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Training Day 2 Accomplishment Summary


Training Location / Site Football Stadium Phase 2 U.P. Diliman Description of Daily Training
Site Inspection
Quezon City Activity

Industry / Company Name / Office of the Campus Architect UP Diliman Quezon City

Name and Signature of


Duration 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Number of Hours 8 hours

I am diligently compiling a comprehensive daily inspection report that meticulously outlines our team's activities throughout the day.
Engineers Mark and Ian played pivotal roles in the rigorous inspection processes, focusing their attention on assessing the
waterproofing of the football stadium and overseeing the construction of the VIP room. Our commitment to maintaining a vigilant
focus was evident as we ensured the strict adherence of all personnel involved to their assigned tasks.

The scope of our inspections was broad, encompassing critical aspects such as equipment functionality, adherence to safety
Details of Training Activity procedures, and compliance with stringent construction standards. Any identified discrepancies or concerns were not only diligently
documented but were also promptly brought to the forefront for immediate attention. The implementation of corrective actions was
swift and efficient, underscoring our commitment to rectifying issues in real-time.

A cornerstone of our successful operations today was the team's effective communication channels and seamless collaboration with
on-site supervisors. This synergy created an environment conducive to efficient problem-solving, fostering a collective effort towards
addressing challenges promptly and effectively. Our commitment to maintaining high standards in construction and safety was not
only met but exceeded, as today's inspection activities were executed with unparalleled precision and professionalism.

In essence, today's comprehensive inspection report reflects not only the dedication of our team but also emphasizes our
unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards in construction and safety. We remain resolute in our pursuit of
excellence and look forward to contributing further to the success of the ongoing projects at the football stadium and VIP room
Pictures of Evidences

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