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Your love for yourself sets the standards for others.

How we love ourselves, teaches how other

will love you. In the parlance of law, there is a doctrine called “nemo da quod no abet” which
means that you cannot give what you do not have. You cannot give love for the others if you do
not love yourself. Be your own priority. It is not absurd if you put yourself at the center of your
life. It is indeed true that “No man is an island”, but there can be a strong man that do not rely
with the expectations of the outside force — the standards or norms set by the judgmental
society. We are far more beautiful, strong, capable, and smart than we were told. It all starts
Loving yourself first, guarantees the creation of a life long romance. Love does not only pertain
to giving it to third persons, loving yourself first causes things to fall into your desired line. It is
yourself that you should not preclude from loving.
To be a great giver of love, one shall love oneself first. Remember to fill your cup because you
can’t pour from an empty cup. It is not selfish, it is just necessary.

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