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1. What are the key concepts that you learned in this session?

Action research is simply a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by the participants in

social situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices are
carried out. It can be conducted with the assistance or guidance of professional researchers in
order to improve strategies, practices and knowledge. It is useful in solving immediate and
specific problems, it is useful in solving classroom problems. Advantages of action research are
follows; action research powers professional growth, action research makes change
manageable, it promotes collaboration, it loves being shared and it can power system change,
it merits for promotions like publication, authorship and innovation/project. Things to
consider in doing action research are the interest, problem, program, respondents, materials,
and funds. Process on flow of action research are first is identifying problems, program or
projects second think the possible interventions or strategies, next read related articles and
formulate a title and, make an action research proposal, seek approval from school action
research committee, submit to division office a copy of proposal, wait for the approval. Once
approved implement immediately the study and gather data and come up with complete
action research. Model of action research ; stage 1 is the planning stage which identify and
limiting the problem and gathering of information reconnaissance, stage 2 is the acting stage
which implement the plan and collecting data, reflecting stage is sharing and communicating
the results and reflect on the process and developing of action research.
2. How can you integrate this in teaching and in the field of education?

In research paper I can use it through identifying the benefits to me and my students. I can
share my passion and expertise with my students to inspire them to pursue their own interests
and questions. I use it through alignment of goals and outcomes by identifying the key concepts,
questions and skills that I ant to my students to learn from my research topic and ensure that
these are reflected in the course learning outcomes and objectives.

3. Make a summary of session either in paragraph or bullet form.

 Action research is simply a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by the participants in
social situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices are
carried out.
 It can be conducted with the assistance or guidance of professional researchers in order to
improve strategies, practices and knowledge.
 It is useful in solving immediate and specific problems, it is useful in solving classroom
 Advantages of action research are follows; action research powers professional growth, action
research makes change manageable, it promotes collaboration, it loves being shared and it
can power system change, it merits for promotions like publication, authorship and
 Things to consider in doing action research are the interest, problem, program, respondents,
materials, and funds. Process on flow of action research are first is identifying problems,
program or projects second think the possible interventions or strategies, next read related
articles and formulate a title and, make an action research proposal, seek approval from
school action research committee, submit to division office a copy of proposal, wait for the
approval. Once approved implement immediately the study and gather data and come up
with complete action research.

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