equine T. to induce superovulation - PMSG
449. Limited used of molasses because of its ___ effect - Laxative
450. Pica, emaciation, and death are results of - Thiamine deficiency
451. Etiologic agent of Tularemia is Franciscella tularensis, a.k.a. - Deerfly fever or Undulant fever
452. Treponemas are visualized by - Gentian violet stain
453. Diagnosis of leptospirosis in Cattle - Demonstration of leptospira in culture
454. Rat flea, primary vector of human diseases called - Plague
455. Produces a red pigment (prodigiosin) - Serratia marsecens
456. Optimal growth occurs at 30°C - Leptospira spp.
457. Causes septicemia and gastroenteritis - Salmonella spp.
458. Natural host for Shigella spp. - Humans
459. Common Contaminants - Proteus spp.
460. Media for primary isolation of leptospires - Stuart’s, Fletcher’s, & EMDH media
461. Bloody scours, spiral-shaped anaerobic bacteria - Serpulina hyodysenteriae
462. Maintenance host for L. icterohemorrhagiae - Rats
463. Leptospirosis in horses in the form of - Periodic opthalmia
464. Pigment unique in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Pyocyanin
465. Mallein test for diagnosis of - Glanders
466. Pseudomonas that do not posses flagella - Pseudomonas mallei
467. Moraxella bovis (Pink eye) are - Diplobacillus
468. Pasteurella multocida are - Bipolar rods
469. Fusobacterium necrophorum are - Headed filaments
470. Bacteroides nodosus - Piliated gram rods with terminal enlargement
471. Fusobacterium necrophorum synergistic with, causing foot rot - Bacteroides nodosus
472. Lactose is fermented by - Eschirichia coli
473. Virulence determinant of enterotoxic E. coli increase - Pili and exotoxin
474. Salmonella colonies in culture plate or diagnosis in -Serologic test (Agglutination test)
475. Antigenic scheme for identification of Salmonella - Based on “O” and “H” forms
476. Vector of Nairobi sheep disease virus - Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
477. Akabane virus - Biting midges
478. Rift valley fever - Mosquitoe
479. Acetone like odored breath, sign of - Bovine toxocariosis
480. By-product of canine ascarids inhibit hormone in - Parathyroid gland
481. Surgical treatment for upper respiratory tract Obstruction - Tracheotomy
482. Tracheal Prolapse - Tracheal intubation
483. Cystic calculi - Cystotomy
484. Urethral Obstruction - Urethrotomy, Urethrostomy (chronic)
485. Dystocia - Caesarean section
486. Roaring - Ventriculosacculostomy
487. Gastric tympany in ruminants - Trocarization, esophageal intubations
488. Urine collection in distended bladder and obstructed urethra - Cystocenthesis
489. Esophageal Obstruction - Esophagotomy
490. Chronic recurrent urethral obstruction - Urethrostomy
491. Elective sterilization of bitches - Ovariohysterectomy
492. Intestinal necrosis - Intestinal resection & anastomosis
493. Testicular neoplasia - Castration
494. Urine pooling and preputial cavity following penile amputation - Preputial amputation
495. Gastric ulcers and mucosal necrosis - Gastrectomy
496. Hydronephrosis - Nephrectomy
497. Dioctophyma renale with severe degeneration renal changes - Nephrectomy
498. Presence of single, large calculus in greatly distended renal pelvis - Pyelolithotomy
499. Presence of excess skin fold along perivascular area - Episioplasty
500. Temperature enlargement of vulvar cleft to expose the vestibule - Episiotomy and vagina
501. Substance that enhance secretion of bicarbonate from pancreas - Secretin
502. Bromsulphalein, Rose Bengal for - Liver function, renal function,Ranula test
503. Structure in young ruminant that by-pass rumenoreticulum - Esophageal groove
504. Verminous dermatitis affecting brisket and neck in cattle - Onchocerca gibsoni
505. Glaucoma - Paracentesis oculi
506. Orchritis - Castration
507. Closed type of pyometra in bitch - Ovariohysterectomy
508. Chronic otitis externa in a basset hound - Lateral ear resection
509. Corneal ulceration - Temperature or permanent torsorrhapy, 3rd eyelid flap
510. Bloat in Cattle - Trocarization, esophageal intubations
511. Ovarian cyst in Mare - Ovariectomy
512. Solitary cutaneous mass in a stallion - Surgical excision
513. Urinary bladder calculi - Cystotomy
514. Transverse fracture at the midshaft of femur - Intramedullary pin, bone pinning
515. Transverse colon and descending colon separated by - Left-colic flexure
516. Fertilization occur in - Uterine horn
517. Nerve damage in absence of patellar reflex - Lumbar spinal nerve IV, V, VI (femoral)
518. Rupture of psoas major causes deficit in - Flexion of the hip
519. Caudal gluteal nerve is - General somatic efferent
520. In milk let-down, there is contraction of - Myoepithelial cells
521. Major part of milk protein - Casein, Beta Lactoglobulin
522. Caseins are instructed at pH 4.6 and comprise the - Curd
523. Principal carbohydrate in Milk - Lactose
524. Lactose, disaccharide containing - Glucose and galactose
525. Propionate important in ruminant for - Fermentation processes
526. Milk lipids consist primarily - Triglycerides
527. Vitamins synthesized by ruminants - Vitamin B and K
528. Vitamins not synthesized in rumen - Vitamin A, D, E
529. Hormones in 2nd stage lactogenesis - Prolactin, ACTH, estrogen
530. Prolactin secretion is important in - Non-ruminant
531. Phase of estradiol secretion - Follicular phase
532. Phase of progesterone secretion - Luteal phase
533. In cattle, placenta is a source of - Estrogen
534. Source of progesterone - Corpus luteum
535. Lactiferous sinus composed of - Gland cistern and teat cistern
536. Secretion of albumin, 3 hours occur in - Magnum
537. Primary blood supply of mammary gland - External pudendal artery
538. Suspensory apparatus of the udder - Medial & lateral suspensory ligament
539. Duct extending from teat cisterna to teat orifice - Papillary duct (teat canal)
540. Elephant and primate develop mammary gland in this region - Pectoral
541. Term for folds of mucosa in teat canal - Rosette of funstenberg
542. Shell membrane secretion, 1 hour occur in - Isthmus
543. Sperm storage, egg transport in 1 minute - Vagina
544. Function of cuticle - Block entrance of bacteria and Reduce water loss
545. Sperm – host gland of chicken located in - Vagina
546. Sperm – host gland of turkey located in - Infundibulum
547. Yolk in mammals is called - Yolk sac or Meckel’s diverticulum
548. Act of laying of the eggs - Oviposition
549. Produce by which uterus returns to its non-pregnant size - Involution
550. Acrosome contain - Hyaluronidase & proteolytic enzyme
551. Vibration of “buzzing” of blood at 3 months pregnancy - Fremitus
552. Corpus luteum is palpable at - 30 – 45 days of pregnancy
553. Bovine sperm in genitalia survive up to - 30 – 48 hours
554. Seasonal breeders - Queen, ewe, doe, & mare
555. Bovine oocytes after ovulation survive up to - 20 – 24 hours
556. Natural luteolytic substance - PGF2-( (in uterus)
557. Amine hormones include - Thyroid & adrenal catecholamine
558. All amine hormones are derived from - Tyrosine
559. Common precursor of steroid hormones - Cholesterol
560. Prostaglandin is derived from - Arachidonic acid
561. Hypophysis cerebri or - Pituitary gland
562. Adenohypophysis or - Anterior pituitary
563. Neurohypophysis or - Posterior pituitary
564. Supraoptic nuclei in posterior pituitary synthesizes - ADH / vasopressin
565. Paraventricular in posterior pituitary synthesizes - Oxytocin
566. Pituitary gland located in the ______ at the base of the brain - Bony recess (sella turcica)
567. Hormone transmission that pass thru gap-junction of adjacent cells - Epicrine transmission
568. Hormone transmission that diffuses thru synaptic cells bet. neurons - Neurocrine transmission
569. Hormone diffuse thru interstitial fluid - Paracrine transmission
570. Endocrine that pass or transports thru - Blood
571. Principal part of the pituitary gland - Pars distalis
572. ACTH causes increase activity of the skeletal muscles - Adrenal cortex
573. Large glycoprotein molecule secreted into the follicle - Thyroglobulin of the lining cells
574. Animal exposed to cold environment into the follicle - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
575. Thyroid hormone stimulate metabolic secretion of most tissues, except - Brain, lungs, testes,
retina, & spleen
576. Hormone of thyroid gland secreted by parafollicular cells or C cells - Calcitonin
577. Process by which mammary glandular cells acquire - Lactogenesis the ability to secrete milk
578. Hormones required for maintenance of lactation - Prolactin, growth hormone, insulin, PTH,
579. Growth hormone is more important in maintenance - Galactopoietic of ruminant lactation
580. Effect of growth hormone in milk production - Direct nutrients for body tissues to milk
581. Insulin needed in milk production for - Glucose is require for lactose synthesis
582. Parathyroid in milk - Calcium, conversion of vitamin D to its active form
583. Placenta, source of estrogen and progesterone, but not in? - Cattle
584. Yolk protein and lipid formation occur in - Liver
585. Maintains the normal temperature, the exposure to cold - Venous plexus in teat wall
586. Contractile cells that surround alveoli and ducts - Myoepithelial cells
587. Calcitonin is antagonistic with - Parathyroid hormone
588. Animal that has only one pair of parathyroid gland - Pig
589. Polypeptide hormone of 32 amino acids - Calcitonin
590. Polypeptide hormone of 84 amino acids - PTH
591. Ca : P ratio - 2 : 1
592. Movement of substances across membrane by - Mediated transport means of carrier molecule
593. Movement of substances from a high to a low concentration - Facilitated diffusion
594. Movement of subs. from low to high concentration & require ATP - Active transport
595. Rough endoplasmic reticulum, major site of - Protein synthesis
596. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, major site of - Lipid synthesis
597. Packaging lipids and proteins produce by endoplasmic reticulum - Golgi apparatus
598. Carry substance from Golgi apparatus to plasma membrane - Secretory vesicles
599. Much longer than cilia, propel spermatozoa - Flagella
600. Increase the surface area of cells, aid in absorption - Microvilli
601. Stage of mitosis, each chromosome consist of two chromatids -Prophase joined at the
602. Chromosome align at the center of the cell - Metaphase
603. Chromatids separate at the centromere & migrate to opposite poles - Anaphase
604. Completed cell division, producing two new daughter cells - Telophase
605. Thick myofilament - Myosin
606. Thin myofilament - Actin
607. The synaptic junction between a nerve axon and muscular fiber - Muscular junction
608. The structural and functional unit of a muscle - Sarcomere
609. Structure that separates muscles - Fascia
610. Muscle twist consist of - Lag, contraction, relaxation phase
611. Non-striated, contract more slowly than skeletal muscle - Smooth muscle
612. Striated, sub-rhythmic, involuntary contraction - Cardiac muscle
613. Group of nerve cell bodies in Peripheral nervous system - Ganglion
614. Largest part of the brain (cortex, nerve branches, basal ganglia) - Cerebrum
615. Sensation of the position of body and its various part - Propioception
616. Subdivision of ANS for involuntary control - Parasympathetic ddivision (Digestion, defecation,
and urination)
617. Subdivision of ANS involve in preparing the body - Sympathetic division for immediate physical
618. Junction between a nerve cell and come other cell - Synapse
619. Central nervous system are the - Brain and spinal cord
620. Peripheral nervous system are the - Nerves and ganglia
621. Action potential going to CNS - Afferent division
622. Action potential going away from CNS - Efferent division
623. Structure that forms nerve tracts in CNS and ganglia in PNS - White matter
624. Structure that forms nuclei in CNS and ganglia in PNS - Gray matter
625. Consist of thalamus, spinal body, and Hypothalamus - Diencephalon
626. Body position sensation and its various parts - Propioception
627. Large mass of gray matter which make up the bulk of - Thalamus diencephalons; involve in the
relay of sensory output to cerebrum
628. Support cells of nervous system (astrocytes, microglia, ependymal - Neuroglia cells,
oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells)
629. Contain nuclei that controls hearing, breathing, swallowing - Medulla oblongata and
630. Contains relay nuclei between cerebrum and cerebellum - Pons
631. Function of midbrain - Hearing and visual reflex
632. Maintains consciousness, wake/sleep cycle - Reticular formation (brain stem)
633. For sexual maturation, part of diencephalons - Pineal body
634. Controls homeostasis in the body - Hypothalamus
635. Speech area in man - Wernike’s area, Broca’s area
636. Deep within cerebrum, involved in emotional and - Limbic ssystem visceral response to smell

637. Surrounds and protects brain and spinal cord - Meninges

638. Chemical released by presynaptic cell into synaptic cleft - Neurotransmitter and acts upon
postsynaptic cleft
639. Structures over surface of the cell - Cilia
640. Part of brain attached to brainstem and pons important in maintaining muscle balance and
mmovement coordination - Cerebellum
641. Avian reproduction, site of ovulation, picks up ovulated ova(15 min)- Infundibulum
642. Addition of fluid to egg (plumping), stratification of albumin, - Shell gland / UUterus shell
production and secretion of pigments
643. Functional unit of nervous system - Neuron
644. Reflex arc consist of efferent neuron and effector organ - Sensory receptor, afferent neuron
645. Three connective tissues which cover the CNS - Dura matter, arachnoid & pia matter
646. Formation of the cerebrospinal fluid - Choroid plexuses
647. Fluid contained between bony labyrinth and the membranous - Perilymph labyrinth of the inner
648. Sensory structure in vestibule, with hair cells and gelatinous - MMacula mass embedded
with otoliths
649. A series of bony and membranous tunnel in temporal bone, - Labyrinth it is part of inner ear
for hearing and balance.
650. Fluid inside membranous labyrinth of inner ear - Endolymph
651. Gelatinous mass that overlies hair cells of cristae ampullaries - Copula of the semicircular canals
652. Portion of the inner ear for hearing; snail shell-like - Cochlea
653. Dense white, opaque at posterior portion of fibrous tunic - Sclera of the eye; white of the eye.
654. Inner, light sensitive tunic of the eye; nervous tunic of the eye. - Retina
655. Vascular tunic of the eye - Iris, ciliary body, choroids
656. Fibrous tunic of the eye (anterior) - Cornea
657. Taste buds cells - Gustatory cells
658. Low illumination vision (night vision) - Rods
659. For color vision and visual acuity - Cones
660. Area of greatest visual acuity - Fovea
661. Area where nerve exist eye and blood vessels enter - Optic disc or blind spot
662. Anterior and posterior compartment of the eye filled with - Aqueous & vitreous humor
663. External ear consist of - Auricle & external auditory meatus
664. Middle ear consist of - Cerebrum, malleus, incus, stapes, auditory or Eustachian tube
665. Inner ear consist of - Semicircular canals, vestibule, cochlea
666. Systole is describe as - Ventricular contraction
667. Pacemaker of the cardiac conduction system - SA node
668. Ventricular relaxation, filling of blood - Diastole
669. Artery that arise from aorta & carries blood to the muscles of the heart - Coronary artery
670. Volume of blood pumped by either ventricle per minute - Cardiac output
671. Valve located between left atrium and left Ventricle - Bicuspid (mitrial) valve
672. Sensory nerve endings in the wall of Aorta - Baroreceptors
673. Valve located at the right atrium and right Ventricle - Tricuspid valve
674. Atria, separated externally upon ventricles by - Coronary sulcus
675. Atrial depolarization (wave?) - P wave
676. Ventricular Depolarization - QRS complex
677. Ventricular Repolarization - T wave
678. Atrial contraction, the interval of ___ - P – Q wave
679. Interval (wave) when ventricle contract and relax - Q – T wave
680. First heart sounds results from - Closure of bicuspid & tricuspid valve
681. Second heart sounds results from closure of - Aortic & pulmonic semilunar valves
682. Abnormal heart sounds called - Murmurs
683. Refers to regulation that is combined in the heart - Intrinsic regulation
684. Extrinsic regulation of the heart refers to - Nervous & hormonal mechanism
685. Major site for the exchange of nutrients or substances - Capillary between blood and tissues
686. Responsible for humoral immune response - B cells
687. Responsible for cellular immune response - T cells
688. Examples of granulocytes - Neutrophils, Basophils, & Eosinophils
689. Maximum suggested standard of CO2 in poultry - 3000 – 6000 ppm
690. Safe margin for dust inhaled - 10 mg/cu.m of air
691. Optimal temperature for broiler parent stock - 18 – 20°C
692. Air velocity in poultry at high temperature - DOC, nmt 0.3 – 0.5 m/S, @ 4 wks nmt 1 m/s; nmt
0.75 m/s when birds are sleeping
693. Recommended relative humidity in temperate climates - 70 % RH
694. Dry bulb temperature: Wet bulb temperature - 70 – 30°C
695. Temperature requirement for day old chick ( 3 days - 32 – 25°C
696. Temperature requirement for growing birds - 20 – 25°C
697. Reduction of egg weight per degrees temperature change - 0.2 – 0.4 g
698. Reduction of feed intake per degrees temperature change - 1.5 %
699. Embryonic development of chick starts at - 5 hours after ovulation
700. First cell division occur in - Oviduct
701. FSH in poultry is secreted at about - 15 hours before ovulation
702. LH in poultry is secreted at about - 4 – 6 hours before ovulation
703. Feed particle size in layers and broilers - 5 mm and 3 mm, respectively
704. Feed control in layers: for every 50 g lessen amount of feeds to __ - 1.4 g / bird / day
705. For every 10 % laying add or increase feeds to - 6.5 g / bird / day
706. Floor space requirement for egg types - 1.5 – 2.0 sq. ft./ bird
707. Floor space requirement for dual or meat types - 2.5 – 3.0 sq. ft./ bird
708. Computation of number of nest in the flock - 5 hens / nest
709. Carbohydrate deficiency - Marasmus
710. Protein deficiency - Kwashiorkor
711. Roughage that control 60 – 90 % moisture - Succulent veggies
712. Fodder and moisture content, cured by sun and air - Dry roughage
713. Green fodder of grass / legumes, fresh feed - Soilage
714. Silage is when process; it undergoes - Fermentation
715. Dry roughage with flowers, fruits, dried and preserve - Hay
716. Dry roughage without flowers, fruits, and grains - Straws
717. Amount of water needed per mature pig - 25 – 30 L / day
718. Transport loss on slaughtered hogs - 15 %
719. Transport loss in live animals - 2 – 3 % / 200 km
720. Distance between piggery houses - 100 meters
721. Non-ciliated bronchiolar cells - Clara cells
722. Structural and functional unit of alveolar parenchyma - Acini
723. Hepatic encephalopathy a.k.a. - Hepatic coma (metabolic disorder of CNS & NS)
724. Synonyms for azoturia - Paralytic Myoglobinuria, Monday Morning Disease, Sacral Paralysis
725. Synonyms for tying-up - Setfast, Acute Rhabdomyolysis,Transient Exertional Rhabdomyolysis
726. Sexual phase of sarcocyst develop in - Intestine of predator host
727. Largest cell in the body of the host - Lumbar dorsal root ganglion
728. Viral inclusion bodies of rabies, eosinophilic, intracytoplasmic - Negri bodies
729. Part of the cell where Herpes virus are found - Intranuclear
730. Paramyxovirus either Canine distemper, inclusions found in - Cytoplasm, Nucleus
731. Refers to changes which following acute focal injury to a - Wallerian Degeneration myelinated
axon, such that distal to injury becomes variable
732. Lafora bodies are inclusions in - Cytoplasm, in dogs
733. Provide and maintain the myelin sheaths around axons, 1 diameter - Oligodendrocytes
734. Responsible for the myelination of peripheral nerves - Schwann cells
735. Refers to nodular proliferation of schwann cells - Reynaud bodies
736. Regarded as the interstitial cells of CNS - Astrocytes
737. Derived from blood monocytes the organogenesis, proliferation - Microglia is common in viral
738. Proliferation of astrocytes - Astrogliosis
739. When microglia is greatly elongated, called - Rod cells
740. Microglia transform and become - Macrophage
741. Microglia phagocytic cells of CNS, spherical with bubbly margin - Gitter cells (neurophagia) and
reduce nucleus
742. Compound granular corpuscles, scavenger cells, and hortega cells or - Gitter cells
743. Perivascular space around veins and arteries of CNS - Virchow - Robin space
744. Blood brain barrier consist of - Astrocytic end feet, endothelial cells, Bremunt membrane
745. Necrosis of the brain - Encephalomalacia
746. Necrosis of the cord - Myelomalacia
747. Softening of the gray matter - Poliomalacia
748. Softening of the white matter - Leukomalacia
749. Gray matter more sensitive than white matter due to - High metabolic rate & Dependence on
750. Species that do not synthesized Thiamine - Carnivores
751. Horse synthesized thiamine in - Large intestine
752. Inflammation of the brain - Encephalitis
753. Inflammation of the spinal cord - Myelitis
754. Inflammation of the dura matter - Pachymeningitis
755. Inflammation of the pia-arachnoid - Leptomeningitis
756. The disc in animals with demyelination - Canine distemper, Leukoencephalomyelitis in Goats,
Visna in sheep, and possibly Fold dog encephalitis
757. Ruminants synthesis of thiamine occur in - Rumen
758. Small glial nodules found in the brain of canines, especially - Babe’s nodules ruminants that died
of rabies
759. Anuclear, nutritional deficiency, endocrinopathies - Hyperkeratosis / hypertrophy of cornea
stratum corneum
760. Nucleated, in parasitism, zinc and vitamin A Deficiency - Parakeratosis
761. Characterized by presence of B-cells hyperaction formation - SLE of autoantibodies, defects of
suppressor T-cell function
762. Increased thickness of stratum spinosum, hyperplasia and - Acanthosis hypertrophy of stratum
763. DLE, lesions is located in skin causing - Erythema, Scaling, Crushing, Alopecia
764. Feline leprosy caused by (E.A.) - Mycobacterium leproemurium
765. Etiologic agent of foot rot or bacterial pododerma in Ruminant - Bacteroides nodosus
766. Etiologic agent of foot rot that is not contagious - Fusobacterium necrophorum
767. Carrier state of FMD observed in - Cattle, Sheep, African Buffalo
768. Tiger-heart - - - lesions of what disease - Foot and Mouth Disease, FMD
769. Corona virus mainly cause enteric infection, except - FIP, encephalomyelitis (swine), TGE, Bovine
corona virus (gut & respiratory)
770. Lesions of corona virus cannot be differentiated with virus - Rotavirus
771. Colonization of enterotoxigenic colibacilli due to - Pili or Fimbrae
772. Colonization factor, antigen that occur in Pigs - K 88, 987 P
773. Colonization factor, antigen that occur in calves and Pigs - K 41, F 17
774. Colonization factor, antigen that occur in calves, pigs and lambs - K 99
775. Species where microbial digestion occur in cecum and colon - Horse
776. Anesthetic for reptiles - Ketamin
777. Vector of Decroecoelium dendriticum - Snails and ants
778. Greasy pig disease - Staphylococcus hyicus
779. Part of pig’s body affected by Sarcoptes scabies - Abdomen and inner thigh
780. Treatment of cerebral edema - Mannitol
781. Oriental Sore - Leishmania tropica
782. Avian malaria - Plasmodium gallinaceum
783. Treatment of purpura hemorrhagica - Heparin
784. Nerve damaged during parturition - Obturator nerve
785. Type I Hypersensitivity - Anaphylactic shock
786. Botulism - Clostridium botulinum
787. What constitutes the bulk of Ration - Roughage
788. Milker’s nodules; Pseudocowpox - Vaccinia
789. Hard pad disease - Canine distemper
790. First thing to do before blood transfusion - Crossmatch
791. What should be used in the digestion of carbohydrates - Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
792. Hypophyseal fossa is also known as the - Pituitary fossa
793. Hypotonic solution makes the cell to - Swell
794. Control of Trypanosoma evansi - Insect control
795. Right time to vaccinate against Pasteurella multocida - 3 mos. then every 6 mos after
796. Hydatid - Echinococcus spp.
797. Worm in duodenum of chicken - Davainea proglottina
798. Most common method for diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii - Inoculation in experimental animal
799. Cecal coccidiosis - Eimeria tenella
800. Parasites increase in what type of water - Fresh water
801. What attracts myiasis in sheep - Color of fleece
802. Animal whose liver is covered by connective tissue - Pig
803. Superiority of crossbred over its parents - Heterosis or Hybrid vigor
804. Last segment of the small Intestine - Ileum
805. Evaluation of animals by performance of its offsprings - Progeny testing
806. Causative agent of Aujezsky’s disease - Herpes virus
807. Breed of goats with longest milking period - Saanen
808. Mandibular osteomyelitis caused by - Actinomyces sp.
809. Transfer of DNA from one another - Transduction
810. Blood composition of Brangus - 5/8 Angus + 3/8 Brahman
811. Fraternal twins are how many percent genetically related - (check)
812. Number of blood groups in cattle - 10 (ten)
813. Grass tetany is a deficiency of - Manganese
814. Bacillary white diarrhea - Salmonella pullorum
815. White muscle disease with encephalomalacia is a deficiency of - Vitamin E
816. Microsporum canis can be identified through - Wood’s lamp test
817. Parakeratosis is a deficiency of - Zinc
818. Discovered the Bacillus anthracis - Robert Koch
819. Animal prone to Parakeratosis - Pig
820. Microscopic technique for leptospires - Dark field microscopy
821. Encephalomalacia result from the deficiency of - Thiamine
822. Strongylus vulgaris affects the - Cranial mesenteric artery
823. Rickets due to a deficiency of - Vitamin D
824. Type of necrosis in FMD cases - Coagulative necrosis
825. Organ which receives sounds - Organ of corti
826. Myeloma affects what blood cells - Plasma cells
827. Heinz bodies are found in the - RBC
828. Orf or contagious ecthyma affects only - Sheep and goats
829. Breeding of closely related individuals - Inbreeding
830. Breeding two different individuals / animals - Crossbreeding
831. In chronic vomiting, hypochloremia is accompanied by - Hypokalemia
832. Subgroup of breed having special properties - Strains
833. Protein of highest concentration in the blood - Albumin
834. Incubation period of chicken eggs - 21 days
835. Disease transmitted by flying needles - Dirofilariasis
836. Example of one-host tick - Boophilus micropus
837. Optimum temperature of neonatal Pigs - 35 – 38°C
838. Example of three-host tick - Ixodes sp. & Rhipicephalus sp.
839. Dirofilariasis causes - Right sided heart failure
840. Part of the heart, which is also supplied by itself - Left ventricle
841. What to administer to an aggressive mare - Estrogen
842. Over production of testosterone - Neilfelter’s syndrome
843. Largest flat bone - Os coxae
844. Narrowest opening of the Laranyx - Rima glottis
845. Transmission of Taenia solium - Eating raw pork
846. Mares milk is higher in - Ash and Fat
847. Colostrums is high in - Protein
848. Hypothalamus controls - Temperature
849. Rathke’s pocket gives rise to - Anterior pituitary
850. Origin of cerebrum - Telencephalon
851. Enzyme for Vasoconstriction - Angiotensin
852. Treatment for hookworms - Mebendazole
853. Drug of choice for sedation - Diazepam
854. Eyeworm of cattle - Thelazia rhodesii
855. Eyeworm of man - Loa loa
856. Balantidium coli affects - Pigs
857. Gray eye in chickens - Marek’s disease
858. Animal with pyramid shaped colon - Pig
859. Sheep scab - Psoroptes ovis
860. Thorny headed worm - Macrocanthorhynchus hirudinaceus
861. Arrow headed worm - Toxocara sp.
862. Gestation period of Carabao - 320 days
863. Antidote of arsenic poisoning - Dimercaprol
864. Bovine ephemeral fever - 3 – day sickness
865. 40 - kg pig - Grower
866. Ornithosis is caused by - Chlamydia psittaci
867. Treatment of laryngeal hemiplegia - Ventriculectomy
868. Treatment of uterine prolapse in dogs - Purse string suture
869. Causes scales on feet and legs of Budgerigars - Cnemidocoptes mutans
870. Anaplasma marginale causes - Hematuria
871. Transmitter of Babesia sp. - Ticks (Rhipicephalus sp.)
872. Castor bean tick - Ixodes ricinus
873. Paired facial bone - Frontal bone
874. Species of animal not suffering from mineral deficiency - Rabbits
875. Ebola affects this animal - Simians
876. Collection of semen in these species is thru penile massage - Dogs and cats
877. Penile hernia is common in - Castrated dogs
878. Mode of transmission of rabies - Direct transmission
879. Type of needle for suturing of uterus - Tapered needle
880. Treatment of Mycoplasma infection - Tylosin
881. Treatment of ectropion - Canthotomy
882. Most sanitary method for disposing carcass - Burning
883. Treatment for Streptococcus - Penicillin
884. Digestive organ of chicken not present in mammals - Crop
885. Respiratory organ of chicken not present in mammals - Air sacs
886. Moat common Staphylococcus in dogs - Staphylococcus epidermis
887. Causative agent of disease characterized by kidney abscesses - Corynebacterium renale
888. Treatment for Pasteurella sp. & Proteus sp. infection - Carbenicillin
889. Treatment for Erysipelas - Penicillin
890. Specific treatment for Tetanus - Procain penicillin G
891. Color of organ freezer burn - White to amber
892. Transmission of Cryptococcus neoformans - Inhalation
893. The only large external fish parasite, which causes ‘flashing’ - Argulus indicus and erratic
894. Gestation period of hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) - 14 days
895. The most popular fish in the world - Goldfish (Carassius auratus)
896. Pet animals sensitive to toxic effect of antibiotic - Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)
897. Exact number of complements - 15
898. White spot disease of fresh water fish - Ichthyophthirius multifilis
899. Granular coccidiosis of Carps - Eimeria subepitheliasis
900. Gestation period of guinea Pigs - 63 days
901. Sleeping sickness of fish - Cryptobia cyprini
902. Piercing mouth parts - Chelicerae
903. Snake mite - Ophionyssus natricis
904. ‘ Velvet’ disease, occur at the gills of Mugil cephalus - Amylodinium ocellatum
905. Discovered the Streptomycin - Waksman
906. Most common Fasciola sp. in the Philippines - Fasciola gigantica
907. Intermediate host of Schistosoma sp. - Oncomelania quadrasi
908. Life cycle of Demodex is completed in - 18 – 24 days
909. Treatment of urinary tract infection - Sufisoxazole
910. Stable fly - Stomoxys calcitrans
911. Life cycle of Musca domestica is completed in - 13 – 30 days (ave. 21 days)
912. Endotoxin - Cell wall or gram (-)
913. Removal of wattle - Cropping
914. Removal of comb - Dubbing
915. Pathogomonic sign of Trypanosoma equiperdum - Dollar spots
916. Transmission of Brucellosis - Coitus
917. Fatty acids with one or more bonds - Unsaturated fatty acids
918. Egg formation in chicken is completed at - 24 – 26 hours
919. Average eggs produced per year, how many dozens - 22 dozens
920. White leghorn starts to lay eggs at - 4 – 5 months
921. Starch is acted upon by amylase to produce - Glucose
922. Culling of chickens should be done at - 18 Months
923. Predominant immunoglobulin in cattle’s colostrums - IgG
924. Vitamin present in colostrums - Vitamin A
925. Causative agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia - Mycoplasma mycoides
926. Ascoli test demonstrates capsular Ag in B or hides in anthrax - Screening for Brucella infection
927. Immunoglobulin in intestinal epithelium - IgA
928. Y-shaped immunoglobulin - IgG
929. Predominant immunoglobulin in helminthiasis - IgE
930. Treatment for anaphylactic shock - Epinephrine
931. Space requirement for feedlot cattle - 7 sq. meters
932. Space requirement of slatted floors for suckling pigs - 1 cm
933. Pasteurella multocida strain in cattle - E strain
934. FMD strain in the Philippines - A, O, C
935. Esophageal worm - Spirocerca lupi
936. Phagocytic blood cells - Monocytes and macrophages
937. Alteration of hereditary material - Mutation
938. Test for coconut milk in milk - Resorcinol test
939. Precusor for calcium - Vitamin D
940. Needed for Selenium - Vitamin E
941. Animal with fused carpal - Dogs
942. Diuretic drug contraindicated for diabetes mellitus - Thiazide diuretics
943. Clot formed from the circulating blood components - Thrombus
944. Transmission of equine infectious anemia - Mosquitoes
945. Cor rugosum - Traumatic pericarditis
946. Animal that don’t vomit - Horse
947. Tail removal - Docking
948. Phenothiazine poisoning most common in - Horses / colts
949. Continuation of tendon of Achilles - Gastrocnemius
950. Hormones of kidney - Aldosterone, rennin, angiotensin
951. Organ tested for BUN - Kidney
952. Organ least affected by xylazine - Stomach
953. Relaxation of intestinal hypermotility - Atropine
954. Long acting penicillin - Carbocillin
955. Effective in Candidiasis - Amphotericine B
956. Gas remove from rumen - Eructation
957. Male animal with high estrogen - Horse
958. Needs progesterone for 120 days of pregnancy - Mare
959. Infectious canine tracheobronchitis - Kennel cough
960. Most common snail as intermediate host of flukes - Lymnea truncata
961. Most common disinfectants for FMD - Creolin
962. Supply of oxygenated blood to the fetus - Umbilical vein
963. Condition due to finely graded concentrates - Frothy bloat
964. Taenia (T. taeniaformis) effecting liver of rats (Rattus norvegicus) - Cysticercus fasciolaris
965. Treatment for hemorrhagic septicemia of tilapia - Terramycin
966. Virulence factor of anthrax - Capsule and exotoxin complex
967. Clostridium botulinum causes - Flaccid paralysis
968. Non-host adapted salmonella - S. enteritides, S. typhimurium
969. Toxin in tetanus - Tetanospasmin
970. Media for salmonella isolation - Selective media, brilliant green A
971. Yersinia causing enteritis in dogs and human - Yersinia enterocolitica
972. Seagull wings appearance - Campylobacter jejuni
973. Chronic equine mastitis (CEM) - Tylorella equi genitalis
974. Serotype of Pasteurella multocida in fowl cholera - Serotype A
975. Serotype of Pasteurella multocida in hemorrhagic septicemia - Serotype B & E
976. Serotype of Pasteurella multocida in atrophic rhinitis - Serotype D & A
977. Gray fungus a.k.a. - Actinomyces sp.
978. New duck disease caused by - Pasteurella anapestifer
979. Isolation of Francisella sp. - BAP + cystein
980. Oxygen requirement for microaerophilic organism - 3 – 15 %
981. Component of capsule in gram-positive bacteria - Thick peptidoglycan
982. Component of capsule in gram-negative bacteria - Thick lipopolysaccharide
983. Fungi, pH requirement for oxygen - 3.8 – 5.6 pH
984. Endospore - Dipycolinic acid
985. Exponential growth of bacteria (steady state) - Log phase
986. True gid - Coenurus cerebralis
987. False gid - Oestrus ovis
988. Discover fowl pox vaccine - Edward Jenner
989. Modern concept of chemotoxin - Paul Erlich
990. Discover bacteriophage - Twort and D’Herelle
991. Amount of blood to produce 1 lb of milk - 300 – 500 lbs of blood
992. Bacon type of pig - Landrace
993. Recommended slope of floor - 1 cm / meter
994. Cogon - 1 animal / 3 – 4 hectare
995. Improve grass, legume pasture - 2 animals / hectare
996. Water consumption of cattle (1 waterer / 3 km) - 45 – 50 L / day
997. Barb wire / plain wire - # 8
998. Post interval - 5 m apart (height: 1.5 m)
999. Feeding through (dehorned) - 76 cm
1000. Feeding through (horned) - 107 cm
1001. Feeding through (calf) - 61 cm
1002. Animal with held up tail - Goat
1003. Animal with held down tail - Sheep
1004. Grazers animal - Cattle
1005. Browsers animal - Goat
1006. Toxic substance in sorghum - Tannic acid
1007. Toxic substance in Gabi - Prussaic and hydrocyanic acid
1008. Toxic substance in cassava - Hydrocyanic acid
1009. Location of receptor of protein peptide hormone - Surface of cell membrane
1010. Location of receptor of steroid hormone - Cytoplasm
1011. Location of receptor of thyroid hormone - Nucleus
1012. Location of receptor of catecholamine H - Surface of cell membrane
1013. Type C of FMD - German isolates
1014. Type O of FMD - Olse Valley isolates
1015. Type A of FMD - Alimane isolates
1016. Inflammation of the crop - Ingluvitis
1017. Infective stage of Entamoeba in snakes - Quadrinucleate cyst
1018. Functional unit of heredity - Genes
1019. Segment of DNA including all nucleotide - Structural gene that are transcribe into RNA

1020. Purines - Adenine and Guanine

1021. Pyrimidine - Thymine and Cytosine
1022. Base pair, linear sequence - A = T, & G = C
1023. 2nd and final stage of protein synthesis - Translation
1024. The coding or non-template strand - Sense strand
1025. Template strand - Anti-coding or antisense strand
1026. Down stream - ( + )
1027. Up stream - ( - )
1028. Contain the genes, arrange in rod-like structure (chromatids) - Chromosome
1029. Specific site and name of gene in chromosome - Locus (loci)
1030. The different forms / alternative types of DNA / gene that - Allele exist in and particular locus
1031. Water requirement per 1000 layers - 240 – 320 L (60 – 80)
1032. Microorganism that require moisture and high salt content to grow - Staphylococcus spp.
1033. Physical / chemical property of milk used to indicate adulteration - Freezing point with water
before processing
1034. Pasteurized milk refrigeration temperature - 40°C for mgt. chelf – life
1035. Type of toxin in botulism - Neurotoxin
1036. Type of toxin in Clostridium perfringenes - Enterotoxin
1037. Most common organism causing illness for unpasteurized milk - Campylobacter spp.
1038. Test for antimicrobial residue, (STOP, LAST, CAST, SOS) - Swab test on premises, live animal swab
test, calf antibiotic sulfa test, sulfa on site
1039. Test for tank milk on the farm for residues - Delvo – P
1040. Intradermal, caudal tail fold for TB test in cattle done at - 66 – 78 hours
1041. Source of egg yolk formation - Liver
1042. Measley beef – infected with - Taenia saginata
1043. Single vegetative filament - Hypha
1044. Mass of hypha - Mycelium
1045. Cell produced by asexual multiplication in fungi - Conidium
1046. Cell produced by sexual reproduction in fungi - Spore
1047. Most frequent causes of superficial mycoses - Microsporum and Trichophyton
1048. Fungi produced as bud from parent cell - Blastoconidium
1049. Culture media for dermatophytes - SDA, DIM, Thycobiotic A
1050. Avian influenza a.k.a. - Fowl plague
1051. Type A avian influenza are divided into H & N subtypes which are - Hemagglutinin &
Neuraminade activity
1052. Group of fungi that can hydrolyzed keratin - Dermatophytes
1053. Epidemic tremor - Avian encephalomyelitis
1054. Domestic poultry mostly affected by avian influenza - Turkey
1055. Differentiation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Staphylococcus - Coagulase test
1056. Type II IBD clinically affects - Turkey; type I – chickens
1057. Avian influenza caused by type A influenza virus - Cthomyxoviridae
1058. Diagnostic sample of Marek’s disease - Buffy coat
1059. Medium for primary isolation of Marek’s disease - Chicken kidney cell tissue culture
1060. Vent gleet, unknown cause, affects - Turkey’s urinary system
1061. IBD most pathogenic in - Layer chickens
1062. Bluecomb or - Coronaviral enteritis of turkeys
1063. Malabsorption and tenospur in chickens and turkeys associated with - Reovirus
1064. Challege which strain of virus is used to monitor for susceptability - Van Rockel to avian
1065. Excessive kidney urate deposits in chicken associated with - IBD virus
1066. Histopathologic lesion of fowl pox - Eosinophilic inclusion bodies
1067. Treatment for outbreak of erysipelas in turkey - Penicillin
1068. T test is for - Count data
1069. Chi-square test is for - Frequency data
1070. Superficial epithelial cells with pyknotic nucleus is - Estrus characteristic during

1071. High RBC number can be observe in - High altitudes

1072. Hormone produced by follicle cells - Estrogen
1073. Mature antibody producing cells - Plasma cells
1074. How often do female rabbits normally nurse their young - Once a day
1075. Rows of teeth in nonvenomous snakes - Six (6)
1076. E. coli 0157:H7 foodborne found in - Apple juice, ground beef, raw milk
1077. A single motor unit that innervates all muscle fibers - Somatic motor unit
1078. Aortic hiatus --- located in - Dorsal surface of diaphragm
1079. The origin of oral cavity - Stomodeum
1080. Organs that develop from a placode - Eye, Ear, & Nose
1081. Organ that rotates during development - Stomach
1082. Organs that originate from pharyngeal pouch 1 - Tympanic cavity
1083. Organs that originate from pharyngeal pouch 2 - Supratonsilar
1084. Organs that originate from pharyngeal pouch 3 - External parathyroid
1085. Organs that originate from pharyngeal pouch 4 - Internal parathyroid
1086. Pulmonary artery originates from aortic arch number - VI
1087. Nerve affected when craniolateral muscles of the forelimb - Axillary nerve is not functioning
1088. Umbilical vein is the embryonic counterpart of the - Round ligament of the liver
1089. Peronous longus and peronous tersius are present in - Cow and Pig
1090. Urinary bladder has how many ligaments - 1 median and 2 lateral
1091. Avian neoplastic disease - - - thickening of the long bones - Osteoporosis
1092. Turkey rhinotracheitis caused by - Pneumovirus
1093. Duck plague or - Duck virus enteritis
1094. Infectious bronchitis virus differ by - Strains
1095. Reovirus affects ___ & ___ - Musculoskeletal & alimentary
1096. NCD virus differ by - Pathotype
1097. Organism that causes enteric infection in turkey and respiratory - Eschirichia coli infection in
1098. Preferred culture media for Chlamydia psittaci - Yolk sac inoculation, embryo culture, or tissue
1099. Superficial epithelial cells with pyknotic nucleus is characterized during - Estrus
1100. Melatonin secreted by the - Pineal gland
1101. Stage when estrogen is at peak - Proestrus
1102. Principal cells during estrus - Cornified cells with pyknotic nucleus
1103. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is secreted by the - Choroid plexus
1104. Aldosterone causes - Na+ retention, K+ secretion
1105. Suture pattern, which provides continuous inverting closure of - Cushing suture pattern hollow
organs and does not expose suture material to the organ lumen
1106. Which muscle is the only member of quadriceps group to - Rectus Femoris originate on the
1107. A graft in which donor and recipient are different individuals - Isograft but genetically identical.
1108. A graft in which the donor and recipient are individuals - Xenograft of different species.
1109. A graft in which donor and recipient are genetically unrelated - Allograft individuals of the same
1110. A graft in which tissue is transferred to a new position - Autograft on the same individual.
1111. The layer of the esophagus that is most likely to retain suture is the - Mucosa
1112. A surgical technique designed to correct spraying or inappropriate - Ischiocavernosus myectomy
urination in cats is
1113. Cushing or lembert sutures used to close a gastrotomy incision - Inverting suture pattern are
example of
1114. The Gambee suture pattern used in intestinal surgery is - Approximating
1115. The invaginated portion of the bowel in an intussusception is called - Intussusceptum
1116. The microbes of most concern in colorectal surgery are - Gram-negative enterics & anaerobes
1117. The most important postoperative complication related to liver - Hemorrhage biopsy or
lobectomy is:
1118. The most common and serious complication following perineal urethrostomy is - Urethral
1119. The cell that directs events in early wound repair, such as fibroplasias and angiogenesis -
1120. Stretching and thinning of the skin surrounding a contracted wound - Intussusceptive growth
1121. An abnormal communication between an artery and vein is termed - Arteriovenous fistula
1122. The most common congenital cardiac anomaly in dogs is - Patent ductus arteriosus
1123. The most common congenital cardiac anomaly in dogs that produces cyanosis is - Tetralogy of
1124. Surgical castration in cats requires (incisions) - 2 incisions in the scrotum
1125. What type of suture material is Polydioxanone - Synthetic absorbable
1126. What type of suture materialis chromic cat gut - Natural absorbable
1127. Laser surgery has predictable effects on soft tissue. In relation to the tip of the laser instrument,
which area of tissue shows reversible changes. - Zone of edema
1128. Which suture pattern is most appropriate for closure of the uterine stump after
ovariohysterectomy for pyometra - Parker-Kerr
1129. An untreated skin wound heals by a process of granulation, contraction and reepithelialization -
Second intention healing
1130. Premunition is a type of immunity due to - Continuous low grade infection
1131. Body builds antibody against its own components - Autoimmunity
1132. Penetration of X-ray in radiograph depends on - kV
1133. A canine urinary calculi was submitted for analysis and was found out that it was aurate urolith.
This type of calculi most likely occur. - Dalmatian
1134. Drugs most likely cause an abortion if given to a pregnant animal - Dexamethasone
1135. These drugs will be helpful in relieving udder edema before and - Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
after parturition.
1136. Gestation period of cow, mare and sows could be prolonged by - Vitamin A deficiency as much
as 1 to 4 weeks by the deficiency of this vitamin.
1137. Primary aim in fetotomy operation is to - Reduce the size of the fetus so it may remove from the
birth canal.
1138. The most common cause of dystocia in mare is - Abnormal presentation, position or posture of
the fetus
1139. Primates are resistant to this disease - Poliomyelitis
1140. Nodules that appears like wart found on featherless skin surfaces - Avian pox of wild birds are
1141. Drug used for treating giardiasis in dogs and cats - Metronidazole
1142. Reported among goats in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija in 1995 - Orf
1143. This distemper is caused by bacteria - Equine Distemper
1144. Coronitis is the inflammation of the - Coronet
1145. A disease of goats and sheep characterized by pustular and scabby - Contagious Ecthyma lesions
on the muzzle and lips.
1146. Spongiosis can be seen in - Madcow disease
1147. Ocular lymphomatosis - Marek’s disease
1148. Ocular hemorrhage - Malaria
1149. Tremor of the head - Encephalomyelitis
1150. Inflammed cloaca - Infectious Bursal Disease
1151. Atropic rhinitis is caused by - Bordetella bronchiseptica
1152. Aujeszky’s disease is caused by - Herpesvirus
1153. Strangles is caused by - Streptococcus equi
1154. Equine infectious anemia (EIA) is caused by - Retrovirus

1155. Dx. test for rabies is highly sophisticated, fast and highly sensitive - Fluorescent Antibody
Test (FAT)
1156. A disease of domestic birds characterized by the sudden onset of septicemia with high morbidity
and mortality. Affected birds show fever, ruffled feathers, diarrhea, anorexia, mucoid discharges
from the mouth and hyperpnoea - Fowl cholera
1157. Never give oxytocin to - Ewe with closed cervix
1158. The rupture of the umbilical cord during parturition may lead to the closure of the - Foramen
ovale and ductus arteriosus
1159. A looseness of fit or poor fit of femoral head and the acetabulum - Hip dysplasia
1160. Ninety eight percent of rabies cases in the Philippines comes from - Domestic Dogs
1161. The primary action of triceps brachii is to - Extend the elbow
1162. The pair muscle that opens the jaw is the - Digastricus
1163. Accommodation for near and far vision is accomplished by contraction or relaxation of the
muscles in the - Ciliary body
1164. Assist in extension of the cervical vertebrae - Ligamentum nuchae
1165. Which joint has the least developed collateral ligaments - Shoulder joint
1166. The accessory lobe of the right lung is curled around the - Caudal vena cava
1167. The middle ear cavity normally drains into - Nasopharynx
1168. The ureters open into the urinary bladder through its - Dorsocaudal surface
1169. The vagina is positioned - Ventral to the perineal body
1170. The round ligament of the uterus - Spans the distance from the uterine horn to the inguinal
1171. The coronary arteries are branches of the - Aorta
1172. The hoof receives its nutrient blood supply via the - Corium
1173. In boars, which teeth are used as defensive weapons - Canines teeth
1174. In reptiles, the feces pass from the colon and rectum into the - Coprodeum
1175. Male lizards and snakes have paired copulatory organs called - Hemipenes

1176. In which species are opiates most likely to causes an excitatory response - Cats and horses
1177. An anticholinergic acting centrally and peripherally, generally preventing bradycardia caused by
vagovagal reflexes - Atropine
1178. An agent that can be given intravenously for humane euthanasia of dogs - Sodium
1179. The agent most commonly associated with severe hypotension in horses is - Acepromazine
1180. In what situation is use of ketamine anesthesia unsuitable - Intraocular surgery
1181. Injection of xylazine into the carotid artery of horses causes - Sudden collapse
1182. The initial sign of local anesthetic toxicityin goats is - Opisthotonos with seizure
1183. The drug that is a complete narcotic antagonist is - Naloxone
1184. Which drug is the most potent analgesic - Fentanyl
1185. Postanesthetic myositis is most likely to occur in - Horses
1186. High caudal epidural anesthesia is contraindicated in - Horses
1187. Abolition of the awareness of pain is referred to as - Analgesia
1188. Colonization of enterotoxigenic collibacilli due to - Pili or Fimbrae
1189. Colonization factor Ag that occur in Pigs - K 88, 987 P
1190. Colonization factor Ag occurring in calves & Pigs - F 41, F 17
1191. Colonization factor Ag occurring in calves & pigs & lambs - K 99
1192. End product of fat & carbohydrate metabolism - CO2
1193. % of renal blood flow to cardiac output - 25 %
1194. Renal O2 consumption for whole body consumption - 10 %
1195. Principal function of kidney - Regulation of salt & water balance
1196. Rennin- Angiotensin System regulates - Na+ balance, Hypothalamus, diuretic hormone
1197. Proposed that all vertebrate embryo pass three a stage - Von Baer (1828) at which they are
anatomically very similar
1198. A tissue that lines the surface of an organ - Epithelium
1199. Epidermis of skin is derived from - Ectoderm
1200. Living of digestive tract is derived from - Endoderm
1201. Living of kidney tubules is derived from - Mesoderm
1202. Embryonic precursor of all organs except CNS - Mesenchyme
1203. Outermost layer of cell ,covers whole body except the site of emergence of the umbilical stalk -
1204. Forms most of the muscles & skeletal tissues, the urogenital system, heart & blood vessels -
1205. Forms the living of digestive tract, respiratory system, & organs Association with digestion -
1206. Hollow tube located in the dorsal midline beneath ectoderm - Neural tube
1207. Hollow tube which runs the length of embryo near the ventral midline, derived from endoderm
- Primitive Gut
1208. Rostral end of primitive gut - Pharynx
1209. Segmented mesoderm located beneath the neural tube & on either side of notochord ( segment
or somite ) - Paraxial mesoderm
1210. Somite gives rise to - Axial skeleton & voluntary muscles
1211. Golgi apparatus in spermatid becomes - Acrosome (head cap)
1212. Nucleus in spermatid becomes - Head (enzyme present: hyaluronidase)
1213. Centrioles in spermatid becomes - Tail (flagellum)
1214. Embryonic stage at 1wk after fertilization - Blastula
1215. Median thickened area of the epiblast, elongated, marks the location of future longitudinal axis
of embryo - Primitive streak
1216. Primitive node or - Hensen’s node
1217. Involution of epiblast cells or formation of the - Endoderm & mesoderm
1218. Regression of primitive streak or forming of - Notochord
1219. Series of cells division that occur ff. fertilization, Production of blastomeres - Cleavage
1220. Formation of ball of cells - Blastulation
1221. Embryonic stage having rearrangement of the cells of embryonic disk to form 3 separate tissues
called germ layers - Gastrulation
1222. Embryonic stage, formation of CNS - Neurulation
1223. Other term for the symmetrically twin - Amorphous Globosus, Acardiac or Holocardius
1224. Strongylus spp. that has no teeth - Strongylus edentatus
1225. Strongylus spp. in cecum & colon of equines - Strongylus equi
1226. Strongylus spp. adult in L.I. of equines - Strongylus edentatus & S. vulgaris
1227. Amnion & chorion are derived from - Somatopleure
1228. Allantois & yolk sac are derived from - Splanchnopleure
1229. Other term for “ uterine milk” - Histotrophe
1230. Chabertia ovina affects___ of ruminants - Colon(L4 in lumen of cecum)
1231. Estimated # of parasite in chromic Haemonchus is - 100 - 1,000 (<2000 epg)
1232. Haemonchus contortus larvae will induce self-cure - Trichostrongylus spp.
1233. Clean wound – infection rate - 2 %
1234. Clean – contaminated – infection rate - 3 – 4 %
1235. Contaminated wound – infection rate - 10 – 15 %
1236. Dirty/infected wound - infection rate - 25 – 40 %
1237. Key substance mediating & perpetuating Hemostatic product making initial plug of platelets
that seal vessels - ADP
1238. Treatment for Hyponatrenia - Ringer’s sol’n. / 0.9 Saline
1239. Treatment for Hypernatremia - Lactated ringers sol’n (LRS)
1240. Treatment for Hypokalemia - Oral K+
1241. Treatment for Hypernatremia - LRS, (Na+ HCO-3) Sodium bicarbonate
1242. Increase CO2 produce , decrease CO2 removal causes - Respiratory Acidosis
1243. Increase CO2 removal , decrrase CO2 prod’n causes - Respiratory Alkalosis
1244. Increase Plasma bicarbonate causes - Metabolic Acidosis
1245. Principal cation of ECF - Na+ (sodium)
1246. Main anion of ECF - Cl- & HCO-3
1247. Main cation of ICF - K+ & Mg2+
1248. Principal anion of ECF - PO-4 & CHON
1249. Maintenance of circulating blood volume with Operative procedure ( amount?) - 10-ml/ kg BW/
hr of LRS
1250. Amount of whole blood in PCV % 20 - 20 ml / kg BW
1251. Scalpel blade # for incising skin - # 10
1252. Scalpel blade # 11 is for - Severing ligaments
1253. Scalpel blade # 12 is for - Lancing abscesses
1254. Scalpel blade # 13 is for - Small, precise, or curved incisions
1255. Scalpel handle # for 10-13 blades - # 3
1256. Blade # for handle # 4 - # 20 - 23
1257. Scissor used for cutting tough tissues - Doyen Abdominal Scissors
1258. Scissors for cutting deep, delicate tissue - Curved Metzenbaum Scissors
1259. Blade for ophthalmic surgery - Beaver blades
1260. Scissors ised for intraocular tissues - Iris Scissors
1261. Suture removal scissors - Stitch scissors
1262. Mayo dissecting scissors - General Operative Procedure
1263. Examples of dressing thumb forcep - Bayonet, Adson, and Cushing
1264. Adson, Stille, Carmody are example of - Tissue thumb forceps
1265. Haemostatic & Tss. Forcep used in intestinal surgery - Babcock, Doyen, Allen intestinal
1266. Examples: Forcep for general surgery, Hemostatic - Kelly/ Crite , Kocher, Mixter, Forceps
Rochester – Rean, Rochester-Carmalt
1267. Halsted mosquito forcep for - General surgery, Hemostatic, and delicate tissue retraction
1268. External Fixation device - Mayon Meta Splints & Modified Thomas Splints
1269. Instrument to remove or break up bone particles - Rongeurs
1270. Phenothiazine – contraindicated to horse - Chlorpromazine
1271. Examples of sedative- hypnotics - Barbiturates, Chloral Hydrate, Xylazine
1272. Excitatory Amino Acid (Transmitter in CNS) - Glutamate, Aspartate
1273. Inhibitory Amino Acid (Transmitter in CNS) - Glycine, GABA
1274. Amine Transmitter - Acetylcholine , NE, Dopamine, 5-ht/serotonin
1275. Spinal Stimulants - Strychnine, Brucine, Picrotoxin
1276. Medullary Stimulant/ Respiratory Stimulant - Doxapram
1277. Cortical Stimulant (Antidepressant Ahymoleptic) - Imiprazine , Isoniazid
1278. Classical Cortical Stimulants - Cocaine, Amphetamine, Ephedrine, Xanthine
1279. Psycotomimetics - LSD, mescaline
1280. Endogenous adrenergic rerotransmitters are called - Catecholamines
1281. Precursor of Catecholamines - Tyrosine
1282. Prototype of adrenergic stimulants - Epinephrine
1283. Potency of Catecholamines discovery by (1948) - Alquist
1284. Catecholamines according to potency in L receptors - Ep>NE>Isoproterenol
1285. Catecholamines according to potency in B receptors - Is>Ep>Ne
1286. B1 located in - Heart
1287. B2 located in - Blood vessels, Liver, Bronchi, etc.
1288. L1 located in - Postsynaptic Fibers
1289. L2 located in - Pre- & Post-Synaptic Fibers
1290. Main site of action of local anesthetic is - Cell mambrane
1291. Substance produce by puffer fish (poison) - Tetrodoxin
1292. Drugs acting on motor nerve terminal - Polymyxin, TCN, Aminoglycoside, (Prejunctional Blokade)
1293. Poisons from black widow spider, Cl. botulinum - Tetrodoxin
1294. Arrow poison contains (neuromuscular blocking Agent) - D. tubocurarine, C botulinum
1295. Dantrolene, drug acting at skeletal mmuscles fiber by - Limiting the release of Ca2+ ions
1296. Central muscles relaxants are the - General Anesthetic & Skeletal Muscles Relaxants
1297. Skeletal muscles relaxants block the neuron connecting afferent & neurons in CNS or the -
Internuncial neuron
1298. Example of Central muscle relaxants - Mephenesin, Glyceryl Guiacolate, Guaifenesin
1299. Inhalation Anesthetics; examples - Diethyl ether, Cloroform, and Halothane
1300. Drug that control status epilepticus - Diazepam
1301. Anticonvulsant drugs - Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Primidone, Diazepam
1302. Dissociate Agent used for cats - Tiletamine
1303. Ketamine, a dissociated agent that causes increase in - Salivation
1304. Used of opioid analgesic & neuroleptic Transmitter - Neuroleptanalgesia (Pre-anesthetic
1305. Drugs that causes cataleptic (muscular rigidity) analgesic Anesthetic w/o hypnotic effect (sleep
producing) - Dissociative Agent
1306. Tentanyl-droperidol combination, contraindicated in indicated in dogs , primates & small
rodents (minor surgery) - Cats
1307. For capture of wild animals but contraindicated in cats - Etorphine- Phenothiazine tranquilizer
1308. Inhibitor of energy metabolism - Nitrofuran
1309. Inhibitors of foliate synthesis - TMP-S – sulfonamides, Trimethoprim
1310. Inhibitors of Protein (CHON) synthesis CLAMT - Chloramphenicol, Lincosamide
Aminoglycoside, Macrolides, Tetracycline
1311. Inhibitors of Nucleic Acid - Nalidixic acid, Rifampin, Fluoroquinolones, Dimetridazole,
Novobiocin, Metronidazole
1312. Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis PCV – B - Penicillin, Cephalexin Vancomycin, Bacitracin
1313. Inhibitors of cell membrane - Polymyxin, Novobiocin
1314. Narrow Spectrum - Aminoglycosides
1315. Broad Spectrum - Penicillin, Tetracycline, Trimethoprim
1316. Bactericidal - Penicillin, Cephalyxin, TMP-S, Aminoglycosides, Nitrofurans, Quinolones,
1317. Bacteriostatic - Tetracycline, Chloram, Macrolides, Lincosomide, Spectinomycin Sulfonamides
1318. Produce by Streptomyces avermitilis ; contraindicated in collie & < 3 months Pup - Ivermectrin
1319. Milbemycin is from, and contraindicated in Collie - Streptomyces hygroscopicus
1320. Agents & mixtures that promote 4- stomach function - Rumenotorics (Fermentation & motility)
1321. Vit. B6, Pleroylmonoglutamic acid or - Folic acid
1322. Vit. K1, Phytonadione - Hemostatic
1323. Vit. K3, or - Menadione
1324. Benzodiazepienes (diazepam/oxazepam), appetite stimulant in - Cats
1325. Anticholinergic Drugs- effect - Bronchodilator
1326. Treatment of bronchoconstrictive respiratory tract disease - adrenergic agonist
1327. Safest antitussive in cats - Dextromethorpan
1328. Cardiac glycocides (+) inotropes - Digoxin, Digitoxin
1329. Position inotropes increase the - Muscle contraction
1330. Arterial dilators, ex - Hydralazine, Ca2+ channel blockers
1331. Arterial & venous dilator, ex - Nitroprusside, Prozosin
1332. Cats can’t convert B-carotene to vit. A because they lock - Intestinal carotenase
1333. 3 Amino acid of greatest importance in pigs - Tryptophan, Threonine, Lysine
1334. Limiting Amino acid in soybean - Methionine
1335. Diluting fluid for RBC - Hayems (Na2SO4), Gower (Glacial Acetic acid), PSS
1336. Diluting fluid for WBC - Glacial Acetic acid, NaOH, HCl
1337. Diluting fluid for Platelets - Rees-ecker, (Sodium Citrate)
1338. Stains for blood smears - Wrights, wright’s-giemsa, Brilliant Cresyl Blue
1339. Anticoagulant most commonly used - EDTA, Sodium citrate
1340. Receptive substance discovered by - John Newport Langley
1341. Decreased responsiveness w/ continued or chronic drug - Tolerance administration
1342. Most versatile & effective antidote for metal intoxication - Chelating agents
1343. Antidote for (Pb) lead poisoning, extracellular chelator - EDTA
1344. Chelating agent, for heavy metal poisoning, has rotten egg odor - Dimercaprol
1345. BAL (British Antilewisite) or - Dimercaprol
1346. Antidote to Cu poisoning - Penicillamine
1347. Produced by w/c lipophilic grp is attached to the drug to enable enable it to pass through B.B.B -
1348. Changes biologically active compound to less active/ inactive - Detoxification
1349. The product of transforming active or less active to a more active form - Lethal synthesis
1350. Present in anaerobic bacteria & lactobacilli, resp. for enterohepatic recycling of drug -
1351. Enzyme development at animals occur at - 3 - 6 wks most spp. & 3 days at birth in horse
1352. Spp. of/ animal that is entirely depresent in Glutathione conjugation pathway of drug
metabolism - Cat
1353. Size of substance that can pass through glomerulus - < 7000 mv
1354. Animals that are good biliary excretors - Rats, dogs, chicken
1355. Animals that are moderate biliary excretors - Cats & sheep
1356. Animals that are poor biliary excretors - Guinea pigs, rabbits, rhesus monkey
1357. Derivative of the 21-C preguone nuclei - Adrenocortical hormone
(cyclopentanoperhydrophenantrene ring)
1358. Chromaffin cells in ___ secretes epinephrine - Adrenal medulla
1359. Promotes conversion of adrenocortical cholesterol to glococorticoid, mineralocortic , & sex
steroid - ACTH
1360. Function of cortisol_______ ______ _____ - Initiates gluconeogenesis, CHON metabolism, Fat
Metalization, counteract Influris
1361. Short acting corticoids _____ _____ - Hydrocortsone/ Cortisol, cortisone
1362. Intermediate acting corticoids -Preduisone, prednisolone, Methylpreduisolone, Triamcinolone
1363. Long – acting ____ ____ - Paramethasone, betamethasone, dexamethasone
1364. Animal that produce both cortisol & cortisone - Ruminant (in equal amount)
1365. Glucocorticoid is impt. / advantage in transplant because - it inhibit AB & interferon production
1366. Salivary characteristic when it is parasympathetic Stimulation - Watery
1367. Salivary characteristic when it is sympathetic Stimulation - Viscous
1368. True emesis is not possible in these animals - Hores,ruminants, rodents, rabbits
1369. Centrally acting emetics _____ _____ - Apomorphine,xylazine, prostaglandin (PGF2(), ipecac
1370. Locally acting emetics ____ _____ - H2O2, NaCl, CuSO4, ZnSO4
1371. Centrally acting antiemetics - Magnesium oxide, Magnesium silicate, etc.
1372. ATBC that should not be administer w/ Kaolin-pectin - Tetracyline (TCN)
1373. Adsorbents, ex - Activated charcoal, attapulgite
1374. Protectant, antidiarrheal, purified CHO from citrus - Pectin
1375. Bismuth salt is protectant because it is - Anti-secretory
1376. Protectants in G.I. (Gastrointestinal) - Sucralfate, misoprostole, bismuth, pectin
1377. Epsom salt or - MgSO4
1378. Sodium sulfate or - Glanders salt
1379. Surfactants, wetting agents, detergents - Emolient Laxatives
1380. Antispasmodics/ motility reducers, ex - Cholinergic blocker—Atropine, metheopolamin, opiate
derivative, diphenoxalate, Loperamide
1381. Coat the mucosa, swim them passage of feces & H2O absorption, eg. Mineral oil, liquid paraffin -
Lubricant Laxatives
1382. MgSO4, NaSO4, Na K tartrate are ex. Of - Saline bulk forming isosmotic laxatives
1383. Added to food to provoke soft feces 7 control constipation; - Simple bulk forming laxatives ex.
are: methylcellulose, psyllium compounds, bran, agar, etc.
1384. Used for expulsion of gas & reduction of foam formation - Carminatives
1385. Cholagogues (stimulate bile flow ) - Menbutone
1386. Described microbes (bacteria & protozoa) under a microscope - Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek
1387. Establish that microorganisms were responsible for fermentation - Louis Pasteur (1822-
1388. Added –oma Kingdom Protista - E.H. Haeckel (1866, German)
1389. Distinguish Kingdoms- Kingdom Monera (Cyanobacteria - blue green algae); Kingdom Protista
(microscope algae & protozoa) Kingdom Fungi (yeast & molds) - R.H. Whittaker
1390. Neutrophils have golgi apparatus & mitochondria but don’t have - Ribosomes & RER
1391. Substance that promote attachment & engulfment of particles - Opsonin
1392. Hemoglobin is a complex , formed by - 4 heme & 4 globins (2L&2B)
1393. The only known hemoglobinopathy in animals & most important Cause of Photosentization in
cattle - Porphyria
1394. Major site of erythropoeitin production - Kidney
1395. Iron released after breakdown is stored as ferretin or hemosiderin in - Macrophage or back to
1396. Heme is convertin to____ after breakdown - Bilirubin
1397. Bilirubin conjugates with albumin, brought to liver, excreted into - Bile
1398. Principal metabolic pathway of RBC - Glycolysis
1399. In the lymph Node, B-cells are found in - Fallicular centers
1400. T-cells are found in (IN) - Parafollicular centers/zones
1401. Humoral immunity or - Antibody production
1402. Lymphocyte production originate in - Bone Marrow
1403. Lymphocyte in the red pulp of spleen are - B-cells
1404. T-cells in spleen are located in - Periarteriolar lymphoid sheats
1405. The principal Ab of respiratory & intestinal secretion - Ig A
1406. The first Ab produced to a newly recognized Ag - Ig M
1407. The principal Ab (antibody) of the circulatory blood - Ig G
1408. The principal Ab involved in allergic reactions - Ig E
1409. “Helper” T-cells or - CD 4
1410. “Suppressor” T-cells or - CD 8
1411. Are produced for the BM from megakaryocytes under the influence of thrombopoietin -
1412. ____, component of platelet, for transport system, for granules & the source of Phospholipid -
Canalicular System
1413. Local accumulation of Fibrin & Platelets - Hemostatic Plug
1414. Unit for MCV - Femtoliter
1415. Unit for MCH - Picogram
1416. Unit for MCHC - g/dl
1417. Nutritional anemia usually related to def of - Iron, Vit. E, Vit. B6,&Cu
1418. Non-generative anemia usually related to - Nutritional Anemias, BM failure
1419. Anti-coagulant for blood (stored, as in commercial) - Citrate phosphate dextrose alanine -1
1420. Anti-coagulant not used in storing CZ of longer half-life in recipient, causes platelet-activation -
1421. Gall sickness or (intraerythrocytic parasite) - Anaplasmosis
1422. All domestic animals have blood volume of 7% of BW except - Cats (4%)
1423. Causative Agent for ticks fever in cattle - A. marginale, babesia bovis, & bigemina
1424. Treatment for Anaplasmosis - TCN & Imidocarb
1425. Inraerythrocytie protozoan transmitted by Boophilus spp. - Babesia bigemina, B. bovis
1426. Babesia canis, transmitted by - Ripecephalus sanguineus & others
1427. Epicellular RBC, rickettsial parasite, causing FIA - Haemobartonella felis
1428. Affinity___ Theilariasis - WBC & RBC
1429. Causative agent of East Coast Fever - Theilaria parva
1430. Treatment for Theilariasis - Naphthaquinone derivatives, Parvaquone, Buparvaquone
1431. Tse-tse transmitted Trypanosomiasis - T.congolense, T.vivax,T.brucei, T.simiae
1432. Tse-tse flies are in the genus - Glossina sp.
1433. Causative agent of Surra - Trypanosoma evansi
1434. All animals are susceptible with Surra but essentially a ds. among - Camels, horse, fatal
also in dogs
1435. Chronic venereal disease of horse transmitted after coitus - Dourine C.A.: T. equiperdum
1436. Causative agent for Chagas disease - Trypanosoma cruzi
1437. Most common hematopoietic neoplasms in dogs - Canine Malignant Lymphoma
1438. Prothrombin time tests the (pathway?) - Extrinsic & common pathway
1439. Activated partial thromboplastin time & activated coagulation time, test the - Intrinsic &
common pathway
1440. Thrombin time test the - Quantity & quality of fibrinogen
1441. A syndrome characterized by massive activation & consumption of coagulation CHON,
fibrinolytic CHON, platelets - DIC
1442. Most common inherited bleeding disorder in dogs, also in cats, rabbits, & Pigs - Von Willebrands
1443. Loose irregularly arranged connective tissue that often contains fat - Areolar tissues
1444. Denser, more regularly arranged thin layer of connective tissue - Fascia
1445. Dense, regularly arranged fibrous C.T. organized into a small well-defined bundle - Tendon
1446. Same consistency as tendon but the fibrous tissues is arranged as a thin sheet of tissues -
1447. Fibrous C.T. bet. bones, connection bet. organs to organs and the body wall - Ligament
1448. Thin sheet of muscle that covers most of the dorsal, lateral & ventral wall of the thorax &
abdomen - Cutaneous Trunci
1449. The host developed of the cutaneous muscle of the neck and head - Platysma
1450. Ligament that connects the dorsal aspect of all vertebral spines except the cervical vertebrae -
Supraspinous Ligament
1451. Composed predominantly of yellow elastic fibrous tissue extend from spine of 1st thoracic
vertebrae to the spine of axis - Nuchal Ligament
1452. Thin and triangular muscle - Trapezius
1453. Collagenous thickening across the tendon of origin of biceps at the intertubecular groove -
Transverse Humeral Retinaculum
1454. Large, fan-shaped muscle, act as sling to support body bet.limbs - Serratus ventralis
1455. A condensation of collagenous tissue, which unites the radius & ulna proximally - Interosseous
1456. Largest & most cranial os coxae,articulates with sacrum - Ilium
1457. Most caudal os coxae - Ischium
1458. Ventromedial to the ilium & cranial to the large obturator foramen - Pubis
1459. Knee cap or - Patella
1460. A sessamoid in the tendon of insertion of large quadriceps femoris that extends the Stifle -
1461. Thigh bone or - Femur
1462. Shin or Leg bone - Tibia
1463. Tarsus, 7 tarsal bones, are called - Hock
1464. Calcaneous, Talus, Central tarsal bone (T 1 2 3 4) - Tarsal Bones
1465. First digit, dew claw or - Hallux
1466. The cervical vertebra that lacks transverse foramina & - 7th cervical vertebra
1467. First sternabra, cranial end is clublike - Manubrium
1468. Last sternabra, also known as - Xiphoid process
1469. Scalenus is a muscle of - Inspiration
1470. The thickest & most external of the meninges - Dura mater
1471. Pachymeninx or - Dura mater
1472. Brain case, dermal-bone roof - Calvaria
1473. Foramen, dorsal to the 3rd premolar tooth - Infraorbital Foramen
1474. Lateral elevations of roots of cheek teeth - check
1475. Lower Jaw, “Mandible”, articulates with - Temporal bone
1476. Are bones developed in tendons to afford high leverage - Sessamoids
1477. Skull, vertebral column, ribs, sternum - Axial skeleton
1478. Unpaired bone of the hyoid - Basihyoid
1479. Unpaired bone of the face & palate - Vomer
1480. Number of bones in the Sternum - 8 (eight)
1481. Paired bones of the brain case - Exoccipital, Parietal, Frontal, Temporal
1482. No. (total) of pectoral limb & Pelvic Limb - 90 & 96
1483. Largest bone of the face - Mandible
1484. Formerly called maxilla Turbinate - Ventral Nasal Concha
1485. The jugal or molar bone - Zygomatic bones
1486. Caudo medical to the maxilla is the - Palatine
1487. Lacrimal bone is located on the rostral margin of - Orbit
1488. Small, thimn, slightly curved, 4- sided bones - Pterygoid bone
1489. Ethmoidal, Optic, Orbital, Round - Orbital foramina
1490. Trochlear foramen, when present, is found in - Pterygoid crest
1491. Pterygo-palatine foramina - Maxillary, Sphenopalatine, Posterior palatine
1492. Largest of the paranasal sinus - Maxillary sinus
1493. No. of thoracic vertebrae in horse - 18
1494. No. of thoracic vertebrae in fowl - 7
1495. No. of thoracic vertebrae in pig - 14 - 15
1496. No. of lumbar vertebrae in Pig & Sheep - 6 - 7
1497. No. of sacral vertebrae in Dogs - 3
1498. No. of Lumbo-sacral vertebrae in fowl - 14
1499. No. of sacral vertebrae in horse & ox - 5
1500. No. of Coccygeal vertebrae in horse - 15 - 21
1501. No. of Coccygeal vertebrae in Fowl - 6
1502. Vertebrae that are fused forming a single bone - Sacral vertebrae
1503. Vertebrae longer than other regions, massive & quadrangular - Cervical
1504. Vertebrae with facets for articulation w/ ribs, long spinous process - Thoracic
1505. Vertebrae- short bodies, expanded transverse process - Lumbar
1506. 3 foramina in the atlas of the horse - Intervertebral, alas, transverse
1507. Transverse foramen is absent in - Sheep & Ox
1508. Atlas foramen is a notch in what animal - Dog
1509. Epistropheus or - Axis
1510. Dens-tooth-like in what animal - Dog
1511. Animal having spont-shaped dens - Ox & Sheep
1512. The 6th cervical of ___has a trifids transverse process - Horse
1513. Common feshire of the 1st rib is the - Scalene tubercle
1514. Characteristic of the 7th cervical vertebrae - Single transverse process, No transverse foramen,
& facet on either side of posterior body for head of last rib
1515. Mammiliary process are observed in - Caudal thoracic

1516. Animals having 4th, 5th & 6th lumbars - transverse process - Equidae Articulate w/ each
1517. Spine is always medial or lateral - Lateral
1518. upper scapula is anterior or posterior - Anterior
1519. In determining the side of humerus, crest & head are found at what position - Crest Lateral -
Head - Posterior
1520. How to determine the side of radius & Ulna - R- Radial tuberosity is medial U- Olecranon process
is lateral
1521. Splint bones of the horse are the - 2nd & 4th metacarpal (vestigial)
1522. Weight bearing metacarpals in ox & sheep are - 3 & 4
1523. Functional metacarpal of the horse is the - 3rd (third)
1524. The vestigial metacarpal of ox and sheep - 5th (fifth)
1525. Number of phalanges in digit 1 of dogs - 2 (two)
1526. Hip bone, the largest flat bone in the body or - Ox coxae
1527. Pelvic girdle, sacrum, coccydials 1 & 2 - Bony pelvis
1528. Shaft distinctly quadrilateral (femur) - Pig
1529. Large sesamoid which derived in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle - Patella
1530. Synarthroses or - Fibrous joint
1531. Synovial joint,/ True joint - Diarthroses
1532. Five types of synarthroses - Suture,Syndesmosis,Symphysis, Synchondrosis, Gymphosis
1533. Cartilagenous joint - Amphiarthrosis
1534. Classes of diarthrodial joints - G-A-T-E
1535. Hinge joint, Elbow - Ginglymus
1536. Gliding joint, intercarpal - Arthrodia
1537. Pivot joint, atlanto-axial - Trochoid
1538. Ball & socket joint, Hip - Enarthrosis
1539. Osseous union - Synostosis
1540. Between head of humerus & glenoid cavity of scapula or - Shoulder
1541. Between distal humerus & proximal radius & ulna or - Elbow
1542. Joint between distal metacarpals, proximal 1st phalanx & proximal sesamoid - Fetlock
1543. Intersesamoidean ligaments ( SOCS) - Short,oblique,cruciate,straight
1544. Joint between distal 1st phalanx & proximal 2nd phalanx - Pastern
1545. This 2 joints: femoro-patellar & femoro-tibial arm arise the - Stifle
1546. Joint between 2nd & 3rd phalanges & navicular bone - Coffin
1547. Extensor muscle: shoulder in horse - Brachiocephalic
1548. Flexor affecting shoulder in horse - Deltoid,teres major,teres minor
1549. Fixers affecting shoulder in horse - Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapular
1550. Muscles making the synsarcosis (8) - SV, T, LD, R, SP, DP, B, O
1551. Three (3) parts of synovial sheath - Exotendon, endotendon, & mesotendon
1552. Three (3) bursa in the forelimb - Bicipital, extensor, navicular
1553. Nine (9) bursa in the hindlimb - Calcanean, cunean, navicular, extensor, tibial, trochanteric,
patellar, piriform, gluteal
1554. Fixers affecting shoulder in horse - Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, subscapular
1555. Adductors of shoulder - Superficial & deep pectoral
1556. Elevators of the shoulder - Trapezius, Rhomboideous
1557. Flexors of the elbow - Brachialis, biceps bracii, coracobrachialis
1558. Extensors of the elbow - Triceps, anconeus, tensor fascia antibrachii
1559. Extensors of the carpus & digit - ECR, EDC, EDQ, ECU, UL, supinator
1560. Main function of extensor carpi ulnaris is - Flexor
1561. Flexors of carpus & digit - FCR, FCU, deep flexor, superficial flexor
1562. How many muscles attached to scapula - 14
1563. Abductor muscles of the hip - Superficial,middle,deep gluteal
1564. Adductor muscles of the hip - Gracilis, adductor femoris, pectineus, external obturator
1565. Flexor muscles of the hip - Sartorius,Ilio-psoas,Quadriceps Tensor fascia late
(Med.,Lat.,Intermediate, rectis femoris)
1566. Extensor muscle of the hip - Biceps Femoris, semitendenosus, Semimembranosus, quadratus
femoris, internal obturator, gemelius
1567. Nerve supply of extensor muscle of the hip - Schiatic nerve
1568. Superficial flexor of tarsus & digit - Gastrocnemius & Plantaris
1569. Contents of the femoral canal - Femoral artery, femoral vein, saphenous nerve, deep inguinal
lymph node
1570. Venous blood carried to sinus venous of right atrium by - Vena cava, vena azygous, coronary
1571. Azygous vein is left in what animal - Pig & ruminant
1572. Apex is pointed in what Animal - Sheep
1573. Apex is doubled in what animal - Pigs
1574. Apex is blunt & rounded, heart ovoid - Dogs
1575. Serous fluid in the pericardium - Liquor pericardii
1576. The main systemic arterial trunk - Aorta
1577. Branch from the ascending aorta, supply heart with blood - Coronary artery
1578. Brachiocephalic artery ends into _____ - Right subclavian & common carotid artery
1579. Right common carotid lies on ___ & left on ___ - Trachea; Esophagus
1580. Both common carotid ends in - Atlas (wing)
1581. Drain almost all blood from abdomen, pelvis & pelvis limbs - Caudal vena cava
1582. Drains intestines, stomach, spleen & pancreas - Portal vein
1583. Vein that drains greater part of the chest wall - Azygous vein
1584. Drain all bld from the head, brain, and face, cervical to jugular vein - Cranial vena cava
1585. Chief collecting trunk of the lymphatic system - Thoracic duct
1586. Dilation (2nd lumbar vertebra) formed by union trunks, which drain the pelvic limb - Cisterna
1587. After birth foremen ovale closes and becomes - Fossa Ovales
1588. Ductus arteriosus become_______________ after birth - Ligamentum arteriosum
1589. Number of cartilages that make the Larynx - 9
1590. Paired cartilage in the Larynx - Arytenoids, corniculates, cuneiforms
1591. Unpaired cartilage of the larynx - Epiglottis, Cricoid, Thyroid
1592. Animals tracheal rings inc. dorsally in thoracic region and overlap in cervical region dorsally from
the right to left - Horse
1593. Animals having end of tracheal rings in opposition forming a dorsal ring in the thoracic region,
cervical region incomplete dorsally - Ox & Sheep
1594. Tracheal rings of animal overlap dorsally, both in thoracic & neck - Pig
1595. Tracheal ring are slender & U-ship - Dog
1596. Muscles for inspiration (PLIS2D) - Pectoralis, Lattisimus dorsi, intercostals muscle, scaleneus,
serratus ventralis cauda, diaphragm
1597. Muscles for expiration (TRSIA) - Traversus thoracis, retractor costae, serratus dorsalis,
intercostals, abdominal muscle
1598. The first premolar in horse is called - Wolf tooth
1599. Cutting teeth or - Cavnassial
1600. Blood supply of the pulp - Infraorbital & mandibular alveolar branches of the internal maxillary
1601. Nerve supply of the teeth - Trigeminal Nerve
1602. When all teeth are similar (crocodile) - Homodont
1603. Characteristic of heterodont (differentiation) - Molar, premolar, Incisor etc.
1604. Dentition in Swine and Man - Bunodont
1605. Ridges in cheek teeth, as in horse (dentition) - Lophodont
1606. When ridges becomes sharp, as in cheek teeth of ox - Selenodont
1607. Brachydont in what species (short-crowned) - Dog
1608. Long-crowned of Hypsodont in - Horse
1609. Blood supply of tongue - Branches of external maxillary artery
1610. Motor nerve of the tongue - Hypoglossal Nerve
1611. Tongue, spatula-shaped in - Horse
1612. Tongue, narrow and pointed with thin apex - Pig
1613. Tongue, wide, thin and mobile, dorsum w/ median grove in - Dog
1614. Salivary glands - Parotid, Submandibular, Sublingual
1615. Parotid is serous except in_____ when it is mixed - Dog
1616. Submandibular & sublingual secretion is - Mixed (serous and mucous)
1617. Accessory salivary glands in dog located anterior of - Zygomatic or orbital gland (Mixed)
Pterygopalatine fossa
1618. Animal species with fusoform tonsil located in Sinus - Dog
1619. Intrinsic muscle of soft palate - Levator veli palatini, tensor veli palatini, Palatinus Palete
1620. Extrinsic muscle of soft palate - Palato-pharygeus
1621. Animal with uvula & tonsil in pharynx, soft palate and Sinus - Pig
1622. Bean-shaped circumscribed tonsil in sinus (animal?) - Ox-Sheep
1623. Animal, tonsil diffuse in sinus, root of tongue & soft palate - Horse
1624. Lactiferous sinus or - Milk cistern
1625. Streak/milk canal or - Teat canal
1626. Blood supply of mammary gland - External pudendal artery
1627. Nerve supply of mammary gland - Inguinal nerve and Posterior mesenteric plexus of the
1628. 2-4 canals in the teat of - Horse
1629. Two glands of two quarter each, teat with one canal - Cow
1630. Two glands, teat one canal - Ewe
1631. 10 or 12 glands, teats 2-3 canal - Sow
1632. 10 glands, teats 8-20 canals - Bitch
1633. Non-deciduate animals - Mare, Cow, Ewe
1634. 3 membrane in the CNS (Meninges) - Dura mater, Arachnoid, Pia mater
1635. Proencephalon or - Forebrain
1636. Mesencephalon or - Midbrain
1637. Rhombencephalon or - Hindbrain
1638. CNS consist of - Brain and Spinal chord
1639. PNS consist of - Cranial & Spinal nerve w/ the ganglia, sympathetic nervous system
1640. Exit of alfactory nerve from skull - Ethmoidal Foremen
1641. Optic nerve exist in - Optic foremen
1642. Cranial nerve 3,4&6 exist in - Orbital fissure
1643. Trigeminal nerve exits in - Maxillary foramen, rotundum
1644. Mandibular nerve exist in - Foramen ovale
1645. Facial nerve exist in - Stylomastoid foramen
1646. Auditory nerve exits in - Internal acoustic meatus
1647. Cranial nerve 9,10 & 11 exits in - Jugular foramen
1648. Cranial nerve that originates at lateral corpus trapeziodeum - Facial nerve behind pons
1649. Derived from 6th lumbar 1st sacral - Sciatic nerve
1650. Derived from 4th & 5th Lumbar - Femoral nerve
1651. Formed by junction of central roots of the last 3 lumbar & the first two sacral nerve -
Lumbo sacral plexus
1652. Formed by junction of central branches of last 3 cervical 7 the first two thoracic nerve - Brachial
1653. Suprascapular nerve derived from - 6th & 7th cervical nerve
1654. Musculo-cutaneous nerve derive from - 7th & 8th cervical nerve
1655. Nerve that supplies coraco-brachialis, biceps brachii, brachialis - Musculo-cutaneous nerve
1656. Axillary is derive from chiefly from - 8th cervical nerve
1657. Axillary supplies the - Teres major, capsularis, teres minor deltoid, brachiocephalic, cutaneous
1658. Radial nerve is derive from - 1st and 2nd thoraric
1659. Tree trunks that carries blood from the circle at the base of the udder - Perineal Vien
1660. Abdominal vien (subcutaneous) in the udder - Milk vien
1661. Ova develop inside the - Graafian follicle
1662. Fertilization occur in - Upper oviduct
1663. Stages after the rapture of graafian follicle - Corpus rubrum, C.luteum, C.albicans
1664. When follicle filled with blood clot - Corpus nebrum
1665. When follicular cells invade the clot 7 become lutien cells - Corpus leteum
1666. When fibroblast cells invade C.L. and convert luteal tissue - Corpus albicans
1667. When C.L. degenerates, as in no fertilization occur - Corpus luteum, spurium
1668. Corpus lateum of pregnancy - Corpus lateum verum
1669. Blood and nerve supply of ovary - Utero, ovarian artery, symphatetic
1670. Penis has sigmoid flexure in front of scrotum & no glans - Pig
1671. Bulbo-urethral gland & seminal vesicles absent and only prostate gland present in - Dogs
1672. Urethral process on glands is elongated into vermiform appendage - Sheep
1673. Connecting folds of peritoneum - Omenta, Mesenteries, Ligaments
1674. foramen that links the omental bursa w/ peritoneal cavity - Foramen of Winslow, Epiploic
1675. A fold which passes from the stomach to other viscera - Omentum
1676. A fold of peritoneum which attaches the intestine to the dorsal wall - Mesentery of the
1677. Spleen part of RES, attached by - Hilus, gastro, splenic, omentum, suspensory ligament (esp. in
1678. Triangular shaped kidney & w/ suspensory ligament in - Horse
1679. Elongated, w/ their round extremities, short hillus, no suspensory ligament in - Ox
1680. Same spleen w/ ox but triangular shaped in - Sheep
1681. Strap-like spleen with long hilus in - Pig
1682. Falciform, long & narrow spleen, hilus is longitudinal ridge in - Dog
1683. Quadrilateral-shaped pancuas has only dorsal duct in - Ox
1684. Only ventral duct, persist in pancreas of - Sheep
1685. Pancreas with right &left branches meet at acute angle behind pyluro, with two ducts - Pig
1686. Lobe of the liver that bears candate process & omentalor papillary process - right lobe
1687. Structures that enter the Porta - Portal vien, hepatic artery, plexus nerve
1688. Vessels that leave the Porta - Duct, lymphatics
1689. How many ligaments in liver enumerate - 6 coronary, falciform, round triangular, (left & right)
1690. Liver not divide into lobes in - Ox
1691. Candate process of theliver is visible in Ox but not in - Sheep
1692. Liver parenchyma has a morocco leather appearance, divide into 4 main lobes - Pigs
1693. Parietal surface is extremely convex where gall bladder is visible - Dogs
1694. Location of rumen - Occupies most of the left abdominal cavity from 7th intercostals space to
the pelvic inlet
1695. Is the most anterior & smallest of non-glandular stomach greater - Reticulum part on the left of
median plave
1696. Location of Omasum - Right side of mid-line, from 7th 11th ribs
1697. Absmasum is located - Abdominal floor
1698. Separates non-glandular mucous membrane of the horse form glandular - Margo plicatus
1699. Non-glandular left extremity in horse is - Saccus-caecus
1700. Blind pouch in the left extremity of the stomach in pig is termed - Diverticulum venticuli
1701. The stomach of this animal is pear-shaped & distensible - Dog
1702. Esophagus, voluntary as far as the base of the heart in - Horse
1703. Esophagus, easily dilatable & voluntary throughout in - Ox & Sheep
1704. Esophagus, voluntary till last near the cardia - Pig
1705. Esophagus, voluntary throughout, constricted ventrally at origin by thick layer of mucous gland -
1706. Rat-tailed appearance of horse is caused by - Oxyuris equi
1707. Visceral Larvae migrans (ocular larvae migrans) - Toxocara canis
1708. Human pinworm or seat worm - Enterobius vermicularis
1709. Piperazine compounds & Hygromycin B are highly effective in TX. - Ascaridia galli
1710. Typical characteristic of “free-living generation” of strongylidae - Esophagus w/ posterior bulb
1711. Characteristic of “parasitic generation” of strongylidae - Markedly elongated cylindrical
1712. Adult of this parasite have relatively long esophagus - Strongyloides spp.
1713. Nematodes with 6, 3, or no lips - Strongylidae
1714. Strongylus spp. that invades the caecum & colon of equine - Strongylus equines
1715. Strongylus spp., adults are found in large intestine of equines - S. edentatus, S. vulgaris
1716. Often referred as nodular worms, because several species cause nodular formation on the walls
of intestine - Oesophagostomum spp.
1717. The principal feature of Haemonchus species infection - Anemia
1718. Human broad tapeworm - Diphyllobothrium latum
1719. The larva of tapeworm contained within the external embryonic envelop & armed with 6 hooks -
1720. Developmental stage in cestodes, which the ciliated embryopleure contains the oncosphere -
1721. Diphyllobothrium latumi causes pernicious anemia because of - Extensive absorption of vit. B12
& cobalamin
1722. Small-medium sized tapeworm, uterus is spiraled eggs pointed at each end, adult in carnivore -
Spirometra sp.
1723. Causes sparganosis in man - Spirometra sp.
1724. Dwarf tapeworm - Hymenolepis nana
1725. Antibiotic for gram-positive organisms - Penicillin, Lincosamides, Vancomycin, Bacitracin
1726. Antibiotic for gram-negative organisms - Aminoglycosides, Polymyxin
1727. Specific sites of protein synthesis inhibitors: 30 S ribosomal units - Aminoglycosides &
Tetracycline, 50 S ribosomal units - Macrolides, Chloramphenicol, Tiamulin Virginiamycin
1728. Penicillin preparation that has the longest duration of action - Benzathine pen G (7 days)
1729. Anti-pseudomonal penicillin - Carboxypenicillin
1730. Basic difference between amoxicillin & ampicillin - Amoxicillin is more stable in gastric acid than
1731. Carboxypenicillins - Carbinicillin, Ticarcillin
1732. Difference between indanyl carbenicillin & carbenicillin - Indanyl carbenicillin:Oral, Carbenicillin:
Parenteral only
1733. Organism that produces Penicillin - Penicillium notatumi
1734. Organism that produces cephalosporin - Cephalosporium acremorium
1735. Organism that produces bacitracin - Bacillus subtilis
1736. Source of first sulfonamide - Prontosil, an azo dye
1737. Mode of action of sulfonamide - Inhibit formation of foliate Co-factor by preventing utilization of
1738. Other term for TMP-S - Potentiated sulfonamides
1739. Difference between sulfa & potentiated sulfa - Potentiated sulfa:Bactericidal Sulfa:
1740. Organism that produces Streptomycin - Streptomyces griseus
1741. Organism that produces spectinomycin - Streptomyces spectabilis
1742. Zona glomerulosa secretes - Mineralocorticoids
1743. Adrenal medullary hormone not essential for life while adrenal cortical hormone, essential for
life (true or false) - TRUE
1744. Beta lactamase antibiotic - Penicillin & Cephalosporin
1745. Antibiotic poorly absorbed from the gut - Aminoglycosides, Bacitracin, Colistin, Vancomycin
1746. 1 mg Colistin is equal to - 30,000 unit
1747. 1 mg Polymyxin B is equal to - 10,000 units
1748. 1 mg Procaine pen G is equal to - 1,000 units
1749. 1 mg Na+ pen G is equal to - 1,667 units
1750. 1 mg K+ pen G is equal to - 1,595 units
1751. Trimethoprim, low antibacterial property, Inhibit - Dihydrofolic acid reductase
1752. Other dihydrofolic reductase drugs - Ormethoprim, Pyrimethamine, Diaveridine
1753. Major adverse effect of Sulfonamides - Damage kidney & urinary tract (crystalline deposits)
1754. Ratio of TMP to Sulfa - 1 TMP : 5 Sulfa
1755. The only bacteriostatic aminocyclitol antibiotic - Spectinomycin
1756. Antibiotic against gram negative bacteria, TB, eliminate carrier state of leptospirosis -
1757. Major adverse effect of aminoglycosides - Ototoxity, neuromuscular blockade, nephotoxicity
1758. Aminoglycoside not effective vs. anaerobic bacteria (T/F) - True
1759. Optimum ratio of TMP to sulta in plasma - 1:20 (1: 5 in formulation)
1760. Trithoprim has very short half-life (t1/2) tham sulta (T/F) - True
1761. Aminoglycoside not absorbed from the gut because -They are change to all ph
1762. Antibiotic produced by streptomyces aureofascieus - Chlortetracycline
1763. Term for group of diseases marked by dysfunction of proximal renal tubules with multiple
defect in reabsorption (acidic urine after metabolic alkalosis ) - Fanconi’s Syndrome
1764. Formation of adhesions between visceral & parietal plearu - Pleurodesis
1765. Out dated degraded TCN can cause fanconi-like syndrome (T/F) - True
1766. Organism that produce Chloramphenicol - Streptomyces Venezuela
1767. Important uses of microlides - For mycoplasma, gram (+) infection
1768. Most common adverse effect of Erythromycin - GIT disturbance
1769. Macrolide, most potent VS. Heamonchus in cattle & pig - Tilmicosin
1770. Most important indication for Tiamulin - Mycoplasma infection
1771. Never use Tiamulin with - Ionophore drugs (Monensin & Salinomycin)
1772. Genus of roundworm most likely to go into hypobiosis - Ostertagia sp. (6 mos)
1773. Temperature reduction of immunity associated with increase of hormone - Prolactin
1774. All trichostrongyloid parasitize GIT except - Dictyocaulus viviparous (lungworm of cattle)
1775. G.I. enzyme that accumulate in blood after heavy Ostertagia infection - Pepsin or Pepsinogen
1776. Cells that secret Pepsinogen - Chief cells of gastric (abomasal) mucosa
1777. How is pepsinogen activated - Activated to pepsin by gastric acid (HCl)
1778. HCl (gastric acid) produced by - Parietal cells of gastric mucosa
1779. Rinni or rennet produced in - Stomach (calves)
1780. Enzymes produce in the mouth - Ptyalin, Lysozyme, Lingual Lipase
1781. Part of ruminant digestive, tract parasitized by Cooperia- Small instestine (rarely abomasum)
1782. Stomach worm or wire worm of ruminants - Haemonchus, contortus
1783. Verminous arteritis caused by - L4 & L5 Strongylus vulgaris
1784. Roundworms of ruminants characterized by Barber’s Pole - Heamonchus contortus
1785. Infection of Dictyocaulus is via - Ingestion coral
1786. Metastrongylus infects brochi & brochioles - Pig
1787. I.H. of lungworms of sheep and goats - Mollusks (Snails and Slugs)
1788. I.H. of lungworms of pigs (eg. Metastrongylus) - Earthworm
1789. Kidney worm of pig - Stephanurus detatus
1790. Oesophagostomum dentatum infects caecum & colon - Ruminant & Pigs
1791. Infective larvae of Ascarids - L 2
1792. Genera of pinworm of veterinary interest (Horse) - Oxyyuris equi, Probstmyria vivpara
1793. Animals and organs affected by Spirocerca lupi - Dog occasionally Cat, Granules in walls of aorta
(larvae) and esophagus (adult)
1794. Cause of Habronemiasis or Summer Sore - Habronema spp.
1795. Ascarid that don’t undergo hepatic and pulmonary migration - Toxascaris leonina
1796. Giant kidney worm of dog, swine and man - Dioctophyma renale
1797. Hormone of anterior pituitary involved in regulation of Ovarian function -FSH, LH, Prolactin
1798. Hormones produced in the ovary - Estrogen, Progesterone, Relaxin
1799. The structure that attaches uterus to abdominal wall - Mesumetrium or broad ligament
1800. Animals that spontaneously ovulate but don’t form corpus luteum unless mating occur - Rat,
1801. Animals that spontaneously ovulate with development of corpus luteum with or without mating
- Cow, Sow, Ewe, mare, doe
1802. Animals that ovulate only when copulation occur - Cat, Rabbit, Mink
1803. Degree of reproduction appropriate for the spp. - Fecundity
1804. Permanent loss of fertility - Sterility
1805. Temporary loss of fertility - Infertility
1806. Water soluble hormone produce in granulose cells of the ovaryrelax pelvic structure after
paturition - Relaxin
1807. Study of animal behavior - Ethology
1808. Three hormones essential for Lactogenesis - Prolactin, Insulin, and Cortisol
1809. Two major CHON in milk not found in blood - Casien, Beta lactoglobulin
1810. Primary blood precursor of lactose in synthesis in mammary gland - Glucose
1811. Monosaccharide component of lactose - Glucose and Galactose
1812. Function of Thyroid hormone - Stimulate O2 consumption, regulate lipid & CHO metabolism, for
normal growth and maturation
1813. Gland that produce Calcitonin and its function - Thyroid gland, blood Ca2+ level Inhibiting
resorption of Ca2+
1814. Condition characterized by muscle weakness due to lack of cholinergic receptors in NMJ -
Myasthenia gravis (Tx: Neostigmine, Endrostigmine)
1815. Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis - Neostigmine, Endrostigmine
1816. 2nd I.H. of Echinostoma ilocanum - Plica luzonica
1817. Transmitter of Salmon poisoning and Elokomin fluke fever - Nanophyetus salmincola
1818. Anticoccidial drugs against Monogenean parasites of fish - Toltrazuril
1819. Zipper tapeworm - Spirometra spp.
1820. Organ location of Taenia asiatica cysticerci - Liver
1821. I.H. of Taenia asiatica - PIG
1822. Eucampsipoda sundiaca, a hippoboscid-like ectoparasites - Flying lemur
1823. Trematode, reported first time in Phil. & in Luzon Samabar deer- Orthacoelium orthacoelium
(Cervus philippinus)
1824. Reported parasites of Calamian deer - Oesophagostumu curvatum, Strongyloides papillosus,
Haemonchus contortus
1825. Cochleotrema indicum found in nasal passages & lungs of - Seals
1826. Opisthotrema dujonis monostome of Dugong dugon, inhabits what organ - Esophagus, middle
ear, small intestine
1827. Monogenean trematode - Dactylogyrus sp.
1828. Fish acanthocephalan harboring most number of longitudinalrows of hook on its proboscis -
1829. Bird host of Metorchis caintaenis - Phil. Hawk Eagle
1830. Zoonotic fluke recently recovered from Phil. Monkey - Metagonimus yokogawae (Macaca
1831. Bertiella studeri, cestode in small intestine of - Monkey
1832. Anchenacautha corrolata, nematode parasite of - Phil. Flying Lemur (Cynocephalus volans)
1833. Anchenacautha corrolata, eggs closely resembles - Pinworm
1834. Common parasite in renal pelvis & kidney of python reticularis - Styphlodora renale
1835. Amoeba in intestine & liver of captive reptiles - Entamoeba iwadenes
1836. Final host of Tetrameres Patterson - Quail
1837. Heartworm of chicken - Bhalfilaria ladamii
1838. Small intestine nematode with termite as I.H. - Harlertia gallinarum
1839. Infective larvae of Habronema spp. causes - Bursati (in horses)
1840. Bothridium pithonis is a - Pseudotapeworm in python
1841. Feline Lung worm - Auerostrongylus abstrusus
1842. Giving birth to living young w/c develop w/in the maternal body - Viviparous
1843. Producing egg in w/c the embryo develop outside the maternal body, eg.bird - Oviparous
1844. Bearing living young that hatch from eggs inside the maternal body embryo nourished by
food in egg - Ovoviviparous
1845. Angiostrongylus cantonensis, cause of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis or neural
angiostrongularis in man, complete its life cycle in - Wild rats
1846. Parasite having permanent copulation as adults - M. laryngeus & Syngamus trachea.
1847. Hookworms of elephants & rhino's - Grammocephalus spp.
1848. Transmit Histomonas meleagridis in turkey - Heterakis gallinarum
1849. Ability of host to thrive inspite of establish helminth infection - Resilience
1850. Common name of Trichuris spp - Whipworm
1851. Gapeworm - Syngamus trachea
1852. Diagnosis of Oesophagostomum radiatum - Rectal palpation to detect colonic nodules
1853. Nodular worm that does not cause nodule formation its host - Oesophagostomum venolosum
1854. Bankcrupt worm, common name for - Trichostrongyloides spp.
1855. Pancreatic pancreatitis in horse cause by - Strongylus equinus
1856. Most pathogenic among equine strongyles - Strongylus vulgaris
1857. Decrusia sp., strongyle parasite of - Elephant
1858. Longest prepatent period in equine strongyles - Strongylus edentatus
1859. Palisade worms - Strongylus spp.
1860. Amphidelphic female nematode when - Ovarian coils runs anterior & posterior to its vulva
1861. Parasite causing; creeping eruption, intestinal form, pulmonary form, hyperinfection in man -
Strongyloides stercolaris
1862. Egg have mucoid plug at both ends - M. laryngeus
1863. Porcine ascariosis occur after - Gestating & finishing pigs
1864. Parthenogenesis in - Strongyloides spp.
1865. Highly pathogenic nematode of Hores & human found in various organs after skin penetration -
Halicephalus (Micronema) deletrix
1866. Largest nematode of pig - Ascaris suum
1867. Acetone- like odor of breath - Bovine Toxocariosis
1868. Nerve affecting in roaring (Hores) - Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
1869. What particular stage does immune system develop - Fetal stage
1870. Type of immunity in T cells - Cellular immunity
1871. Protein produced by lymphoblast that increase the efficiency of - Lymphokines [CF, Migration
phagocytosis Inhibition F Macrophage aggregation F ( activating F]
1872. Substance produced by WBC that influence the activity of other - Interleukin (IL-1, stimulate of
other WBC maturation of T.lymphocyte ; IL-2, activate T. lymphocyte)
1873. Immunoglobulins that is pentamer - Ig M-connected J-chain
1874. Immunoglobulins that is a dimer - Ig A
1875. Immunoglobulins that is a monomer -IgD, IgE, IgG
1876. The Ist Antibody (Ig) to appear in circulation after Stimulation - IgM of B-cells 1° ( response )
1877. Antibody of secondary response -IgG
1878. Antibody of body secretions -IgA
1879. Antibody of allergic reactions - IgE
1880. Series of 11 protien (CHON), function of cascading series of reaction ,activated by IgM or IgG -
Complement system
1881. Mental______ (tzctlile) Typical in - Ox, rare in horse
1882. Juba (mane) present in ____, absent in ____ - Horse ,ox
1883. Cirrus caudae or - Tail hair
1884. Palear or - Dewlap
1885. Calcar (ergot) present in - Horse, absent in ox
1886. Torus carpeus & torus present in - Horse (torus or pad) (” chestnuts”
1887. Cunab ungulae or - Frog
1888. Acromion is absent in - Horse
1889. A small epidermal modifacation on the palmar (plantar) of metapodiophalangeal joint, vestigial
pad or digit - Ergot
1890. Sternum of the fowl consist of - Rostrum ,lateral oblique process, ventral crest (keel)
1891. The common bile duct enters the duodenum at the - 2nd portion of duodenum posterior wall
1892. Way to locate the appendix easily - Follow taenia coli of the ascending Colon
1893. Left and right lungs contain how many broncho-pulmonary segments - 10 right, 8 left
1894. Unique feature in the right lung - Horizontal fissure
1895. Cell in respiratory that produce surfactant - Alveolar type 2nd cells
1896. Intrapleural pressure is normally high or low atmospheric pressure - Normally low
atmospheric pressure
1897. Purkinje cell found in - Brain (branching neuron in the middle layer of cerebral cortex)
1898. Pacemaker of heart - SA node
1899. Aortic value has ____ casps - 3 (three)
1900. Number of casps in mitral value - 2 (or bicuspid value)
1901. Heart sounds, normally produced by - Closure of the values
1902. Parasympathetic stimulation of the heart causes - Decrease heart rate
1903. Gastrin produced from - Pylorous
1904. A nerve cell of the body + axon & terminal branches will a muscle fibers supplied by it - Motor
1905. Describe the microbes (bacteria & protozoa) under a microscope - Antony Van
Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
1906. Established that microorganism were respiratory for fermentation - Louis Pasteur (1822-
1907. German (1866), added 3rd kingdom, protista - E. H. Hackel
1908. 1964, Kingdom Monera (cynnobacteria-blue green algae), Kingdom Protista (microscopic algae
& protozoa), kingdom fungi (Molds & Yeasts) - R.H. Whittaker
1909. Non-fatal disease as in man, caused by flavivirus affects cattle, sheep,& goats, newotropic,
severe icterus & hepatomegaly, yellow-orange brown liver - Wesselabron Disease
1910. Rabbies-worlwide except________ - Australia, NZ, UK, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, Hawaii, Sadinavia
1911. Protozoan parasites in avian RBC,where pigment is present and schizogony in the blood -
Plasmodium ,Haeoproteus
1912. Avian protozoa accurring in RBC &WBC - Leukocytozoon
1913. Avian proszoa affecting WBC - Atoxoplasma
1914. Protozoan organism appear as round ,”signet-ring” - Aegyptianellosis
1915. Treatment for aegyptianellosis - TCN ,esp.doxycycline
1916. Chicken anemia virus infection cause by - Circovirus
1917. Aortic rupture 8,internal hemorrhage in turkey or - Dissecting aneurysm
1918. “Parrot beak”associated with deficiency of - Biotin
1919. Curled-toe paralysis,deficiency of - Reboflavin (vit.B2 deficiency)
1920. Precursor of niacin - Tryptophan
1921. Function of vitamin D - Normal absorption & metabolism of Ca & P 2.5- hydroxy vit.D3
synthesized in - Liver
1922. 1,25-dihydoxy vit.D3 synthesized in - Kidney
1923. Turkey rhinotrachaitis, affect also chicken, with coryza-like signs & edema of head, caused by -
Paramyxovirus (Avian pneumovirus)
1924. Fowl-plague (type A Influenza), caused organism - Orthomyxovirus
1925. Greenish diarrhea,cyanosis & head ,comb,wattle, discoloration of shanks & feet (ecchymoses)
etc - Fowl plague (Influenza)
1926. Acute respiratory disease of chickens characterized by nasal discharged, sneezing & swelling of
the face under the eyes - Infectious Coryza
1927. Infectious coryza, caused by - Haemophilus paragallinarum
1928. Egg transmission occur in infectious coryza (T/F) - False
1929. Treatment for infectious coryza - Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline, others:Fluroquinolone,
macrolides, Sulfonamides, & TMP-S contraindicated in layers
1930. Disease caused by coronavirus ,acute,rapid spreading disease of chicken affecting
respiratory ,urogenital & GIT tissues- Infectious Bronchitis
1931. Avian Bordetellosis affects URT of -Turkey & Quails
1932. Aspergillosis in poultry or - Brooder pneumonia, Mycotic Pnuemonia, pneumonycosis
1933. Aspergillosis is caused by - Aspergillus fumigatus
1934. Typical lesion of aspergillosis - Plaque formation in respiratory track
1935. Air sac Mite - Cytodites nudus
1936. Egg drop syndrome --- soft shelled & shell less, worldwide except except USA, caused by -
1937. Natural host of EDS virus - Ducks, Geese and Quail
1938. All ages & breeds of chicken is susceptible - Heavy broiler-breeders or brown egg observed to be
more severe among producers (No tx for EDS)
1939. Inflammation of the oviduct - Salphingitis
1940. Salphingitis, usually caused by - E. Coli, Mycoplasma gallisepticum
1941. Encephalomyetitis (Epidemic Tremor) - Picornavirus
1942. Botulism or, (Clostridium Botuhinum) - Limbernick, western duck sickness
1943. Outbreaks of botulism in poultry usually is the - Type C toxin (less type A & E)
1944. Gangreneous Dermatitis (or Necrotic Dermatitis Gangreneous Cellulitis, Clostridial
dermatomyositis) - Staphylococcus aureus or Clostridium septicum
1945. Bedbugs or - Cimex lectularis
1946. Stick tight flea or - Echidnophaga gallinacea
1947. Treatment for stick tight flea - Pyrethrin
1948. Pigeon fly - Psuedolynchia canariences
1949. Foul ticks - Argas Persicus
1950. Chicken body louse (Chicken & Turkey) - Menacanthus stramineus
1951. Menopon gallinae or - Feather Shafts
1952. Lipeurus caponis - Mainly on “Wing feathers”
1953. Brisket disease - Onchocerca cervicalis
1954. Cuclogaster heterographus - Mainly on “head & neck”
1955. Gonoicotes gallinae, very small in the - Fluff
1956. Large chicken louse - Gonoides gigas
1957. Brown chicken louse - Gonoides dissimilis
1958. Small Body Louse - Uchida pallidula
1959. LargeTurkey Louse - Chielopistes meleagridis
1960. Slender Turkey Louse - Oxylipeurus polytrapezius
1961. Common Chiggers - Trombicula alfreddugesi
1962. Chicken Mite (Red Mite,Roast Mite,Poultry Mite) - Dermanyssus gallinae
1963. Depluming Mite - Neocnemidocoptes gallinae
1964. Scale Leg Mite - Knemidocoptes mutans
1965. Subcutaneous Mite - Laminosioptes cysticola
1966. Spondylolisthesis, vertebra T4 is deformed downwardrotation of the anterior end - Kinky back
1967. Most common cause of ascites in Turkey - Spontaneous myopathy
1968. Most common cause of ascites in poultry - vascuolar hydraulic pressure in Venous system
caused by right Ventricular failure or hepatic fibrosis
1969. Most common cause of ascites in meat type chicken - (RVF) right ventricular failure
1970. In broilers, obstructive cholangco-hepatites caused by ( ascites Clostridium perfringens) leads to
- Liver damage
1971. Is caused by high pressure in pulmonary arteries when the heart tries to pump more blood thru
the lungs to meet the body’s oxygen requirement - Pulmonary hypertension Syndrome
1972. Ascites syndrome - Waterbelly, RVF, Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome
1973. Breast blisters caused by - Trauma or infection by Mycoplasma synoviae, Staphylococcus &
Pasteurella spp.
1974. Oviduct fluke of poultry - Prosthogonimus macronchis
1975. 2nd host of oviduct fluke - Dragonfly
1976. Fluke in poultry that appear as subcutaneous cysts, frequently in near the vent -
Collyriclum faba
1977. Viral hepatitis of turkeys - Picorna-like virus
1978. The most pathogenic Strep in avian spp. - Strep.zooepidermicus & Strep.feacalis
1979. Serotype of Strep.that is a normal microflora (intestinal) in avian species & mammals & human -
Serotype D or the enterococci or “fecal Streps”
1980. Streptococcus that doesn’t grow on MCA & ferment sorbitol - Streptococcus zooepidermicus
1981. Streptococcus that grows on MCA & ferments sorbitol - Streptococcus faecalis
1982. Strep.that grows on MCA but don’t ferment sorbitol - Streptococcus durans; Strep.faecium
1983. Gram positive cocci,grape-like clusters,white to orange - Staphylococcus aureus
colonies ,facultative amaerobe, Beta hemolytic,etc
1984. Coagulase test important in Staph, coagulase (+) are the - Pathogenic
1985. Pollurum disease usually cause high mortality in - Young chikens & Turkeys
1986. Fowl Typhiod or (E.A) - Salmonella gallinarum
1987. Pollurum & Fowl Typhoid,very similar exapt - high mortality among all ages
1988. Arizona Infection (Paracolon Infection),E.A - Salmonella arizonae (mainly in turkey)
1989. Parathypoid Infection in poultry usually caused by - Salmonella typhimurium
1990. Navel Ill,”Mushy chick” disease - Omphalitis
1991. Avian pneumoencephalitis or - Newcastle disease (N.D)
1992. Etiologic agent of Avian pneumoencephalitis - Paramyxovirus-1
1993. Signs of Newcastle Disease can either be - Neurotropic or Viscerotropic
1994. Clinical findings of ND, viscerotropics virus - Watery-greenish diarrhea, swelling of tissues of
head & neck.
1995. Twisting of head & neck is a clinical sign of - Newcastle Disease
1996. Etiologic agent of Marek’s Disease - Herpesvirus
1997. Most important natural host of Marek’s disease - Chicken
1998. Marek’s disease can be vertically transmitted, (T/F) - False
1999. PPLO infection, CRD, Infectious sinusitis (E.A) - Mycoplasma gallisepticum
2000. Infectiuos Sinusitis usually in ________ - Turkey
2001. The most pathogenic avian mycoplasma - Mycoplasma gallisepticum
2002. Mycoplasma specific for Turkey - Mycoplasma meleagridis
2003. Infectious synovitis - Mycoplasma synoviae
2004. Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro Disease) caused by - Birnavirus (IBVD) ; no Tx
2005. Histomoniasis (Histomonas meleagridis ) or - Blackhead, Infectious Enterohepatitis
2006. Species of Capillaria that has direct life cycle - Capillaria obsignata
2007. Species of Capillaria that require IH (Earthworm) - Capillaria caudinflata
2008. Species of Capillaria that both direct L.C or require IH - Capillaria contorta
2009. Gapeworm of geese & ducks - Cyathostoma brochialis
2010. Mansoni’s eyeworm - Oxyspirura mansoni
2011. I.H.of Mansoni’s eyeworm (cockroach) - Pycnoscelus surinamensis
2012. Fowl Cholera - Pasteurella multocida
2013. Sudden death syndrome, heart attack, acute death syndrome Fatal syncope, Lung edema, Lung
congestion , dead in good condition - Flip-over Disease
2014. Treatment for Erysipelas - Penicillin;erythromycin
2015. E.A. of Duck Viral Hepatitis - DHV-Type 1 (Enterovirus of Picornavirus )
2016. Colibacillosis,Colisepticemia - E.coli infection
2017. Psittachosis, Ornithosis - Chlamydiosis (Chlamydia psittaci)
2018. Treatment for Chlamydiosis - Tetracycline
2019. Avian Spirochetosis - Borrelia anserine
2020. Campylobacter jejuni - Associated or major source of food-borne enteritis
2021. Ulcerative Enteritis (Quail Disease) - Clostridium colinum
2022. “Canker”,”Roup”,”Frounce” in hawks - Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas gallinae)
2023. Thrush,Candidiasis,moniliasis,Sour crop - Candida albicans
2024. Visceral Leishmaniasis, ? reservoir of parasite for MAn - Dog
2025. E.A of Salmon poisoning disease (SPD) - Neorickettsia helminthoeca
2026. Vector of SPD - Small Fluke (Nanophyetus salmincola)
2027. Causative agent of wooden tongue - Actinobacillus lignieresii
2028. Disease that produced graying white, sulfur granules - Wooden tongue (A.lignieresii)
2029. E.A of contagious Pleuropneumonia in Pig - Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae or Haemophilus
pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus parahaemolyticus
2030. E.A. of Lumpy Jaw in Cattle - Actinomyces bovis
2031. Disease that produced yellowish sulfur granules - Actimonycosis
2032. Clinical sign of Actinomyces suis infection - Pyogranulomatous mastitis
2033. Disease characterized by excessive, extracellulardeposition of inert protein fibrils - Amyloidosis
2034. The most common form of amyloid, derived from Serum by Hepatocytes - Amino acid
amyloid Amyloid a protein – major acute – phase protein produced
2035. Dye for histology in amyloidosis - Congo Red Dye
2036. Splenix fever ,Charbon,Wilzbrand - Anthrax
2037. The lethal toxin & edema toxin of anthrax - Metalloprotease & adenylate cyclase
2038. Type of soils that favors diagnosis of anthrax - Neutral or Alkaline
2039. Protoszoan disease of skin, subcutis, blood vessel, M.M. & other tissues,produce cysts in scleral
conjunctiva & nasal mucosa - Besnoitiosis (Tx: Sulfanilamide & Oxytetracycline)
2040. Lyme Disease - Borrelia burgdorferi (Tx:.PCN & TCN)
2041. Tick vector in Lyme disease - Ixodes pacificus & Ixodes scapularis
2042. Bacillary Hemoglobinuria (Red Water Disease) - Clostridium heamolyticum
2043. The most commonly used diagnostic test for Leptospirosis - MAT(Microscopic Agglutanation
2044. MAT measures what specific antibiotic - Ig M (6-12 days after infection), IgG(2-3 wks)
2045. Red water of calves - Leptospirosis (in cattle) (Leptospira pomona)
2046. Treatment for Red water disease - Chlortetracycline & Oxytetracycline
2047. Species of leptospirosis in Dogs - L. canicola & L. icterohemorrhagiae
2048. Treatment of Leptospirosis in Dogs - PCN & Doxycycline, TCN, Fluid Toxicity
2049. Leptospira pomona & L. bratiolava in pigs causes - Abortion at 2-4 wk before term
2050. Circling disease - Listeriosis, Listerellosis, Listeria monocytogenes
2051. Drug of choice for L. monocytogenes - Penicillin
2052. Typical clinical finding of Listeria - Encephalitis
2053. The “mimic disease” - Melioidosis
2054. E.A. of Melioidosis - Pseudomonas pseudomallei Burkholderia pseudomallei, Bacillus whitmori,
Leoefftenella pseudomallei Malleomyces pseudomallei
2055. Intracellular protozoan parasite that resembles Toxoplasma gondii - Neospora caninum
(paralysis climb) affects dogs, cattle, sheep, goat, deer, horses, rodents & cats in pups & abortion in
2056. In plague, fleas are the vectors, treatment are - Streptomycin & Tetracycline
2057. Rickettsial infection, causing abortion in sheep, goat, cattle & - Q-fever (Tx: TCN-drug of choice)
influenza-like in man
2058. Q-fever is caused by - Coxiella brunetti
2059. Reservoir of Coxiella burnetti - Ixodids & Argasid ticks
2060. Etiologic Agent of Sweating Sickness - Hyaloma truncatum (usually transmitted by ticks in young
calves), the female produce epiotheliotropic toxin
2061. The only known definitive host for Toxoplasma gondii - CAT
2062. Toxoplasma gondii, produce? in man - Meningoencephalitis
2063. Chronic debilitating disease; acid-fast organism, affect all species of vertebrates -
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
2064. Animal resistant to TB spp - Horse
2065. Cat resistant to M. tuberculosis but susceptible to - M. bovis & M. avium
2066. Tularemia caused by (causes septicemia) - Francisella tularensis
2067. Vesicular Stomatitis confirmed only in countries like North and South America, caused by -
2068. Swamp fever or (E.I.A) - Equine Infectious Anemia
2069. The virus related to HIV - EIA (persist in WBC)
2070. Test for EIA - Coggin’s Test
2071. Glanders (Farcy) caused by - Psuedomonas mallei
2072. 3 Forms of glanders - Nasal form, pulmonary form, Cutaneous form
2073. Edema disease caused by - Eschirichia coli, (E. coli )
2074. Edema disease occurs at what age/stage - 1-2 wk after weaning
2075. Primary a disease vasculature, SC edema, SM of stomach edama, gelatinious edema
fluid , fibrin strands in peritoneal cavity, necrosis of smooth mucles in tunica media - Edema disease
2076. Thrombosis is common in Edema Disease (T/F) - False
2077. Glasser’s Disease (Porcine Polyserositis, Infectious Polyarthritis) - Haemophilus
sius,H.parainfluenza, Mycloplasma hyorhinis
2078. Classical swine fever, swine fever - Hog cholera
2079. E.A. of Hog Cholera - Pestivirus (Flaviviridae)
2080. E.A. of infectious Canine Hepatitis - Canine Adenovirus-1
2081. Mystery Swine Disease (1si in USA, 1987) - PRRS caused by Arteriviridae
2082. Corneal Clouding or “Blue Eye” in - ICH (Infectious Canine Hepatitis)
2083. E.A. of Feline Panleukopenia (Feline Infectious Enteritis, Feline Distemper), most severe in
kittens - Parvovirus
2084. E.A. Feline Leukemia virus - Retrovirus (Oncovirinae)
2085. Disease caused by paramyxovirus, related to viruses of measles and Rinderpest - Canine
Distemper (Hard Pad Ds.)
2086. Vaccine for Canine Distemper - Modified Live at 6-7 wks to 12-16 wks
2087. The organism that causes pyemic abscess in Tick Pyema - Staphylococcus aureus, Ixodes ricinus
2088. The disease that cause ‘crippled lamb’ - Tick Pyema
2089. Disease of cloven-hoofed animals characterized by fever, necrotic stomatitis, gastroenteritis,
lymphoid necrosis and high mortality - Rinderpest/cattle Plague (Morbillivirus)
2090. ‘Zebra-striping’ in the rectum is a classical lesion of - Riderpest
2091. Rift Valley Fever, an influenza-like disease in man, transmitted by mosquito, E.A. is - Bunya
virus (RVF virus)
2092. Causative agent of Hemorrhagic Septicemia - Pasteurella multocida
2093. Three types of vaccine for Hemorrhagic Septicemia - Plain bacterin, alum-type precipitated
bacterin, oil-adjuvant bacterin
2094. Most effective the vaccine of Hemorrhagic Septicemia that last for - 9 – 12 months
2095. Alum-type precipitated bacterin last for about - 6 months (6 mos. interval)
2096. Live vaccine from ____, used in Southeast Asia - B:3
2097. Inequality of the pupils in diameter - Anisocoria

2098. Decrease tear production indicates disorder of - Trigeminal nerve or Facial nerve or
Corniolacrimal reflex
2099. Loss of corneal pain or tactil sensation - Disorder of Trigeminal nerve
2100. Involuntary movement, repetitive, to & from move’t of the eyeball - Nystagmus
2101. Drooping of the upper eyelid, insufficient eyelid opening - Ptosis or Blepharosis
2102. Eye deviation when focused, problem w/ocular alignment - Strabismus
2103. Portion of lid margin does not form - Coloboma
2104. Second row of eye lashes is present, irritate cornea, in Shi-Tzu, Collie-Spaniel, Golden retriever,
St. Bernard - Districhiasis
2105. Acute bacterial infection (Staph. sp.) of the sebaceous gland of the eyelids - Hordeolum
2106. A condition which the eyelid cannot be closed completely - Lagophthalmos
2107. Congenital adhesion of the 2 conjunctival surfaces - Symblepharon
2108. Hairs impinge on the eyeball - Trichiasis
2109. Abnormally small lens - Microphkia
2110. Inflammation & Obstruction of the nasolacrimal out flow duct - Dacryosystitis
2111. Overflow of tears down the face - Epiphora
2112. Inflammation of tympanic membrane, tympanic cavity, eustacian tube, auditory ossicles &
tympanic nerve - Otitis Media
2113. Inflammation of cochlea, vestibule & semicircular cavity - Otitis Interna
2114. Surgery of external ear canal & Pinna - Lateral Ear Canal Resection (LECR), Ventral Ear Canal
Ablation (VECA), Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA)
2115. Surgery of middle ear - Neuringotomy, Bulla Osteotomy
2116. Capillaria plica in dogs occur in - Urinary bladder
2117. Capillaria species in birds have ____ life cycle - Indirect L.C.
2118. Reluctance to fly, bright green feces & abnormal wing carriage are common signs of - Lead
2119. Botulinum toxin most likely to be produced in - Shallow, warm, stagnant bodies of water
containing considerable organic matter
2120. Infection of whipworm is thru ingestion of - Infective Egg
2121. Hookworms cause a condition in man called - Cutaneous Larva Migrans
2122. Common hookworm in the Philippine pig - Globocephalus longemucronatus
2123. Stomach worm, abomasal worm, wireworm - Haemonchus contortus
2124. Barber’s Pole in Haemonchus due to - Spiral ovary
2125. Haemonchus infection through ingestion of - Infected herbage
2126. Organ affected by Mecistocirrus digitalis - Abomasum
2127. Intermediate host of Thelasia spp - Musca spp.
2128. Esophageal worm of dogs - Spirocerca lupi
2129. Inversion of all or part of the lid margin - Entropion
2130. Slack, everted lid margin - Ectropion
2131. Inability to fully dose the lids and protect the cornea from drying & trauma - Lagophthalmos
2132. Surgical procedure for Entropion - Hotz-Celsus Procedure
2133. Inflammation of the eyelid - Blepharitis
2134. Inflammation of lacrimal sac - Dacryocystitis
2135. A condition that results from aqueous tear deficiency resulting to persistent, mucopurulent,
conjunctivitis & corneal ulceration and scaring - Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
2136. Inflammation of cornea - Keratitis
2137. Prolapse of the eye - Proptosis
2138. Opacity of the lens or its capsule - Cataracts
2139. Chlamydial conjunctivitis, zoonosis, cause infection in cats, lambs, goats & guinea pigs -
2140. Treatment for Chlamydia psittacii infection - Tetracycline
2141. Shrinkage of the eyeball - Phthisis bulbi
2142. Equine Uveitis (Equine recurrent uveitis, periodic ophthalnia, - Trauma, infectious disease or
recurrent iridocystitis, moon blindness), caused by Lepto. interrogans var. Pomona, Onchocerca
2143. Face Fly - Musca autumnalis
2144. Species of Thelazia in Eyeworm disease - Thelazia rhodesii, T. lacrymalis , T. skrjabini, T. gulosa
2145. Eyeworm for Small Animals - T. californiensis, T. callipalda
2146. E.A. of Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis - Cattle: Moraxella bovis ; Sheep: (Pinkeye, Infectious
Ophthalmia) Chlamydia psittaci
2147. Bred of dog commonly affected w/Marginal auricular dermatoses - Dachshunds
2148. Stable fly, fly bite dermatitis of dogs - Stomoxys calcitrans
2149. E.A. of Necrotic Ear Syndrome in Swine - Staphylococcus hyicus (Tx: iodine) (Ear Necrosis,
Necrotic Auricular dermatitis)
2150. Mite, causing otitis externa in rabbit - Psoroptes cuniculi
2151. Yeast found in ear canal of dogs & cats - Malassezia cavis
2152. Tumor of the cromaffin cells, most common tumor of adrenal medulla -Pheochromocytoma
2153. Antithyroid drug - Methimazole, Propylthiouracil
2154. Hormone- the only iodinate organic compound in the body - Thyriod hormone
2155. T4 - Thyroxine
2156. Sex predilection of Teline Acromegaly ( hypersomatotropism) - Male
2157. A condition that is caused by reduced secretion of ADH - Diabetes Insipidus
2158. Inability of the kidneys to respond to ADH - Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
2159. A polydipsia in response to some psychological disturbance but a normal response to ADH -
Psychogenic diabetes insipidus
2160. Results in a partial deficiency of ADH activity due to antagonistic effect of cortisal on ADH
activity in the kidneys- Hypercortisolism
2161. Treatment of polyuria, especially in D. insipidus - Desmopressin acetate-synthetic analog of ADH
2162. Pituitary dwarfisur occur most frequently in - German Sheepherd
2163. The center for hemeostatic regulation body temp. appetite & cyclic shedding of hair -
2164. Hirsutism (Hypertrichosis) mostly seen in horse as a result of - Pituitary Adenoma of pars
2165. Hyperadrenocorticism, (commonly in dogs, not in other spp.) - Cushing disease
2166. Sex predilection of hyperadrenocorticism - Female
2167. The sceening test of choice to hyperadrenonocorticism in dogs - Low-dose dexamethasone
2168. Hypophysis or the ______ - Pituitary gland
2169. Adenophysis or - Anterior Pituitary lobe
2170. Neurohypophysis or - Posterior Pituitary lobe
2171. Adenohypophysis consist of - Pars distalis, pars tubelaris & pars intermedia
2172. The largest part of adenohypophysis, contain endocrine cells - Pars distalis
2173. Acidophils (in adenohypophysis secretory cells) secretes - Somatotrophs (GH, Somatotropin)
Lactotrophs (Prolactin)
2174. Basophils (in adenohypophysis secretory cells) secretes - Gonadotrophs (LH, FSH) Thyrotrophs
2175. Neurohypophysis (Pars nervosa) secrets - ADH (vasopressin), Oxytocin
2176. Calcium concentration in the blood of mammals - 10 mg/dL
2177. Synthesis of PTH is regulated by - Level of blood Ca2+ & Mg2+ of lower degree
2178. Primary function of PTH - Control Ca2+ concentration in ECF
2179. A polypeptide hormone secreted by parafollicular cells - Calcitonin (C-cells) of thyroid gland in
2180. Calcitonin is secreted in __of avian sp. & other Submammalian sp. - Ultimobrachial tissue
2181. Vitamin D3, animal origin or - Cholecalciferol
2182. Vitamin D4, plant origin or - Ergocalciferol
2183. Vitamin D, hydroxylated in liver & kidney forming - 1,25-Dihydroxy vit. D (calcitriol)
2184. The most common tumor associated with hypercalcemia in dogs and cats - Lymphoma
2185. Principal target sites of insulin - Liver, adipose cells, muscles
2186. Zona glomerulosa (outer), secretes - Mineralocorticoid hormones
2187. Zona fasciculata (middle), secretes - Glucocorticoid hormones
2188. Zona reticularis (inner), secretes - Sex Steroids
2189. Action of mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) - Retention of Na+ & loss of K+
2190. Resortion of Na+ occur in - Distal Convulated Tubule (DCT)
2191. Adrenal medulla secretes - Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
2192. Type I Reaction and Ig involve - Anaphylaxis, Ig E
2193. Type II Reaction - Antibody-mediated Cytotoxic Reaction
2194. Type III Reaction - Immune Complex Disease
2195. Type IV Reaction (Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity) - Cell-mediated Immune Reaction
2196. Neonates don’t exhibit fever because of - High levels of Arginine vasopressin
2197. Transport tetany in ruminants, railroad disease, railroad sickness - Staggers
2198. Eclampsia, Puerperal hypocalcemia, Puerperal tetany - Periparturient Hypocalcemia
2199. Pregnancy toxemia in cow & ewe usually caused by - Low energy in diet, inadequate nutrition
2200. Post parturient hemoglobinuria caused by - Exact cause unknown, related to P, Cu, Se deficiency
or ingestion of Hemolytic & oxidative plant toxins
2201. Parturient Paresis in Ewe - Ca2+ & Mg2+ deficiency
2202. 3 stages of milk fever (hypocalcemia,parturient paresis in cows) - 1: stand, hypersensitive &
excitability 2: unable to stand but can maintain sternal recumbency 3: loss consciousness-progress
to coma
2203. Malignant hyperthermia or PSS, prevalence higher in lean, such as - Duroc, Landrace,
Poland, China & Pietrain
2204. Acetone adored breath, urine & milk, sign of - Ketosis/Acetonemia, Ketonemia
2205. Test for ketone bodies - Rothera’s Test
2206. Grass tetany, Grass staggers --- deficiency of - Magnesium
2207. Fatty liver disease or Fat Cow Syndrome cause by - High in NEFA in blood concentration (non-
essential fatty acids)
2208. Predisposing factor of Fat Cow Syndrome - Occur periparturient, Off feed, high in triglycerides,
low blood glucose lead insulin suppress fat mobilization from adipose tissue
2209. Saddle Sores or - Collar galls
2210. Species affected by Seborrhea - Dog
2211. Pityriasis rosed (in pigs) or porcine juvenile pustular psoriaform dermatitis, unknown etiology,
affects what breed of Pigs - Landrace
2212. A nutrient deficiency disease, ( zinc & ( Ca2+ - Parakeratosis
2213. Soft ticks - Argasidae
2214. Hard ticks - Ixodidae
2215. 4 developmental stages of ticks - Egg, Larvae, Nymph, Adult
2216. Pairs of legs; Larva, Nymph & Adult - L-3, 4 Nymph & Adult
2217. Hard plate of dorsal surface - Scutum
2218. Sensory apparatus in the foreleg tarsi of ticks - Haller’s organ
2219. The lone-star tick (Ixodid tick) - Amblyomma americanum
2220. The cayenne tick - Amblyomma cajannense
2221. The Golf Coast Tick - Amblyomma maculatum
2222. Considered the world’s most important tick affecting livestock - Boophilus microplus
2223. Horse tick, usually affects ear, vector of Babesia caballi - Dermacentor nitens
2224. Chief vector of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or - Dermacentor andersoni Colorado Tick Fever
2225. Brown Ear Tick - Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
2226. Leg Mange (Chorioptic Mange) - Chorioptes bovis
2227. Pruritus is absent in Demodectic Mange (T/F) - TRUE
2228. Itch Mite - Psorergatic Mange (Psorergates bos)
2229. Sheep Scab - Psoroptes ovis
2230. Ear Mange in goats - Psoroptes cuniculi
2231. Amitraz, used to treat demodectic Mange in most species of animals except- Horse (it will cause
colic & death)
2232. Chigger’s, Harvest Mite or - Trombiculidiasis
2233. Feline Scabies - Notoedric Mange (Notoedris cati)
2234. Walking dandruff - Cheyletiellosis: Cheyletiella blakie (cat); Cheyletiella yasguri (dogs);
Cheyletiella parasitovorax (rabbit)
2235. Corticosteroid is contraindicated in any animal diagnosed with Demodecosis (T/F)- TRUE
2236. Little Blue Cattle Louse - Solenopotes capillatus
2237. Long-nosed Cattle Louse - Linognathus vituli
2238. Short-nosed Cattle Louse - Haematopinus eurysternus
2239. Horse biting louse - Damalinia (Bovicola) equi
2240. Horse sucking louse - Haematopinus asini
2241. Sheep Foot Louse - Linognathus pedalis
2242. Face & Body Louse - Linognathus ovillus
2243. Goat sucking louse - Linognathus stenopsis
2244. Dog sucking louse - Linognathus setosus
2245. The cat louse (biting) - Felicola subrostrata
2246. I.H. of Stenofilaria stilesi (Filarial dermatitis of cattle) - Haematobia irritans
2247. The E.A. of “Bleeding Spots” in cattle & water Buffalo - Parafilaria bovicola (B. bubalis),
invertebrate host are face flies (Musca)
2248. Species affected by Parafilaria multipapillosa - Horse
2249. Old world screw worm, Oriental fly, Bezzi’s blow fly - Chrysomia bezziana
2250. Primary screw worm fly, New world screw worm - Cochliomyia hominivorax
2251. Housefly - Musca domestica
2252. Flesh flies - Sarcophaga dux
2253. Blow flies or Bottle flies - Calliphora, Phaenicia, Lucilia, Phormia
2254. Black blow fly - Phormia regina
2255. Green bottle fly - Lucilia serricata
2256. 4 major stages of wound healing - Inflammation, Debridement, Repair, Maturation
2257. Flap that colonizes a segment of tss. & its isolated arterial supply - Island Arterial Supply
2258. Secondary axial pattern flap - A skin that is move over a major vessel
2259. Similar to secondary axial flap but is directly anastomized to a vessel in the recipient bed - Free
2260. Drains that are soft, flat, commonly used passive drains made from latex- Penrose
2261. Antagonist of Opoids - Naloxone
2262. ___ provides the major intravascular oncotic pull - Albumin
2263. Glucose should be maintained at - 100 – 200 mg/dl
2264. Fasting, glucose level > 200 mg/dl suggests - Diabetes mellitus (dogs/cats)
2265. BUN & Creatinineare substances in blood most often used to assess - Renal Function
2266. Normal BUN values - 10 – 30 mg/dl
2267. ALT for - Small animals
2268. AST for - Large animals
2269. A predominance of unconjugated bilirubin is suggestive of - Hemolytic Jaundice
2270. Predominance of conjugated bilirubin suggests - Hepatic disease & extrahepatic Biliary
2271. Animal species that shows high in unconjugated bilirubin both hemolytic & hepatic disease -
2272. Two principal bile acids - Cholic acid & chenodeoxycholic acid
2273. Primary source of serum lipase - Pancreas
2274. Fluid with a low protein content - Transudate
2275. Predominating cell type in transudate - Macrophage
2276. Predominating cell type in exudates - Neutrophil
2277. Ammonium oxalate solution, diluent for - Platelet
2278. Normal bleeding time is 1 – 5 min., prolonged bleeding time suggest - von Willebrand’s Ds.
(platelet defect)
2279. Measures the time required for clot formation in whole blood - Activated Clotting Time
2280. Refers to the presence of high number of cells (RBC) - Polychromasia
2281. Normal clotting time - 60 – 90 seconds
2282. Variation in RBC size - Anisocytosis
2283. Variation in RBC shape - Poikilocytosis
2284. RBC with crinckled appearance with short, equally spaced projections from the surface -
Crenated RBC
2285. RBC having irregular spicular protrusion (membrane) - Acanthocytes
2286. RBC fragments - Schistocytes
2287. Small, dark cells without central palor - Spherocytes
2288. Tiny remnants of nuclear chromatin that appear as Circular, dark staining inclusions within RBC-
Howell-Jolly Bodies
2289. Multiple, tiny, blue, often irregularly shaped inclusions, suggestive of (Pb) lead toxicity -
Basophilic Stippling
2290. Pieces of oxidized Hb, circular structures that often protrude from the side of RBC - Heinz
2291. No. of RBC in a normal urine, & WBC - <5 RBC/field; WBC < 5 RBC/field
2292. Are elongated, cylindrical structures formed by mucoprotien congesting within renal Tubules -
2293. Chemical added in the examination of ectoparasite to clear debris & allow better visualization -
10% KOH solution
2294. The use of zinc sulfate solution is preferred for preservation of - Giardia spp.(lambia)
2295. Used to induce spawning in brood stock fin fish - HCG, Crude pituitary extracts
2296. In fish, hematopoietic, renal & endocrine tissues are found in - Kidney
2297. Monovalent ions & nitrogenous excretions in fishes are excreted via - Gills
2298. Antibody of fish are found in - Skin & Gastrointestinal
2299. Site of blood collection in fish - Caudal vein
2300. Samples for bacterial cultures should be taken from - Posterior Kidney
2301. Anesthetic/Sedative for fish - MS-222 (methane tricaine sulfonate)
2302. Dose of formalin in fishes & their eggs - 200 ppm (1 hr) & 2000 ppm (15 min)
2303. Povidone iodine, egg disinfectant, dose - 100 ppm at 10 minutes
2304. H2O2 used as ____ in fishes - Fungicide
2305. Garlic & onion in fishes for ___ - Sea Lice
2306. CO2 & sodium bicarbonate in fishes, for __ - Anesthetic
2307. Calcium oxide in fishes, for ___ - Protozoacide
2308. Treatment for Idithyophthrinus multifilis - CuSO4
2309. Term for hypoxic fishes that school at the surface of the water trying to gulp air - Piping
2310. Primary source of O2 for fishes in ponds - Algae
2311. Disease caused by supersaturation of water with dissolved gasses - Gas Bubble
2312. Broken back disease in fish is usually due to - Ascorbic acid (vit. C) deficiency
2313. The parasite that produce brownish gold color to infected fish - Amyloodinium spp (marine) or
called as “velvet”, ‘rust’, ‘gold dust’, ‘coral disease’ Oodinium spp. (freshwater)
2314. Causative agent of Red Sore disease in fish - Heteropolaria spp.
2315. Hole-in-the-head disease in fish - Edwardsiella ictaluri
2316. Internal organ in reptiles that produce vitamin C - Kidney
2317. Snake Mite - Ophionyssus natricis
2318. The cause of floppy-flipper in sea turtles - Clostridium botulinum
2319. Scale rot in snakes & lizards due to - High humidity, moist contaminated bedding
2320. Star-gazing, most common in snakes due to - 1( bacterial agents & others
2321. Middle ear / inner ear infection, usually caused by bacterial infection & 2( to deficiency of
vitamin - Hypovitaminosis A
2322. Filarid worm in reptiles - Macdonaldius osheri
2323. The cause of cutaneous myiasis in turtles - Botflies
2324. Drug of choice in treatment of nematodes in reptiles - Fenbendazole
2325. Treatment of Candidiasis in snakes - Nystatin
2326. The best time to palpate doe (rabbit) is - 12 days after breeding
2327. Ratio of buck to doe (rabbit) usually - 1:10; commercial = 1:20 – 25
2328. Gestation rabbit - 31 – 33 days
2329. Pasteurellosis common in domestic rabbits, the cause of “Wryneck” - Pasteurella multocida
2330. Rabbit Pinworm - Passalurus ambiguus
2331. Normal rabbit urine pH - pH = 8.2
2332. Trichobezoars or hairballs are treated with pineapple juice because it contains - Enzyme
2333. Incisor, premolars & molars in rabbit don’t grow throughout life - False
2334. Drug of choice for Campylobacter - Erythromycin (others: gentamycin, furazolidone,
doxycycline, chloram.)
2335. Campylobacter spp. resistant to - Penicillin
2336. Treatment for chlamydial infection - Tetracycline
2337. In septicemic form of this disease in pigs, produce dark red - Salmonellosis; TMP-S, (purple
discoloration of skin especially at ears & abdomen, others: Cepha., Ampicillin, Antroquin
2338. Treatment of Salmonellosis in horses - Flunixin, Meglumine
2339. Causative agent of Tyzzer’s disease - Clostridium piliforme (Bacillus piliformis)
2340. Preferred stain for Tyzzer’s disease - Warthin Starry or Jevaditi Silver Stains
2341. Treatment for Tyzzer’s disease - Tetracycline (others: Streptomycin, Erythromycin, Penicillin,
2342. Clostridium piliforme resistant to - Sufonamides & Chloramphenicol
2343. Entamoeba histolytica, natural host - Man
2344. Treatment for Amoebiasis - Metronidazole
2345. Treatment for Coccidiosis - Sulfaquinoxalin, Aprolium
2346. Most common coccidian of cats & dogs - Isospora spp.
2347. Giardia multiply by - Binary fission
2348. Atony usually results from - High concentrate & low roughage diet
2349. Common Liver Fluke (temperate) - Fasciola hepatica
2350. Giant Liver Fluke (warmer climates) - Fasciola gigantica
2351. Large American Liver Fluke - Fascioloides magna
2352. Lancet Fluke, Lesser Liver Fluke - Decrocoelium dendriticum
2353. First I.H. of Decrocoelium dendriticum - Terrestrial snail (Cionella lubrica)
2354. Second I.H. of Decrocoelium dendriticum - Ant (Formica fusca)
2355. Pancreatic Fluke - Eurytrema pancreaticum
2356. Intermediate hosts for pancreatic fluke - 1st : snail (Bradybaena spp.) 2nd: grasshopper
(Conocephalus spp.)
2357. Treatment for pancreatic fluke - Praziquantel & Albendazole
2358. Rumen flukes, conical flukes, Amphistomes - Paramphistomum sp, Calicophoron sp
2359. Organ usually affected by horse bot larvae - Stomach
2360. The common bot - Gasterophilus intestinalis
2361. The nose or lip bot - Gasterophilus haemorrhoidalis
2362. The throat bot - Gsaterophilus nasalis
2363. Treatment for botflies - Ivermectin
2364. I.H. of Habronema sp. (stomach wireworm) - Housefly or stablefly
2365. Pinworm - Oxyuris equi

2366. Large strongyles in horses; Blood worms, Palisade worms - Strongylus vulgaris, S.edentatus,
Sclerostomes, Redworms, S. equinus
2367. 3 species of tapeworms found in horses - Anoplocephala magna, A. perfoliata Paranoplocephala
2368. I.H. of Anoplocephala spp - Oribated mites
2369. I.H. for the Thorny-headed worm - Beetle (treatment for M .hirudinaceous, Levamisole)
2370. The thick stomach worms in pigs; with coprophagus beetle as I.H.- Ascarops strongylina &
Physocephalus sexalatus
2371. Thin worm, or red stomach worm in Pigs - Hyostrongylus rubidus
2372. Intestinal threadworm in pigs - Strongyloides ransomi
2373. Swine Lungworm - Metastrongylus apri
2374. The most commonly diagnosed infectious, cause of diarrhea in adult horses - Salmonellosis
2375. The main cause of viral diarrea in foals - Rotavirus
2376. Most of the receptors involved in vomiting reflux are found in abdominall viscera, especially
- Duodenum
2377. Cholecystitis is usually caused by bacterial infection, bacteria most frequently isolated -
Eschirichia coli
2378. The most common hemolymphatic tumor found in liver in both dogs & cats - Lymphoma
2379. Loop diuretic - Furosemide
2380. Enalapril is an example of - Angiotensin-converting enzyme
2381. Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii), treatment in cats - Clindamycin
2382. Acquired PSS are caused by - Portal hypertension
2383. Fluke infecting bile duct, pancreatic duct & small Intestine - Opisthorchis tenuicollis, O. felineus
in dogs & cats
2384. Cysticercus “beef measles” - Taenia saginata
2385. Cysticercus “pork measles” - Taenia solium
2386. The largest sinus located under the bird eye - Infraorbital sinus
2387. Level of ammonia that affects local immunity & level that - 30 ppm & 100 ppm destroys local
2388. Avian influenza is related to human influenza, it is caused by - Myxovirus
2389. Clinical signs of Avian Influenza - High mortality, cyanosis of head & leg, greenish diarrhea
2390. E. coli group which are capsular polysaccharide - K – Ag
2391. E. coli group which are flagellar - H – Ag
2392. E. coli group which are pili proteins - P – Ag
2393. E. coli group which are bnacterial lipopolysaccharide - O (141)
2394. Air sac disease caused by - E. coli
2395. Lesions of dry form fowl pox occur in - Skin of head & legs
2396. Lesions of wet form fowl pox occur in - Pharyngeal area of the upper G.I.
2397. Histopath of laryngotracheitis produce intranuclear virus factory - Cowding type A inclusion
2398. Fowl pox histopath reveals a bubble-like virus factories called - Bollinger or Borrel bodies in
2399. T – 2 toxin produce lesions similar to pox, it is caused by - Mold (mycotoxin) on grain (Fusarium)
2400. Etiologic agent of Infectious Coryza - Haemophilus paragallinarum
2401. Brooder pneumonia caused by - Aspergillus fumigatus
2402. Disease that produce lesions in the lung called “Pearl’s Disease” - Aspergillosis
2403. Lethal dose of salt in poultry - 4 g/kg body weight
2404. Malabsorption syndrome is common in - Northern Luzon
2405. Synonyms of malabsorption syndrome - Pale Bird Syndrome, Helicopter Ds, Brittle Bone Disease,
Infectious Proventriculitis
2406. Thrush / Crop Mycosis caused by - Candida albicans
2407. Clostridium colinum produces disease called - Ulcerative Enteritis

2408. Disease with lesions at the lining of the intestine having corrugated - Necrotic Enteritis or “saw
dust” or ‘turlush’ appearance
2409. Pullorum Disease / Bacillary White Diarrhea - Salmonella pullorum
2410. Etiologic agent of Fowl Typhoid - Salmonella gallinarum
2411. The year when the first vaccine for marek’s disease were available - 1971
2412. Marek’s dss. is caused by, related to herpesvirus in turkey & man - Avian Herpesvirus
2413. The human herpes – Epstein Barr virus cause cancer called - Hodgkin’s Disease
2414. Aplastic Anemia is caused by - Adenovirus
2415. Gumboro, 1962 Gumboro Relaware, U.S. synonym & E.A. - Infectious Bursal Disease / RNA virus
2416. Vv IBD first known in year 1990 - China
2417. Causative agent of Egg Drop Syndrome - Adenovirus (duck)
2418. Unit for the evaluation of interior of Hg of egg - Haugh Units
2419. Test for fecal trypsin - Gelatin tube test, Film test
2420. Robert’s test for - Protein
2421. Benedict’s test for - Glucose
2422. Positive test result for Robert’s - White ring at zone of contact
2423. Positive test result for Benedict’s - Greenish ppt. ( orange red ppt.
2424. Negative test result for Benedict’s - Blue color
2425. Normal color of urine in test - White
2426. Normal value of blood ammonia - 19 – 120 mg/dl (0.1 – 3.5 mg/dl fasting)
2427. Incidence rate refers to - Probability that healthy animals will develop a disease after a specific
period of time
2428. Measures the number of individual in the population who have - Prevalence rate the disease at
a given time
2429. The ratio of the rate of disease among those exposed to the - Relative Risk the rate among those
not exposed
2430. Incidence rate among excposed over incidence rate among non-exposed – Relative risk
2431. Rate of disease in exposed individual that can be attributed - Attributable Rate to the exposed
2432. Follow-up or Prospective study - Cohort study
2433. Retrospectivestudy or the - Case Control study
2434. Cross-sectional study or - Survey
2435. Thrombocyte count by - Direct count of Lawrence & Valentine
2436. Duct of Wirsung - Pancreatic duct
2437. Duct of Santorini - Accessory pancreatic duct
2438. Neurolymphomatosis or - Marek’s Disease
2439. Most common type of malignant tumor in dogs & cats - Sananor cell carcinoma, Fibrosarcoma &
Malignant melanoma (dog only)
2440. Oral papillomatosis or - Wart
2441. Clinical term for tumor like masses on the gingival which includes - Epulis developmental,
inflammatory & hyperplastic, lesions, & neoplastic
2442. Color of organ freezer burn - Yellow to orange
2443. Zenker necrosis is formed in - Striated muscle
2444. Alteration in hereditary material - Mutation
2445. Car rugosus is observed in - Pericarditis
2446. Myeloma affects the - Plasma cells
2447. Test for ketone bodies - Ross test
2448. Rupture or fragmentation of cell nucleus - Karyorrhexis
2449. Cheilosis is caused by - Riboflavin deficiency
2450. Black tongue is caused by - Niacin deficiency
2451. Eclampsia / Puerperal tetany common in - Small breed of bitch
2452. Urate urolith, common in - Dalmatian
2453. What segment of urinary system is urolith common - Urethra
2454. Harsh sound upon auscultation of thorax - Rales / Crackles
2455. Rhabdomyolysis or Monday morning sickness in horses a.k.a - Azoturia
2456. Thin RBC - Leptocytes
2457. Extrinsic clotting factors - Factors III, IV, VII (3,4,7
2458. Prostaglandin (PGF2-() causes abortion in - Horses; not cattle
2459. Aldosterone acts on what part of kidney - Distal convulated tubule (DCT)
2460. Stomach cells that produce pepsinogen - Chief cells of Zymogen cells
2461. Phase of estrus---active in producing progesterone - Diestrus
2462. Hormones of the kidney - Renin, Angiotensin, Erythropoeitin
2463. Supplies oxygenated blood to the fetus - Umbilical vein
2464. Y-shaped Immunoglobulin (Ig) - Ig E
2465. Male animal having high amount of estrogen - Estrogen
2466. Common passage of bile & pancreatic secretion - Bile duct
2467. Regeneration of intestinal epithelium occur within - 10 – 14 days
2468. Enzyme Precursor - Zymogen
2469. Cells producing crop - Epithelial cells (superficial) of crop
2470. Over administration of mineralocorticoid - Hypernatremia
2471. Over administration of glucocorticoid - High glycogen & blood sugars
2472. Removal of particles by lysosomes brought within cells - Heterophagy
2473. Mechanism that change the expansion & depletion of lungs - Hering – Breuer Complex
2474. Used for digestion of carbohydrate - H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)
2475. Vitamin synthesized by rumen of cattle - Vit. B complex, Vit. K
2476. Potassium sparing Diuretics - Spironolactone
2477. Aldosterone inhibitor - Spironolactone
2478. Femoral canal terminates in the tendon of - Psoas minor
2479. Location of Os Cordis in the heart - Aortic fibrous rings
2480. Smallest cranial nerve - Trochlear nerve
2481. Shortest cranial nerve - Vestibulocochlear nerve
2482. Largest cranial nerve - Trigeminal nerve
2483. Muscles that raises the tail of the horse - Sacrocaudalis dorsalis lateralis, Sacrocaudalis dorsalis
2484. Synsacrum of chiken is formed by the - Last thoracic vertebra,14th lumbosacral,1st coccydial
2485. When palmar surface faces upwards, what nerve is affected - Radial nerve
2486. Longest & widely distributed cranial nerve - Vagus nerve
2487. Second largest body cavity - Thorax
2488. H ( dilation of the nose - Caninus (dilator nares lateralis)
2489. Large muscle in pig connected to gastrocnemius - Soleus
2490. Reluctance to fly, bright green feces & abdominal wing carriage - Lead (Pb) toxicity are common
signs of
2491. Botulinum toxin most likely to be produced in - Shallow, warm, stagnant bodies of water
containing considerable organic matter
2492. Kosher slaughter - Jewish slaughter
2493. Halal slaughter - Muslim slaughter
2494. A breed of cat originating in Thailand, short, silver-blue coat - Korat
2495. Allergic dermatitis by Oncocerca infestation - Kasen disease
2496. Unit of blood pressure - mmHg
2497. Structural & functional unit of kidney - Nephron
2498. Potential ketogenic VFA - Acetate / butyrate
2499. Kreb’s cycle a.k.a. citric acid cycle occur in all tissues except - RBC
2500. Loss of water by evaporation - Insensible water loss
2501. Rumen gases: - CO2 = 60 –70%; CH4 = 30 – 40%
2502. Volume of gas produced in the ruminoreticulum of dairy cow - 0.5 – 1.0 L / minute (Eructation: 1
eructation / minute)
2503. Vibration of blood upon palpation of the uterine artery & is a good - Femitus indicator for
pregnancy diagnosis especially in cows
2504. A calf slaughtered a few days old of age - Bobby calf
2505. Closure of the atrio-ventricular (A-V) valve - First heart sound (lub)
2506. Closure of pulmonary aortic or aortic semilunar valves - Second heart sound
2507. Secretes calcium during muscle contraction - Sarcoplasmic reticulum
2508. Lesions are mainly localized on pharynx & gastroenteritis - Anthrax in pigs / dogs
2509. A technique for suture of the gut wall which resembles - Conell Suture Pattern Cushing suture
pattern; suture goes thru all layers of gut wall
2510. A fast, continuous, easy suture pattern for making external the - Cushing Suture Pattern closure
of an intestinal incision, example end to end intestinal anastomoses
2511. A virus that infects bacteria after killing them by lysis - Bacteriophage
2512. A disease in human which is similar to epidermotrophic form - Sezary Syndrome of cutaneous
lymphoma which occurs in dogs
2513. Exudative epidermatitis in pig - Marmite disease
2514. Brisket disease / Mountain sickness - High altitude, there’s a Congestive heart failure
2515. Inflammation of any part of the intestinal tract - Enteritis
2516. Inflammation of the colon - Colitis
2517. Inflammation of the cecum - Cecitis
2518. Inflammation fo the rectum - Proctitis
2519. Hemorrhagic enteritis and vibrionic dysentery - Swine dysentery
2520. Loop of intestines passes through a tear in the mesentery - Volvulus
2521. Inflammation of a vein, presence of inflammatory exudates - Phlebitis
2522. Hardening of the arteries - Arteriosclerosis
2523. A condition in which leukocytes proliferate uncontrollably in - Leukemia the peripheral blood, in
the bone marrow and in other lymphoreticular tissues and may infiltrate any organ
2524. Which coagulation factor may be affected by vitamin K deficiency - Stable factor (VII)
2525. Which coagulation factor is reduced or absent in classic hemophilia - Factor VIII (Hemophilia A)
2526. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, or endocardium - Endocarditis It usually involves
an infection of the heart valves.
2527. Abnormal dilatations of either arteries or veins - Aneurysms
2528. A variety of inflammatory or immunologicaly mediated diseases - Arteritis that are primarily
lesions of the arteries
2529. Characterized pathologically by dilatation of the acinar air spaces - Emphysema due to
destruction of the interalveolar septa, due to the action of proteolytic enzymes, which are released
from the leukocytes during inflammation.
2530. Accumalation of clear serous fluid (transudate) in the pleural cavity - Hydrothorax
2531. Accumulation of milky (chylous) lymph, usually in the left pleural - Chylothorax cavity, as a result
of obstruction by tumors or trauma.
2532. Inflammation of the pleura - Pleurisy or Pleuritis
2533. Hemorrhage into the pleural space - Hemothorax
2534. The presence of air in the peural cavity - Pneumothorax
2535. Thickening of the spinous layers - Acanthosis
2536. Superficial inflammation of the skin mainly affecting the epidermis - Eczema
2537. Collections of histiocytic cells laden with liphoid substances in the - Xanthomatosis dermis
and subcutis
2538. Essential component of tyrosinase, and the deficiency of animals - Copper deficiency develop
hair or wool depigmentation
2539. The time of growth and mitotic activity of the hair follicle - Anagen phase
2540. Contagious disease caused by Bacteriodis nodosus acting - Foot rot synergistically with
Fusobacterium necrophorum
2541. Inflammation of the adipose tissue of the skin - Panniculitis
2542. Loss of pigment of hair - Leukotrichia
2543. Chronic skin disease complex associated with abnormalities of - Seborrhea sebum production
and/or keratinization
2544. Spinous Ear Tick - Otobius megnini
2545. A stage in pneumonia in which affected areas is accredited or - Red hepatization hepatic to some
degree of firmness
2546. A stage of pneumonia in which invasion of pyogenic bacteria - Gray hepatization takes place
2547. Degenerative joint disease of the intertarsal or basometatarsal joints - Bone spavin
2548. Degenerative joint disease of the interphalangeal joints - Ring bone
2549. Implies the inflammation of the vertebrae - Spondylosis
2550. Study of the distribution and determinants of diseases in pop’ns - Epidemiology
2551. The constant presence of a disease on infections age not within a given geographic area or the
usual prevalence of the disease - Endemic
2552. Occurrence of a disease in a community and region clearly in excess of normal expectancy -
2553. Measures the probability of the healthy animals will develop a disease during a specified period
of time - Incidence rate
2554. Ratio of the incidence rate for persons exposed to afactor to the incidence rate for those not
exposed - Relative risk
2555. Defined as a point, step, or procedure at which a food safety hazard can be prevented,
eliminated, or reduced to acceptable levels - Critical Control Point
2556. A wound or injury that is either physical or psychic - Trauma
2557. Bodily injury caused by physical means with disruption of the normal continuity of structures -
2558. An area of the body duned of skin or mucous membrane by abnormal or unusual mechanical
processes - Abrasion
2559. A bruise or injury without a break in the skin or surface of the tissue - Contusion
2560. A tearing of tissue that results in torn, ragged or mangled tissue - Laceration
2561. The act of cutting open or through - Incision
2562. A violent jar or shock or a condition that results from such injuries - Concussion
2563. A wave of high air pressure at high velocity usually followed by a negative wave resulting in
suction - Blast
2564. Chemical compounds present in cells that send messages from cell to cell and control mitosis -
2565. The lesion is probably; a shallow area of necrosis confined to epidermis that heals without
scarring - Erosion
2566. An excavation of a surface produced by necrosis and sloughing of the necrotic debris and implies
involvement of the tissue below the surface layer - Ulcer
2567. Inflammation of fat; arises from vitamin A Deficiency - Steatitis
2568. Self-digestion by the tissues enzymes that are present in, or released into, the cytoplasm of the
cell after death - Autolysis
2569. A concept on drug-receptor interaction which holds that the intensity of biologic response
depends on the number of associations between drug molecules and their receptors -Occupation
2570. Most important site of drug biotransformation - Liver
2571. This terminates drug activity through accumulation of drugs in another organ system -
2572. The transfer of drugs from the mother to the fetus generally follow the principle of -
2573. Substances that prevent the release of acetylcoline from the terminal nerve endings can cause -
Flaccid Paralysis
2574. The muscle paralyzing effect of curare can becounteracted by a drug which prevents enzymatic
hydrolysis of acetylcholinein the synaptic junction - Neostigmine
2575. Drugs that promote vomiting are known as - Emetic drugs
2576. The term for substances extracted from digitalis species - Cardiac glycosides
2577. Drugs used to counteract abnormal cardiac rhythms - Digoxin
2578. Agents that inhibit cyclooxygenase enzymes thus preventing the synthesis of inflammatory
mediators are known as - NSAID’s
2579. Agents that either provide components required for RBC production or stimulate bone marrow
formation of RBC - Hematinic’s drugs
2580. Substance that attaches strongly to plasma proteins and is used to measure plasma volume -
Evan’s Blue
2581. Blockade of the foramina of Luschka & foramina of Magendie will result to - Internal
2582. The heart obtains its energy chiefly from - Free fatty acids
2583. The substance in blood which catalyzes the convertion of fibrinogen to fibrin is called -
2584. In brain tissue, the major mechanism for removal of ammonia is - Glutamine formation
2585. The cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus in the cell body of a neuron - Perikaryon
2586. Test for protein in urine - Robert’s test
2587. Test for glucose in urine - Benedict’s test
2588. The ability of the test to detect non-disease animals - Specificity
2589. The ability of the test to detect the disease animals - Sensitivity
2590. Produces all the albumin and most of the globulin - Liver
2591. The presence of abnormally high concentrations of urea, creatinine and other non-protein
substances in the blood - Azotemia
2592. The most common tumor associated with calcium abnormalities, the incidence of hypercalcemia
being 10 – 40% - Lymphosarcoma
2593. Test for bilirubin in urine - Foam test
2594. Antigenic determinants which segregate within a species - Allotypes
2595. Encoded by a constant region axon, variable axon, diversity axon, and joining axon - Ig
heavy chains
2596. Immunoglobulin present in milk and saliva - Ig A
2597. The fixation of complement by an antigen-antibody rx’n can lead to - Enhanced
2598. Viral replication within cells is inhibited by - IFNalpha
2599. Recognizes epitopes on linear associated with MHC determinants - T-cell antigen receptor
2600. Type 1 thymus-independent antigens characteristically are - Bacterial polysaccharides
2601. Central tolerance takes place in - Thymus
2602. Immune complex disease requires - Neutrophils
2603. Mast cell products mediate some of the symptoms of immediate hypersensitivity by increasing -
Capillary Leakage
2604. Chemical compounds present in cells that send messages form cell to cell and control mitosis;
are useful as mitotic inhibitor for therapeutic purposes in cases of cancer - Chalones
2605. Excess accumulation of non-iron staining known pigment in hepatocytes and renal tubular
epithelium - Hemochromatosis
2606. Two genotypes present in one individual as a result of maternal fetal cross circulation or post-
natal transfusion - Chimerism
2607. A crust-like exudate that covers a healing wound - Scab
2608. Osmotic pressure depends on the concentration of osmotically active particles - van Hoof’s Law
2609. Stiffening of all muscles after death - Rigor Mortis
2610. Gravitational settling of blood to the down side of the animal - Livor Mortis
2611. Gradual cooling of the body after death - Algor Mortis
2612. Result from massive accumulation of lipids in macrophages - Xanthomatosis
2613. Amorphous eosinophilic maternal that accumulates in tissues (basement membrane) -
2614. A precipitate resulting from an antigen-antibody reaction - Amyloidosis
2615. Deposition of Ca2+ salts in soft tissues, stains blue in H.E. - Calcification
2616. Rapid death of a limited area of tissue - Necrosis
2617. Self-digestion by the tissues enzyme - Autolysis
2618. Most common site of metastasis - Lungs
2619. Excessive accumulation of H2O in interstitial spaces - Edema
2620. The vascular and cellular responses of living tissue to injury - Inflammation
2621. Defense against parasites and modulating the inflammatory process - Eosinophils
2622. Systematic examination of every organ by methods that preserve organ continuity yet revealed
the lesions they contained - Necropsy Technique
2623. Described blood vascular system and circulation - William Harvey
2624. Small intracytoplasmic fat droplets - Phosphorus Poisoning
2625. Large intracytoplasmic fat droplets - Metabolic diseases
2626. Excessive accumulation of fat in adipose or white fibrous connective tissue; adiposity;
lipomatosis - Obesity
2627. Deposition of Na+ and Ca2+ urate in crystal form in connective tissue and serous membrane due
to defects in purine Metabolites - Gout
2628. Xanthomatosis is common in what animal - ?
2629. Failure of the bone matrix to develop causes what disease -?
2630. The most powerful extensor muscle of the Stifle - Quadriceps femoris
2631. Major flexor muscle of the Hip - Ilio-psoas
2632. Laterally, longest and widest muscle of the thigh - Biceps femoris
2633. Muscles form the caudal bulge of the leg & contribute the major - Gastrocnemius
2634. Largest and most massive of the long bones - Femur
2635. Large sessamoid bone which articulates with the trochlea of the femur - Patella
2636. Whale lice - Isocyanos delpheni
2637. Major duodenal pancreatic sphincter - Sphincter of Oddi
2638. River Blindness - Onchocerca volvulus
2639. Remnants of nuclear material after nucleus has been extruded - Howell-Jolly Bodies
2640. A screening test to detect leukocytes in milk - Bromcresol Purple
2641. Medium used for isolation of FMD virus - Frenkel’s medium
2642. Enzyme Precursor - Zymogen
2643. Largest bone of the Hock - Fibular tarsal bone
2644. The largest and most massive of the long bones - Femur
2645. The ossification of joints - Synostosis
2646. Trochoid or pivot joint - Atlanto-axial joint
2647. The chief extensor muscles of the head and neck - Complexus
2648. These are situated on the side of a hinge joint where contraction will align the bones or
straighten the limb - Extensors
2649. Cross the surface where the smaller angle between the bones is being formed - Flexors
2650. The largest and longest muscle in the body - Longissimus dorsi
2651. If a dog is stabbed with a sharp object at the middle of the 4th intercostal space and penetrated
the lung, which of these tissue layers is spared - Mediastinal parietal pleura
2652. This muscle in the dog is not cut when the pelvic limb is amputated at the stifle joint - Tibialis
2653. A deep wound involving the distal part of the lateral head of thetriceps branch damages the -
Radial nerve
2654. In severe fungal infection of the guttural pouch in the horse, there is usually epistaxis observed
in the affected animal. Epistaxis could be due to ruptured - External carotid artery
2655. This is avoided when administering drug below the external ear in the pig - Parotid gland
2656. Which of the domestic animals have renal calices - Pig and Ox
2657. Aside from the pig, the papillary process of the liver is also missing in what species - Horse
2658. Ligating the internal pudendal artery will affect blood supply to the - Penis
2659. This tooth is mostly commonly involved with root abscesses - Upper 4th premolar
2660. Which of the following structures does not contain an erectile tissue - Vas deferens
2661. Which cells secrete Rennin - Juxtaglomerular cells
2662. In which layer of the retina do light stimuli set up a series of nerve impulses transmission to the
brain - Layer of rods and cones
2663. It is the transmitter of Aegyptianella pullorum - Argas persicus
2664. Tick infestation in dogs may be controlled by any of the followingLindane, Dichlorvos, Carbaryl,
except - Amitraz
2665. What is known as the canine chewing louse - Trichodectes canis
2666. The hookworm affecting foxes is - Uncinaria stenocephala
2667. The coccidian species causing enteritis in goldfish is - Eimeria subepitheliasis
2668. Which of the following fish protozoa has been reported in the Phils.- Cryptobia brachialis
2669. A filariform worm which is usually found in nodules on the brisket and hindlimbs of cattle in
Asia: - Onchocerca gibsoni
2670. The basal joints of the pedipalps of arachnids are called - Gnathobases
2671. Milk fever or Parturient paresis in dairy cattle is caused by - Hypocalcemia
2672. In dairy cows, abomasal displacement most commonly occurs - 1 – 3 weeks after calving
2673. A heifer calf born twin to a bull calf is called a - Freemartin
2674. The practice of feeding extra grain to ewes just before breeding - Flushing
2675. The parasiticide of choice for treatment of Knemidocoptes infestation - Ivermectin

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