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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

College of Nursing
Second Semester, AY 2023-2024


Name: Christine Joy S. Talay Course/Year/Section: BSN 2E

1) What do you think is the definition of Liturgy based on the celebration you just

April 5, 2024 – Octave of Easter – Eucharistic Celebration

Liturgy refers to the ritualistic worship and communal gathering of believers to commemorate and
participate in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the Eucharistic Celebration, Liturgy involves
specific prayers, readings from scripture including passages that recount the resurrection
narratives, hymns of praise, and the central act of consecration where bread and wine are
transformed into the body and blood of Christ. The Eucharist is particularly significant during this
time as it symbolizes the resurrected presence of Christ among believers and signifies the ongoing
renewal and transformation that Easter brings to the Christian community. Liturgy within the
Octave of Easter and the Eucharistic Celebration serves to deepen the spiritual connection of
believers to the core teachings of the Christian faith, fostering a sense of unity, gratitude, and joy
in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2) How do we celebrate the Liturgy with increased participation and understanding?

Celebrating the Liturgy with increased participation and understanding involves embracing a
mindset of reverence and openness to God's presence. Engaging in prayerful reflection before,
during, and after the Liturgy can help us individuals connect with the spiritual significance of the
rituals and teachings. Seeking spiritual guidance from mentors or attending retreats and workshops
focused on deepening our faith which can provide valuable insights and perspectives. Moreover,
actively participating in the sacraments and rituals of the Liturgy with sincere devotion and
intentionality can also enhance our spiritual understanding and connection. In addition, cultivating
a personal relationship with God through prayer, scripture, and a life of faith enables all of us to
experience the Liturgy as a profound encounter with the divine.

3) From the homily, get a phrase or a sentence that struck you most and make a 5
sentence reflection out of it.

“Kahit nagkamali pala tayo, kung magbabalik tayo at malalaman natin ang ating
pagkakamali, Jesus will be there. And He will say “Yes, I forgive you, but now move on. Move
forward. Move with me.”

Reflecting on this, I realize that acknowledging our faults and seeking reconciliation is the first
step towards healing and progress for the reason that Jesus doesn't want us to dwell in guilt or
shame but to learn from our errors and strive for a better future. His call to "move on, move
forward, move with me" is a gentle push towards embracing a life of purpose and righteousness.
In my own life, this message encourages me to confront my shortcomings with humility and seek
forgiveness both from others and from God. It's a reminder that the journey of faith is not about
perfection but about continual renewal and walking alongside Christ. As I navigate through
challenges and setbacks, I find solace in the assurance that Jesus's love and guidance are always
present, guiding me towards a brighter tomorrow.

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