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 I believe that falls within your scope of responsibilities, but I am happy to support

where it makes sense

 As per my prediction, this outcome does not come as a surprise
 I did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do you plan to resolve this?
 I can look at prioritizing this behind my assigned responsibilities however I cannot
commit to a timeline as my workload is dictated by [insert name]
 There seems to be a disconnect here as this information has already been provided
 To ensure that information does not get missed can you please condense your
communications into a single email where possible?
 Is there something that you require on my end?
 These concerns were not raised during any of our previous discussions. Has something
changed since the decision was made?
 As our deadline is quickly approaching, can you provide an update as to where you are
in completing this task?
 I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload, as i am at
capacity with my own assigned responsibilities
 Thank you for your input, but please wait until I am finished sharing my thoughts
before proceeding.
 Your attendance is required for this discussion. If this date/time does not work on your
end please propose a new time that works for you
 Thank you for your patience
 If you need to contact me, please note that my working hours begin at 8am and
communications received prior to this will not be seen
 I previously sent you an email regarding that but please let me know if something went
wrong is transit
 I understand this is a busy time and if it is easier for you to jump on a call I am happy to
set up some time in order to get this resolved
 Our effectiveness would benefit from a greater level of respect and professionalism
than what I currently feel is being displayed
 It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have
appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery
 The internet is a great resource for these type of questions and i am available to clarify
elements that you are not able to find online
 We seem to have different understanding on this. Can you elaborate further on your
thought process here?
 I recommend directing this issue to [name] as they have the proper expertise to best
assist you
 This falls outside my responsibilities but I would be happy to connect you with
someone who can help
 As my workload is quite heavy, can you help me understand what I should reprioritize
in order to accommodate this new task
 If there is a better way to get contact with you please let me know as I am hoping to
have this resolved as soon as possible
 Reattaching my email to provide further clarity
 It is my understanding that you are the appropriate person to contact in regards to this
but if there is someone better equipped for this please let me know
 Is this what you had in mind?
 Let me know if I should proceed

 we work together
 Excuse me, do you have a few moments to discuss something?
 Whenever you have a few moments, I would like to discuss something with you
 I look forward to discussing next steps
 I look forward to hearing from you soon
 Here’s something to consider
 my understanding was
 straightforward
 challenging
 Would you mind just repeating the question?
 Could you just clarify your question for me?
 Could you run that question past me again, please?
 Unfortunately, I have too much to do today. I can help you another time
 Sorry, I have already committed to something else. I hope you understand

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