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Sprint 1 Task:

1. Integrate Phone Number Verification Endpoint:

 Develop client-side logic to trigger the phone number verification endpoint upon user input.
 Implement error handling to display appropriate messages for invalid phone numbers or network
2. Integrate User Registration Endpoint:
 Create UI components for user registration, including input fields for personal information and fleet
 Implement communication with the backend to send registration data and handle responses.
3. Integrate User Login Endpoint:
 Develop UI components for user login, including the phone number input field and verification code
 Implement logic to handle authentication responses from the backend and navigate users accordingly.
4. UI Updates for Error Handling:
 Enhance the UI to display informative error messages for various authentication and registration
 Ensure that users receive clear guidance on how to resolve issues encountered during the
authentication process.
5. Implement Profile Update Screen:
 Design and implement a screen for users to update their profile information, such as name and fleet
 Integrate with the backend to send profile update requests and handle responses.
6. UI Testing for Authentication Flows:
 Conduct UI testing to verify the functionality and usability of authentication flows, including
registration and login.
 Test scenarios such as successful registration, failed login attempts, and error handling.
Sprint 2 Tasks:
1. Integrate Password Recovery Endpoint:
 Develop UI components for password recovery, including the email input field and reset token
 Implement communication with the backend to initiate password reset requests and handle responses.
2. Implement Profile Update Functionality:
 Add functionality to allow users to update their profile picture through the app.
 Integrate with backend APIs to upload profile pictures and handle image processing.
3. UI Updates for Password Recovery:
 Enhance the UI to guide users through the password recovery process, including entering email
addresses and verifying reset tokens.
 Ensure a seamless user experience with clear instructions and error handling.
4. Integrate Authentication Logging:
 Implement client-side logging to track user authentication activities within the app.
 Integrate with backend APIs to send authentication logs for storage and analysis.
5. UI Enhancements for Profile Management:
 Improve the user interface for profile management screens to provide a more intuitive and user-
friendly experience.
 Implement features such as editing fleet details and updating personal information.
6. UI Testing for Profile Management:
 Conduct UI testing to validate the functionality and usability of profile management screens.
 Test scenarios such as updating profile information, uploading profile pictures, and handling validation

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