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2 – Health and wellbeing as a resource

Key knowledge:
-benefits of optimal health and wellbeing and its importance as a resource individually, nationally and

Key Skill:
-explain the individual and collective importance of health and wellbeing as a resource
-describe global benefits of the pursuit of optimal health and wellbeing

Question 1 – acquiring knowledge

Use your text or edrolo (notes attached to task) to complete the following table

Health and wellbeing Quick how. 3 examples

can act as a resource…
Individually Optimal health and wellbeing will Participate in sports
act as a resource individually as Have meaningful relationships
they will be able to participate Contributing to family
effectively in daily life and their
chosen activities.

Nationally Optimal health and wellbeing will Community participation

act as a resource nationally due to Greater income average
populations experience economic Lower levels of social exclusion
benefits, such as higher average
incomes and less absenteeism from
work. Social benefits include
improved life expectancy and less
strain on the health system.

Globally Optimal physical health and Decrease in humanitarian crises

wellbeing means that fewer Decrease in illness outbreaks
diseases will spread throughout Increase trade opportunities.
the world. This can increase life
expectancy globally and
contribute to a reduction in
global poverty as more people
can work and generate goods and
Question 2 – Application

Emma is a 17-year-old student. She enjoys playing sport and is a talented netballer. On the weekend, Emma
broke her ankle and will be unable to play netball until the start of next season. Since her injury, Emma has
been feeling quite sad, which is not common for her. She will also miss out on two weeks of school as she
requires surgery to assist in the healing of her ankle.

Explain how returning to optimal health and wellbeing can act as a resource for Emma. 3 marks

Once her ankle is healed, her improved health will act as a resource via; Emma can continue to
exercise which promotes her physical health and wellbeing by increasing her fitness levels. She can
also work towards her purpose in life such as pursuing education and socialising with her family and
friends. She will also be able to live more independently as she will have restored mobility

2a. Read the example below and select two of the three ways that improved health can act as a
resource. Explain how what happens in the case study can do this. (4 marks)

Bruce is having a long neglected back injury. He loves footy and is a mad Carlton supporter, but
never really goes to games as it is too hard. He also does not work at the moment and survives on
benefits from Centrelink because of his back injury.

First way that improved health can act as a resource: Individually


Bruce’s physical health is poor and is not allowing him to perform daily tasks such as going and
watching footy along with working at his job. His back injury has been neglected and now he can’t
do what he usually would.

Second way that improved health can act as a resource: Nationally


Bruce’s neglected back injury can be from the Medicare funding not being enough. Therefore, he
is unable to access his insurance to get his back sorted out.
2b. Describe a situation where it would be advantageous for Australia to have healthy people in
other countries and justify why this would be so. (2 marks)

Having a situation where it would be advantageous for Australia where there are healthy people in
other countries would be that we would not need to provide medical support (such as resources,
beds, and medical equipment). This would allow Australia to have all resources open and ready for
any issues that could occur at any time. For this to happen, other countries would need to bring in a
Public Health Insurance scheme which can then boost individuals to getting their health looked after.

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