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Progress Report

Product-based Capstone Project

Project Name : Fishery

Team ID : CH2-PS246
Team Member :
1. M287BSY1878 – Sanda Nurseska Yudha – Universitas Pakuan - Active
2. M198BSX0265 – Annisa Aghnia Nadhiroh – Universitas Darussalam Gontor - Active
3. M287BSY1880 – Gugus Adhi Gumilang – Universitas Pakuan - Active
4. C182BSX3246 – Ade Chintya Alfiana Halalutu – Universitas Amikom Purwokerto - Active
5. C131BSY4072 – Ibnu Rizal Khusaini – Politeknik Negeri Malang - Active
6. A466BSY2139 – Ahmad Khusnudin – Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an - Active
7. A443BSY2908 – Muhammad Arif Amsar – Universitas Islam Riau - Active

Project Schedule (based on project plan):

Here we attach the Project Schedule link : Project Schedule.

Project Progress Description:

The project has made substantial headway, with the completion of critical tasks like developing
the backend API, ensuring seamless communication and data management. Moreover,
significant strides have been made in the UI aspect by implementing the entire design and
fortifying the system with authentication features, bolstering its security.
Currently, efforts are concentrated on gathering data for the machine learning phase, a pivotal
step preceding training, testing, and evaluation. Simultaneously, the deployment of the API
onto cloud servers is in progress, aiming for scalability and accessibility enhancements.
Meanwhile, the user interface is being fine-tuned to efficiently interact with the API, allowing
seamless integration of functionalities.
However, there are essential tasks yet to be initiated. These include preparing training data,
securing testing data, conducting evaluation, and deploying the trained model within the
machine learning segment. Additionally, configuring the cloud infrastructure to support
machine learning operations and incorporating post features into the user interface remains

If the complete capstone is 100%, tell us how many percent of your group's project has
been completed. Please describe the reason for your percentage.
Progress Report
Product-based Capstone Project
At the time of reporting, project progress should have reached at least 50% of the total
project scope
At this stage, our group project has reached approximately 50% completion of the Project Plan
Capstone. Mobile Development has implemented all UI designs and created authentication
logic and is waiting for API implementation, and further API implementation from Cloud
Computing. Additionally, configuring the machine learning aspects, particularly in data
collection, has been an important part of the project. Although half of the main problems have
been resolved, several important stages are still waiting for completion so that the project can
proceed further.

Please attach your supporting evidence.

Github link : Fishery
Dataset Link : Dataset

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