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Okay. Is everyone ready to begin?

( lên giọng)

I’d like to hear your views on this matter.
What’s your view on this matter … ?
Have you got any thoughts on this?
What’s your opinion? What do you think about NAME’s POINT/this problem?
What’s your view on this matter … ?
What do you think about this problem?
Do you have any views on this?
Do you have any opinion on this matter?

I see what you mean.

You’ve got a point there.

That’s a very good point. Agree

Expressing I have exactly the same opinion as you.

Yes, I hold the same opinion about …

I'm quite certain that
I totally agree with you.
In my opinion, …
You’re right.
Personally, I think that ……….

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.

We have only five minutes left, so we’d I see what you mean, but …
better move on. I understand what you are saying, but I have a different opinion.

okay thanks for your opinion.

Let’s move on to the second question:
Good morning everyone

Okay. Is everyone ready to begin? ( lên giọng)

I’m Lan Phương as well as the leader and Duy Phúc is the reporter.

Kim Phụng and Hải Phụng are the ‘summarizers

Today we have a situation to discuss: Anna has a serious illness but she’s brave and optimistic.
Unluciky her disease is incurable. Philip begs the doctor to keep secret but Anna requires the
doctor to annouce her state so she can get prepared to do something useful in her last days.

The first question is: on the patient’s poper demand, should the doctor follow Anna’s
requirements? Why or why not?

Do you think this situation is hard?

Kim Phụng, What’s your opinion?

Uh huh, I see what you mean. You got a point there and luckily I share the
same view with you
In my view, Telling the truth to a patient with an incurable disease is one of the most
common situations in the hospital. This may seem simple but really it is a hard question. I'm
quite certain that the doctor should follow Anna’s requirements because it is the best way
to solve this problem. Providing patients with simple and understandable information about
the condition is the most acceptable way to proceed in these situations. In some cases, the
harm from telling the truth may be less, for example in this situation, Anna is ready to hear
the bad news, and at least she can make better decisions for the rest of her life. She wants
to get prepared to do st useful, meaningful in her last days, for example: go somewhere to
travel, eat exotic food, do crazy things. And then if her disease is becoming worse and
worse, she will not regret her last days.
Do you have any questions?
Hải Phụng, what do you think about this situation?

That’s a great point of view.

How about Duy Phúc, I’d like to hear your views.

Let’s move to the second question: With the husband’s deep love and
care, is Anna’s requirement difficult to the doctor?
Kim Phụng, Have you got any thoughts on this?
That’s a great suggestion. My idea is a litte bit different but not too
My opinion for this situation, well, it’s not difficult for the doctor, it’s not difficult to follow
anna’s requirement. I know The husband’s deep love and care but his solution is wrong,
which may lead to a bad result: for example she believe that she is healthy, and then boom,
it’s a lie and she’s gonna die soon. It’s the worst case.
As the situ has mention, Anna has a serious illness but she’s still very brave and optimistic
which means she is ready for the bad news. Furthermore, Health problems are always
expected to be tell the truth by the doctors. doctor should tell Anna the truth so that she
can do things that she has never tried. As a results, She will not regret her last days. She
think that she has live a full life.
Hải Phụng, What’s your view?
Uh huh
Duy Phúc,
Great discussion you guys, thank you for your participations. Pai
As you know ,a part-time job is a great way to support your study financial and
it can also provide a valuable experience as well as soft skills. There are plenty
of students out there who need to work to support themselves while they study
in the university. So this is a comman situation. Finding balance between part
time job and study isn’t easy. I'm quite certain that if I was in this sit, I would
choose to schedule to work my part time job for next week and spend time
stuyding in order to pass the midterm test with flying colours. The benefits of
taking a leave of absence my job to return to school include having more time to
study or take care of myself. I believe that studing is more important than
working a part time- job because increasing knowledge means increasing job
opportunity. If I spend more time studying, My CV may naturally expand as a
result of hard-working education and maybe I will get further opportunity to
work in a company.

If the manager doesn’t allow mi to schedule my job for next week. Then I will
quit the job. It’s just a part time job so it’s not worth to wasting my time not
focusing on my studies. In addtion, if I am failing the exams because of job then
I have no hope to get a stable lifestyle in the future too.

Should students have part-time jobs while at college Personally, I am

strongly convinced that students should work part-time for three reasons:

thanks to a part-time job, students can earn some money to spend without
asking their parents. earning money during school years also teaches students to
understand true values of money which make they tend to become more
cautious about how they spend their cash.
improve time management skills which are difficult to develop without
activities outside the colleges or universities. it will help students to balance
between their study and their work. Not only time management skills but also
other soft skills such as solve problem, commucation,…

Last but not least, they cann gain work exper to add to their cv which can
enhance their opportuni for an internship or a job.

Do you think it is a common situation in the university?

If they answer your call, what would you tell them?

What would Brian do?

He would immediately contact them on other social media such as messenger, telegram or calling
them up 1 last time

to let them know the project is due 3 days left and talk to them seriously about the project then they
might meet face2face or through ms teams to solve the assignment that the teacher has assigned.
(explain to them that this is the task of the whole team not just him and this project
will end 3 days left. no time to procrastinate so we need to work together as a team)
if they listen to Brian and work together on this project, the project will be able to
meet the needs of the topic and not be late for submission.

On the other hand If they still don't answer his call, he should do the assignment byhimself
Because the due time is too close, so he cannot depend on them anymore. But
when getting the mark from the lecturer, he will say all the things (about their irresponsibility, the
trouble he have with those two girls.) that I've been through to get this score. Then he
might ask to change into another group.

Having efficient group work is my biggest concern too. If we want to work in a group efficiently, we
should choose a leader. Choosing a leader is one of the must-have stages. The team leader will
assign the work equally to the team members as well as match the ability of each member
and also set a date for submission so that everyone is not lazy. The leader should also remind
everyone to complete the work on time. And then we must plan in detail the homework for
all the members to understand the final goal. All members should freely express
themselves and learn how to listen to other members' s points of view as well as be
responsible for the assigned task.

Situation 5:

Today we have a situation to discuss:

You are short on cash like many other college students. You are debating about getting a part-time
job but are unsure if this is a good idea. You need to earn money but since you are involved in other
activities and u also need to keep your grades up, flexible hours are important too.
the first question is what options do you have to earn money?

I have some friend who study it but also good at conntent writing
I think working during studying university or college can have a huge benefit one's future
for several reasons. They can create new relationships, acquire new skills to show off on
their CV, and even improve their financial situation. However, as the situation has
mentioned bf, balancing work and study can become quite tricky since I am a college
student who want to have a part-time job but also have involved in other activities. When
studying at university, there are many fees that you need to pay such as house fees or
electricity and water bills... some students can be supported by their parents but I don’t
want to be dependent on my parents so I decided to apply a part-time job to help them
about financial problem.

I could apply many jobs that are suitable for me but the one I’d like to tell
you about is
An online tutor As a tutor, you’ll help students prepare for exams, work together on class work they
need guidance with and help them improve in a particular subject that they’re struggling in.
In my perspective, this part-time job would be an ideal solution to deal with financial
difficulty. Whenever u are, whenever u are free. If I am good at the majors or topics I
have learned in school, I can use the attention I paid in class and turn them into a way to
earn money not only offline but also online. Becoming a tutor can also provide you with
valuable interpersonal, communication, and listening skills.. I would arrange my time to
teach about two or three sessions a week, which has little effect on my study schedules
or i can teach one or more students depend in my ability. You do not need a teaching
qualification, however Tutoring is not easy. It requires a formal schooling on how to do it in a way
that you are not enabling the student but you teach the student how to learn on his or her own.

lets hear what other say? ….. do you have any oppsite view? Or the
same view just like us

Another common job is food service job which most of the students choose to apply as a
part-time job. We often greet customers, assign seats, take orders and provide table
service during meals. Besides the fact that I can earn money, food service workers have
the added benefit of frequent, direct, face-to-face interactions with customers. in order to
learn important job skills such as how to provide excellent customer service, ensure
employee-customer interactions are friendly and problem-solve customer complaints.
These skills are beneficial in almost any industry and are easily transferable should a
food service worker choose to pursue another career path. However, students can be
exhausted after a shift is its drawback. Second, I’m going to choose to work at a coffee
shop or a convenient store as long as working hours must be flexible, ranging from
4 to 8 hours per day and I also prefer not to work late at night since I need adequate
sleep to be energized for lessons the next morning. In addition, I think that
becoming a content writer is also a great way to earn more money because I can do
it at home and don’t have to go to work at a specific place. And of course, this part-
time job will definitely improve my writing skills.
okay thanks for your opinion.

Let’s move on to the second question: How could you manage?

Finding the balance between studying, working and personal life can be hard, but if you
know the right ways, it will not be a big problem. you must pay much attention to the
lessons at school, try to understand the content of the lecture in the classs. By that
way, you can save a lot of studying time at home and you can go to work instead.
Moreover, you should choose a job that is not only convenient, or if the workplace is
close to your home, but also advantageous for your chosen major at school, such as
teaching assistant or content writer. you should learn how to budget your finances,
save a certain amount of money or write down what u spend in a day. Time
management is also one of the important soft skills to balance study and work. Use the
notes you bought or write your tasks down and make a to-do list or a schedule! making
the effort to keep track of your assignments will not only remind you to complete them on
time but also give you a sense of accomplishment.

I usally use Google Calender to organize my timetable, and it helps me not to miss
any classes and never be late for work. And by doing this, you'll have more time to
relax, or perhaps even pick up an extra shift at work if you need to. Make the most of
your university experience and set aside time to kick back and have fun with your
Do you think that Time management is one of the important soft skills to balance study and work

Do you share same view with his opinion?

Do you remcommend any application to

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