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Paragraf untuk nomor 1-3

Text 1
Cold storage, or refrigeration, is keeping food at temperatures between 32
and 45 degrees F in order to delay the growth of microorganism - bacteria,
molds, and yeast - that cause food to spoil. Refrigeration produces few
changes in food, so meat, fish, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables keep their
original flavor, color, and nutrition. Before artificial refrigeration was inv ented,
people stored perishable

food with ice or snow to lengthen its storage time. Preserving food by keeping
it in an ice-filled pit is a 4000-year-old art. Cold storage areas were built in
basements, cellars, or caves, lined with wood or straw, and packed with ice.
The ice was transported from mountains or harvested from local lakes or

Artificial refrigeration is the process of removing heat from a substance,

container, or enclosed area, to lower its temperature. The heat is moved from
the inside of the container to the outside. A refrigerator uses the evaporation
of a folatile liquid or refrigerant, to absorb heat. In most types of refrigerators,
the refrigerant is compressed, pumped through a pipe, and allowed to
vaporize. As the liquid turns to vapor, it absorbs heat because the molecules
of vapor use energy to leave the liquid. The molecules left behind have less
energy and so the liquid becomes colder. Thus, the air insid e the refrigerator
is chilled.

Willem Cullen demonstrated artificial refrigeration in Scotland in 1748, when

he let ethyl ether boil into partial vacuum. In 1805, American inventor Oliver
Evans designed the first refrigeration machine that used vapor instead of
liquid. In 1842, Gorrie's basic principle of compressing a gas, and then
sending it through radiating coils to cool it, is the one most often used in
refrigeration. In the same year, an Australian printer, James Harrison, built an
ether refrigerator after noticing that when he cleaned his type with ether it
became very cold as the ether evaporated. Five years later, Harrison
introduced vapor-compression refrigeration to the brewing and meat packing
1. The best title of the above text is....
A. Artificial Refrigeration
B. The Process of Refrigeration
C. The Development of Refrigeration
D. Decreasing Refrigeration Food Spoiling Through
E. Reducing The Growth of Micro-organism In Refrigeration
Pembahasan no 1
Bobot soal 77%
Dari keseluruhan wacana dapat disimpul- kan bahwa wacana soal
memaparkan secara kronologis perkembangan mesin pendingin.
Jika wacana menceritakan dari tahun ke tahun maka artinya menceritakan
Maka judul yang tepat untuk wacana di atas adalah Perkembangan

2. The word "perishable" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to....

A. Uncooked
B. Long lasting
C. Of animal origin
D. Highly nutritious
E. Capable of spoiling
Pembahasan no 2
Bobot soal 71%
Makna kata harus dilihat konteks kalimatnya. Jadi arti sesuai konteks bukan
makna kamus. Kata perishable berdasarkan konteks kalimat soal bermakna
cepat busuk (capable of spoiling).

3. According to the passage, the first person to use artificial refrigeration for a
oractical purpose was....
A. Oliver Evans
B. William Cullen
C. James Harrison
D. John Gorrie
E. Not mentioned in the text
Pembahasan no 3
Bobot soal 93%
Secara kronologis, terciptanya kulkas buatan adalah:
Willem Cullen : meneliti namun belum
Oliver Evans: meneliti namun belum mem- pergunakan
John Gorrie : mempergunakan kulkas dalam pengobatan. Prinsipnya di -
hingga kini.
James Harrison : mengembangkan ke bidang industri
Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa orang pertama yang
menggunakan kulkas buatan untuk tujuan praktis adalah John Gorrie.
Paragraf untuk nomor 4-7

Text 2
Researchers have found that changes in the Earth's climate have significantly
impacted the world's tallest mountain.
In a new study, scientists conclude that the gla- ciers in the Mount Everest
region have shrunk by 13 percent in the last 50 years. They also found that
the snowline in the area has shifted up by 590 feet.

Scientists who conducted the study believe that the increased rate at which
the snow and ice is melting is compounded by the fact that the overall
snowfall in the area has been declining since the early 1990s.
According to the researchers, the glaciers that are smaller than one square
kilometer are disappearing faster than other ice structures. Their sur -face
area has declined 43% since the 1960s.
When the ice melts away, the glaciers reveal previously hidden rock and
debris. The visible debris-covered sections have increased by 17 percent
since 1960s.

In a statement, the researchers said they assumed that the decline of snow
and ice in the Everest region was a direct result of "human - generated
greenhouse gases altering global climate?" However, they clarified that they
have not yet established "a firm connection between the mountains' changes
and climate change." This shows that their effort reflects pessimism to a
certain extent.

Sudeep Thakuri, a doctoral student at the University of Milan in I taly who is

leading the research, explained in a statement that his team was able to see
satellite imagery and topographic maps to figure out the glacial history of the
Sagarmatha National Park area.

In order track the temperatures and precipitation rates, his team used hydro-
meteorological data from the Nepal Climate Observatory and Nepal's
Department of Hidrology. They found that the
area has had a 1.08-degree- Fahrenheit increase in temperatures and 3.9-
inch decrease in precipitation since 1992. Front this study researchers are
hoping to gather information that will help minimize water rights issues as the
area continues to warm.
"The Himalayan glaciers and ice caps are considered a water tower for Asia
since they store and supply water downstream during the dry season." Said
Thakuri. "Downstream populations are dependent on the melt water for
agriculture, drinking, and power production."
4. It can be inferred from the passage that....
A. Climate change impact the Himalayan glaciers
B. The mount Everest area is most affected by climate change
C. Researchers utilized sophisticated methods to observe climate change
D. Sooner or later the Himalayan regions will become glacierless
E. Expert predicted that people around Mount Everest had agricultural
Pembahasan no 4
Bobot soal 70%
Kita dapat menyimpulkan dari keseluruhan wacana bahwa perubahan iklim
mempengaruhi bongkahan es di Himalaya. Informasi tersebut dapat kita lihat
pada paragraf pertama, kalimat pertama, yaitu "Researchers have found that
changes in the Earth's climate have significantly impacted the world's tallest
mountain." Dampak tersebut kemudian dijelaskan di seluruh paragraf.

5. The sentence "The visible debris-covered sections have increased by 17

percent since 1960s," in lines 13-14, can best be restated as ...
A. The debris-covered areas have been visibly increasing over 17 percent
since the 1960s
B. Since the 1960s debris-covered areal increased around 17 percent
C. Since the 1960s, the debris-covered areas have been seen to have
widened up to 17 percent
D. The visibility of the debris-covered areas has increased below 17 percent
since the 1960s
E. The increase of the visible debris-covered areas has reached 17 percent
since the 1960s
Pembahasan no 5
Bobot soal 74%
Pernyataan ulang dari kalimat "The visible debris-covered sections have
increased by 17 percent since the 1960s" (Bagian puing - puing yang terlihat
dan yang tertutup telah meningkat hingga 17 persen sejak 1960 -an) adalah
"Since the 1960s, the debris-covered areas have been seen to have widened
up to 17 percent." Kalimat tersebut memliki arti yang sama karena bermakna
sejak tahun 1960-an, daerah puing-puing yang tertutup telah terlihat telah
melebar/meluas/meningkat hingga 17 persen. Pada pernyataan ulang kalimat
ini makna kalimat tidak ada yang hilang.

6. Which of the following obviously shows the author's bias?

A. This shows that their effort reflects pessimism to a certain extent
B. Downstream populations are dependent on the melt water for agriculture,
drinking and power production.
C. The decline of snow and ice in the Everest region was a direct result of
human- generated greenhouse gases
D. The glaciers that are smaller than one square kilometer are disappearing
faster than other ice structures
E. The glaciers in the Mount Everest region have shrunk by 13 percent in
the last 50 years
Pembahasan no 6
Bobot soal 81%
Bias adalah pernyataan yang dipenuhi prasangka/praduga (prejudice) dan
merupakan penilaian yang berdasarkan pada sudut pandang pribadi penulis
yang bukan berdasarkan fakta/penilaian yang tidak memiliki alasan yang kuat
(inclination/ unreason judgement/loaded words). Dengan demikian, pilihan (A)
lebih mencerminkan sudut pandang itu, yaitu "This shows that their effort
reflects pessimism to a certain extent."Katapessimism (pesimis) adalah
sebuah penilaian yang merupakan penilaian/pendapat penulis bukan fakta
yang terungkap dalam teks. Bias bukan fakta, tetapi praduga berdasarkan
sudut pandang penulis. Hindari kata "akan/will". Tetapi lebih menggunakan

7. The author first presents the decrease in precipitation and then he/she ....
A. Gives examples of the decreasing size of the glacier areas
B. Argues for the effective way to stop the decrease of glacier areas
C. Predicts what will happen in the flat fifty years
D. Hopes for obtaining information that will help minimize water rights
E. Gives examples of technology used in obtaining the water-related data
Pembahasan no 7
Bobot soal 79%
Pertama penulis menyajikan penurunan curah hujan dan kemudian dia
berharap untuk memperoleh informasi yang akan membantu meminimalkan
masalah terkait air pada saat temperatur udara tempat tersebut (Nepal) yang
semakin naik atau panas. Pernyataan tersebut terdapat di paragraf ke 8,
yaitu "From this study researchers are hoping to gather informa tion that will
help minimize water right issues as the area continues to warm!"

Paragraf untuk nomor 8-11

Text 3
We cannot live without water. It is critical for prop- er body and brain function.
It enables our blood to flow properly and helps us stay energized.

The good news: "Most people can handle mild amounts of dehydration," say
Dana S. Simpler, MD, an Internist in private practice. The body regulates fluid
balance through a number of complex pathways, including reduced urine
production, increased reabsorption of water in the intestine and thi rst-which
prompts rehydration."
Simpler is careful to point out the difference between being low of fluids and
clinical dehydration. "Dehydration mainly occurs with illnesses such as fever,
diarrhea and vomiting where excessive perspiration is not being replaced,"
she explains.
So how much water do you need? And what about that old standby
recommendation to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day? "It is an
over simplification of what the body actually needs," says Simpler. There is
really optional amount of hydration." The weather, your diet and exercise
habits are all a factor in how much water you need. Some days you will need
more fluids, other days less.
Those fluids can come from virtually any drink and even some foods, milk,
smoothies, and juice drinks count. Caffeinated beverages, such as tea, coffee
and energy drinks, count, too. Eating water-containing foods, including
tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon and oranges, is also a grea t way to up
your fluid intake.
All things considered, it makes sense to clue in to symptoms that can signal
the need for more fluids. Here are a couple signs to pay attention to: you are
thirsty (it may seem obvious, but a dry mouth and how thirsty you are do
correlate to how hydrated you are), you are lightheaded or worn out (if you
feel dizzy, you may be dehydrated), and your urine is extra dark
(concentrated urine is a clear indicator that you are dehydrated, it means
your urine has more waste in it).
8. What is the author's attitude toward the topic of the passage?
A. Optimistic
B. Concerned
C. Indifferen
D. Interested
E. Tolerant

Pembahasan no 8
Bobot soal 59%
Sikap penulis terhadap topik teks tersebut adalah peduli (concerned). Hal
tersebut terlihat pada keseluruhan teks bahwa penulis mencoba untuk
memberitahu tentang pentingnya air bagi manusia dan menyarankan agar
kita mengetahui tanda-tanda dehidrasi atau kekurangan cairan.
Tone (emosi penulis) lebih banyak tone positive daripada negative. Hin dari
jawaban tone yang negative
9. The paragraph following passage will likely talk about....
A. More signs of dizziness
B. More clues of being thirsty
C. More symptoms of lightheaded
D. More symptoms of dehydration
E. More indicator of having bad urine
Pembahasan no 9
Bobot soal 47%
Paragraf soal membahas gejala dehidrasi, yaitu pusing dan warna urin.
Dengan demikian, diprediksikan paragraf selanjutnya akan memba has gejala
lain dari dehidrasi. Baca kalimat terakhir untuk mengetahui topik paragraf

10. The passage can be best summarized as ....

A. Water is important to support body and brain function
B. People need to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration
C. Feeling thirsty is one important signal of dehydration
D. People need to pay attention to the indication of dehydration
E. Water is critical to human life, so people need to know the signals of
Pembahasan no 10
Bobot soal 67%
Pembahasan Master: Simpulan wacana soal adalah bahwa air penting bagi
kehidupan manusia sehingga orang-orang perlu mengetahui tanda- tanda
dehidrasi. Gagasan ini didukung oleh kalimat pertama, paragraf pertama dan
topik dari paragraf kedua sampai keenam yang memfoku skan pada
pembahasan dehidrasi.

11. What will happen when you exercise more in a day?

A. You will drink more
B. You will urinate more
C. You will dehydrates quickly
D. You will need more fluids
E. You will be dehydrated

Pembahasan no 11
Bobot soal 70%
Hal yang akan terjadi saat kita berolahraga lebih banyak adalah kita akan
banyak kehilangan cairan (fluid) sehingga kita akan memerlukan cairan lebih
banyak. Pernyataan tersebut dilihat pada paragraf ketiga, yaitu "Dehydration
mainly occurs with illnesses such as fever, diarrhea and vomi ting where
axcessive fluids are lost and not being replaced or in a sport situations/hot
weather where excessive perspiration is not being replaced" (Dehidrasi pada
umumnya terjadi pada saat demam, diare dan muntah-muntah di mana cairan
berlebihan hilang dan tidak digantikan atau dalam situasi olahraga/cuaca
panas dimana keringat yang berlebihan tidak digantikan).

Paragraf untuk nomor 12-15

Text 4
Pollution is an environmental concern for people throughout the world. One
university study suggest that pollutants in the water, air, and soil cause up to
40 percent of the percentage deaths in the world's population. The majority of
these deaths occur in developing countries.
Water in many third world countries is contaminated with toxic chemicals,
also known as toxins. The World Health Organization (W HO) estimates that
1.1 billion
people have little or no access to clean water. In many of these regions t he
water that is used for drinking, cooking, and washing is the same water that is
used for dumping sewage and hazardous waste. Most developing countries
cannot afford water treatment facilities. Approximately 80% of infectious
disease in the world are caused by contaminated water.

Air pollution is a growing problem throughout the world. Indoor air pollution is
one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Families in developing countries
use open stoves for cooking and heating their homes. These homes do not
proper ventilation. The smoke, which full of chemicals and carcinogens, gets
trapped inside where families eat and sleep. Outdoor pollution also causes
disease and illness, especially in industrial cities such as Beijing, China,
where cancer is the leading cause of death. China relies heavily on coal,
which is considered the dirtiest source of energy. According to the European
Union, only 1% of urban dwellers in China breathe clean air on an average
day. Neighboring countries including Japan and Korea recei ve much of
China's pollution in the form of acid rain. This pollution results mainly from
the coal powered factories, which produce inexpensive goods for North
American and European consumers. Outdoor air pollution is also a concern in
many wealthy countries. Those who live and work in urban centers such as
Los Angeles or Torono experience many warm days beneath a layer of smog.

Soil pollution is also a major concern, both in industrial and developing

countries. Pollutants such as metals and pesticides see p into the earth's soil
and contaminate the food supply. Soil pollution causes major health risk to
entire ecosystems. This type of pollution reduce the amount of land suitable
for agricultural production and contributes to global food shortages. Dumping
of industrial and domestic waste products produces much of the world's soil
pollution, through natural disasters can also add to the problem. In wealthy
countries such as the US, protection agencies monitor the food supply. The
public is generally warned before major health outbreaks occur. Developing
countries do not have this luxury. Farmers in poor nations grow food in
contaminated soil both to earn a living and to avoid starvation.

As more people move to urban centers, premature deaths caused by polluti on

are expected to increase worldwide. Today, the developed nations who
achieved their wealth at the expense of the environment will be held
accountable for protecting the earth's resources for future generations.
(Adapted from http:///www.english
12. The author's bias regarding pollution is that ....
A. The food supply is monitored by protection agencies
B. Soil pollution causes health risks to entire ecosystems
C. Premature deaths due to pollution increase worldwide
D. Almost half of the premature deaths is caused by pollutant
E. Toxic chemicals contaminate water in some third world countries
Pembahasan no 12
Bobot soal 77%
Bias adalah pernyataan yang dipenuhi prasangka/praduga (prejudice) dan
dan me- rupakan penilaian yang berdasarkan pada sudut pandang pribadi
penulis yang bukan berdasarkan fakta/penilaian yang tidak memiliki alasan
yang kuat (inclination/unreason judgement/loaded words). Dengan demikian,
pilihan C lebih mencerminkan sudut pandang itu, yaitu "Premature deaths
due to pollution increase worldwide. Praduga ini disebutkan pada paragraf 1.

13. In presenting the ideas, the author starts by ....

A. Describing that protecting the earth's resources may decrease
premature death
B. Referring to research data that pollutants cause some of premature
C. Arguing that the developing countries have created most pollutants
D. Stating that pollution is a growing problem throughout the world
E. Showing evidence of the impact of pollution on human lives
Pembahasan no 13
Bobot soal 78%
Dalam memberikan ide-idenya, penulis memulai dengan data-data hasil
penelitian universitas tentang penyebab kematian sebagian besar penduduk
dunia terutamal negara berkembang karena polusi (One university study
suggest that pollutants in the water, air, and soil cause up to 40 percent of
the percentage deaths in the world's population. The majority of these deaths
occur in developing countries).
Awal pembicaraan tentang polusi kare- na adanya data yang disebutkan pada
awal paragraf 1.

14. The paragraph following the passage will most likely talk about....
A. Growing problems of air pollution throughout the world.
B. Pollution effects on major health risks to entire ecosystems.
C. Poor countries that cannot afford water treatment facilities.
D. Indoor and outdoor pollution that cause diseases and illnesses.
E. Developed nations' efforts to keep the environment from pollution.
Pembahasan no 14
Bobot soal 78%
Topik paragraf sesudah bacaan adalah tentang usaha-usaha negara maju
untuk menjaga lingkungan supaya terbebas dari polusi (Developed nations'
efforts to keep the environment from pollution).
Untuk mengetahui topik paragraf sesudah bacaan adalah baca kal imat
terakhir paragraf terakhir

15. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that premature deaths caused
by pollution in cities will decrease worldwide if ....
A. Fewer people move to live in urban centers
B. People are aware to protect the environments
C. We can decrease pollution and natural disasters
D. The developed nations care for the environments
E. People throughout the world are concerned about them
Pembahasan no 15
Bobot soal 84%
Berdasarkan bacaan, jawaban sementara tentang kematian dini yang
disebabkan oleh polusi di kota akan menurun jika lebih sedikit orang pindah
ke kota. Hipotesis ini ada di keseluruhan paragraf 2.
Hipotesis adalah jawaban sementara dari suatu masalah.

Paragraf untuk nomor 16-18

Text 1
Tetris, one of the world's most popular games is thirty years old. Soviet
scientist, Alexey Pajitnov, invented it in 1984. A few years later, it made its
way to the west where it was played on the legendary Commodore 64, the
first Apple computers and the IBM-PC. Within a short time, it became popular
around the world. In 1989 it was released to the Gameboy console. Tetris is
the best-selling video game of all time, with 150 million copies sold since its
first release.
Tetris is very easy to play. The aim is to stack dif- ferently coloured and
shaped blocks that fall down into a pit. You can rotate them in every direction
and you get points when you have created a com- plete row of blocks, which
then disappears. The goal of the game is to make horizontal line s full of
blocks without any gaps between them.
Pajitnov creates the game as a welcome distraction from everyday work, but
Soviet authorities quickly banned the Tetris. Unlike many other software
developers, the Tetris did not make the Soviet scientist ric h. Private business
was banned during the Communist era and Pajitnov had to give up the rights
to the government.
Tetris is still popular today. Even though its educational value is close to zero,
people still keep coming back to play. Game developer Ubiso ft has
announced that it is releasing an ultimate version of Tetris in honour of the
game's 30th birthday. (240 words)
Adapted from
16. The best title of the above text is....
A. Pajitnov and Tetris
B. The History of Tetris
C. Tetris Thirtieth Birthday
D. The Best Selling Video Game
E. The Most People Game Ever
Pembahasan no 16
Bobot soal 46%
Keseluruhan wacana soal memaparkan per- jalanan permainan "tetris" dari
waktu ke wak- tu, mulai dari penciptaan hingga perkemban- gannya. Dengan
demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa judul terbaik untuk wacana soal adalah
Sejarah Permainan Tetris (The History of Tetris). Jika bacaan menceritakan
kejadian dari waktu ke waktu sejarah (history)

17. According to the text, the Tetris did not make the creator rich because ....
A. It was owned by the Soviet government
B. The Soviet authorities forbade the game
C. It was pirated by American company
D. No private business was allowed in Soviet
E. The game is too easy to play
Pembahasan no 17
Bobot soal 69%
Kalimat kedua dan ketiga dalam paragraf ketiga pada wacana soal
menyebutkan "Unlike many other software developers, The Tetris did not
make the Soviet scientists rich. Private business was banned dur ing the
Communist era and Pajitnov had to give up the rights to the government.
Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hal yang menjadikan pencipta
Tetris tidak kaya adalah karena tidak adanya bisnis swasta yang diizinkan di

18. The phrase 'give up' in the text is closest in meaning to....
A. Provide
B. Donate
C. Submit
D. Move
E. Transfer
Pembahasan no 18
Bobot soal 77%
Frasa "give up" berdasarkan konteks wacana soal bermakna menyerahkan
dan bersesuaian makna dengan submit (mengumpulkan/ menyerahkan).

Paragraf untuk nomor 19-20

Text 2
As spring arrives, Albeit quite late thus year for many of us, we notice the
changing of seasons not only by the weather, but also by a host of natural
events. Depending on where you live, the flowers may poke through the snow,
the birds may be back, or the cherry trees may bloom. There is an ord erly
sequence of events that seem to occur, with various spring flowers appearing
in order, red maple buds bursting into new leaves, or the old lilac by the barn
scenting the air. This seasonal cycle of natural phenomena is called
phenology. Global climate change appears to be interfering with the
phenology of many species, at the very heart of species interactions.

In temperate regions like the northern half of the United States, there is
comparatively little biological activity in winter. Most plants are dormant, and
so are the insects feeding on them. In turn, animals that rely on these insects,
such as bats and birds, are hibernating or spending the cold months in more
southerly locations. Ectotherms like reptiles and amphibians, which take their
body warmth from their environment, also have active phases tied to the
seasons. This long winter period constrains all the growing, breeding, and
dispersing activities that plants and animals do to a short favorable window.
That is what makes spring so vibrant, with plants flowering and putting on
new growth, insects emerging and breeding, and birds flying back to take
advantage of this short- lived bounty. The onsets of each of these activities
add up to so many phonological markers.
Different organism respond to different cues to initiate seasonal activities.
Many plants will start growing leaves again after a set period of dormancy,
which very roughly dictates the leaf-out window. Cues that more precisely
determine when the buds break can be soil temperature, air temperature, or
water availability. Similarly, temperature cues can promote the beginning of
insect activity. Day length itself can be the operative trigger for some
seasonal events. It is only when there are a sufficient number of daylight
hours that reproductive hormones will be produced in many bird species.

The most energy-demanding period in the life of most animals is when they
reproduce. For that reason, it is to their advantage to coincide breeding (and
for many the raising of young) during a period when food is most abundant.
Caterpillars should hatch just as the young tender leaves of oak tree emerge,
before they harden and become less nutritious. Breeding songbirds need to
time the hatching of their young just during that peak in caterpillar activity, so
thay can take advantage of this rich source of protein to feed their offspring.
Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability, so all
these seemingly independent phonological events are indeed part of a
complex web of precise interactions. Disturbances in seasonal events can
have profound effects on ecosystems.
19. The author's bias regarding spring phenology is that....
A. Spring arrives late
B. Spring is so enthusiastic
C. Various spring flowers appear in order
D. Birds are flying back to take advantage of short-lived bounty
E. Many species have evolved to exploit peaks in resource availability
Pembahasan no 19
Bobot soal 77%
Pendapat penulis terkait spring phenology adalah bahwa banyak spesies
berubah untuk mengeksploitasi ketersediaan sumber makanan yang
melimpah, sehingga semua kejadian fenologi yang tampaknya independen
merupakan bagian dari jaringan yang komplek dari interaksi-interaksi yang
berharga. Pernyataan 'tampaknya' (seemingly) menyatakan pernyataan
berbentuk bias/ opinion/prejudice dari penulis.

20. In presenting the ideas, the author starts by ....

A. A. Showing evidence of why scientists are concerned with phenology
B. Describing the natural characteristics and definition of phenology
C. Stating the needs for triggering phonological events phenology
D. Arguing how climate change is affecting
E. Referring to global climate change76
Pembahasan no 20
Bobot soal 50%
Dalam paragraf kesatu penulis mem-berikan gambaran tentang sifat alami
dari musim semi yang dilanjutkan dengan definisi dari phenology.

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