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Topic 4

Ways in sustaining Food Security. (With explanation for further understanding ;-;)

1. Strategic planning
Plans should be formulated which would include the integration of both food
and nutrition security containing objectives and initiatives involving different
(A strategic plan should also be formulated, which includes the integration of both food
security and nutrition security. This plan must contain objectives, key performance
indicators, and major initiatives and projects of different stakeholders.)
(Create plans that bring together different agencies and focus on both food and nutrition
security. These plans should set goals and include initiatives to achieve them.)

2. Reducing food waste and food loss

Introduce improved methods of food preparation to lessen food waste and
improving crop management to reduce food loss especially in farmers.
(Reducing food waste and loss: Teach better ways to prepare food to avoid wasting it, and
help farmers manage their crops better to prevent food from being lost. This means making
sure that food is used efficiently and not wasted.)

3. Paying attention to diversification

Farmers should be aware of the adaptability of a certain crop to the climate.
Having alternatives are recommended to secure food production.
(Paying attention to diversification: Farmers should know which crops are best suited to the
local climate and have alternatives in case one crop fails. Growing different kinds of crops
can help ensure a steady food supply.)
4. Combating climate change
The effects of climate change cause major crop failure. Interventions of
different agencies towards climate change can ensure food sustainability.
(Combating climate change: Take action to address the effects of climate change, which
can harm crops. Different organizations and agencies can work together to find ways to
adapt to climate change and protect food production.)

5. Support local or small-scale farmers

Investing in local farmers can improve producibility, income, and contribution
to food diversity.
(Support local or small-scale farmers: Invest in and help local farmers, which can improve
their ability to produce food, increase their income, and provide more diverse food options
for everyone.)

6. Improve infrastructures
Sufficient people and machines in food harvesting and production lessens
food loss.
(Improve infrastructure: Make sure there are enough people and machines to harvest and
produce food. It's also important to have good transportation, storage, and processing
facilities to reduce food loss and make sure food gets to where it needs to go.)

Address challenges in achieving food security in PH—PIDS study. (n.d.).

Food security: sufficient safe and healthy food for everyone. (n.d.). WUR.

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