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My name is Gabriela Rubí Luna Torres. 3-A

When you fisnish watching the video you are going to do a SUMMARY, with the
following guidelines:
1- What was the part that interested you the most?
I found the whole video interesting because it explains how stress can arise identify
the cause it even gives u stips to not have stress.
2-Do you have an recommendation to cope with stress?
Yes, how to follow the recommendations of this video and always keep your mind
occupied in things that help us as a person.
3-Have you ever have stress in your daily life as a student?
Yes, i have had a loto f stress in my university life because they leave me a loto f
homework and exams too.
4- What do you think of the idea from the video?
I like the idea od this video because it helps us move forward with our lives and
gives us a series of options to understand and get out of stress

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