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Nalasa, Janessa R.


1. Relate 1 TLE experience you had in school which gave impact to your
family life now.
a) H.E.
One TLE experience I had in school that had a significant impact on my family life now
was learning about Home Economics (H.E.). During my H.E. classes, we were taught
various practical skills related to managing a household, such as budgeting, meal
planning, and basic sewing.This knowledge and skillset have had a positive impact on
my family life. The budgeting skills I learned in H.E. have helped me become more
financially responsible and efficient in managing household expenses. I can create and
stick to a budget, prioritize expenses, and make informed spending decisions.In terms of
meal planning, the H.E. classes taught me how to create nutritious and cost-effective
meal plans for my family. I am able to consider dietary needs, incorporate a variety of
ingredients, and make the most of our grocery budget. This has not only improved the
overall health and well-being of my family but has also helped us save money.
Furthermore, the basic sewing skills I acquired in H.E. have proven to be valuable in
maintaining and repairing our clothing and household items. I am able to handle minor
repairs, and alterations, and even create simple items from scratch. This has not only
saved us money on professional repairs but has also allowed us to repurpose and extend
the life of our belongings.

b) AFA ( Agri Fisheries Arts)- Since I am a product of old curriculum I don’t have any
experience in AFA.
c) I. A.- I was taught how to use different tools and techniques to create objects like
for instance molding a clay.

d) ICT- One TLE experience I had in school that had a significant impact on my family
life now was learning about Information and Communication Technology (ICT). During
my ICT classes, we were introduced to various computer skills, software applications,
and digital literacy. This knowledge and skillset have had a positive impact on my family
life. One specific experience that stands out is when I learned about basic computer
troubleshooting and maintenance in ICT. I was taught how to identify and resolve
common computer issues, clean, and optimize system performance, and ensure the
security of digital devices.

This newfound skill in computer troubleshooting and maintenance has been invaluable
for my family. I am now able to provide technical support and assistance to my family
members when they encounter computer problems. Whether it's fixing software issues,
removing malware, or optimizing system performance, I can help troubleshoot and
resolve these issues, saving my family time and money that would have otherwise been
spent on professional assistance.

2. What entrepreneurship skills have you practiced for each'?

For each entrepreneurship skill, I have practiced the following:
1. Communication and Networking:
I have practiced effective communication skills by actively listening to others, expressing
my ideas clearly, and engaging in meaningful conversations with potential clients,
customers, and business partners.
I have also practiced networking by attending industry events, joining professional
organizations, and building relationships with individuals who can provide valuable
insights, resources, and opportunities for my business.
2. Creativity and Innovation:
I have practiced creativity by generating new ideas, thinking outside the box, and
finding innovative solutions to business challenges.
I have also practiced innovation by continuously seeking ways to improve my products
or services, adapting to changing market trends, and staying ahead of the competition.
3. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:
I have practiced problem-solving by identifying and analyzing business problems or
obstacles, brainstorming potential solutions, and implementing effective strategies to
overcome them.
I have also practiced decision-making by evaluating different options, considering the
potential risks and rewards, and making informed decisions that align with my business
goals and values.
4. Financial Management:
I have practiced financial management by creating and maintaining a budget, tracking
expenses and revenue, and making strategic financial decisions to ensure the
profitability and sustainability of my business.
I have also practiced financial forecasting and planning, considering factors such as cash
flow, investment opportunities, and financial risks.
5. Adaptability and Resilience:
I have practiced adaptability by being open to change, embracing new technologies or
market trends, and adjusting my business strategies accordingly.
I have also practiced resilience by persevering through challenges, learning from
failures, and bouncing back from setbacks with a positive mindset.

3. What teaching scheme did your TLE teacher adapt? for each area
(4)? How effective was it?
Here are some teaching schemes in which I remember my teacher was adapting during
our TLE subject.
Communication and Networking:
Teaching Scheme: Role-playing activities, group discussions, and guest speakers from
the industry to simulate real-world communication and networking scenarios.
Effectiveness: This teaching scheme can be effective in providing students with practical
experience in communication and networking. It allows them to develop their
interpersonal skills and build confidence in engaging with others.
Creativity and Innovation:
Teaching Scheme: Project-based learning, brainstorming sessions, and design thinking
activities to encourage students to think creatively and come up with innovative ideas.
Effectiveness: This teaching scheme can be effective in fostering students' creativity and
innovation. It provides them with opportunities to explore their imagination,
collaborate with peers, and develop critical thinking skills.
Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:
Teaching Scheme: Case studies, real-world problem-solving scenarios, and group
activities that require students to analyze situations, identify problems, and make
informed decisions.
Effectiveness: This teaching scheme can be effective in developing students' problem-
solving and decision-making skills. It helps them apply theoretical knowledge to
practical situations and enhances their ability to think critically and make sound
Financial Management:
Teaching Scheme: Simulations, budgeting exercises, and hands-on activities that involve
managing finances, tracking expenses, and making financial decisions.
Effectiveness: This teaching scheme can be effective in providing students with practical
experience in financial management. It helps them understand the importance of
budgeting, develop financial literacy skills, and make informed financial decisions.

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