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Module Two Assignment: Reading Response

1. Identify a possible primary audience of the text.

Based on the core idea of the text, I think the primary audience this post was
meant to target were 9-5 workers and teens struggling to take breaks with the
mode of work and study shifting from offline to online.

2. Identify other possible audiences for the text.

Other possible audiences could be HR teams at workplaces and school

administrations seeking to improve their employee/student’s mental health
during the time they spend working or studying from home. It could also apply to
situations outside a work or school environment, to people affected heavily by the
sudden isolation and reduced socialization.

3. Explain why both possible audiences (primary and other) are appropriate
regarding the genre of the text.

The audience, both primary and other, are appropriate for the genre because the
article is a casual analysis and discourse of how the guilt of working from home
affects a person’s conscious decision to take breaks. It attempts to persuade the
audience on a topic that they already agree with in their hearts, using statistics
and examples to explain the benefits of taking a break and evoking a strong
response from them.

4. Explain why both possible audiences (primary and other) are appropriate
regarding the writing situation of the text.

Although the subject here is taking breaks, the true purpose of the text is to
persuade the audience not to feel guilty for finding time for themselves during an
already tense period of their lives. The primary audience in this writing situation
are mainly people affected heavily by the shift to online jobs and education,
because they feel like working from home is inadequate when compared to
school or the office. The other possible audiences also include those who feel
stressed while isolated in their homes and trapped in stressful situations, even if it
isn’t for work or school. They are appropriate since the text focuses on persuading
and helping them learn to enjoy recreation without feeling undeserving of it.

5. Describe how the writer attracts and guides the audience.

The writer appeals to her audience’s critical thinking by utilizing statistics and
examples to ramp up the situation's urgency. Alongside that, she also lays the
topic out in a simple and easily comprehensible manner that can be read on the
go without much of a hassle. She clearly outlines the major problems and
suggests what can be done about them. It’s the simplicity of the article that
makes it such a curious read, besides the thought-provoking subject.

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