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VTS video analysis Name:_Megan Heinrich _

Total:________/24 points

Answer the following questions while watching the video…

1.) How did she get started with the activity? (3points)

brand new painting first thing to do is use eyes our sense of sight and notice what we see in
use your thinking and eyes
gives 30 seconds to see the painting
remember quite using sight not sound
sit in a big circle to focus on whos speaking

2.) What kinds of questions did she ask, how did she follow up? (3 points)

what do you notice….what else can you find

what do you see that makes you think that
what else can you find
what makes you think they could be clouds…..oh brady says this…..what else can we see

used her pointer to highlight what the students noticed

restates what a student said
she appreciates each answer- judgment free zone
helps make connections with what students are saying

3.) What kinds of thinking strategies were practiced by the students? (3 points)

problem solving
everyone's ideas are respected
know how to talk and share ideas
know how to use their visual skills
everyone's ideas are welcome and connect their ideas to someone else's ideas/ build off of
others ideas
wait to come up to talk about what they see
take turns to speak

Now process what you just saw and discuss the following questions at your table…

4.) How could we connect this activity to the elements and principles? (5 points)
The activity connects to the elements and principles because the picture the teacher shows the
class uses elements such as color and texture. The teacher could also discuss elements such as
color, texture, line, etc.

5.) What kinds of follow up or next step activities could we do after something like this? (5

A follow up activity could be to discuss the elements of art, talk about other pieces of art done
by the same artist, or to look at other pictures and ask what they see.

6.) Elementary Ed. How could this be used cross curricularly? Art Ed. How could this transfer
into a project? (5 points)

This could be transferred into a project when after talking about what they see in the picture or
how the picture makes them feel to then draw a picture of how they would portray that feeling
or portray what they saw in the picture. For example, the teacher talked about how there’s dark
clouds so maybe it was raining, they could then draw a picture that would portray raining.

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