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*Just a reminder that no one should be starting binders or approaching any type of detox before
drainage pathways are open.

Open drainage means...

Bowels/Liver: 2-3 daily
Kidney:fairly odorless, colorless urine
Glymphatic: sleep 6+ hrs a night
Lymphatic: able to sweat
Lungs: breathing deep meditative breathes daily

Here are the basic ways to support each drainage pathway each day:
1) liver- castor oil packs, alternate with ginger packs
2) kidney- hydrate properly
3) bowels-bowel movements 1-3 daily, adjust diet according to your body’s needs
4) lungs- get fresh air with deep meditative breaths for 10+ mins a day
5)skin- get sunlight AND sweat!
6) lymph-sweat and lymphatic massage/dry brushing
7) glymphatic- sleep is the ONLY way to eliminate toxins in the brain.
8 ) cellular- prioritize stress reduction and reducing toxic load

Open drainage first is the rule regardless of the detox protocol you chose. If you don’t have open
drainage pathways before killing toxins, you will make them recirculate and feel horrible. It’s called
a herxheimer reaction, or herx for short.

I see so many people here wondering why they feel horrible when they just left mold and start a
binder. Your drainage pathways are closed from your time in active exposure and it takes a conscious
effort to get your body working for you again.

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