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WOS-MYP 3- Class 8

Summer Research Task Academic Session 2021-22

Finding your Ikigai

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason for being. 'Iki' in Japanese means 'life,' and 'gai'
describes value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss. It's what brings you joy and
inspires you to get out of bed every day.

This Summer:
 Explore yourself
 Conduct Research
 Formulate your Ikigai

Task 1
Create a name tag with the following information and introduce yourself to the world.
First name and a complementary adjective that describes you (for example: Lubaba: Lubaba the Lioness,
Zubia: Zealous Zubia)

Write down your dream project

For example: Learn to knit.

Task 2
Access the link shared below to read the article on ‘Finding your ikigai: 8 Questionnaires and Tests’

Complete the questionnaires provided in the online article you just read and complete and copy the
diagram given below:

Beaconhouse Newlands is a candidate school for the IB MYP programme.

WOS-MYP 3- Class 8
Summer Research Task Academic Session 2021-22

Beaconhouse Newlands is a candidate school for the IB MYP programme.

WOS-MYP 3- Class 8
Summer Research Task Academic Session 2021-22
Task 3:
Select one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), shared below, and align it with
your ikigai.
Create a pitch/ tagline to sell your dream product/ goal.

Task 4:
Present your findings in form of a power point presentation, a handmade or a digital poster, a word file or
a hand written report.
*You are expected to adhere to the school’s Academic Integrity Policy whenever conducting research.
Access the link below to read the policy available on the school website

Your work will be shared with the school community on your return. Best IKIGAI will be taken forward
as your Personal Project or as MYP Community Project for the next academic term.

Beaconhouse Newlands is a candidate school for the IB MYP programme.

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