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Presentation Script

Slide 1: Title Slide

* Script: "Good [morning/afternoon], everyone. My name is Richard Timothy, and today I’ll be
presenting an analysis of ethical decision-making in a simulated business environment from our
course. The focus today is on a serious issue faced by CT Confectionary concerning child labor in their
supply chain."

Slide 2: Introduction

* Script: "Our discussion today revolves around a critical examination of the decision-making process
during the Mursion simulation. We encountered ethical dilemmas related to child labor allegations
against CT Confectionary’s suppliers. Our goal was to assess these allegations and formulate
recommendations for Bilby Health Snacks Limited, striving to maintain a balance between ethical
responsibilities and business viability."

Slide 3: Simulation Roles and Initial Interaction

* Script: "In the simulation, I served as an external ethics consultant. My task was to guide CT
Confectionary through an ethical review process. During our initial meeting, CEO Colleen introduced
key team members, emphasizing the diverse and interdisciplinary approach needed to tackle the
allegations effectively."

Slide 4: Presentation of the Ethical Dilemma

* Script: "The ethical challenge was brought to the forefront by Xin Wei, who questioned CT
Confectionary’s commitment to ethical labor practices. This triggered a broader discussion on
existing child labor allegations within the supply chain, prompting us to scrutinize the company’s
adherence to employment regulations and ethical standards."

Slide 5: Ethical Decision-Making Analysis

* Script: "Gabriel, our CSO, admitted to only recently becoming aware of these allegations,
highlighting a significant gap in our proactive measures within the supply chain. We applied
utilitarian ethics, aiming to achieve the greatest good by proposing measures to eliminate child labor
while also protecting business operations and jobs."

Slide 6: Cultural Context and Awareness and Team Dynamics

* Script: In the cultural Context, I will reflect it based on the country where I came, Indonesia, which
is known for its diverse cultural landscape, influenced by traditions, religions, and societal norms. As
an individual from a culture emphasizing collectivism and communal harmony, my ethical framework
is shaped by values of mutual respect, social responsibility, and consideration for the well-being of
the community. These cultural rules often prioritize relationships and interconnectedness, which can
influence decision-making processes by weighing collective benefits over individual gains. Despite
cultural values promoting ethical behavior, Indonesia faces practical challenges in combatting child
labor due to economic disparities, lack of education, and inadequate labor regulations. This complex
reality underscores the need for nuanced ethical considerations that balance ideal ethical principles
with practical constraints.

Recognizing the intellectual and emotional dimensions of diverse worldviews, including those
prevalent in Indonesia, involves empathetically understanding different cultural perspectives on
ethical issues. This entails acknowledging historical, religious, and socio-economic factors that shape
ethical frameworks and decision-making processes.

Slide 7: Stakeholder Impact Analysis

* Script: "We identified multiple stakeholders affected by our decisions, including employees,
children, local communities, and corporate partners. We carefully considered how overhauling or
severing supply chain relationships could lead to significant financial and social impacts, highlighting
the necessity for balanced and informed ethical decisions."

Slide 8: Types of stakeholders

*Script: “From this part, we can see that type of stakeholders can be divided into internal and
external. Some of these stakeholders might be impacted are the team members which are the
employees, meanwhile for the external parts are the customers and children, as well as the media.

Slide 9: Impacted Stakeholders and decision-making process

*Script: From the impacted stakeholders, can be conclude from the simulation that the children and
company reputation will receive the damage, where the child labour law can be used against the
company, also for the media can see the company on how they do their activities with their labours.

The children and the company's reputation emerged as the most affected stakeholders. The potential
misuse of child labor could have severe repercussions for the company's public image and
operational integrity. This realization prompted a deeper reflection on my role in such situations. It
highlighted the importance of gathering comprehensive information and considering all alternatives
before making decisions that affect such vulnerable groups

This will encourage on the further decision-making process. Some steps should be set such as
gathering information and identifying alternatives to make sure we can have good options to take.

Slide 10: Strategic Recommendations and Actions

* Script: "We recommended stricter enforcement of labor standards, the introduction of fines for
non-compliance, and the exploration of alternative ethical suppliers. These steps are intended to
reinforce CT Confectionary's ethical commitments, safeguarding against future violations and
maintaining corporate integrity."

Slide 11: Personal Learning and Future Applications

* Script: "This simulation was pivotal for understanding the importance of vigilant ethical oversight
and proactive management. In my future roles, I plan to integrate rigorous ethical scrutiny into my
professional practices, ensuring that ethical considerations are paramount in all business decisions."

Slide 12: Conclusion

* Script: "In conclusion, the Mursion simulation provided vital insights into managing real-world
ethical dilemmas. It emphasized the importance of a proactive, informed, and culturally sensitive
approach in business ethics. This simulation was crucial to understand the significance of vigilant
ethical oversight. As I move forward, especially in roles that demand ethical leadership, I am more
prepared to integrate a rigorous ethical framework into my decision-making processes. This
experience has taught me the importance of ethics not just as theoretical concepts, but as practical,
actionable commitments in everyday business decisions
Slide 13: References

* Script: "For further reading and verification of the theories and frameworks discussed today, please
refer to the detailed APA citations provided in our references slide."

Slide 14: Questions and Answers

* Script: "Thank you for your attention. I now welcome any questions you might have or any points
you’d like to discuss further."

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