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Ingrid Rodriguez


Chapter 4

1. To make ethical decisions in the workplace, you can rely on your own personal values. The role
would be using this common values honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, and compassion.
2. Laws is based in working safe and healthy environment also protecting individuals in the
workplace from discrimination. While ethical standards are based in morals and values and
3. Employees are more likely to enjoy going to work each day when they know they’ll be treated
fairly, that they will not be harassed, and that other workers will follow common policies and
4. The Tittle of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal to discriminate based on race, color,
religion, national origin, or sex.
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) makes it illegal to pay men and women different wages if they
perform equal work in the same workplace.
I believe that these two laws are some of the most important ones. I believe that it would help
me because it would take me out of uncomfortable situations. Also, it is reasonable to get paid
the same as someone who’s doing the same thing I am doing regardless if is a men or a women.
5. Four Step-process
 Evaluate the problem and understand the options.
 Know the stakeholders – the consequences will affect them.
 Strive to do the right thing. Don’t be driven by the desire for immediate gratification.
 Be in harmony with your employer’s value.
6. Take the time to make yourself thoroughly aware of the ways In which confidentiality needs to be
protected in your office. Learn the requirements of the law, and always follow standard company
procedures for storing, maintaining, and releasing confidential data. If you fail to do this it can be
considered as carelessness and ignorance, breaches of confidentiality. Examples like taking
someone else’s credit at work is called plagiarism also looking like breaches of confidentiality.
7. Respecting your employer’s resources mean taking home office supplies, leaving early or
arriving late, running personal errands on company time, or taking a sick day off when you are
planning to do something else.


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