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Roldan Jay Rios 11-Rwanda

A Research Study of Kissinger and Miller (2009) have identified six unique challenges that student
athletes typically face. These include juggling social obligations with athletic responsibilities, striking a
balance between athletic success and failures and emotional stability, striking a balance between
physical health and injury and the need to compete, managing the demands of relationships with
coaches, teammates, parents, and friends, and dealing with the end of one's college athletic
career.Student athletes may struggle to find enough time for both their academic work and their
sporting activities while still having a social life outside of these obligations. They may also face pressure
to succeed in sports while dealing with setbacks such as injuries or losses. This can lead to stress which
can affect their mental wellbeing. In addition to this pressure on performance, they must also manage
relationships across multiple groups including coaches who expect high levels of commitment from
them; teammates who rely on each other for success; parents who want the best for their children but
may not understand the realities of being an athlete; and friends who may not fully comprehend the
demands placed upon student-athletes.

Participating in sports can help you achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The World Health
Organization (WHO) came to the conclusion that a person's social, mental, and physical wellness are all
related to their state of health (Li et al., 2021). When we participate in sports, we engage in physical
activity which helps us maintain a healthy body weight, build muscle strength, improve cardiovascular
health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. Additionally, playing
sports can be fun and enjoyable which contributes positively to our mental wellbeing.

As the research by Billonid et al (2020) specifically demonstrated that the relationship between sports
participation and academic achievement of the student-athletes was a positive correlation, and
consequently proved that sports participation developed and boosted their academic excellence, self-
discipline, mental/cognitive development, and class participation. The research conducted by Billonid
and colleagues in 2020 showed that there is a positive relationship between participating in sports and
academic achievement among student-athletes. This means that students who participate in sports tend
to perform better academically than those who do not. The study also found that being involved in
sports helps improve self-discipline, cognitive development, mental health, and class participation. In
other words, playing sports can have many benefits beyond just physical fitness.

Byrd and Ross (1991) conducted a study that found out how playing sports in junior high school can help
student athletes perform better academically. This means that even at a young age, being involved in
athletics can have a positive impact on their classroom performance. In other words, when students
participate in sports activities such as basketball or football, they tend to do better in school because it
motivates them to work hard both on the field and off the field.

Morgan (2006) acknowledged that sports and games have a significant educational impact by motivating
students to study and work hard. It's been a longstanding belief that a healthy body contributes to a
healthy mind, and engaging in physical activity can enhance children's intellectual growth. It has been
believed for a long time that having a healthy body can lead to having a healthy mind, and doing physical
activities like playing sports or games can help children grow intellectually. This means that participating
in physical activities may help kids do better in school by improving their ability to think, learn, and
remember things.

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