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First, I will attempt to describe how the entire session unfolded from beginning to end.

I will provide an analysis of the interactions between the teacher and the students, as well as
the interactions among the students themselves. -observations: First, the teacher instructed
the students to read Letter 1. One student read the letter aloud. Then, he directed them to
read Letter 2, with another student reading it aloud. Next, the teacher asked them to reread
both letters, but this time, they were to underline the difficult words. The teacher then
explained those words and instructed the students to write them down in their notebooks.
Following this, he posed questions such as 'What is Youssra's problem?' and 'What is
Seulaiman's problem?' Finally, he asked, 'What do they want from the magazine?' to which
students responded with 'advice.' The teacher then introduced the lesson, which focused on
writing letter advice. The teacher conducted a brief review of letter components such as the
date, salutation, and letter body, which the students had previously studied in other units. He
informed them that they would have to do the same thing again, but this time, they should
write a letter offering advice. Alongside the students, the teacher chose the topic for the
letter. Then, he instructed them to write the exercise in their notebooks. The exercise was to
write a letter to Hakim, who is a smoker, providing him with beneficial advice that is practical
in real-life. The teacher read the exercise aloud, and the students copied it into their
notebooks. During this process, he would ask them to spell a certain word (e.g., 'practical'),
provide the opposite of a word ('real' vs. 'fake'), or review a previous lesson (e.g., 'him' as an
object pronoun). Finally, he asked them if the exercise was clear, and then gave them 15
minutes to finish the task. The teacher explained to them that they had to start by writing
different pieces of advice and then select the best ones to include in the letter. He also
emphasised that short and clear sentences are preferable. Furthermore, he informed them
that they had to hand in their work at the end of the session. -analysis: interactions among
the students: The interaction among students was relatively limited, except when they
sought help from each other during the exercise. Overall, they didn't mock each other's
answers or pronunciation. Teacher-student interactions: The teacher's instructions to
students are clear; he uses simple language alongside gestures and facial expressions."
The teacher gives all students the chance to answer; he does not focus on only a few
students. The teacher encourages students to answer and provides them with positive
feedback. The teacher remained calm throughout the sessions, except in some instances
where he had to address two students talking to each other. Even then, he simply called the
student by their name; there was no shouting. The students were comfortable with the
teacher; they didn't seem to be afraid to ask questions or share their answers. Throughout
the session, students primarily interacted with the teacher, either when answering questions
or seeking clarifications. It was only in the last 20 minutes of the session that they began
communicating with each other. During this time, they mostly asked their classmates for

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