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33 Magsaysay Avenue, Naga City TEST

Prepared by: Teacher Joy Briones
Name: __________________________________________________ Score:
Date: _______________________________

Vocabulary Development. Infer the meaning of the following science-related words in boldface through
context cues.
1. Our body is made up of very tiny units of life called cells.
Meaning: ___________________________________
2. Mavic prepares for her lesson on convection. She watches a video that shows how heat transferred through a gas
or liquid by a hotter material moving into a cooler area.
Meaning: ___________________________________
3. A rubber band has elasticity because it can regain its original shape after being stretched.
Meaning: ___________________________________
4. An object or substance has energy if it has the capacity to do work.
Meaning: ___________________________________
5. Water evaporates when it is heated, has reached its boiling point, and lets out steam.
Meaning: ___________________________________

Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
______ 6. This provides the readers with the latest domestic and foreign updates on social, political, and economic
events, most recent discoveries, and known personalities.
A. Magazines B. Newspaper C. Pamphlet D. Campaign Ads
______ 7. This is also a source of information that features some articles, stories, editorials, cartoons, photographs,
reviews, poems, and other literary pieces that entertain and inform readers.
A. Magazines B. Newspaper C. Pamphlet D. Campaign Ads
______ 8. This is the part of newspaper that provides readers with the latest and most important local and foreign
A. Local and Foreign News B. General News Section C. Society Page
______ 9. This is the part of newspaper that tells about the happenings in the towns, cities, and provinces in the
country as well as the current events in other countries.
A. Society Page B. News Page C. Local and Foreign News
______ 10. This features important issues or controversies of the day as interpreted and assessed by the
newspaper’s editors and columnists.
A. Classified Ads B. Entertainment Page C. Editorial Page
______ 11. The economic standing of the country is reported here, which businesses are booming and which are
A. Classified Ads B. Business and Finance Page C. Editorial Page
______ 12. This section features news related to sports tournaments and championships happening both here and
A. Entertainment Page B. Editorial Page C. Sports Page
______ 13. This is a big help to households, businessmen, and people looking for jobs. Advertisements help
promote sales and rentals. Announcement and warnings are given to the readers about people who are no longer
connected to a particular firm or institution.
A. Classified Ads B. Entertainment Page C. Society Page
______ 14. This section features home care, beauty tips, budgeting, menu preparation, family health care, and
many others.
A. Entertainment Page B. Classified Ads C. Home and Culture Section Page
______ 15. This portion publicized important people in society, in business, in arts, well-known families,
announcement of marriage, baptisms, birthdays, and awards received.
A. Entertainment Page B. Home and Culture Section Page C. Society Page
______ 16. This section itemized descriptions of beautiful places here in country, their amenities, and promotions.
This also features the schedule of departures and arrivals of airplanes, cruise ships, and ferries.
A. Obituary Page B. Travel and Tourism Page C. Classified Ads
______ 17. News about the lives of local and foreign showbiz personalities, showing and upcoming movies,
comics, and crossword puzzles are all found here.
A. Entertainment Page B. Showbiz Page C. Obituary Page
______ 18. Announcement of condolences about deaths and the schedule of wakes, masses, and interments are seen
in this section.
A. Death Page B. Condolences Page C. Obituary Page
______ 19. This part of magazine shows the title of the featured articles with the names of the authors and pages
where they are found.
A. Front Cover B. Front Page C. Table of Contents
______ 20. Large companies or institutions may publish their magazines. It features company occasions, special
events, and other celebrations with accompanying photographs made interesting for the employees. Special awards
and the awardees are also recognized in an organization's publication. This kind of magazine is called _______.
A. Company Magazine B. Employee Magazine C. House Organ
______ 21. This is a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (in alphabetical order) and gives
their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about
pronunciation, origin, and usage.
A. Magazine B. Thesaurus C. Dictionary
______ 22. This is a reference work that lists words grouped according to the similarity of meaning (containing
synonyms and antonyms).
A. Magazine B. Thesaurus C. Dictionary
______ 23. This is a set of books that contains articles about a wide variety of subjects or topics. These subjects or
topics are arranged alphabetically, and the articles offer substantial facts.
A. Encyclopedia B. Almanac C. Dictionary
______ 24. This is a book that contains recent statistics and summaries of information on a wide variety of topics.
A. Encyclopedia B. Almanac C. Dictionary

Write clear and coherent sentences by supplying the missing adverb of degree/intensity.
25. I ___________ had a time for relaxation since the pandemic began.
26. We are ____________ unsure about what tomorrow may bring.
27. We need to avoid giving ___________ unfavorable comment to our front liners.
28. It is ___________ dangerous to go out because of the pandemic.
29. People need to be ____________ obedient to stop the spread of virus.

Completely hardly quite extremely somewhat rather very

Use the given sample dictionary, get as many pieces of information as you can for each word.



25. Siphon

26. Proboscis

27. Skyscraper

28. Penetrate

29. Realize

Get the synonym and antonym of each word

using a thesaurus -- book or online.
30. Fatigue
31. Ameliorate
32. Reciprocate

Complete each sentence using the correct form of the given adjective.
33. A conference is ____________________ than a conversation. (formal)
34. A girl should be ____________________ than a man. (small)
35. He looked even ____________________ than he felt. (good)
36. I have not the ____________________ idea in the world. (slight)
37. It is the ____________________ hill in the whole country. (high)
38. It was ____________________ than he had expected. (bad)
39. Nothing could be ____________________ than their time. (favourable)
40. Nothing is ____________________ than this rational conclusion. (plain)
41. He is the ____________________ thing in my life. (big)
42. He is ____________________ than an eldest son. (bad)
43. He is the ____________________ of men. (critical)
44. They are far ____________________ than we are. (conventional)
50. I sent the ____________________ woman I could command. (good)

9. C
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. A
2. Movement in a gas or liquid in which the warmer parts
14. C
move up and the cooler parts move down
15. A
3. The ability to regain its original shape after being
16. B
17. A
4. The capacity to do work
18. C
5. To convert into vapor
19. C
6. B
20. C
7. A
21. C
8. B
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. Hardly
26. Quite
27. Somewhat 37.
28. Extremely
29. Very
30. Refer to the provided sample dictionary
31. “
32. “
33. “
34. “

38. more formal

39. smaller
40. better
41. slightest
42. highest
43. worse
36. 44. more favourable
45. plainer
46. biggest
47. worse
48. most critical
49. more conventional
50. best

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