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第二套 Part2


淘宝店铺 & 微信公众号:安小雅


P1P2 我们分别给出两个难度的答案,适合不同人群使用 ~

同时,每个 P1 题目提供 2-5 个答案,P2 提供 5-10 个答案,对应不同专业 /男女/年龄/爱好等人群。

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我们跟多位 10 年以上经验的资深雅思考官合作,提供口语 /写作一对一和小班教学,提供长期和短期备考课程。


我们的素材都是经过店主和外教一起编写和检查过的哦! 您可以放心使用哦!其实外国人在生活中有一些常用的口头上

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“the majority of the girls were content discussing about how handsome or how affluent their
boyfriends were.” 女孩子们都在热烈地讨论他们的男朋友有多帅。

这是现代英语的另一个特征,就是外国人在口头上都常常会省略掉介词。这里就把 were content with discussing

的 with 去掉了。这在口语上是完全没问题的,但大家在写作中就尽量要避免哦。


(一)旅游遇台风 ................................................................................................................................................. 5
01-02:重要旅程的推迟(新题)& 不寻常的假期(新题) ................................................................... 5

(二)捡到手机 ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
03-04:帮助他人(新题)& 捡到失物(新题) ....................................................................................... 6

(三)画画 ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
05-06:小学喜欢的活动(新题)& 少时学习的技能(新题) ............................................................... 7

(四)置办年货 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
07-08:街市购物(新题)& 嘈杂的时刻(新题) ................................................................................... 8

(五)快速备考 ................................................................................................................................................... 10
09-10:快速完成某事(新题)& 忙碌的时刻(新题) ......................................................................... 10

(六)跑步 ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
11-12:有助学习/工作的习惯(新题)& 喜欢的室外活动(新题) ................................................... 12

13-14:有益的公共设施(新题)& 放松的地方(新题) ..................................................................... 13

(七)话痨队友 ................................................................................................................................................... 15
15-16:话痨(新题)& 给力的队友(新题) ......................................................................................... 15

(八)有趣的舅舅 ............................................................................................................................................... 17
17-18:善于待人接物的人(新题)& 与老人的有趣谈话(新题) ..................................................... 17

(九)珍珠港 ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
19-20:印象深刻的电影(新题)& 感兴趣的历史时期 ......................................................................... 19

(十)电脑 ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
21-22:离不开的物品(新题)& 电脑出问题 ......................................................................................... 20

23:感兴趣的东西(新题) ....................................................................................................................... 22

(十一)餐厅上菜慢 ........................................................................................................................................... 23
24-25:听见别人投诉(新题)& 糟糕服务 ............................................................................................. 23

(十二)奖学金 ................................................................................................................................................... 25
26-27:改变人生的时期 + 困难任务 ....................................................................................................... 25

28:等待美好事情 ....................................................................................................................................... 26

29:长久的目标(新题) ........................................................................................................................... 27

(十三)备考小伙伴 ........................................................................................................................................... 29
30-31:没见过的有趣陌生人 + 想法有趣的人........................................................................................ 29

(十四)留学生 ................................................................................................................................................... 31
32-33:成功的同学 + 成功的经营者 ....................................................................................................... 31


34:中文很好的外国人 ............................................................................................................................... 32

(十五)宿舍规定 ............................................................................................................................................... 33
35-36:有益的广告 + 重要规定 ............................................................................................................... 33

37:给他人建议........................................................................................................................................... 35

(十六)BBQ Party ............................................................................................................................................. 36

38-39:刺激的活动 + 聚会 ....................................................................................................................... 36

40-41:逛公园 + 感到累的活动 ............................................................................................................... 37

(十七)拉萨 ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
42-43:感兴趣的地方 + 美丽的城市 ....................................................................................................... 39

(十八)家庭旅行照片 ....................................................................................................................................... 41
44-45:喜欢的照片 + 一幅画 ................................................................................................................... 41

(单独话题) ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
46:感兴趣的科学领域 ............................................................................................................................... 44

47:喜欢烹饪的人 ....................................................................................................................................... 45

48:钦佩的运动员 ....................................................................................................................................... 46

49:有用的地图(新题) ........................................................................................................................... 47

50:不想做的工作(新题) ....................................................................................................................... 48

51:穿制服的时刻(新题) ....................................................................................................................... 49



01-02:重要旅程的推迟(新题)& 不寻常的假期(新题)
Describe an important journey you made where there Describe an unusual holiday you went on.
was a delay. You should say:
You should say: who you went with
where you were going where and when you went
why the journey was important what you did there
what caused the delay and explain why this holiday was unusual.
and explain what happened because of the delay.

Last summer, our whole family decided to take a trip to . We had been preparing for it for quite some time. It
was a significant journey, partly to celebrate my mom officially retiring from teaching and partly because it had
been a while since our family went on a trip together. Work and school always made it hard for us to find the
right time to just chill and enjoy a vacation together.

So, the day before we were about to leave, I got a call from the airline out of the blue. They told me that Sanya
was about to get hit by this massive typhoon the next day. For safety reasons, our flight had to be either delayed
or canceled. I was pretty shocked and frustrated when I heard the news. After discussing it with the family, we
decided to play it safe and postpone our trip to Sanya by two days.

Luckily, the typhoon didn't do much damage to Sanya. Two days later, we finally made it there smoothly. Maybe
because the typhoon had just passed, the sky in Sanya was amazingly clear, and the temperature was just
perfect—nowhere near too hot. What's even more incredible is that the typhoon brought tons of beautiful
seashells and crabs onto the beach. I spent a good amount of time collecting these gorgeous seashells, and, of
course, indulged in some of my favorite water activities like jet skiing and banana boat rides. It was truly a
magical experience.

Even though this trip didn't go as planned, it introduced us to a different side of Sanya. Sometimes, those
unexpected twists in life end up creating the most unforgettable moments.







03-04:帮助他人(新题)& 捡到失物(新题)
Describe a time when you helped someone to solve a Describe a time when you found something that
problem. someone had lost.
You should say: You should say:
who you helped where and when you found it
what problem he/she had what you found
how you helped him/her what you did with this thing
and explain how you felt about helping this person to and explain how you felt about finding this thing.
solve the problem.

Not too long ago, on a chill weekend afternoon, I ended up lending a hand to a total stranger. It unexpectedly
became this really heartwarming and fulfilling experience for me.

So, I was just hanging out at Starbucks, waiting for my friend Lucy. We had plans to hit the shops later. I was
sitting in a cozy corner, nursing my coffee while keeping an eye out for Lucy. Suddenly, I spotted a phone on the
chair next to me. Odd thing was, there was no one else around. After a quick mental replay, I remembered this
dude chilling next to me earlier, and it clicked that the phone was probably his. My inner sense of responsibility
kicked in, telling me I had to make sure the phone found its way back to its owner. Therefore, I grabbed the
phone and headed over to the Starbucks crew. They took it, promising to keep it safe at the counter until the
owner showed up.

Not long after, this slightly frantic guy rushed into Starbucks, asking around if someone had found his phone.
The Starbucks peeps handed it over, and the guy couldn't stop thanking them. It was a small thing for me, but for
the guy who lost his phone, it meant a lot. Even though I didn't know him, just being able to help him out of a
potential mess gave me a good dose of pride and satisfaction.


不久前的一个周末下午,我在无意中帮助了一位陌生人(我经历了一次意外的发现 I had an unexpected


当时,我坐在星巴克一个靠窗的角落,边喝咖啡边等待我的朋友 Lucy,我们约好了下午一起逛街。就在

然我并不认识这位年轻男士,但能在无意中帮他解决了一件大麻烦(发现并归还别人失落的物品 Finding
something that someone lost)让我感到一种深深的骄傲和满足。



05-06:小学喜欢的活动(新题)& 少时学习的技能(新题)
Describe an activity that you really enjoyed doing at Describe a skill you enjoyed learning as a teenager.
primary school. You should say:
You should say: what you learned to do
what it was how you learned to do it
who you did it with why you learned to do it
how often you did this activity and explain why you enjoyed learning this skill as a
and explain why you really enjoyed doing it teenager.

I have enjoyed doodling ever since I was a young child. My mother noticed my talent for drawing and thought
that I had a knack for it, so she enrolled me in a drawing course for a few years.

Every weekend I took drawing classes. My teacher was Mrs. Arya and I would draw with her. I made huge
progress under her guidance. She told me that drawing requires patience. It takes time to draw a good picture,
and this is due to the fact that the colors need to be coordinated perfectly, and any errors in the process require a
long time to correct.

Although painting is a personal activity, I love it deeply. I have had an overactive imagination since I was little,
through the brush I can record these mental images for future commemoration. Sometimes, when I get praise
from my teachers or parents for my excellent paintings, I will feel very successful. Learning painting has enabled
me to know some good friends who have the same hobby as me, and it has also made me more confident and

I find that drawing is relaxing, which really helps to calm me down. So often, when I feel stressed in my study,
I like to use my spare time to draw and paint. Drawing is not only relaxation, but I can also earn some pocket
money by drawing for others. So far, I have made more than 1,000 Yuan by drawing manga profile pictures for
others online. Copyright by TB Anxiaoya.



每周末我都会去上课。我会和我的老师 Arya 一起画画,我的画画能力在她的指导下有着飞速的提升。






07-08:街市购物(新题)& 嘈杂的时刻(新题)
Describe a time when you went to a street market. Describe a time when other people near you were
You should say: making a lot of noise.
where it was You should say:
why you go to there where you were
what you bought who made the noise
and explain how you felt about the experience of what the people were doing
going to the street market. and explain how you felt about it.


Last year, right before Chinese New Year, my family and I decided to go to the local market together to get stuff
for our big dinner. The market's right in the middle of our community, always bustling and full of life. Chinese
New Year dinner is a big deal for us – it's all about family coming together. So, we usually go all out, grabbing
lots of ingredients to cook up a feast.

There were a ton of different ingredients out in the market, all shining and tempting. We took our time picking
out each thing to make sure our New Year's Eve dinner would be tasty and plentiful. Eventually, we ended up
with a bunch of veggies, meat, and super fresh seafood. And on top of that, my mom grabbed some special New
Year treats such as nuts, dried stuff, and rice cakes.

The market was crazy busy that day – people were everywhere, and every stall was jam-packed. Sellers were
shouting about their goods; customers were picking what they wanted and haggling over prices. The place was
buzzing with chatter, sales pitches, and the general hum of the crowd. Surprisingly, even though it was noisy, I
wasn't bothered. The lively atmosphere just added to the festive vibe. Seeing everyone gearing up for the big
dinner, sharing the excitement of shopping, really brought out the charm of the Spring Festival. I'm totally
pumped for the upcoming holiday.






Last year, right before Chinese New Year, my family and I decided to go to the local market together to get stuff
for our big dinner. The market's right in the middle of our community, always bustling and full of life. Chinese
New Year dinner is a big deal for us – it's all about family coming together. So, we usually go all out, grabbing
lots of ingredients to cook up a feast.

The market was crazy busy that day – people were everywhere, and every stall was jam-packed. Sellers were
shouting about their goods; customers were picking what they wanted and haggling over prices. The place was
buzzing with chatter, sales pitches, and the general hum of the crowd.

I'm usually a quiet person, and noise usually gets on my nerves, but that day, my mood was great. Even though
it was noisy, I wasn't bothered. The lively atmosphere just added to the festive vibe. Everyone in the crowd had
big smiles, and nobody seemed bothered by the racket. Seeing everyone gearing up for the big dinner, sharing
the excitement of shopping, really brought out the charm of the Spring Festival. I'm totally pumped for the
upcoming holiday.







09-10:快速完成某事(新题)& 忙碌的时刻(新题)
Describe an occasion when you had to do something Describe a time when you were very busy.
very quickly. You should say:
You should say: when it was
what you had to do why you were so busy
why you had to do it quickly what you had to do
how difficult or easy it was to do and explain how you felt about being so busy.
and explain how you felt about having to do this thing
very quickly.


Not long ago, I took up an important internship, which, with the commuting taken into account, was consuming
large chunks of my time daily, leaving me with only a week to prepare for my final exams. Reviewing a massive
amount of material in such a short time kept me extremely busy, to the point where I was burning the midnight
oil almost every day.

It was extremely challenging to comprehensively review the entire semester's content for the final exams in a
limited time. This meant that I had to adjust my daily routine, skipping unnecessary activities to focus entirely
on studying. Even then, the pressure was still stifling. Having noticed my struggles, my roommates very
generously packed my lunches and dinners, even lending me their study notes. I was anxious at first, but with
my friends' help, I was able to gradually pick up the much-needed productivity in my exam preparation.

In the end, I barely passed my finals, which was below my expectations. A single week is simply too brief for
proper exam preparation. Even though I was studying efficiently, there was too much to cover, forcing me to
concentrate on some of the more crucial parts. This experience reminded me of the proverb, "More haste, less
speed." So, from now on, no matter the task, I'll take it step by step, and I've realized that blindly rushing only
compromises the quality of work.






Not long ago, I took up an important internship, which, with the commuting taken into account, was consuming
large chunks of my time daily, leaving me with only a week to prepare for my final exams. Reviewing a massive
amount of material in such a short time kept me extremely busy, to the point where I was burning the midnight
oil almost every day.

Back then, I also had to juggle my internship with studying. This meant that I had to adjust my daily routine,
skipping unnecessary activities to focus entirely on studying. Even then, the pressure was still stifling. I had to
spend the entire daytime at the library revising, and then returned to the dorm at night only to complete my
internship duties, keeping me extremely busy. Having noticed my struggles, my roommates very generously
packed my lunches and dinners, even lending me their study notes.

In the end, I barely passed my finals, which was below my expectations. I was so busy at that period of time.
Even though I was studying efficiently, there was too much to cover, forcing me to concentrate on some of the
more crucial parts. I felt a sense of frustration. From now on, I'll plan my time wisely to avoid falling into such
a predicament again no matter what I will be doing.






11-12:有助学习/工作的习惯(新题)& 喜欢的室外活动(新题)
Describe something you do regularly that helps you Describe an outdoor activity you enjoy doing.
work or study. You should say:
You should say: what it is
what you do when and where you do this activity
when you do this who you do it with
how you feel when you do this and explain why you enjoy doing it.
and explain why doing this helps you work or study.

Jogging every day has become a part of my life. I believe it is one of the activities that benefit both work and

Mostly, I go jogging in the morning or at dusk, depending on the day's schedule. Jogging in the morning, I feel
alive in the fresh air, while at dusk, I get lightened up with my stress released. Whenever I choose to run, I feel
relaxed physically and mentally after I’m done.

I enjoy running alone as it allows me to go at my own pace. In the beginning, I got tired quickly, and a 3km jog
would leave me exhausted. However, with my continuous efforts, it became easier for me. Now, I can run 5km
every day with ease. After jogging, my mind becomes clearer. The sport gives me the energy to handle upcoming
study or work tasks.

I like jogging because it is not too intense but quite helpful to me. After getting used to regular exercise, I haven't
been sick for a long time and have better health conditions. Most importantly, jogging keeps me in a positive
mind, which is crucial during busy study and life. Jogging is the most important way for me to reduce stress and
keep emotionally stable.




我喜欢一个人慢跑,这样我就可以完全按照自己的节奏进行。起初跑步时我会觉得很累,3km 的路程已
经使我筋疲力尽。但随着我不断坚持,这件事对我来说越来越容易。现在我已经可以轻松完成每天 5km



13-14:有益的公共设施(新题)& 放松的地方(新题)
Describe a new public facility that has improved an Describe a place you would like to go to relax
area you know. You should say:
You should say: when you usually go to this place
what it is where you like to go to relax
where and when it was built what you would do there
what people can do there and explain why you like to go to this place to relax.
and explain how the new facility has improved the


About six months ago, they built this new park right near my place, and it's made a huge difference in the vibe
of our community. This park is just delightful, a perfect spot for chilling out and getting some exercise. I
practically make it a routine to go there for a run every weekend.

Now, the land it's on used to be nothing more than a grimy old parking lot about a year ago. But they started
turning it into a park, and it's turned out to be quite something. Even though it's not massive, the design is smart
with wide lawns and plenty of lush trees. And get this, there's this rubberized running track that goes all the way
around the park. Perfect for someone like me who's into jogging.

This park is like a hub of activities. In the mornings, you've got the local seniors doing their exercises, and come
evening, there's a bunch of ladies getting together for some dance moves. On weekends, it's like kid central.
Parents bring their little ones for some picnics and playtime. And the park regularly hosts events, like themed
night markets or community fairs, pulling in even more folks.

In my book, this park being put up has seriously upgraded the whole neighborhood scene. Before, there were just
these old residential buildings around, and if you wanted to get active or have some fun, you were pretty much
out of luck. But since the park showed up, the area's become way more enjoyable, and it's even given a boost to
the businesses nearby.







About six months ago, they built this new park right near my place. This park is just delightful, a perfect spot for
chilling out and getting some exercise. I practically make it a routine to go there for a run every weekend.

Now, the land it's on used to be nothing more than a grimy old parking lot about a year ago. But they started
turning it into a park, and it's turned out to be quite something. Even though it's not massive, the design is smart
with wide lawns and plenty of lush trees. And get this, there's this rubberized running track that goes all the way
around the park. Perfect for someone like me who's into jogging.

This park is like a hub of activities. Aside from my go-to jog, I also like to snag a bench and just kick back. In
the mornings, you've got the local seniors doing their exercises, and come evening, there's a bunch of ladies
getting together for some dance moves. It's got this vibrant and lively atmosphere that just makes you feel at
peace and cozy. And the park regularly hosts events, like themed night markets or community fairs, which I am
very interested in. Copyright by TB An xiao ya.

I like to go to this park to relax because I can exercise or have fun in different areas according to my preferences.
Compared with other expensive ways of leisure, going to the park is a free, convenient and quick choice.








15-16:话痨(新题)& 给力的队友(新题)
Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot. Describe a person you know who works well in a
You should say: team
who this person is You should say:
how you know this person who this person is
what this person usually talk about what kind of team he/she is in
and explain how you felt about him/her what this person does in the team
and explain why you think this person works well in
the team


I'd like to talk about my classmate Lucy. She is active and an absolute chatterbox.

I got to know her in the school club. Both Lucy and I are members of the Student Union's Publicity Department,
which is responsible for publicizing campus activities. By designing posters, display boards, brochures, etc., we
promote the union’s special activities to attract more members.

Lucy is talkative. During meetings, she talked eloquently, bringing vitality to the group in her own way. She has
endless insights and various topics, ranging from scientific research to daily life. Whether discussing the latest
work progress or sharing interesting life stories, she can capture everyone's attention in a relaxed and pleasant
manner. Like the glue in the team, Lucy makes everyone excited and dedicated to the work.

It is a pleasure to work with Lucy. Her outgoing and talkative personality brings life and energy to the department.
Although her thoughts are sometimes leaping and unpredictable, Lucy is willing to share her experience in life.
She can always attract others' attention with her passion and humour, making communication easy and enjoyable.
I enjoy working with her.


我想谈谈我的同学 Lucy,她性格非常活波,是个不折不扣的话唠。

我是在学校社团里认识她的。我和 Lucy 都是学生会宣传部的一员。我们部门经常需要承担校内活动的


Lucy 是个非常健谈的人,每次开会她总是滔滔不绝的讲话,以他独特的方式为小组带来生机。她的话题
进展还是分享生活趣事,她总是能够以轻松愉快的方式吸引大家的注意力。Lucy 就像团队里的粘合剂,

和 Lucy 在一起总是令人愉快的,她的开朗和健谈为部门带来了轻松和活力。虽然有时候她的思维跳跃



I'd like to talk about my classmate Lucy, who has done a good job in our club's activity group.

Both Lucy and I are members of the Student Union's Publicity Department, which is responsible for publicizing
campus activities. By designing posters, display boards, brochures, etc., we promote the union’s special activities
to attract more participants. Copyright by TB Anxiaoya.

Lucy is talkative. During meetings, she talked eloquently, bringing vitality to the group in her own way. She has
endless insights and various topics, ranging from scientific research to daily life. Whether discussing the latest
work progress or sharing interesting life stories, she can capture everyone's attention in a relaxed and pleasant
manner. Like the glue in the team, Lucy makes everyone excited and dedicated to the work.

I believe Lucy excels in a team because she has the qualities that are needed for teamwork. It is a pleasure to
work with Lucy. Her outgoing and talkative personality brings life and energy to the department. In group
discussions, she often proposes suggestions and ideas, and is willing to listen to and respect others. Besides, she
is good at drawing. The posters she designs are always the best in our team. I enjoy working with her.


我想谈谈我的同学 Lucy,她在我们社团的活动小组里表现得非常出色。

我和 Lucy 都是学生会宣传部的一员。我们部门经常需要承担校内活动的宣传任务。通过设计的海报、

Ann 是个非常健谈的人,每次开会她总是滔滔不绝的讲话,以他独特的方式为小组带来生机。她的话题
进展还是分享生活趣事,她总是能够以轻松愉快的方式吸引大家的注意力。Lucy 就像团队里的粘合剂,

我认为 Lucy 之所以在团队中表现出色,是因为他具备一系列团队合作所需的优秀特质。和 Lucy 在一起

总是令人愉快的,她的开朗和健谈为部门带来了轻松和活力。在小组讨论中,Lucy 会主动提出建议和观



17-18:善于待人接物的人(新题)& 与老人的有趣谈话(新题)
Describe a person who you think is good at making Describe an interesting conversation you had with a
visitors to his or her home feel welcome. very old person.
You should say: You should say:
who this person is who this person is
how do you know him/her when and where you had the conversation
how he/she makes visitors feel welcome what you talked about
and explain why you think this person is good at this and explain why your conversation was interesting.


In my family, my uncle is like the go-to person when it comes to being great with others and creating a welcoming
atmosphere. I really look up to his knack for this, and I often go to him for tips on how to handle people and
situations better.

So, my uncle is my mom's brother and a person I deeply respect. I've known him since I was a little kid, and our
connection goes beyond just being family. He chats with me like a good buddy, which really lets me feel his
warmth and friendliness.

He's a super friendly guy, always with a smile that just makes everyone feel at ease and cozy. He's all about the
little things. Whenever we have guests over, my uncle never fails to serve up hot tea and some fruit. Plus, he's a
master at conversation, making guests feel right at home and relaxed. Being in his house always gives off this
vibe that guests are valued and cared for, making everyone feel like they belong.

I think his ability to handle people so well ties in with his high emotional intelligence. It's like he's naturally
gifted at navigating social situations. He picks up on details that others might miss and genuinely cares about
people. I really respect that about him and hope to pick up some of those skills to become a better person.







Last Spring Festival, my parents and I went to visit my uncle. I had an interesting conversation with him at that

My uncle is very interesting and good at creating a welcoming atmosphere. He is my mom's brother and a person
I deeply respect. I've known him since I was a little kid, and our connection goes beyond just being family. He
chats with me like a good buddy, which really lets me feel his warmth and friendliness.

Now, there was this one time when my uncle invited us over for dinner at his place. As we were eating, he started
sharing these cool stories about our family's past. Turns out, my mom used to be his coworker, and that's how
my dad and mom got together before tying the knot. He also went down memory lane, recalling all these funny
things from when I was a little kid. Like, apparently, when I was really tiny, my parents would jet off on business
trips, and they'd leave me in my uncle's care. But honestly, I was so young back then that I don't remember any
of it.

It was such a fun chat because I'd never heard these stories before. Plus, my uncle is a pro storyteller, making
everything so lively and entertaining. Usually, when I talk to other relatives, it's all about school or other mundane
stuff, but chatting with my uncle is always interesting and easygoing.








19-20:印象深刻的电影(新题)& 感兴趣的历史时期
Describe a film you saw that you felt strongly about. Describe a period in history which you are interested
You should say: in.
when and where you saw it You should say:
what it was about when it was
why you decided to see it what happened
and explain why you felt strongly about it how you first heard about it
and explain why you are interested in this period of

One movie that deeply impacted me is Pearl Harbor. I watched it at home a few years ago. It was an incredible
experience that left me feeling profoundly moved. I decided to watch it because I've always been interested in
events taking place during World War II, and this film, being renowned and highly rated on Douban, really caught
my attention.

Pearl Harbor is a war-themed movie adapted from real historical events, depicting the lives and experiences of
ordinary people during the attack. The characters — soldiers or civilians — are all forced to face immense
changes and challenges, giving me a glimpse of the huge impact a war exerted on their lives through their
perspectives. The film vividly portrays the brutality of war and the complexity of human nature.

Born in a generation of peace, I can only learn the impacts of war on society and civilians through movies or
books. Watching unarmed people mercilessly killed by bombs and their peaceful homes destroyed in an instant
gave me a profound shock. It also made me realize the immense loss and suffering wars can bring to humanity.
Pearl Harbor is not only a brilliant film but also an insightful historical lesson that prompts viewers to reflect on
the consequences of war and to cherish their current lives.


二战是我最感兴趣的历史时期。它大概是从 19 世纪初开始的,如果我没记错的话是 1945 年结束的。在



痛。珍珠港不仅是一部精彩的电影作品(二战不仅是一段重要的历史时期,The world war 2 is not only an
important period of history)更是一次深刻的历史启示,让人反思战争所带来的后果,并且更加珍惜当下



21-22:离不开的物品(新题)& 电脑出问题
Describe a useful object in your home that you would Describe a problem you had when using a computer.
find it difficult to live without. You should say:
You should say: what it was
what the object is for when and where you had this problem
when you usually use it how the problem was solved
how long you have had it and explain how you felt when you had this problem.
and explain why you would find it difficult to live
without this object.


Now, if there's one thing I absolutely can't do without, it's my computer. It's my go-to tool for both studying and
everyday tasks—I practically use it every single day. It's my sidekick for all kinds of things, like looking up
information, writing papers, creating charts, you name it. Plus, it's a great companion for my downtime. I love
spending my free time watching TV shows or playing games on the computer.

I bought this computer when I first started university. It's this sleek and lightweight laptop, and I've been relying
on it for over three years now. It's been with me through thick and thin, helping me get things done. I honestly
can't picture what life would be like without it. In this tech-driven era, pen and paper just can't keep up. Without
my computer, I'd lose touch with the world.

In a nutshell, my computer is a must-have in my life. Even though smartphones can do a lot these days, their
screens are just too small. When it comes to learning and working, a phone can never replace a computer. It helps
me power through tasks efficiently, making my life more convenient and vibrant. I reckon I'll stick with my
computer until it decides it's had enough.







My computer is the thing that I absolutely can’t do without. It was towards the end of last semester, and I was
playing a video game with my buddies in the dorm. Just as we were getting into the game, my computer suddenly
conked out. It was working fine one moment, and then, out of the blue, the screen went completely black. I was
super frustrated.

I figured it might simply be frozen, so I tried rebooting it. But no matter what I did, my computer just wouldn't
respond, and refused to start up. That's when my roommate Michael suggested it could be a hardware problem
and advised me to go get it sorted.

I rushed over to a nearby computer store before they closed for the day. The guy there checked it out and told me
that the graphics card had fried, causing the whole startup issue. To fix it, I needed to get a new graphics card.
All I had to do was send it in for repairs. Hearing that, I finally felt relieved.

I bought this computer when I first started university, and I've been relying on it for over three years now. It's
been with me through thick and thin, helping me get things done. In this tech-driven era, pen and paper just can't
keep up. Without my computer, I'd lose touch with the world. Thankfully, fixing my computer only took me
about three days. I quickly got it back in working order, and things went back to normal in my life.





常的学习和生活。幸好维修电脑只花费了我 3 天时间。很快我就拿回了我维修好的电脑,我的生活又回


Describe something interesting that you would like to have
You should say:
What it is
How you know it
Why you think it is interesting
And explain why you would like to have it.

I've been itching to get myself a new laptop lately. I've noticed that I'm relying more and more on laptops in my
daily life, whether it's for regular studies or tackling tasks during my internship; it's become an absolute must-

So, I stumbled upon the latest MacBook Pro from Apple in some ads, and the moment I laid eyes on it, I just
knew it had to be the one for me. Plus, I've seen some folks sharing their experiences and pics on social media,
and it just cranked up my excitement even more.

I find the MacBook pretty fascinating. Apart from Apple's signature design, this laptop comes with a bunch of
cool features. You can smoothly zoom in or out of pages with the trackpad, tweak the style of your desktop icons,
and even add sound effects to your keyboard. And, of course, I'm really into Apple's iMovie software – being
a VLOG lover, it makes video editing a breeze.

I'm thinking about snagging a new computer for a couple of reasons. First off, I'm lured in by Apple's cool design
and features. Plus, my current laptop has been chugging along for nearly four years, and it's showing signs of lag.
I'm curious to try out Apple's operating system and see if it brings a fresh user experience to the table.



我通过广告了解到苹果最新款的 macbook pro,看到它的第一眼,我就知道它是我的最佳选择。同时,


我觉得 macbook 是一款有趣的产品,除了苹果标志性的外观,这台电脑有非常多有意思的功能。它可以

音。最重要的是,我非常喜欢苹果自带的 imovie 软件,我是一个 VLOG 爱好者,这个软件可以帮助我

脑已经用了将近 4 年,使用中经常会出现明显的卡顿。我想尝试使用苹果的操作系统,看看是否能给我



24-25:听见别人投诉(新题)& 糟糕服务
Describe an occasion when you heard someone Describe a time when you received bad service.
making a complaint in public You should say:
You should say: where and when you received bad service
who the person was who gave you this bad service
what the person was unhappy about what happened
what was the result and explain how you felt when you received this bad
and explain how you felt about it. service.


Last month, my friend and I met up at a popular restaurant for dinner. It was a restaurant with tables lined up
close to each other. While having dinner, I could hear the girl at the next table keep complaining. She thought
the restaurant was not what it was promoted on the Internet, for their service was miserable.

It was a night at the weekend, the restaurant was packed and a bit noisy. Obviously, the girl had been here for a
long time, but her dishes came slowly. She urged the waiter several times but it didn't help. After waiting for a
long time, all she had was one dish while the others were not served. After a while, she exploded and yelled at
the waiter. Other guests all turned around to see what happened. The girl was still waiting when we finished our
meal and left. Her complaints made no difference.

Though loud complaints in public would disturb others, apparently the restaurant’s poor service had disappointed
and irritated the girl. She did not have the respect and attention she deserved. If this had happened to me, I
probably would have reacted the same way. Through the experience, I came to realize that many popular
restaurants do not live up to their fame. An excellent restaurant should have not only quality food, but also good
service attitude and efficiency.







Last month, my friend and I met up at a popular restaurant for dinner. The fact is, the restaurant was not what it
was promoted on the Internet, for their service was miserable.

It was a night at the weekend, so my friend and I queued for a long time before entering the restaurant. The
restaurant was packed and a bit noisy. We ordered some dishes, but they came slowly, and even my urging the
waiter several times didn't help. After waiting for a long time, all we had was one dish while the others were not
served. The waiter made no effective response to our repeated urgings. Nearly an hour later, the rest of the dishes
were still not ready. Finally, I had no choice but to ask the waiter for a refund. We left the restaurant after having
only one dish.

The terrible service made me disappointed and angry. I don’t think I received the respect and attention I deserved.
It not only ruined my dining experience, but also wasted a great deal of my time. It spoiled my mood for the
whole night. Through the experience, I came to realize that many popular restaurants do not live up to their fame.
An excellent restaurant should have not only quality food, but also good service attitude and efficiency.

Poor service displeases customers and greatly harms the restaurant's reputation. As a customer, I hope to receive
respect and good service, which should be a basic right that every restaurant values.








26-27:改变人生的时期 + 困难任务
Describe a time when something happened that Describe something difficult you did and be proud of
changed your life in a good way. it in your work or studies.
You should say: You should say:
what happened what you had done
when and where it happened why you did this
how you felt about it how difficult it was
and explain how this changed your life in a good way. and explain why you felt so proud of yourself for
doing it.

When it comes to describing something difficult that I encounter in my studies, I would like to talk about the
first-class scholarship of our university which I earned last year. It is a big thing that I am proud of.

Last year I tried to win the first-class scholarship. It is based on the academic performance of each semester, and
the students whose average score are in the top five of the whole grade are awarded a scholarship of 5,000 yuan.
It is a very tough challenge for me because there are 400 students total in my whole grade.

I wanted to earn the first-class scholarship because it was a lot of money for me! If I were to win the scholarship,
I could travel to other cities and eat tasty food during the winter vacation. Aside from this, it was also kind of an
honor for me.

It is an arduous process to earn the scholarship. I devoted myself to studying and trying to get better scores in
every examination. I did this until the day I found out that I was on the scholarship list, I was so excited that I
couldn't believe it was truth!

This scholarship makes me very excited and satisfied. It means my whole year’s effort was paid back. I shared
the good news with my family and friends and they all envied me very much. My parents also said that they were
proud of me. The praise from friends and parents made me feel that my efforts were rewarding. I love the feeling
of winning awards and will continue to concentrate on study this year.

谈到学习中遇到的困难(让生活变得更好的事 a positive change in my life),我想谈谈我获得奖学金的

绩为基础,平均在年级前 5 的学生可获得 5000 元的奖学金。要知道我们年级有 400 多名学生,这无疑



这份奖学金让我感到非常兴奋和满足(让我的生活变得更好,change my life in a good way)



Describe a time when you had to wait a long time for something nice to happen.
You should say:
what you were waiting for
how long you waited
why you had to wait
and explain how you felt when the nice thing finally happened.

I still vividly remember how I waited for almost a month for our college to announce the scholarship award last
semester. Fortunately, I finally got the scholarship.

The scholarship is based on both academic performance and volunteer activities undertaken each semester. The
students whose average score rank among the top five of the whole grade are awarded a scholarship of 5,000
yuan. This process involves complex scoring and reviews from the professors, so it takes nearly a month to
confirm the results.

I wanted to earn the first-class scholarship because 5,000 yuan is a lot of money for me! If I were to win the
scholarship, I could travel to other cities and eat tasty food during the winter vacation. Aside from this, it would
also be kind of an honor for me. I devoted myself to studying and tried to join in more volunteering activities.

After submitting the application materials, every day of waiting was suffering for me. I kept checking my email
hoping to receive good news as soon as possible. When I received the award notification, my heart was filled
with joy and satisfaction. It meant that my whole year of hard work had finally paid off. I love the feeling of
winning awards and will continue to concentrate on my studies this year.



名在年级前 5 的学生可获得 5000 元的奖学金。这个过程需要经过复杂的评分和老师的审查,所以需要




Describe a goal you have wanted to achieve for a long time.
You should say:
what your goal is
how long you have wanted to achieve this goal
what you need to do to achieve it
and explain why you have wanted to achieve this goal for a long time.

Since I entered university, I have been attempting to earn the first-class scholarship at my university. The first-
class scholarship is based on the academic performance and social practice of each semester, and the students
whose average score are in the top ten of the whole grade are awarded a scholarship of 5,000 yuan. It is a great
honor to win this prize because the students who win the prize will be praised by the school and their names will
be published in the campus bulletin. This is the reason why I want to win this prize

Ever since I first learned about this award in my freshman year, I have wanted to get this honor. It's been at least
two years now. There are at least 600 people in my grade and many of them are excellent at their studies. So, I
tried my best to achieve my goal. Last semester, I took every classwork and homework seriously. I would write
down every knowledge point and spend most of my time in the library studying. I have to say, this is the period
of time that I studied most earnestly and assiduously. The results haven’t been announced until next semester, so
I don’t know whether I have succeeded or not.

At first, I wanted to win the scholarship just to prove myself, even a little bit for my vanity. But I gained a lot
from the whole process, including the knowledge and the understanding of myself. It makes me feel that I am
actually a person with great potential. If I fail this year, I think it's probably because I'm not good enough. I will
try again next year.


成绩平均在年级前十的学生可获得 5000 元的奖学金。获得这个奖将是一个巨大的荣誉,因为赢得这个

600 人,他们中的许多人在学习上很优秀。为了实现自己的目标,我拼尽了全力。老师布置的作业,或



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30-31:没见过的有趣陌生人 + 想法有趣的人
Describe an interesting person who you have never Describe a person who always has interesting ideas
met, but would like to know more about. and opinions.
You should say: You should say:
who this person is who this person is
how you heard about this person how you knew this person
what interesting things he/she has done what kind of ideas he/she has
and explain why you'd like to know more about this and explain why you think this person’s ideas and
person. opinions are interesting.

Not long ago, I met an interesting girl called Arya in an online IELTS study group. Since then, we’ve begun
chatting frequently on WeChat and share our study experiences with each other.

A:Though I've yet to meet her in person, I really hope to find out more about her.

B:Also, it didn't take me long to find her a creative and smart person.

Arya is very active in the study group, often discussing her experience in preparing for the exam with others.
Attracted by her passion, I took the initiative to talk with her online. She has many interesting ideas and has had
many amazing experiences. For example, regarding a short-term exchange programme abroad, she shared with
me the funny and exciting stories of her life and studies in a different culture. In addition, with an active mind,
Arya not only focuses on her studies, but also enjoys discussing current social issues with others and expressing
her opinions. Her unique opinions often inspire others to engage in deeper discussion and thought. Thanks to her
extraordinary ideas and open-mindedness, our chats often prove enlightening and demonstrate to me the
importance of exposing oneself to different viewpoints.

A:In summary, despite having never seen Arya before, I am attracted to her personality, experiences, and ideas.
I very much look forward to getting to know her better.

B:I find Arya's views intriguing because she always brings me new perspectives to solve problems.

She is such a charming person that any conversation with her can always trigger my curiosity and propel me to
pursue new knowledge and insights.


不久前我认识了一个有趣的人,她叫 Arya。我们是在一个雅思学习群里认识的,我们经常微信聊天和互

《没见过的有趣陌生人》 尽管我从未真正见过她,但我非常希望能更多地了解她。

《想法有趣的人》 没过多久,我开始逐渐发现她是一个充满创造力和智慧的人。

Arya 在学习群里非常活跃,经常跟其他人分享备考经验和交流心得。我被她的热情所吸引,于是开始主
文化背景下的生活和学习经历,这些故事总是令人感到有趣和兴奋。另外,Arya 的想法非常多样化,她



《没见过的有趣陌生人》 总之,尽管我从未真正见过 Arya,但她的个性、经历和想法让我渴望能够

《想法有趣的人》我之所以觉得 Arya 的观点很有趣,是因为她总是能够给我带来新的思考角度。




32-33:成功的同学 + 成功的经营者
Describe someone you studied with who is successful Describe a person you know about who runs a
in his/her life. successful business.
You should say: You should say:
who this person is How do you know about this person
where you studied together What kind of business does he/she run
when you studied together How long has the business been running
and explain why you think this person is successful And explain why you think his/her business is
in his/her life. successful.

Well, I recently learned that there’s a successful entrepreneur at our university, an international student named
Michael from Kazakhstan. I came to know this person at the opening ceremony for our academic year. During
the ceremony, he took the stage on behalf of the international students, and spoke much about his studies and life
in fluent Chinese.

Michael and I are enrolled in the same program, which means we share a classroom together every week. He’s a
pretty friendly and good-looking guy. I’ve spoken to him a few times during class. His Chinese is so fluent that
we can communicate without difficulty. He told me that he followed his father to China to help run a business,
and that it was his father who taught him how to speak Chinese. Now, he is engaged in international trade while
studying, and he also visits factories or meets with clients regularly.

I think Michael is a real success story. Despite being just a student, he employs what free time he has and foreign
language skills towards running his own online store on Amazon. He buys small, inexpensive products made in
China and then sells them at a higher price to various parts of the world. I’ve heard that his store is well run and
sells domestic products to increasingly more foreign regions now.

While other students are focusing on their studies, he is courageous enough to start his own business at the same
time. You know, it’s tough to start a business. His bravery in the face of such great challenges is a highly valuable
characteristic to possess. I believe he is my most outstanding classmate. Personally, I believe him to be a brilliant
person deserving of my respect.

我的确知道我们学校有一个成功的创业者,他是一个来自国外的留学生,名字叫 Michael,来自哈萨克

我和 Michael 学习同一个专业,因此我们每周都会一起在教室上课。他是个很友善的人,长得也很帅。

我认为 Michael 是个成功的人,他虽然只是个学生,但是他利用课余时间和外语优势,在亚马逊上开了




Describe a person from another culture who speaks Chinese very well.
You should say:
who he/she is
which country does he/she come from
how he/she learned your language
and explain why you think this person speaks Chinese so well.

I recently learned that there’s an international student at my university who speaks Chinese very well. His name
is Michael, and he originally hails from Kazakhstan.

Copyright by TB Anxiaoya. I came to know this person at the opening ceremony for our academic year. During
the ceremony, he took the stage on behalf of the international students, and spoke much about his studies and life
in fluent Chinese. At the time, I was sitting quite far away and couldn't see his face clearly. If the dean hadn't
introduced him as an international student beforehand, I might never have even realized that he was a foreigner!

Michael and I are enrolled in the same program, which means we share a classroom together every week. He’s a
pretty friendly and good-looking guy. I’ve spoken to him a few times during class. His Chinese is so fluent that
we can communicate without difficulty. He told me that he followed his father to China to help run a business,
and that it was his father who taught him how to speak Chinese. From pronunciation to comprehension, Michael
started to learn Chinese step by step. Time and effort have combined to make Michael the great Chinese speaker
he is today.

He's the first foreigner I've ever met. Getting to know him was quite an interesting experience because chatting
with a foreigner in Chinese is truly a magical thing.

我的确知道我们学校有一个中文说得很好的外国人,他是一个来自国外的留学生,名字叫 Michael,来


我和 Michael 学习同一个专业,因此我们每周都会一起在教室上课。他是个很友善的人,长得也很帅。




35-36:有益的广告 + 重要规定
Describe an advertisement you have seen that you Describe a rule at work or school that you think is
think is good. important.
You should say: You should say:
what it is for what it is
what it shows how you knew this rule
when and where you saw it what happens if people break it
and explain why you think it is a piece of good and explain why you think this rule at work/school is
advertisement. important.


I saw a really good ad recently. It was posted both in the hallways of our dorm and at the entrance to the building.
This ad was intended as a reminder for us to be mindful of electrical safety. It aimed to inform all the students
that the use of high-powered electrical devices is not allowed in student dorms to reduce the risk of fires.

The ad's content is pretty straightforward. There's an image showing a student using an electric kettle, but it's
covered by a big red "NO" symbol. There's also some brief text explaining why these appliances are banned and
the punishments that students would face if they broke the rules.

I first saw this ad at the beginning of the semester. The dorm supervisor handed out pamphlets expressing the
same information. What’s more, they posted it on the bulletin board in the dorm building so that every student
would see it.

This advertisement doesn't use complex language; it simply conveys a clear message through a single image and
a small amount of text. I believe this kind of public service announcement is very useful. The dormitory is a place
where students live in close quarters and the hallways and staircases are relatively narrow. In the event of a fire,
students will possibly have only a little time to evacuate. The use of electrical appliances can present serious
threats to the lives and property of others. So, in my opinion, it's an outstanding ad that serves as a clear warning
while keeping things simple and easy to understand.









I believe the rule about not using high-powered electrical appliances in our dorms is important. It's all about
keeping life in our dorm safe. I first heard about it from the dorm supervisor when I moved in, and there are
reminders posted on the dorm bulletin board to ensure that every student can see it.

Basically, this rule means we can't use stuff like electric kettles, induction cookers, or electric heaters in our dorm
rooms. It aims to reduce the risk of overloading circuits and causing electrical fires.

If someone breaks this rule, the school takes action. They might start with a written warning, telling you to stop
using those high-powered appliances. If you keep breaking the rule, things can get more serious, like getting a
disciplinary mark or a campus-wide scolding.

I think this rule is very important. Campus fires happen more often than you'd think, and a lot of them are caused
by students using unauthorized electrical appliances. The dormitory is a place where students live in close
quarters and the hallways and staircases are relatively narrow. In the event of a fire, students will possibly have
only a little time to evacuate. The use of electrical appliances can present serious threats to the lives and property
of others. So, the ban on high-powered electrical appliances in the dorms is really all about creating a safe and
peaceful dorm environment.







Describe a time when you gave a piece of advice to someone.
You should say:
who you gave advice to
what it was
how this person reacted to the advice
and explain whether you feel you gave this person the right advice.

Just a short time ago, I had a chat with my roommate Arya, and I offered her some advice. It was a friendly
reminder not to use an induction cooker in our dorm. It was at the start of the school year, and she brought an
induction cooker from home, thinking we could all have a hot pot party in the dorm.

However, I knew that our school has a rule against the use of stuff like electric kettles, induction cookers, or
electric heaters in our dorm rooms. I was first informed of it at the beginning of the semester when the dorm
supervisor handed out pamphlets with this information. What’s more, they posted it on the bulletin board so that
every student would see it.

I suggested to Arya that we shouldn’t use the cooker in our room and instead go out to a hot pot restaurant to
celebrate the beginning of the school year. At first, Arya didn't think it was a big deal. I strongly told her that our
dormitory is a place where we live in close quarters and the hallways and staircases are relatively narrow. In the
event of a fire, we will possibly have only a little time to evacuate. Moreover, students who broke the rule could
receive a disciplinary mark or possibly even a campus-wide scolding. Eventually, however, she agreed with me,
and we had a good time celebrating outside.

I believe I gave Arya the right advice. True friends should always look out for each other and give a heads-up
when they see a risk. It's all about avoiding any bad consequences down the road.


不久前我给了我舍友 Arya 一个建议,也是一个善意的提醒,那就是不要在宿舍使用电磁炉。那时候刚



于是我建议 Arya 不要在宿舍用电磁炉,我们可以一起去火锅店庆祝开学。一开始 Arya 不以为然,觉得

会被警告,甚至会被记过和处分。后来 Arya 被我说服了,她愉快的接受了我的建议。

我认为我给了 Arya 正确的建议。好朋友就是应该在发现风险的时候及时提醒对方,不要贪图一时的方



(十六)BBQ Party

38-39:刺激的活动 + 聚会
Describe a time when you did an exciting activity Describe a time when you went to a party that you
with other people enjoyed.
You should say: You should say:
what the activity was when and where the party was held
where you did this activity what/who the party was for
why you did this activity what you did at the party
and explain how you felt about it. and explain why you enjoyed it.

One sunny weekend not long ago, I organised a special BBQ party with several friends to celebrate our upcoming
graduation. We chose to throw the party at Dafushan Forest Park because it has beautiful scenery and is not far
from our school. The park also provides free barbecuing sites and grills for visitors.

We bought an abundant amount of food in advance. At the park, we immediately set about preparations for the
barbecue, the boys working on lighting the charcoal, and the girls preparing the food. After a while, the air was
filled with the delicious aroma of grilled meat. For me, the process of grilling and sharing the food with my
friends was exciting and enjoyable. After the BBQ, we even played my favourite game, Werewolf, wherein we
were each assigned a role and attempted to guess the identities of each other. Under the tense and exciting
atmosphere, I got fully immersed in the game, finding new surprises and challenges in every round.

The BBQ party was particularly memorable for me because, before that, I hadn't felt such excitement for a long
time. The party not only allowed me to enjoy delicious, handmade food, but also deepened my friendship with
my classmates. I am lucky to have met such a lovely group of friends and will cherish this wonderful memory






40-41:逛公园 + 感到累的活动
Describe a time when you enjoyed visiting a park or Describe a time when you felt tired after doing an
a garden. activity.
You should say: You should say:
where it was what activity you did
when you went there when and where you did this activity
why you visited there why you did the activity
what it looked like and explain why you felt tired after doing this


One sunny weekend not long ago, I organised a special trip to a park with several friends to celebrate our
upcoming graduation. We chose to throw the party at Dafushan Forest Park because it has beautiful scenery and
is not far from our school. The park also provides free barbecuing sites and grills for visitors.

As a famous forest park in my city, Dafushan Park hosts not only a spacious green for visitors to take a stroll and
rest, but also a beautiful lake for them to row boats or walk alongside. Breathing in the refreshing park air, my
friends and I rode bicycles along the forest path and took many nice photos.

As the sun was about to set, we decided to make our own food in the park's barbecue area. We set to the
preparations, the boys working on lighting the charcoal, and the girls preparing the food. After a while, the air
was filled with the delicious aroma of grilled meat. For me, the process of grilling and sharing the food with my
friends was exciting and enjoyable.

This experience was particularly memorable for me because, before that, I hadn't felt such excitement for a long
time. I am lucky to have met such a lovely group of friends and will cherish this wonderful memory forever.








One sunny weekend not long ago, I organised a special BBQ party with several friends to celebrate our upcoming
graduation. We chose to throw the party at Dafushan Forest Park because it has beautiful scenery and is not far
from our school. The park also provides free barbecuing sites and grills for visitors.

We bought an abundant amount of food in advance. At the park, we immediately set about preparations for the
barbecue, the boys working on lighting the charcoal, and the girls preparing the food. After a while, the air was
filled with the delicious aroma of grilled meat. For me, the process of grilling and sharing the food with my
friends was exciting and enjoyable. After the BBQ, we even played my favourite game, Werewolf, wherein we
were each assigned a role and attempted to guess the identities of each other. Under the tense and exciting
atmosphere, I got fully immersed in the game, finding new surprises and challenges in every round.

We enjoyed ourselves so much in the park that we lost track of time, and it was late into the night by the time we
finally returned to our dormitory. As much as I enjoyed the party, I began to feel tired after a long day of
barbecuing, gaming and socialising. Without even the energy to take a shower, I fell asleep as soon as my head
hit the pillow, but it was surely a pleasant exhaustion. I am lucky to have met such a lovely group of friends and
will cherish this wonderful memory forever.







42-43:感兴趣的地方 + 美丽的城市
Describe the part of your country that you find most Describe a city which you think is beautiful.
interesting. You should say:
You should say: where the city is
where it is how you know it
how you know about it what it is famous for
what people can see and do there and explain why you think this city is beautiful.
and explain why you find it most interesting.

Lhasa is a very interesting city and is one of the most famous travel destinations in China. Located on the Tibetan
Plateau, Lhasa is one of the highest cities in the world. It is home to the world-famous Potala Palace, and it is
also the holy land for followers of Buddhism worldwide.

I was first introduced to Lhasa through social media, where many travel bloggers recommend it as a travel
destination to their followers. This is because Lhasa boasts a unique geography and culture, making it stand out
in terms of both scenery and heritage.

A:Most scenic spots in Lhasa can only be reached by car. Therefore, the majority of tourists to Lhasa generally
rent a car upon arriving so they can go wherever they want at their own convenience.

B:Lhasa is renowned worldwide for its high altitude and Tibetan culture. Its unique geographical conditions
give rise to a distinct climate, allowing tourists to witness its unparalleled plateau scenery unimpeded.

If I have the chance, I will definitely go to Namtso; one of the three holy lakes of Tibet. Aside from the clear lake,
visitors can see the snow-capped mountains in the distance. I would also like to visit the famous Potala Palace,
which is an iconic landmark of Lhasa.

Lhasa is a magical and interesting city, where the air is thin, but the people are full of faith. I once saw a video
on social media that really touched me. It showed Tibetan people in simple clothes, braving the wind and rain,
setting off from their homes. Every few steps, they would kneel down and bow their heads in reverence. Their
destination was the holy Jokhang Temple. Seeing their powerful faith and devotion made me want to go to Lhasa
and experience it for myself.



A 《感兴趣的地方》:拉萨的大多数景点都需要自驾才能到达,因此,大部分的游客来到这里的第一件

B 《美丽的地方》:拉萨以高海拔和藏族文化闻名全世界,独特的地理条件造就了拉萨与众不同的气候,






44-45:喜欢的照片 + 一幅画
Describe a photo you have kept that makes you feel Describe a painting or drawing you enjoy looking at.
happy. You should say:
You should say: when and where you first saw it
what it shows what it was about
when and where the photo was taken what you know about the person who create it
how often you look at it And explain why you enjoy looking at it.
and explain why this photo makes you feel happy.


In my room, there's a photo on my desk in which I look particularly photogenic. It always brings me joy when I
see it. It's a pic from a family trip we took last year, when my family and I headed to the countryside for a chill

In the photo, we're all standing by a lake. The trees in the background are lush and verdant, and the lake water is
clear as crystal, reflecting the trees and the blue sky like a mirror. The sunlight bounces off the lake surface in
different colors. The whole picture is so vibrant, showing off how beautiful nature can be. We're all smiling in it,
and you can tell we’re all having a blast.

Every time I walk into my room, this photo catches my eye. To me, taking pictures is like keeping a record. It's
a way to capture all those little moments in life, preserving them for posterity. While my camera may not be the
fanciest, and I'm by no means a pro photographer, this photo is still deeply meaningful to me. That's because life
is full of moments worth capturing and sharing with the people in your life who matter. This pic always takes me
back to that family trip – a special time filled with laughter and warmth, spent with those I love most.







In my room, there's this cool landscape painting hanging on the wall. It always brings me joy when I see it. I got
it on a family trip a few years back, when my family and I headed to the countryside for a chill weekend.

It was painted by a local artist who totally nailed capturing this beautiful scene on canvas. I don't know much
about the artist, but you can tell he loved nature and knew how to paint it just right.

This oil painting depicts a tranquil lake and the surrounding scenery. The trees in the background are lush and
verdant, and the lake water is clear as crystal, reflecting the trees and the blue sky like a mirror. The sunlight
bounces off the lake surface in different colors. The whole picture is so vibrant, showing off how beautiful nature
can be.

I really like this oil painting. To me, painting is like taking a photo. It's a way to capture all those little moments
in life, preserving them for posterity. This painting always takes me back to that family trip – a special time
filled with laughter and warmth, spent with those I love most.







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我们的素材都是经过店主和外教一起编写和检查过的哦! 您可以放心使用哦!其实外国人在生活中有一些常用的口头上

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“the majority of the girls were content discussing about how handsome or how affluent their
boyfriends were.” 女孩子们都在热烈地讨论他们的男朋友有多帅。

这是现代英语的另一个特征,就是外国人在口头上都常常会省略掉介词。这里就把 were content with

discussing 的 with 去掉了。这在口语上是完全没问题的,但大家在写作中就尽量要避免哦。



Describe an area of science that you are interested in
You should say:
what it is
when and where you first heard about it
how you get more information about it now
and explain why you are interested in this area of science.

I have been interested in AI since I was a kid, having watched many movies that explore the idea of rapidly
advancing AI developing its own thoughts to the detriment of human society. However, I always felt those movies
were somewhat exaggerated.

It was around a year ago that I was made aware through social media just how rapidly AI technology is developing.
For instance, software like ChatGPT can engage in conversations based on users' needs. It helps users to plan
trips, write papers, and even edit computer code. In the real world, AI applications are diverse, ranging from self-
driving cars to AI-generated art and smart home devices.

I now habitually follow news related to AI and tech products. As AI is increasingly being applied to daily life, I
would like to keep abreast of these developments. I plan to do this by buying some smart home appliances to
make my life more convenient.

I believe that in the near future, AI technology will find applications in many aspects of our lives and work. Of
course, the rapid development of artificial intelligence has also raised some concerns for me. With more and
more jobs being replaced by AI, I need to gain a deeper understanding of it and seek a career that won't be easily
replaced by AI to ensure my continued employability.


电影。这些电影都宣传了一个理念,那就是发展迅速的 AI 将会产生自己的思想,从而严重破坏人类社

大概是去年,在社交媒体上了解到 AI 这项技术正在飞速发展。例如 ChatGPT 这款软件就可以根据用户

AI 的应用也非常广泛,例如自动驾驶,AI 画画,智能家居设备等等都是 AI 技术的应用。


我相信在不久的将来,AI 技术将会应用于我们生活和工作的各个方面。当然,人工智能的飞速发展也让
我产生了一些担忧因为越来越多的工作能被 AI 所替代,我必须更加深入的了解它,找到和从事不会被
AI 替代的工作,这样才能保证自己存在的价值。


Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others.
You should say:
who he/she is
how you knew this person
who he/she usually cooks for
and explain why you think he/she enjoys cooking for other people.

My grandma is someone who absolutely loves cooking. Her dishes are better than those in some fancy restaurants,
no kidding. She's the pride of our family, and I've known her forever since I grew up in her house. She's this
super nice and lively old lady.

So, Grandma cooks every day, but her favorite thing is making a feast for us on major holidays. I think that's
when she really shines in the kitchen. She believes cooking a tasty meal is the best way to show love. Whenever
we all get together, whether it's for a special occasion or just a regular gathering, Grandma whips up all kinds of
yummy dishes. She loves trying out different recipes, from old-school classics to new and trendy cooking styles.

After retiring, many old folks feel lonely, but having a hobby they're passionate about can really brighten up their
days. For my grandma, that's cooking. She loves cooking for us because it's how she expresses her feelings. She
often says that seeing us enjoy her food is what makes her the happiest. Plus, she thinks traditional family meals
are super important for keeping the family close and tight-knit.






Describe a successful sportsperson that you admire,
You should say:
who this person is
what he/she has achieved
what you know about his/her life
and explain why you admire this sportsperson.

To be frank, I don't care all that much about sports, and never have ever since I was a young child. However, I
do still know of some famous athletes, and in my opinion the most impressive one is Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player from Portugal. What I know about him is limited to what I've seen in the
media, including on the news and in advertisements. He is very handsome and has a bright smile. These qualities
are part of why he has impressed me so much. If my memory serves me correctly, he was Nike's sneaker
ambassador, and for a while, you could see him in adverts at bus stops and subways across the city.

After some time, I became interested in him, and I began searching for news concerning him on the Internet. I
found out that not only did he have a handsome and charming image, but he was also a world-class football
player. His talent and skill have earned him many football prizes and he has won many competitions. He is a
talented athlete, but he is also very diligent and self-disciplined. I know of many talented players who often
become lazy and indulge themselves once they become famous, leading to a rapid decline in their athletic
performance. But Ronaldo is very strict with himself, following a healthy diet, and never eating junk food. During
the holidays, he continues going to gym. It is for these reasons that I admire him so much.


最深的应该就是 C 罗了。

C 罗是一名足球运动员,个子很高,金发飘飘的。我对他的了解仅限于媒体上看到的新闻和广告。从我

少有天赋的球员,但他们往往在成名后就懒散和放纵自己,导致他们的竞技状态下滑地很快。但 C 罗非


Describe a time when a map was very useful to you.
You should say:
when this was
where you got it
how easy it was to use
and explain why this map was very useful to you.

When I cast my mind back over recent memories, I recall when I was commuting to a crucial interview, and I
was caught in a traffic jam. Mobile map helped me out.

On that day, despite setting out a bit earlier, I ran into a severe traffic jam beyond my expectations. As I got
anxious, I came up with the mobile map on my phone, the Baidu Maps app, which I often used to navigate new
sites. It's convenient to use. I only need to input the destination address, and the app will automatically show the
optimal route and estimated arrival time.

I had to use Baidu Maps on my phone to find a faster route to my interview. It showed me that there was a traffic
accident ahead, and it was estimated to take over 30 minutes to pass through by bus. Alternatively, I could walk
to the nearest metro station within 10 minutes and commute there by subway.

Logically, I decided to go by foot to the metro station. Fortunately, I arrived there on time. The electronic map
saved me from the unexpected traffic jam. If I had been so silly to keep waiting on the bus, I would have surely
missed my interview. Baidu Maps has helped me to better plan my travel routes and get to the destination within
the shortest possible time.


到了使用地图。我的手机里一直都装着百度地图 APP,在陌生的地方我经常用它来导航。它使用起来非

行时间超过 30 分钟。我可以选择步行 10 分钟前往最近的一个地铁站,然后可以坐地铁直达目的地。



Describe a job that you do not like to do
You should say:
what the job is
how easy or difficult the job is
how you know about this job
and explain why you would not like to do this job.

There's this job, being a civil servant, that I've never really been into. I get it, it's crucial for keeping society
ticking, but my interest in it is pretty meh.

Being a civil servant isn't a walk in the park. Most of the time, you gotta start from the bottom, dealing with all
sorts of complicated government stuff. Plus, you need to have serious organizational chops to keep those
government wheels turning smoothly. It's no cakewalk with all that responsibility and job pressure.

My parents and relatives are all about this civil servant gig, thinking it's a rock-solid and respectable job. So,
naturally, my parents have been crossing their fingers for me to take that route.

But, truth be told, it's not my cup of tea. First off, I'm not vibing with how government offices operate. They can
get way too bureaucratic, and I'm afraid my work might turn dull. And then there's the fact that the career path
for civil servants is pretty set in stone, which makes me think my professional growth might hit a ceiling. I'd
rather pick a gig that lets me keep evolving, with more room for creativity, instead of getting bogged down in the
nitty-gritty of government business. Copyright by TB An xiao ya.



公务员这份工作并不容易,大多数的公务员需要从基层做起 ,这意味着我得应对各种复杂的政务事务。




Describe a time when you had to wear a uniform.
You should say:
when and where you wore
who paid for the uniform
what it looked like
and explain how you felt about having to wear the uniform.

When I entered into university, I was given a set of school uniform. It is about one hundred Yuan, I bought at my
own expense. It was a white sportswear, with blue stripes on the side of the trousers, and the name and school
badge of our school was printed on the chest. Whenever there is a major event, such as raising the national flag,
the school anniversary, or a sports meeting, all of the students have to wear it to attend. There is a sea of people
at our university, maybe a few thousand. If everyone wears their own clothes, it will appear to be disorganized
during major events. Uniform dress will not only look neat, but also more serious and formal.

My friends and I really don't like to wear uniforms, even though we all know that they mean well. Because it
looks really clumsy and awkward. It is the same for men and women, not only does the size does not fit us, but
also the material is not breathable. Students have been making fun of school uniforms since childhood. Just last
year, "why are Chinese school uniforms so ugly" became a hot topic on the Internet, triggering discussions on
social networking sites. Statistics show that half of students consider school uniforms to be ugly. Every time I
wear it, I feel that I have lost my individuality. If the school uniform can be redesigned with some fashionable
elements, maybe students will be more willing to wear it.




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