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Context: Date: 29th February 2024
Child’s name and age: Zayn Abdulwahed, 3 years and 4 months old
Educator’s name: Mr. Shaneel Nair
Activity name: Art and sustainable experience: Painting Zoo animals habitat
Location: Outdoor playtime
Anecdotal records
Zayn participated in outdoor play activity of art and sustainable experience of painting zoo animals habitat. He picked the recycled
box and arranged them on the table with both his hands. Then he picked up the paint brush and dipped it into the brown paint and
started to colour the box. After he finished painting one side of the box, he used one hand and turned the box around. He used his
other hand and pointed towards the open space and said, “this is a gate for animals to enter”. I asked Zayn which animals would use
this gate to enter, he responded, “The lion, tiger and Kangaroo would enter from this gate, but I would want to see a Dinosaurs
too”. After he finished painting the box, he placed the paint brush down on the tray and went to wash his hands.

Each portion of the documentation above is to be reflected on and identified domains, milestones and dispositions must be linked to where the skill was
demonstrated in the observation and referenced.
Domains Milestones Dispositions
Language Development: Zayn uses various names Given Zayn speaks using “a” and  Zayn demonstrated his
of animals to advance his language development. “the”, this links to his language creativity and
This is achieved when he said, “the lion, tiger and milestone been meet for being 3 imagination when
Kangaroo, would enter from the gate” (Petty, 2015). years and 4months. He further is able pointed with his finger
to use complex sentences to name the at the open space and
Physical Development: He used his fine motor skills animals that will be entering from the labelled it as a gate for
to pick the paint brush and coloured the box. He gate (Raising Children Network, animals to enter Robson,
further turned the box with one hand, demonstrating 2023). 2019).
he is able to balance and turn with one hand, this
indicator a firm holding and turning abilities of his Given Zayn can hold paint in one
fine motor abilities (Petty, 2015). hand and able to paint the box, this
links to his fine motor ability of
Cognitive Development: Zayn used his logic and performing painting activity with one
creativity thinking to make sense of the open space hand. He further uses his non-
and labelling it as a gate. This rationalises to him that dominant hand to balance when
animals will use this gate to enter in their habitat turning the box to paint the other side
(Petty, 2015). (Fine Motor Development, 2023).

Givan Zayn is able to rationalise gates

used for animals to enter and he
preferred dinosaurs too, this
demonstrates his imaginative play as
well linking to his achievement of
cognitive milestone (Developmental
Milestones, 2023)
Each portion of the documentation is to be analysed for learning that is occurring and the curriculum areas the children are engaging in
Learning Curriculum Areas
Learning of sustainable approach: Zayn displayed to learn about Language: Zayn displayed use of language advancement
sustainable approach when he was presented to use recycled boxes through the observation as he expressed to explain, “this is
to make animal habitat. He achieved this when he picked the the gate” and when he further names the animals that will
boxes and assembled them on the table before beginning to paint. enter from the gate. He demonstrated non-verbal
This further provides him the opportunity to learn and broaden his communication when he pointed at the open to indicator this
understanding of how to uses recycled materials (The Australian is where the gate will be (The Australian Curriculum, 2024).
Curriculum, 2024). Art and craft: Zayn used brown paint and paintbrush to
demonstrate his creativity for art and covering each side of
the boxes (The Australian Curriculum, 2024).
Sustainability: Zayn was provided with recycled boxes, and
he sorted the around the table to form a habitat, this
introduction of using recycled materials extends his
knowledge and understanding on ways to use recycled
materials for future activities. In this instance, he learned
about making an animal habitat (The Australian Curriculum,
Development and Education Theory Early Years Learning Framework Principles, Practices,
Maria Montessori: Given Maria Montessori is stressed that Principle 2-Partnerships: Given Zayn’s mum shared the
children learn by using their senses and that they learn best details about his visit to zoo via kindyhub and how much he
pursuing their interests. Given Zayn’s interest has been visiting enjoys visiting zoo and learning about animals. Forming
zoo and learning about animals found in the zoo. Creating a zoo partnership with Zayn’s mum provided this useful insight in
habitat from scratch would provide the opportunity to use his creating zoo animal habitat (Australian Government
senses to understand how the habitats look and feel. This further Department of Education [AGDE], (2022).
extends on his interest following his visit to the zoo and he takes Principle 6-Sustainability: Use of recycled boxes is
pride while leading to complete this activity (Garvis, Phillipson, & fostering Zayn’s knowledge on sustainable approaches
Clarke, 2018). (AGDE, 2022).
Practice 1-Holistic, integrated and interconnected
Gardner: Focuses on children experiences supporting variety of approaches: Through this activity, Zayn is provided with
forms of intelligence such as linguistic, logical, and interpersonal. holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches, he uses his
As such Zayn’s experience of visiting zoo provided the fine motor via holding and painting the box, language via use
opportunity create language advancement when he says, “this is of different animal’s name and cognitive via logical
where the animals enter from’ and logical manner when he understanding of ways animals will enter their habitats
explains which animals will enter from the open space to live in advance his skills (AGDE, 2022).
the habitat (Garvis, Phillipson, & Clarke, 2018). Practice 3-Play-based learning and intentionality:
Through the art and sustainable experience, Zayn learns to
use his creativity to create the habitat and use his imagination
to carry out this activity. He learns how animals will live and
the spots they will sleep and walk in and out (AGDE, 2022).
2.4: LOC - Children become socially responsible and
show respect for the environment: Given Zayn is using
recycled boxes from such a early stage, he will learn to
recycle boxes for this activity and future events as well. This
introduces the concept of how to clean the environment
protected and use other recycled materials in a responsible
manner (AGDE, 2022).
2.4.1: LOC - Child investigates new ideas through play
experiences: This new art and sustainable experience will
provide him the opportunity to investigate how else he could
use the recycled boxes and play with it (AGDE, 2022).
2.4.3: LOC - Child understands people, animals, plants
and land: Given the visit to zoo provided the awareness on
animals, people that work in zoo and plants around them, this
broadens his understanding of learning animals name, which
he said during the observation, “lion, tiger and Kangaroo”
(AGDE, 2022).


Each portion of the documentation is to be analysed for pedagogical skills and knowledge demonstrated by the educators.
Play-based Pedagogies Teaching Strategies EYLF Educator Evidence Child Development
Zayn demonstrates strong Interacting: Zayn is Outcome 1: Children Have a I further assisted with
understanding of imaginative play interacting through the Strong Sense of Identity: speaking about animals
when he uses boxes to create habitat experience and express As an educator, I ensured Zayn live in the zoo, this
for zoo animals, he uses creativity to his thoughts as he sees was able to share his experience could him thinking and
label the open space as a door, which things from his during group learning experience it advanced his language
he calls the gate for animals to enter perspective (Masterson, and while painting the box, I development with
from. This play foster Zayn to think, 2021). asked questions about his visit, speaking complex
consider how other recycled materials he with pride shared visiting the sentences rather just one
could be used in the creating a habitat simple sentences. For
Discussing and Zoo and now his creating one for
(Sheridan & Howard, 2017). instance, instead of
questioning: During the himself this ensures to provide
saying, names of
This further encourages Zayn to use discussion and question him confidence in his work of animals only, he said

free-play to explore and investigate time, Zayn is asked achievement, when I used “The lion, tiger and
the box and ways he can place them opened ended questions positive language of great work Kangaroo would enter
for designing his own zoo habitat such as, what animals Zayn for showing how the from this gate, but I
(Sheridan & Howard, 2017). would enter from the animals will enter the zoo would want to see a
gate? Why is this a gate? (AGDE, 2022). Dinosaurs too” (Hayes et
(Masterson, 2021). al., 2017).

Objective for future holistic learning and development
Language development: Zayn can expand his vocabulary and make connections between real-life experiences and activities.
Learning Experience
Learning experience name Animal Habitats Diorama
Given Zayn’s mum shared his visit to the Zoo, I assisted to create zoo habit to revisit that
experience. Hence, to extend from zoo habitat experience, he was given materials to
create dioramas representing zoo animal habitats, I provided Zayn with essential supplies
Experience rationale
such shoeboxes, craft paper, and toy animals. This activity has ability to challenge Zayn
to create living environments such as the grasslands, jungle, or Arctic, and decorate them
with natural materials and drawings
Physical development: Zayn’s ability to use his fine motor skills to hold scissors to cut
and paste shoeboxes, craft paper and pick toy animals set them up in the diorama (Petty,
Development and learning goal: 2015).Language: Zayn’s provided such extended range of materials which expands his
vocabulary such as “grassland, jungle, using natural materials to have grass inside the
diorama (Petty, 2015).
This activity is presented on the table where Zayn setup up his animal habitats diorama,
he will pick up the recycled materials such as shoeboxes, craft paper and toy animals’
Experience outline: setup what he observed in his visit to the zoo. During this activity will connect his real-
life experience and share why he decided to keep the grassland here, where he decorates
with this material in this corner.
- such shoeboxes, craft paper, and toy animals
-scissors, glue, green grass from garden

A list of materials required with photo(s):

(Etsy, 2022)
 2.4: LOC - Children become socially responsible and show respect for the
 2.4.3: LOC - Child understands people, animals, plants and land
EYLF child evidence links  4.1.3: LOC - Child imagines and expresses creativity through play
 Principle 2-Partnerships
 Practice 1-Holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches
 Practice 3-Play-based learning and intentionality (AGDE, 2022)
Implementation plan I will setup the activities on the table and speak with Zayn about his visit to zoo, I will
further recap the activity we did last week about the painting a zoo animal habitat. I will
further introduce all the resources and materials Zayn could use for this experience. I will
link to sustainable approaches and explain why it is important to use recycled materials.
Body Zayn will be encouraged to reflect and think about his visit to the zoo and start picking up
the materials and setup how the zoo habitat looked. This will allow him to take his time
and think about his experiences both at the zoo and while painting the recycle box. As he
is picking the materials, using the scissor to cut and pasta, I will ask him open-ended
questions to ensure his able to rationalise what he is doing and why he is making the
decision of setting up the diorama in this manner.
Conclusion I will point at random items in no order to get him express his thoughts of what they are
called so it links to real-life experience and advances his language development. After
this, I will ask him which animal stays in this side of the habitat and which animals can
not be kept together. Based on the open-ended questions, I would like to hear his voice, so

I can reflect if he understood the concept of using recycled materials, why it is important
to use it.
Engagement Zayn, what can you tell me about the materials we used to create this zoo habitat?
Why did you choose this as the gate?
Why does tiger stay here?
What materials did we use to setup the diorama?
What is your favourite part in the diorama?
Play pedagogies Imagination and creativity play which is led and created by Zayn.
Listening: Actively listening to Zayn’s feedback on what he is doing and why he is doing it in this
Teaching strategies
Encouraging: Using encouraging words such as, wow, Zayn this looks nice, why did you choose to
keep tiger in this area? This is clever Zayn for choosing this as the gate for the habitat.
 2.4.3: LOC - Child understands people, animals, plants and land
 4.1.3: LOC - Child imagines and expresses creativity through play
EYLF links  Principle 6-Sustainability
 Practice 1-Holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches
 Practice 3-Play-based learning and intentionality (AGDE, 2022).
- Zayn is an effective communicator as he is able to vocalise his thoughts in words
- Zayn is able to use his fine motor abilities to use scissors to cut and pasta, this
Child development advancement of his physical development.
- Zayn is has sound memory as he is able to relate to his experiences from Zoo and setup
the habitat.

Documentation and/or digital evidence of

implementation, acting and doing


How did the children respond? Did they achieve the learning objective? Were there any unexpected outcomes? What was your role? How
did you support and teach the children? Would you do anything differently? Where to next?
How did the children respond? Zayn demonstrated his keen understanding and difference of real-life experience of zoo experience in the
classroom. He spoke with confidence to share this with his classmates, as he used complex sentences to discussion during group time.
Did they achieve the learning objective? Yes
Were there any unexpected outcomes? No
What was your role? By introducing the sustainable concept of using recycled materials was added, and further efforts were made to use
positive language and supportive phrases in order to effectively involve the child in the completion of the activity.
How did you support and teach the children? By engaging in one-on-one conversations with the child and paying close attention to their
perspectives and ideas, it is possible to incorporate these concepts into the curriculum. This may be achieved by posing open-ended questions and
offering relevant materials, so enabling Zayn to get authentic experiences and gain meaningful insights from them.
Would you do anything differently? No
Where to next? Every week, the class will introduce each animal and encourage children to learn their names and draw the animals by hand
during art and craft activities.


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