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‫السؤال االول‪Dialogues‬‬

‫كيفيــة تكويــن السـؤال ‪How to make a question‬‬

‫أوًال ‪ :‬اذا بدأت الجملة بـ ‪-:‬‬
‫‪Yes/ No/ Of course/ Well / Sure / I’m afraid / Ok‬‬
‫‪ ‬ويكون السؤال هنا بفعل مساعد أو ناقص بمعنى ( هــل ‪ .....‬؟ ) ونتبع األتي ‪-:‬‬

‫‪ -1 ‬تحذف ‪ No , Yes‬أو أي من الكلمات السابقة إن وجدت‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2 ‬نقدم الفعل المساعد أو الناقص علي الفاعل ويكون شكل السؤال كالتالي ‪-:‬‬

‫مساعد‬ ‫فعل‬ ‫فاعل ‪+‬‬ ‫فعل أساسي ‪+‬‬ ‫‪ ? ‬تكملة ‪+‬‬

‫‪ ‬األفعال المساعدة والناقصة هي ‪:‬‬

‫‪(am / is / are / was / were ) ( have / has / had) (can / could / shall/ should / will / would /‬‬
‫)‪may / might / must / ought to / had to‬‬
‫? ‪ +v+ing ?what are you doing?what were you doing‬فاعل ‪ +am/is/are +‬أداة استفهام‬
‫‪ +inf ?How do you go to school?Where did Ahmed go‬فاعل ‪ + do/does/did +‬أداة استفهام‬
‫?‪+p.p. ?how long have you been watching the film‬فاعل ‪ + has/have/had+‬أداة استفهام‬
‫?‪ +inf?when will he arrive‬الفعل المساعد الناقص‪ ++‬فاعل ‪ + can/could/will/must‬أداة استفهام‬
‫‪ ‬الحظ التحويالت اآلتية عند السؤال او االجابة ‪-:‬‬

‫‪Question‬‬ ‫‪you‬‬ ‫‪your‬‬ ‫‪are you‬‬ ‫?… ‪were you‬‬

‫‪Answer‬‬ ‫‪I - we my – our I'm/ we are I was/ we were‬‬
‫إذا لم تجد بالجملة فعًال مساعدًًا أو ناقصًا عليك باتباع اآلتي ‪-:‬‬
‫‪ -1 ‬إذا كان فعل الجملة مضارع به ( ‪ ) s‬نستخدم ‪. )) does‬‬

‫‪ -2 ‬إذا كان فعل الجملة مضارع بدون ( ‪ ) s‬نستخدم ( ‪. ) do‬‬

‫((‪. did‬‬ ‫‪ -3 ‬إذا كان فعل الجملة ماضى نستخدم‬

‫ثانيا‪ :‬إذا لم تبدأ الجملة بـ ) (‪Yes ,No ,Of course‬أو ما سبق نستخدم أداة االستفهام كاآلتي ‪-:‬‬
‫‪How long have‬‬ ‫? ‪you been studying English‬‬
‫أداة استفهام‬ ‫فعل‬ ‫فاعل‬ ‫فعل أساسي‬ ‫تكملة الجملة‬
‫ادوات االستفهام‬

What ‫ ماذا‬/ ‫ما‬ Whose ) ‫ ملك من ( للملكية‬/ ‫لمن‬

When ‫متى للوقت‬ How ‫كيف‬
Where ‫أين للمكان‬ How many ‫كم للعدد‬
Who ‫من للفاعل العاقل‬ How much ‫للسعر‬/‫كم للكمية‬
Whom ‫من للمفعول العاقل‬ How often )‫كم ( لعدد المرات‬
Which ‫ أيهما‬/ ‫أي‬ How many times )‫كم ( لعدد المرات‬
Why )‫لماذا ( للسبب‬ How far )‫كم ( لبعد المسافة‬
What time ‫ماالوقت‬ How long )‫ الطول‬/ ‫كم ( للمدة‬
What size ‫ما المقاس‬ How fast )‫كم ( للسرعة‬
What colour ‫ما لون‬ How deep )‫كم ( للعمق‬
What kind / sort ‫ما نوع‬ How high )‫كم ( لالرتفاع‬

1- Finish the following dialogues with these words:

Amira : How was your first …… ( 1 ) …… at school, Hala?
Hala : It was nice.
Amira : How …… ( 2 ) …… your teachers?
Hala : They were good.
Amira : Did you …… ( 3 ) …… English and science yesterday?
Hala : Yes, I did.
Amira : Which …… ( 4 ) …… do you like best?
Hala : I like science.
Student A : What is your …… ( 1 ) …… ?
Student B : Saber.
Student A : Can I …… ( 2 ) …… you?
Student B : Yes, please. I can't find the …… ( 3 ) …… .
Student A : It's on the second floor …… ( 4 ) …… to the science lab.
Student B : Thank you.
1- Finish the following dialogues with these words:
Amira : How was your first …… ( 1 ) …… at school, Hala?
Hala : It was nice.
Amira : How …… ( 2 ) …… your teachers?
Hala : They were good.
Amira : Did you …… ( 3 ) …… English and science yesterday?
Hala : Yes, I did.
Amira : Which …… ( 4 ) …… do you like best?
Hala : I like science.
Student A : What is your …… ( 1 ) …… ?
Student B : Saber.
Student A : Can I …… ( 2 ) …… you?
Student B : Yes, please. I can't find the …… ( 3 ) …… .
Student A : It's on the second floor …… ( 4 ) …… to the science lab.
Student B : Thank you.
Sherif : Hello, Nabil.
Nabil : Hello, Sherif.
Sherif : What's your uncle's …… ( 1 ) …… ?
Nabil : He's a businessman.
Sherif : …… ( 2 ) …… does he work?
Nabil : In a tourist …… ( 3 ) …… .
Sherif : Is he married?
Nabil : No, he isn’t. He's …… ( 4 ) …… .
Ali : …… ( 1 ) …… are you from?
Tourist : I …… ( 2 ) …… from England.
Ali : Do you …… ( 3 ) …… Arabic?
Tourist : No, I don’t.
Ali : …… ( 4 ) …… is your holiday?
Tourist : It's on Saturday and Sunday.
Salwa : …… ( 1 ) …… is classroom 4 A?
Heba : It's on the …… ( 2 ) …… floor?
Salwa : So, I will go …… ( 3 ) …… .
Heba : That's right.
Salwa : And where is the computer lab?
Heba : It's …… ( 4 ) …… the library and the sports hall.
Noura : What lessons have you got on Sunday, Soha?
Soha : I start with religion at half …… ( 1 ) …… eight, then I've
…… ( 2 ) …… Arabic at quarter past nine.
Noura : What time have you got science and maths?
Soha : I …… ( 3 ) …… science …… ( 4 ) …… twelve o'clock.
Hisham : What's your father's job?
Nabil : He is …… ( 1 ) …… engineer.
Hisham : How …… ( 2 ) …… sisters and brothers do you have?
Nabil : Two sisters …… ( 3 ) …… one brother.
Hisham : …… ( 4 ) …… you like to be an engineer, too?
Nabil : No, I wouldn’t. I'd like to be a doctor.
Noha : What's your brother …… ( 1 ) …… ?
Eman : His name is Adel.
Noha : Is he older …… ( 2 ) …… you?
Eman : No, he isn't. He's the …… ( 3 ) …… person in the family.
Noha : How …… ( 4 ) …… is he?
Eman : He's six years old.
Samir : Would you like to …… ( 1 ) …… the science Museum?
Ahmed : Yes. That's a …… ( 2 ) …… idea.
Samir : When …… ( 3 ) …… we be able to go?
Ahmed : Next Friday …… ( 4 ) …… ten in the morning.

{ 10 }
Rami : How …… ( 1 ) …… can camels live?
Maher : Most of them can live to the …… ( 2 ) …… of forty?
Rami : How …… ( 3 ) …… can they run?
Maher : The fastest camel can run fifty …… ( 4 ) …… per hour.

Magda : When …… ( 1 ) …… you go to the park?

Heba : …… ( 2 ) …… Sunday. Can you go with me?
Magda : I'm sorry I …… ( 3 ) …… be able to go on Sunday.
Heba : What …… ( 4 ) …… Friday?
Magda : That's OK.
{ 12 }
Soha : Can you …… ( 1 ) …… shopping?
Hanan : No, I …… ( 2 ) …… .
Soha : Why not?
Hanan : …… ( 3 ) …… I am revising for the test.
Soha : When …… ( 4 ) …… you be able to go?
Hanan : Next Friday.
{ 13 }
Amin : Did you see the accident?
Emad : Yes. A boy on a bike hit a small girl …… ( 1 ) …… she was
crossing the road.
Amin : What …… ( 2 ) …… then?
Emad : The boy fell off his bike and the girl was injured.
Amin : What were you …… ( 3 ) …… when this happened?
Emad : I …… ( 4 ) …… walking to school.
{ 14 }
Hani : What are you doing, Ali?
Ali : I'm doing an …… ( 1 ) …… to see if this ball will …… ( 2 )
…… or sink in water.
Hani : What's it …… ( 3 ) …… of?
Ali : Plastic.
Hani : If you put it in water, I think it …… ( 4 ) …… float.
{ 15 }
Sami : We had our new science teacher last week.
Nabil : How …… ( 1 ) …… he?
Sami : …… ( 2 ) …… . He was teaching us about the …… ( 3 )
…… .
Nabil : Do you mean …… ( 4 ) …… and the places we live and
Sami : Yes, that's right.
{ 16 }
Magda : Why was your sister Manar happy yesterday?
Heba : Because she got …… ( 1 ) …… marks in the English test.
Magda : Does she …… ( 2 ) …… English?
Heba : Yes. English and science are her …… ( 3 ) …… subjects.
Magda : What does she want to be?
Heba : She wants to be a …… ( 4 ) …… .
{ 17 }
Kamal : Hello, Samir. I phoned you three times yesterday evening
but you didn’t answer the …… ( 1 ) …… .
Samir : Sorry, Kamal, I …… ( 2 ) …… at home.
Kamal : What were you …… ( 3 ) …… then?
Samir : I …… ( 4 ) …… visiting some friends.
{ 18 }
Assistant : …… ( 1 ) …… I help you?
Rami : Yes, please. May I see a computer?
Assistant : Of …… ( 2 ) …… . This is a modern …… ( 3 ) …… . You
can get the internet on it as well as TV channels.
Rami : How …… ( 4 ) …… is it?
Assistant : Two thousand pounds.

{ 19 }
Tourist : Can you …… ( 1 ) …… English?
Hani : Yes. What can I do for you?
Tourist : How do I …… ( 2 ) …… to Victoria Hotel?
Hani : Go straight along this road and then …… ( 3 ) …… left.
The hotel is opposite the bus station.
Tourist : Is it …… ( 4 ) …… from here?
Hani : No, it isn’t.
{ 20 }
Magdy : What are you going to …… ( 1 ) ……, Noura?
Noura : I'm going to cook some eggs.
Magdy : You know I don’t …… ( 2 ) …… eggs.
Noura : I know but Mum asked me to cook lunch and we haven't
…… ( 3 ) …… meat. We've got some cheese in the fridge.
Magdy : Ok. I can have …… ( 4 ) …… cheese sandwiches.
{ 21 }
Soha : What are you going to have for …… ( 1 ) …… ?
Dina : Courgettes with …… ( 2 ) …… and rice.
Soha : How …… ( 3 ) …… courgettes do we need for this recipe?
Dina : Six.
Soha : And how …… ( 4 ) …… tomato paste and rice?
Dina : A jar of tomato paste and one kilogram of rice.
‫الصف الثانى االعدادى‬
2- Mona is asking Noha some questions about her mother.‫عن االم‬

Mona : Can I ask you some questions?‫هل يمكن ان اسالك بعض االسئلة‬
Noha : Yes. Of course.
Mona : What's your mother's (1) …………………..?‫ما وظيفة االم‬
Noha : She is a nurse.
Mona : What does she (2) ……………………………?‫ماذا تفعل‬
Noha : She helps (3) ……………………………………‫تساعد الطبيب و المرضى‬
Mona : Is that job easy or (4) …………..………….?‫هل وظيفتها صعبة ام سهلة‬
Noha : It's very hard, but she likes it. She wants me to be a doctor.

3-Samir meets Hany who didn't come to school yesterday.

Samir : Why didn't you (1)……………to school yesterday?‫لماذا لم تاتى للمدرسة‬
Tom : Because (2) ……………………………………………..
Samir : Did (3)…………………………………….a doctor?‫هل رايت دكتور‬
To : Yes, I did. And he gave me (4)……………………...‫نعم واعطانى بعض الدواء‬

4- (Ahmed watches too much television.)

Father : I think you have been watching TV a lot, Ahmed.
(1) …………………. have you been watching it?‫كم المدة التى تشاهدها‬
Ahmed : I have been watching it (2) ……….three hours, Dad.‫ ساعات‬3 ‫لمدة‬
Father : This is too much. You (3) …………… watch less TV. It is bad for your
Ahmed : OK, Dad. I will turn it (4) ------------------.

).Soha is flying to Paris on holiday next week(-7

Mona: Are you really going on holiday?‫اين ستذهبى فى االجازة‬
..…………………Soha : Yes, we are travelling to
Mona: When are you going there?‫متى‬
..…………………………………………………… : Soha
Mona: …………………….…… are you going there?‫كيف‬
.…….……………………………………… Soha : We are going there by

1. Finish the following dialogue

Mai is asking Sally about her father’s job.
Mai : What is your father’s ...(1).............?
Sally : He is a farmer.
Mai : (2).................... does he work?
Sally : He works on a farm.
Mai : What does he ..(3)....................?
Sally : He grows vegetables and different crops.
Mai : Do you help him?
Sally : Yes, I ..(4)....................
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Ali meets a tourist and asks him some questions.
Ali : Hello, I’m pleased to meet you.
Tourist : I’m pleased to meet you, too.
Ali : Where do you (1)...................from ?
Tourist : I come from England.
Ali : It is your first visit to Egypt.
Tourist : .........(2).............. I visited Egypt two years ago.
Ali : .........(3)........... are you going to stay here ?
Tourist : Two weeks.
Ali : Which places are you going to visit ?
Tourist : ..........(4).......... at Giza and the Valley of the Kings in Luxor.

b) Alla is talking to Mohamed about his birthday.

Alla : How ................................... ?
Mohamed : I will be 13 years next week.
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Arwa and Aya are talking about the summer holidays.
Arwa : Where are you doing on holiday this summer?
Aya : We ..............(1).................... to the Plam Beach.
Arwa : ..............(2).................... will you go?
Aya : Next month.
Arwa : Where will you ..............(3)....................?
Aya : In a hotel near the sea.

B) Student A : ....................................................... ?
Student B : A doctor helps sick people.
1. Finish the following dialogue:
Hani and Amr are talking about pen friends.
Hani : Have you ever written to a ..........(1).............?
Amr : Yes, I have.
Hani : What’s his ..............(2)....................?
Amr : His name’s Tom.
Hani : Where’s he from?
Amr : He’s from ..............(3)................
Hani : What is he .............(4)................ in?
Amr : Football and computers.

1. Finish the following dialogue:

Two friends are talking about jobs.
Ahmed : Hello, Omar! Your shirt is nice. Is it new?
Omar : Yes, .............(1)..............
Ahmed : When ..............(2)....................?
Omar : I bought it last week.
Ahmed : ..............(3)..........?
Omar : Seventy pounds.
Ahmed : It is cheap. I ..............(4).......... one next Friday.
1- Finish the following dialogue:-
- Receptionist: What's your nationality, please sir?
- Guest: I'm ………………( 1 )…………………… .
- Receptionist: What's your …………( 2 )……… number?
- Guest: It is 3897352.
- Receptionist: What's your ………( 3 )……………. , please?
- Guest: 12th April, 1970.
- Receptionist: Where were you …………( 4 )……………….?
- Guest: In London.
- Ali: I phoned you last Friday. You ………( 1 )……. at home. Where did
you go?
- Omar: I ………………( 2 )……………….. a clothes shop.
- Ali: What …………( 3 )………..?
- Omar: I bought a shirt.
- Ali: ………( 4 )………… was it?
- Omar: Fifty pounds.

- Ahmed: What's your job?
- Ali: I'm …......……( 1 )………..….. .
- Ahmed: Where do you work?
- Ali: In a ……………( 2 )…………… .
- Ahmed: Do you ………( 3 )………… your work?
- Ali: Yes, I enjoy it very much.
- Ahmed: What tools ………( 4 )…………?
- Ali: I use saws, hammers and nails.

- Hanaa: Where did you go last Friday?
- Soha: ………( 1 )……… to the zoo.
- Hanaa: How …..……( 2 )…………. you go there?
- Soha: I went there …..……( 3 )………. .
- Hanaa : .……( 4 )……….. you go with?
Soha: With my family.
- Manal: Are you ……………( 1 ) ……… anything, Ayman?
- Ayman: Yes, I'm going to buy ………………( 2 )………………….
- Manal: A toy camel? Why?
- Ayman: My sister loves playing with toy animals.
- Manal: ……………………( 3 )……………………?
- Ayman: At the toy shop.
- Manal: ……………………( 4 )……………………?
- Ayman: It's in front of the Sphinx.
E) Finish the following dialogues:
- Tarek: What are you doing, Ali?
- Ali: ……………………( 1 )……………………………..
- Tarek: Really? How do you start the letter?
-Ali: I start saying " ………( 2 )…………. " and my friend's name.
- Tarek: And how do you finish it?
- Ali: I finish saying …………………( 3 )………………..
- Tarek: That's wonderful! …………( 4 )…………………..?
- Ali: I put the letter in an envelope.
Tarek: I wish I had a pen friend -
- Ali: What are you doing Samy?
- Samy: I'm ……………( 1 )…………………… .
- Ali: What's this book about?
- Samy: It's about helping …………( 2 )………. to learn.
- Ali: Wow! Can deaf people learn?
- Samy: Yes, they use a language called ………( 3 )…………
- Ali: Ok. Do you like reading different kinds of books?
- Samy: ………………( 4 )…………………………
- Dalia: Welcome to Egypt. ………………( 1 )…………………….?
- Tourist: I'm American.
-Dalia: When ……………( 2 )…………… in Luxor?
- Tourist: Yesterday.
- Dalia: What did you like in Luxor?
- Tourist: ……………………( 3 )…………………………………… .
- Dalia: ……………………………( 4 )………………………………?
- Tourist: I will stay in Egypt for two weeks.
E) Finish the following dialogues:
1-Safeya is talking about spare time.
Safeya : What do you do in your spare time?
Sara : I like (1)………………..TV.
Safeya : When do you usually watch it?
Sara : In the evening after I finish my (2)……………..
Safeya : (3) ………… programmes do you like most?
Sara : I enjoy films.
Safeya : What kind of films do you prefer?
Sara : I prefer(4) ………………….
2-Esraa is asking Samia about her journey to Aswan and Luxor
Esraa : When did you go to Aswan and Luxor?
Samia : I (1) ………………there last month.
Esraa : (2) ……………did you go there?
Samia : (3) …………………plane.
Esraa : (4) …………did you stay?
Samia : For five days.
3-Amira and Ahmed are talking about jobs.
Amira : What’s your job?
Ahmed : (1) ………………a doctor.
Amira : (2) ……………do you work?
Ahmed : I work in a hospital and a (3) …………….
Amira : Do you(4) ………….. your work?
Ahmed : Yes, very much.

4-A reporter is talking to a tourist

Reporter : Welcome,is this your first visit to Egypt?
Tourist : (1) ……………… It’s my second visit.
Reporter : Why do you (2) ……………this time?
Tourist : This time, I (3) …………… to spend a week here.
Reporter : What are(4) …………..plans?
Tourist : I’m going to visit Luxor and Aswan.
Reporter : I hope you will enjoy your stay in Egypt
Tourist : Thank you.

5-Bido and Ahmed are talking about tennis.

Bido : What’s your favourite sport,Ahmed?
Ahmed : I (1) …………… playing tennis.
Bido : (2) ………………. do you play it?
Ahmed : Once a week.
Bido : How(3) …………win?
Ahmed : By (4) …………… the most points.

(1) Finish the following dialogue between Ali and a carpenter: (8 marks)

Asmaa and Amal are talking the zoo.

Asmaa : I phoned you yesterday, but nobody answered.
Amal : Yes. My family and I were at the (1) ------------------.
Asmaa : What did you (2) ------------------ there?
Amal : We saw lots of animals and (3) ------------------.
Asmaa : Did you like the lion?
Amal : No, I (4) ------------------ very afraid when I saw it.

Samy and Ali are talking about farms.

Samy : Have you been to a (1) ---------------?
Ali : Yes. I have.
Samy : What did you see there?
Ali : I saw a lot of animals and (2) ---------------.
Samy : Why do (3) --------------- animals?
Ali : They keep animals for milk and (4) -----
Hesham is talking to Omar who looks tired.
Hesham : You look tired. What's the matter with you?
Omar : (1) ------------------ enough energy.
Hesham : Do you (2) ------------------ every night?
Omar : I sleep about (3) ------------------ every night.
Hesham : That's not enough. You (4) ------------------
eight hours.

Sameh and Esraa are talking about friends.

Sameh : Have you got any pen friends?
Esraa : Yes. I (1) ------------------ one.
Ibrahim : What's her (2) ------------------?
Mother : She is American.
Ibrahim : What is she (3) ------------------?
Mother : She is interested in swimming and (4) ------------------.

Doctor : What’s wrong with you?

Hatem : I’m too (1) ---------------.
Samy : Do you play any games or sports?
Ali : Yes, I (2) ---------------.
Samy : How (3) --------------- do you play it?
Ali : Twice a week.
You (4) --------------- do exercise three times
a week.

Noha is asking Mona some questions about her mother.

Mona : Can I ask you some questions?

Noha : Yes. Of course.
Mona : What's your mother's (1) ------------------?
Noha : She is a nurse.
Mona : What does she (2) ------------------?
Noha : She helps (3) ------------------.
Mona : Is that job easy or (4) ------------------?
Noha : It's very hard, but she likes it. She wants me to be a doctor.

Sally wants the doctor's advice about food.

Doctor : What's your problem?
Sally : I'm too fat. I feel I don't have (1) ---------------.
Doctor : (2) --------------- healthy food?
Sally : Yes. I have enough food every day.
Doctor : What kind of food?
Sally : Foods like macaroni, mahshi and lots of sweets.
Doctor : But this is wrong. These foods have lots of (3) ---------------.
Sally : What should I do?
Doctor : You should take exercise and eat (4) ---------------.
Sara : What kind of person are you?
Amira : I am (1) --------------------. I don't like to be sad.
Sara : What (2) ---------------------?
Amira : I don't like meeting (3) -------------------- people.
Sara : What's your favourite subject?
Amira : (4) --------------------. I like doing experiments.

Samir meets Tom who is from England and asks him some questions.

Samir : What's your nationality?

Tom : I'm (1) -------------------------------------------------.
Samir : What's your (2) ------------------ number in
Egypt, please?
Tom : It's 0103783542.
Samir : I was born on 15th June, 1970.
Tom : Are you (4) -----------------------------------?
Samir : No. I am still single.

Ali : (1) -------------------- tools do you use in your work?

Carpenter : I use hammers, saws, nails and drills in my work.
Ali : What do you use a hammer for?
Carpenter : I use it to (2) -------------------------------------------------------.
Ali : What's a (3) -------------------------------- for?
Carpenter : It's used for cutting wood.
Ali : Why do you use a drill for?
Carpenter : I use it to (4) ------------------------------------------------------.

A doctor is examining Nadia who injured her leg.

Doctor : What (1) ------------------ with you?

Nadia : I injured my foot.
Doctor : How?
Nadia : While I was playing basketball, I injured it.
Doctor : Let me examine it.
Nadia : Is it (2) ------------------?
Doctor : No. it isn't, but you should (3) ------------------ in bed.
Nadia : How (4) ------------------?
Doctor : For three days.

A mother is talking to her son Ibrahim about helping deaf people.

Ibrahim : What (1) ------------------ you doing, mother?
Mother : I am reading a book.
Ibrahim : What is it called?
Mother : It is (2) ------------------ "Teaching Deaf Students".
Ibrahim : Why are you reading this book?
Mother : I'm going to teach some (3) ------------------ students.
Ibrahim : Is teaching deaf people difficult or (4) ------------------?
Mother : It's not very difficult. But deaf people need help.

Two friends are talking about tools.

Emad : I want to (1) -------------------- some tools from you, Hassan.

Hassan : Why do you (2) -------------------- them?
Emad : The window is broken and I must (3) -------------------- it.
Hassan : Then, you need (4) -------------------- for this. Here you are.

Maha has a new computer.

Maha : Have you got a new computer?
Mona : (1) -------------------------------------------------.
Doctor : What do you (2) -------------------------- with it?
Sally : I get (3) ------------------------------------- I need.
Doctor : (4) ----------------------------------- do you use it?
Sally : On Friday.

Salma helps her mother at home.

Grandfather : I think you have been watching television a lot,
Yasmeen. (1) ----------------- have you been
watching it?
Yasmeen : (2) --------------- seven hours.
Grandfather : This is too much. You (3) --------------- less TV. It's not
(4) --------------- your eyes.
Yasmeen : OK. I'll turn it off now.

Wa'el is asking Moustafa about himself

Wa'el : What's your name
Moustafa : Moustafa Ahmed Ali.
Wa'el : (1) ------------------ were you born?
Moustafa : I was born in Cairo.
Wa'el : Are you (2) ------------------ or married?
Moustafa : I am married.
Wa'el : How many children have you got?
Moustafa : Two sons and only one daughter.
Wa'el : What's your job?
Moustafa : I'm (4) ------------------. I like helping sick people.

Ramy sees Ali climbing a ladder to the roof of his house.

Ramy : Why are you climbing the ladder, Ali?
Ali : There's a hole in the (1) ---------------.
Ramy : What are you going to do?
Ali : I'm going to (2) --------------- it.
Ramy : Where did you get these (3) ---------------?
Ali : I (4) --------------- them from my neighbour.
-:A- Finish the following dialogue
Ayman is talking to Kareem about school
? Ayman; - What school are you in
..…………………………… - ;Kareem
?Ayman; - How do you go to school
?Ayman: - Why
.………………………Kareem:-because. My school
?Ayman; - What are your……………………school subject
-:B-Supply these mini dialogues
1-Hala is asking Mona about her address:-
?Hala: - What is your address
.………………………………… - :Mona
2- Nagy is asking Sameh about the city where he live
Sameh: - I live in Tanta.

:Finish the following dialogue -1

Visitor : My name is Ahmed Ali
.Visitor : I live in Tanta
?..………………………………………………… :Secretary
Visitor : My address s flat 32 Nile street, Tanta
?..………………………………………………… :Secretary
Visitor : It's 0100 29 84 29 4
?..………………………………………………… :Secretary
Visitor : I was born on June 6, 1972

Ahmed meets a tourist in the street .

Ahmed : Hello , Welcome to Egypt.
Tourist : Thank you .
Ahmed : what's your name ?
Tourist : ……………..(1)……… John .
Ahmed : ……………...(2)……… you come from ? Tourist : From England .
Ahmed : ……………..(3)…………are you ?
Tourist : I'm 16 years old .
Ahmed : …..(4)….will you stay in Egypt ?
Tourist : Two weeks .
Hisham is writing a letter .
Mahmoud : What are you doing , Hisham ?
Hisham: I'm writing a letter to my ……..(1)….., Henry.
Mahmoud :…(2)…have you been writing to him ?
Hisham: I have been writing to him…(3)…last year.
Mahmoud : What is he ………(4)………..?
Hisham: Reading and playing football .
Hassan is asking Bassem about his father's job .
Hassan : What does your father do ?
Bassem : He is a doctor .
Hassan :……………..(1)………. .does he work ?
Bassem : in a ……………..(2)……… …….
Hassan : How does he help his ………(3)…….?
Bassem : He examines patients and give them ……(4)….…..
Hassan : When does he finish his work ?
Bassem : At about ten o'clock p.m .
Walaa and Radwa are talking about farmers .
Walaa : Have you ever been to ....(1)........?
Radwa: Yes ,I have .
Walaa: What did you see there ?
Radwa: I saw a lot of crops and .....(2)........
Walaa : Why do farmers ......(3)....... cows ?
Radwa: They keep cows for milk and .........(4).........
Mona asks Mr Hassan some questions .
Mona: What`s your name ?
Mr Hassan : My………..(1)…………is Mr. Hassan .
Mona: Where were you …………..(2)………….?
Mr Hassan : I was born in Alexandria .
Mona: …….(3)…………do you work ?
Mr Hassan : I work at Al Sadat Prep School .
Mona: …………..(4)…………is your favourite hobby?
Mr Hassan : My favourite hobby is reading .
Ali and Zaki are talking about pen friends .
Ali: I read a lot about pen friends .Would you……(1)……. to write to a pen friend ?
Zaki: That's a good idea .
Ali: Do you ……(2)… write in English or in another language ?
Zaki: In English of course .
Ali: Would you prefer ….(3)…write to a boy or a girl ?
Zaki : I`d prefer a girl .
Ali: Ok , I`ll help ……………(4)………one next week
Ali is writing a letter to his pen friend .
Samy :What are you doing , Ali ?
Ali: I`m writing a …….(1)…….to my pen friend , peter .
Samy : How long have you ….(2).…writing to them ?
Ali: I`ve been writing to him ……(3)……5 months . Samy : What is he ….(4)………..?
Ali: Reading and playing football .

:Finish the following dialogue

?Ali : ___ (1) ___ you a new pupil in the class
.Samy: Yes, I am
?Ali : Were you born in Cairo
.Samy: No, I ___ (2) ___. But I live in it now
?___ Ali: What's your father's ___ (3)
?___ Samy: My father is a newspaper ___ (4)
:Finish the following dialogue
?____________ Hotel manager: _____________ (1)
.Guest: My name is Ted Green
?_____________ Hotel manager: _____________ (2)
.Guest: I am English
?_____________ Hotel manager: ____________ (3)
Guest : My telephone number is 324579865
?Hotel manager: How long are you going to stay in the hotel
________________ Guest : __________ (4)

:Finish the following dialogue

?Soha : What's ___ (1) ___ mother's job
.Dina : She is a scientist
?Soha : Where does she work
___________ Dina: _______ (2)
?_____________ Soha ; __________ (3)
.Dina : She finds new medicines for people who are ill

:Finish the following dialogue ]1[

?________________ Receptionist: ____________ (1)
.Visitor: My name is Tom Green
?________________ Receptionist :_____________( 2)
.Visitor; I am American
?Receptionist: How long are you going to stay here
?_________________ Visitor: _________________ (3)
:Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues ]2[
?_________________________________ :Teacher
Pupil: My father is a hotel manager

?Teacher: What happens when you boil water

Maher: _________________________________

Finish the following dialogue :-

Nawal : How are you , Marwa .
Marwa : I (1)…….…….. very tired
Nawal : Have you been (2)…….…….. eight hours a night ?
Marwa : No , I (3)………….….…….. ?
Nawal : Why not ?
Marwa : I've been using my computer too(4)………….…. recently .
Nawal : You shouldn't do that . It's bad for you health .

Finish the following dialogue :-

Salma : What are you ( 1 ) ……………… , Ahmed ?
Ahmed : A pump .
Salma : Have you ( 2 ) ………… pumping up the bike tyres ?
Ahmed : No, I ( 3 ) ……………………………………………..
Salma : What have you been doing, then ?
Ahmed : I've been pumping up the ( 4 ) ……………….
Finish the following dialogue :-
Ahmed watches too much TV .
Father : I think you've been watching TV a lot, Ahmed ……….…….. have you
been watching it ?
Ahmed : ……………… three hours, Dad .
Father : This is too much . You ………. watch less TV. It is not good for your eyes .
Ahmed : Ok, Dad, I'll turn it …………….

Finish the following dialogue :-

a) Salma : What's your father's job ?
Heba : ……………………………………………………….
b) Dalia : ………………………………………………………. ?
Mona : I've been playing volleyball for 5 years .
Finish the following dialogue Yara and Ahmed are taking about sea animals:
Yara : What are you watching , Ahmed ?
Ahmed : It's a program about (1)…………… animals .
Yara : What is that animal called ?
Ahmed : It's an (2) ……………………………………….
Yara : It doesn't look very nice , (3) ……………… it ?
Ahmed : No, it doesn't . It might be (4)……..,but if you don't move near it, you'll be
safe .

Finish the following dialogue:

1- A visitor is phoning a hotel for a room. The hotel secretary is asking for

Secretary: What's your name, please?

Visitor: My name is Ahmed Adel.
Secretary: What's your …………(1)………………?
Visitor: It's 21 El- Bahr St, Tanta.
Secretary: And …………(2)……………………?
Visitor: I was born …………(3)………… March 16th, 1974.
Secretary: …………(4)…………… is your phone number, please?
Visitor: It's 012-2347621.

Ahmed is phoning Nadia to tell her about what had happened in the flat.

Nadia: Hello, Ahmed. …………(1)………… are you phoning?

Ahmed: We've got a problem. Water is coming into the ………(2)………………
Nadia: What is happening?
Ahmed: Salma was playing with her toys in the ………(3)……… She got a lot of
water on the floor now it is running through to the dining room.
Nadia: Have you turned off the water?
Ahmed: Yes, we have, and now we ………(4)………… the bathroom floor.
Nadia: Good, I will be home in fifteen minutes.

2- Ahmed is talking to Ali who is making a model for Ahmed's birthday.

Ahmed: …….(1)……… are you doing?
Ali: I'm making a model for you.
Ahmed: You have got a lot of ……(2) …… : scissors, knives ,…
Ali: Yes, I borrowed them from my grandfather.
Ahmed: What is the name of the tool with red handles and metal ends?
Ali: It's ………(3)………… to hold or cut metals.
Ahmed: and what about that tool?
Ali: It's ……(4) …… to fix pieces of wood together.
Ahmed: oh thanks, Ali. Ali: You're welcome, dear!

3- Soha is asking Salley about buying toys:

Soha: Are you going to buy anything, Sally?

Salley: No, I don't …………(1)………… so. What about you?
Soha: I am going to buy buy one of these ………(2)…………… camels.
Salley: A toy camel! Why?
Soha: Because my sister Noha …………(3)……… playing with toy camels.
Salley: When are you going to give it to Noha?
Soha: I am going to give it to her ………(4) ……… I see her.

4- Salma is asking her teacher about computers:

Salma: When were computers first invented?

Teacher: Sixty years ………(1)…………
Salma: How were they?
Teacher: They were ………(2)……… expensive and slow.
Salma: How are they today? Teacher: They are ………(3)……… smaller and
Salma: how about them in the future?
Teacher: they will be smaller, ………(4)………… and cheaper than now.

5- Hala and Mona are talking about our senses:

Hala: Today we had a lesson about our senses.

Mona: I see. …………(1) ………… ask you some questions about our senses?
Hala: OK, I'm ready to ………(2) ………… your questions.
Mona: How can we ……(3)…………? Hala: With our eyes.
Mona: And how can we taste? Hala: ……………(4)………
Mona: Thanks a lot, Hala. You are such a nice student.

(1) Finish the following dialogue between Ali and a carpenter: (8 marks)

Asmaa and Amal are talking the zoo.

Asmaa : I phoned you yesterday, but nobody answered.
Amal : Yes. My family and I were at the (1) ------------------.
Asmaa : What did you (2) ------------------ there?
Amal : We saw lots of animals and (3) ------------------.
Asmaa : Did you like the lion?
Amal : No, I (4) ------------------ very afraid when I saw it.
Samy and Ali are talking about farms.
Samy : Have you been to a (1) ---------------?
Ali : Yes. I have.
Samy : What did you see there?
Ali : I saw a lot of animals and (2)
Samy : Why do (3) --------------- animals?
Ali : They keep animals for milk and (4)

Hesham is talking to Omar who looks tired.

Hesham : You look tired. What's the matter with you?
Omar : (1) ------------------ enough energy.
Hesham : Do you (2) ------------------ every night?
Omar : I sleep about (3) ------------------ every night.
Hesham : That's not enough. You (4) ------------------
eight hours.

Sameh and Esraa are talking about friends.

Sameh : Have you got any pen friends?
Esraa : Yes. I (1) ------------------ one.
Ibrahim : What's her (2) ------------------?
Mother : She is American.
Ibrahim : What is she (3) ------------------?
Mother : She is interested in swimming and (4) ------------------.

Doctor : What’s wrong with you?

Hatem : I’m too (1) ---------------.
Samy : Do you play any games or sports?
Ali : Yes, I (2) ---------------.
Samy : How (3) --------------- do you play it?
Ali : Twice a week.
You (4) --------------- do exercise three times
a week.

Noha is asking Mona some questions about her mother.

Mona : Can I ask you some questions?

Noha : Yes. Of course.
Mona : What's your mother's (1) ------------------?
Noha : She is a nurse.
Mona : What does she (2) ------------------?
Noha : She helps (3) ------------------.
Mona : Is that job easy or (4) ------------------?
Noha : It's very hard, but she likes it. She wants me to be a doctor.
Sally wants the doctor's advice about food.
Doctor : What's your problem?
Sally : I'm too fat. I feel I don't have (1) ---------------.
Doctor : (2) --------------- healthy food?
Sally : Yes. I have enough food every day.
Doctor : What kind of food?
Sally : Foods like macaroni, mahshi and lots of sweets.
Doctor : But this is wrong. These foods have lots of (3) ---------------.
Sally : What should I do?
Doctor : You should take exercise and eat (4) ---------------.

Sara : What kind of person are you?

Amira : I am (1) --------------------. I don't like to be sad.
Sara : What (2) ---------------------?
Amira : I don't like meeting (3) -------------------- people.
Sara : What's your favourite subject?
Amira : (4) --------------------. I like doing experiments.

Samir meets Tom who is from England and asks him some questions.

Samir : What's your nationality?

Tom : I'm (1) -------------------------------------------------.
Samir : What's your (2) ------------------ number in
Egypt, please?
Tom : It's 0103783542.
Samir : I was born on 15th June, 1970.
Tom : Are you (4) -----------------------------------?
Samir : No. I am still single.

Ali : (1) -------------------- tools do you use in your work?

Carpenter : I use hammers, saws, nails and drills in my work.
Ali : What do you use a hammer for?
Carpenter : I use it to (2) -------------------------------------------------------.
Ali : What's a (3) -------------------------------- for?
Carpenter : It's used for cutting wood.
Ali : Why do you use a drill for?
Carpenter : I use it to (4) ------------------------------------------------------.

A doctor is examining Nadia who injured her leg.

Doctor : What (1) ------------------ with you?

Nadia : I injured my foot.
Doctor : How?
Nadia : While I was playing basketball, I injured it.
Doctor : Let me examine it.
Nadia : Is it (2) ------------------?
Doctor : No. it isn't, but you should (3) ------------------ in bed.
Nadia : How (4) ------------------?
Doctor : For three days.

A mother is talking to her son Ibrahim about helping deaf people.

Ibrahim : What (1) ------------------ you doing, mother?
Mother : I am reading a book.
Ibrahim : What is it called?
Mother : It is (2) ------------------ "Teaching Deaf Students".
Ibrahim : Why are you reading this book?
Mother : I'm going to teach some (3) ------------------ students.
Ibrahim : Is teaching deaf people difficult or (4) ------------------?
Mother : It's not very difficult. But deaf people need help.

Two friends are talking about tools.

Emad : I want to (1) -------------------- some tools from you, Hassan.

Hassan : Why do you (2) -------------------- them?
Emad : The window is broken and I must (3) -------------------- it.
Hassan : Then, you need (4) -------------------- for this. Here you are.

Maha has a new computer.

Maha : Have you got a new computer?
Mona : (1) -------------------------------------------------.
Doctor : What do you (2) -------------------------- with it?
Sally : I get (3) ------------------------------------- I need.
Doctor : (4) ----------------------------------- do you use it?
Sally : On Friday.

Salma helps her mother at home.

Grandfather : I think you have been watching television a lot,
Yasmeen. (1) ----------------- have you been
watching it?
Yasmeen : (2) --------------- seven hours.
Grandfather : This is too much. You (3) --------------- less TV. It's not
(4) --------------- your eyes.
Yasmeen : OK. I'll turn it off now.

Wa'el is asking Moustafa about himself

Wa'el : What's your name
Moustafa : Moustafa Ahmed Ali.
Wa'el : (1) ------------------ were you born?
Moustafa : I was born in Cairo.
Wa'el : Are you (2) ------------------ or married?
Moustafa : I am married.
Wa'el : How many children have you got?
Moustafa : Two sons and only one daughter.
Wa'el : What's your job?
Moustafa : I'm (4) ------------------. I like helping sick people.

Ramy sees Ali climbing a ladder to the roof of his house.

Ramy : Why are you climbing the ladder, Ali?

Ali : There's a hole in the (1) ---------------.
Ramy : What are you going to do?
Ali : I'm going to (2) --------------- it.
Ramy : Where did you get these (3) ---------------?
Ali : I (4) --------------- them from my neighbour.

1-Sameh is asking Kareem if he has got any pen friends:

Sameh: Have you got any pen friends:

Kareem: yes, just one.
Sameh: What is his ……………………….?
Kareem: He is Canadian.
Sameh: ………………………….. old is he?
Kareem: 14 years old.
Sameh: What are his ……………………….?
Kareem: They are reading, photography and collecting stamps.

2-Ahmed is asking Tamer about sports:

Ahmed: What is your favourite sport?
Tamer: It's ……………………………………
Ahmed: Is it for one person or for ……………….?
Tamer: It's for two teams.
Ahmed: How do you play it?
Tamer: By kicking the ball or hitting it with my head.
Ahmed: ………….. do you win at it?
Tamer: By scoring the most goals.

3-Ali: Tomorrow is Friday, you know ………… you going to do?

Omar: …………………… visit my aunt in Giza.
Ali: Who……………………… …………… going with?
Omar: With my Dad and Mum. What about you?
Ali: I'm going ……………… home. I've got a lot of things to do.

4-Ahmed has just had a strange dream. He is telling Soha about it:
Soha: What's wrong, Ahmed? Why are you on the floor?
Ahmed: I had a very strange dream.
Soha: What happened in your dream?
Ahmed: I dreamed that an elephant was ……………….. me.
Soha: Did you run away quickly?
Ahmed: yes. Although I ………… quickly, the elephant caught me.
Soha: ………….. happened after that.
Ahmed: I ………………… and found myself on the floor.

5-Ahmed: We're going to Luxor at 9 o'clock by bus.

Nadia: What …………… are you arriving to Luxor?

Ahmed: At twelve if the bus isn't late.
Nadia: Is uncle Hassan …………………. You at the bus station?
Ahmed: No, he isn't coming to meet us.
Nadia: …………….. are you having lunch?
Ahmed : I have forgotten the place.

6 Ahmed is going on a holiday to Pore Said

Ali: When are you going on a holiday?
Ahmed: ……………. Month
Ali: Where will you ………..?
Ahmed: I will go to Port Said
Ali: ……….. will you do there?
Ahmed: I will ………….. in the sea.

A tourist is asking the way:

Tourist: Excuse me. Do you speak English?
Policeman: yes, I do.
Tourist: Could you …………………….. to the supermarket?
Policeman: Go…………….. and turn right , then walk………………
The railway station . it will be on your left.
Tourist: And is there a bank near there?
Policeman: yes, it will be in the middle, ………the supermarket and
The cinema.

1) Finish the following dialogue :

(A)Hady and Zaki are talking about spending their holiday.
Hady :Hi,Zaki where will you spend your summer holiday
Zaki : I'll …………… to France.
Hady : How ……………. will you stay there?
Zaki : I'll stay there ……………………… a week.
Hady : Will you go there alone ……. with your family.

(2) Noha is talking with her doctor:

Doctor : What's wrong with you?
Noha : It's my arm, it was …………… yesterday.
Doctor : I see, ………….. was it injured?
Noha : While walking, I fell down on it.
Doctor : Rest your arm, ……………. play volleyball.
Noha : What about your food?
Doctor : You can ……………….. any food you like.
(3) Amira and Reda are in the class.
Amira : Reda, whose book is this?
Reda : I have my own book, it isn't ………………… .
Amira : Let me see, is there a ………….. written on it?
Reda : No, there isn't …………….. name on it.
Amira :Ok, how about going to the class to ask our friends
Reda : That's a good ……………………….

(4) Nehal is talking to the mechanic.

Nehal: Have you finished repairing the car, sir ?
Mechanic : Yes, I've …………………. repaired it.
Nehal: Have you ……………….. the car oil.
Mechanic : Yes, I have changed it.
Nehal: What about the tyres?
Mechanic : Sorry, I haven't ……….. them up yet.
Nehal: And the driver door?
Mechanic : I've just …………………. It.

1-Finish the following dialogue :

1-Yara is talking about spare time.
Yara : What do you do in your spare time?
Sara : I like…………………………… (1)………………..TV.
Yara : When do you usually watch it?
Sara : In the evening after I finish my (2)……………..
Yara : (3) ………… programmes do you like most?
Sara : I enjoy films.
Yara : What kind of films do you prefer?
Sara : I prefer…………………………(4) …………………..

2-Amina is asking Salma about her journey to Aswan and Luxor

Amia : When did you go to Aswan and Luxor?
Salma : I ………………………………(1) ………………there last month.
Amina : ………………………………..(2) ……………did you go there?
Salma : …………………………………(3) …………………plane.
Amina : …………………………………(4) …………did you stay?
Samia : For five days.

5-Bido and Ahmed are talking about tennis.

Bido : What’s your favourite sport,Ahmed?
Ahmed : I ………………………….(1) …………… playing tennis.
Bido : ……………………………(2) ………………. do you play it?
Ahmed : Once a week.
Bido : How(3) ………………………………………………………win?
Ahmed : By ………………………..(4) …………..…… the most points.
‫الصف الثالث االعدادى‬
1) Finish the following dialogue :
( A ) " An interviewer is talking to a fireman "
Interviewer : Where do you work?
Fireman : I work in the central fire station.
Interviewer : ……………………… ( 1 ) ………………….………….. ?
Fireman :Yes, my job is dangerous but I like it very much
Interviewer : Do you wear a special uniform?
Fireman : ………………………….……...... ( 2 ) ……………………………… .
Interviewer : How many days do you work a week?
Fireman : ……………………………..……… ( 3 ) ………………..……………
Interviewer : Thank you, sir.
( B ) " Hany is talking to a tourist in Aswan. "
Hany : Hi, nice to see you here in Aswan.
Tourist : ……………….……… ( 1 ) …………….……………………
Hany : …………….……… ( 2 ) …………….……………………?
Tourist : I come from France.
Hany : Where do you live?
Tourist : I live in Paris , the capital of France.
Hany : What do you enjoy seeing in Aswan ?
Tourist : ………………….… ( 3 ) …………………………………
* Finish the following dialogue:
- Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha :………………………………………………
Maher :……………………………………………….
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house.
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.

- Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.

Hani : Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a hurry.
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani :……………………………………………………..
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir :…………………………………… That's very kind of you.

- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father :………………………………………………?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy :………………………………………. We use computers at school.
Father : Ok. Tomorrow…………………………………
Samy : Thank you.
:Finish the following dialogue ]1[
:Teacher: We will talk about the importance of learning new languages
?Student: Is learning new languages important for us
_______________ Teacher: _____________ (1)
?________________ Student: _____________ (2)
.Teacher: Yes, Arabic is an important world language
.Student: Do students from other countries learn Arabic
?________________ Teacher: _____________ (3)

:Finish the following dialogue ]2[

.Ali meets a Chinese tourist
?Ali: Welcome to Egypt. Can you speak English
.Tourist: Yes, I can
?Ali: Where do you come from
_____________ Tourist: ________ (1)
?_____________ Ali: ___________ (2)
.Tourist: I will stay here for two weeks
?Ali: What places are you going to visit
?____________ Tourist: ________ (3)
.Ali: Have a nice time in Egypt

1- Finish the following dialogue:

Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha : (1)……………………………………
Maher : (2)…………………………………?
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house (3)………………..?
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.


Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.

Hani :Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a hurry. (1)
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani : (2)………………………………………………?
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir : (3)…………………….. That's very kind of you.

Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father:(1) ...........................................................?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy : (2)……………………….... We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorrow (3).................................................
Samy: Thank you.

(1) Finish the following dialogue: (3 marks)

Two sisters are talking about swine flu.
Jehad: Have you heard about Swine Flu?.
Rahma: No……………. (1) …………….. ?
Jehad: It is a kind of flu which is very dangerous.
Rahma: ………………………(3) …………………………?
Jehad : Because it spreads quickly..
Rahma : .How can I protect myself from it?
Jehad : ………………………………….
Rahma : you are right . we should wash our hands and be clean.

2- Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.

Hani :Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a hurry….. (1)…… ……?
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani : …………….(2)………………………………………………?
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir :…………….. (3)…………………….. That's very kind of you.

3- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father :……………(1) ...........................................................?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy :………….. (2)……………………….... We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorrow ………..(3).................................................
Samy :Thank you.

4- Ayman is talking to his old grandpa.

Ayman : How are you, grandpa?
Grandpa :I'm fine. You haven't come for long. What is it?
Ayman : ……………(1)……………………. .
Grandpa : And have you finished your exams?
Ayman :…………………..(2)………………… .
Grandpa :When is the result?
Ayman : ………………..(3)……………………. .
Grandpa : I hope you will succeed, Ayman

5- Nadia's wedding is tomorrow.

Mother : Why do you look worried, Nadia?
Nadia : The dressmaker hasn't……(1)………. .
Mother : …………….(2)…………………..?
Nadia : I'v just phoned her on the mobile.
Mother : Don't worry. If the drees isn't ready tonight,……(3)……………..
Nadia : Tanks a lot, mum.
Mother : Oh, honey. You'll be the most beautiful bride.
6-Saad is buying a new house and talking to the owner.
Owner : Welcome, Mr Saad.
Saad : Thank you. May I……..(1)…………?
Owner : Of course. You can see every inch in the house before….(2)…………
Saad : ……….(3)……………?
Owner : Five bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen and two bathrooms.
Saad : Fantastic. Let's go.

7- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Mona and Huda who
has lost her gold watch.
Mona : Good morning, Huda, Why are you so sad?
Huda : ………………………………. (1) ……………………. .
Mona : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that ……………….. (2) ………….. ?
Huda : My mother, on my success last year.
Mona : Are you sure you were wearing it yesterday?
Huda : …………………………….. (3) ……………………. .
8- Finish the following dialogue:
Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha : (1)……………………………………
Mahe : (2)…………………………………?
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house (3)………………..?
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.

9. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Azza and Lamiaa who
was at the supermarket
Azza: Hi! Lamiaa, I phoned you yesterday but you were out.
Lamiaa : …………………………….. (1) ………………………. .
Azza : ……………………………… (2) ………………………. ?
Lamiaa: I bought some butter, sugar and rice.
Azaa : ……………………………… (3) ………………………
Lamiaa: I went back home at 7 O'clock in the evening.

Finish the following dialogues:

1)Mona has found a mobile phone but she doesn’t know its owner.
Hoda : good morning , Mona.
Mona : Good morning, Hoda.
Hoda : ….(1)………………………………………..
Mona : No, it isn’t my mobile phone. I’ve just found it.
Hoda : …..(2)………………………………………………….?
Mona : In the playground.
Hoda : What will you do with it?
Mona : …..(3)………………………….
Hoda : That’s right. The headmaster can find its owner

2) Hassan is calling Ali to borrow his camera , but he doesn’t find him
His brother Ayman answers the phone.
Hassan : Hello! Is this 86420512?
Ayman : Yes, It is.
Hassan : ………(1)……………………?
Ayman : I’m sorry. He isn’t here at the moment .
Hassan : ………..(2)……………………………?
Ayman : Sure , what would you like me to tell him?
Hassan : ………..(3)…………………………………….
Ayman : OK . I’ll tell him the moment he arrives.
Hassan : Thanks a lot.
Ayman : You’re welcome.

3) Ahmed : Could I ask you some questions about your job?

Ramy : Yes, that’s fine.
Ahmed : Thank you. my first question is : …(1)…………………….?
Ramy : I’m a tour guide.
Ahmed : ……(2)……………………………….?
Ramy : Yes, I love it, but it is sometimes very tiring.
Ahmed : How many languages do you speak?
Ramy : ……..(3) ………………………….
Ahmed : That’s wonderful.

: 4)- Finish the following dialogue between Tamer and Ali who met each other at a café:
Tamer : Hello Ali , what are you doing?
Ali : Hello Tamer, I’m ……(1)………………….
Tamer : I know you enjoy reading English books. ………(2) …………?
Ali : I bought it yesterday.
Tamer : would you mind lending me this book?
Ali : ..(3)…………………
Tamer : Thank you very much.
Ali : You’re welcome.

5) Ahmed met his pen friend at Cairo Airport.

Ahmed : Welcome to Egypt, Tom.
Tom : Thank you , Ahmed.
Ahmed : What about your flight?
Tom : ……(1)……………………..
Ahmed : How long did the flight take?
Tom : ……(2)……………………..
Ahmed : .(3)…………………………?
Tom : For two weeks.
Ahmed : I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay in Egypt.
Tom : So am I .
1- It was nice 2- About three hours. 3- How long will you stay?

6) Amr is asking Fahd if he has got any pen fiends.

Amr : Have you got any pen friends?
Fahd : Yes, I’ve got one.
Amr : what’s his ….(1)……………….?
Fahd : He’s American .
Amr : ….(2)…………… is he?
Fahd : 15 years old.
Amr : What are his ….(3)…………..?
Fahd : They are photography , reading and collecting stamps

1- nationality 2- How old is he? 3- hobbies

7) Helen : Mr. Hesham, I'd like you to meet my friend, Laura.

Hesham : How do you do?
Laura : ………(1)………………………………………………… ?
Hesham : Are you enjoying your stay at the hotel?
Laura : …………………………(2)………………………………………… .
Hesham : Would you like to visit the Pyramids today?
Laura : No, sorry, we've got other plans.
Hesham : …(3)……………………………………………………… ?
Laura : Tomorrow's fine.
Hesham : OK, we'll send the company car over at 7 am.
Laura : Thanks, Mr. Hesham.

8)Finish the following dialogue between Mother and Sara who wants to go shopping
with her sister Maha:
Sara : Is it OK if I go to the shops with Maha, Mum?
Mother : ………………………………………………….. .
Sara : Thanks, Mum …………………………………………………. .
Mother : I'd rather you didn't take the mobile with you.
Sara : Please, Mum. I'd like to phone you from the shop.
Mother : Oh, all right then, but be careful. Your mobile is expensive.
Sara : ………………………………………. . See you, Mum.
Mother : Bye, Sara. Don’t be late home.

9)Finish the following dialogue. Sally awakes her sister Hala to go to school:
Sally : Hala! It's time to get up.
Hala : What time is it now?
Sally : It's seven o'clock. You're late.
Hala : ………………………(1)……………………. like today?
Sally : It's very cold.
Hala : ……………………(2) ……………………… ?
Sally : You should wear your coast.
Hala : Have you prepared breakfast?
Sally : ……………………(3)…………………………………. .

10) Ahmed wants to buy a mobile phone . The shop assistant is helping him.
Assistant : Hello ! Welcome .
Ahmed : Hello!
Assistant : Can I help you ?
Ahmed : ...............(1)................ .
Assistant ; We have many kinds of mobile phones ...............(2)................ ?
Ahmed ; I want a black one without a camera .
Assistant : Here you are.
Ahmed : ...............(3)................?
Assistant : L.E.200

11)Sameer is talking to an American tourist.

12) Dalia is at a shoe shop to buy a pair of shoes.

Shopkeeper : Hello ! Can I help you ?
Dalia : Yes, please. I'd like to buy a pair of shoes.
Shopkeeper : ………………………………………………………………..?
Dalia : Size 39.
Shopkeeper: ………………………………………………………………….. .
Dalia : Brown.
Shopkeeper : Here you are. Would you like them ?
Dalia : Yes,………………………… ………………………………...?
Shopkeeper : They are L.E. 120
1- What size are your shoes? 2- Which coulor do you prefer? 3- How much are they?

13)A son is talking to his father.

Son :Father, can you give me ten pounds ?
Father : Why ?
Son : I want to visit my friend Hany in hospital.
Father : ……………………………………………………………………… ?
Son : He broke his leg while playing football.
Father : What will you buy him ?
Son : …………………………………………………………………………
Father : ………………………………………………………………...............?
Son : I will visit him tomorrow,
Father : Here's the money.
Son : Thanks a lot ,father.

14 ) Ahmed went to the school library to read a book about the 25tllJanuary Revolution .
Ahmed : Good morning. Sir.
Librarian : Good morning, ……………………………………………......?
Ahmed : I want to read a book about the 25th January Revolution.
Librarian : We have a lot of books about it.
Ahmed : ……………………………………………………………...?
Librarian : If you go to that comer, you'll find the books you need.
Ahmed : Can I take this book to read at home?
Librarian : ................... ........... because it is the only copy we have here.
Ahmed : This means that I have to read it here.
Librarian : Of course . You can also use the internet for more information.
Ahmed : Thank you.

15) Ali meets Ahmed at a coffee shop.

Ali : I haven't seen you for long, ……………………………………………..?
Ahmed : Nothing exciting. I have been doing two jobs lately.
Ali : That's too hard for you. Why ?
Ahmed : I am saving to ………………………………………………….
Ali : Good news. A car is very important these days.
Ahmed : Yes, you are right. ………………………………………………………?
Ali : No, I don't think so for the moment, maybe in 5 years from now.

16) Mona was talking to Huda who lost her watch.

Mona : Good morning, Huda. Why are you sad ?
Huda : …………..………………………………………………………..
Mona : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. …………………………………..?
Huda : My mother gave it to me on my success.
Mona : Are you sure you were wearing it yesterday ?
Huda :Yes, ……………………………………………………………………
Mona : I hope you'll find it.

17) Rainy and Adel are speaking about learning a foreign language :
Ramy : Do you learn any foreign languages ?
Adel : Yes, I do. I learn only one.
Ramy : What is it ?
Adel :................ ....................................................
Ramy : …………………………………………………………………….?
Adel : I learn English because it is an international language .
Ramy : ………………………………………………………………...?
Adel : I have been learning it for six years now

18) - Finish the following dialogue between Hani and his Dad:
Dad : Hello, Hani.
Hani : Hi, Dad.
Dad : I see you are busy. ………………………………………?
Hani : I'm doing my maths homework.
Dad : Good luck with it. …………………………………………?
Hani : No, it is quite easy. Is it ok to use my computer after I finish my
homework, Dad?
Dad : …………………………………………………………
Hani : Thank you very much, Dad.
Dad : Not at all, Hani.

(1) Finish the following dialogue:

Samy wants his father to buy him a computer.
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad ?
Father : (1) --------------------------------------------------------?
Samy : Because i need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy : (2) ------------------------------. We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorrow (3) -------------------------------------------.

2- Finish the following dialogue:

Sherif introduces a tourist to his friend, Ali.

Sheriff : Oh, Adel. This is Mr. John.

Adel : (1) -----------------------------? Sheriff: I’m fine, thanks.
Adel : (2) --------------------------------? Sheriff: I come from England.
Adel : (3) ------------------------------------------------------------?
Sheriff : No. this is the second time I visit Egypt.

3- Finish the following dialogue:

Nabil is talking about his journey to Luxor.
Ahmed : When did you go to Luxor?
Nabil : (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------.
Ahmed : (2) ---------------------------------------? Nabil: By bus.
Ahmed : (3) ---------------------------------------? Nabil :For five days.

4- Finish the following dialogue:

Waleed and his father are talking about Waleed’s birthday present.
Waleed : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father : (1) ------------------------------------------------------?
Waleed : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Waleed : (2) -------------------------------. We use computers at school.
Father : OK. (3) ---------------------------------------------------.

4- Finish the following dialogue:

Manar and Marwa are talking about their school library.
Manar : Is there a library in your school?
Marwa : (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------.
Manar : (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------?
Marwa : It’s on the third floor.
Manar : (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------?
Marwa : I go to the school library twice a week.
5- Finish the following dialogue
Sara and Nahed are speaking about their favourite subjects.
Sara : What’s your favourite subject, Nahed?
Nahed : (1) ------------------------------ English.
Sara (2) ------------------------------------------- a day?
Nahed Istudy it two hours a day. (3) -----------------------------?
Sara I like Arabic best.

6- Finish the following dialogue:

Fatma and Mariam are talking about their school.
Fatma : Where are you going now?
Mariam : (1) ---------------------------------------- and what about you?
Fatma : I am also leaving for my school.
Mariam : (2) --------------------------------------------------------------?
Fatma : Today, I’m going to have six periods.
Mariam : (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------?
Fatma : I leave school at 2.00 p.m.

7- Finish the following dialogue

Adel meets his friend Sabry in the street
Adel : I see you’re in a hurry. (1) ---------------------------------------?
Sabry : My sister was injured in a car accident. She is in hospital
Adel : (2) -----------------------------------. Let’s go together.
Sabry : OK. That’s (3) -----------------------------------

8- Finish the following dialogue:

A tourist is making a phone reservation.
Tourist : Hello! Can I speak to the receptionist?
Receptionist : (1) -------------------------------------------.
Tourist : I want to book a room, please.
Receptionist : (2) -----------------------------------? Tourist :Single, please.
Receptionist : (3) -----------------------------------? Tourist; For ten days, please.
OK. When will you arrive? Tourist: On the first of
Receptionist :

9- Finish the following dialogue

Aya meets her friend, Mona in the street.
Aya : I see you are in a hurry. (1) --------------------------------------?
Mona : I’m going to Delta Hospital.
Aya : (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------?
Mona : To visit my aunt who was badly injured in a car accident.
Aya : Could I go with you?
Mona : (3) --------------------------------------. That’s very kind of you.

10- Finish the following dialogue:

Basant is talking to her mother about her first day of school.
: Did you like your first day at school? Basant?
Yes. I did Mother: (1)
Basant :
Basant : This year, I’ll study Arabic, English, Maths and Science.
: Which subject do you prefer?
Basant : (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------.
: (3) -----------------------------------------------------------------?
Basant : I like doing experiments in the lab. I also like scientists.

11- Finish the following dialogue

Samy meets his friend Hani in the street.
Hani : I see you’re in a hurry (1) ------------------------------------?
Samy : I’m going to Dar El Fouad Hospital.
Hani : (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------?
Samy : To visit my uncle (3) ------------------------------------------.
Hani : Could I go with you, Samy? Samy; That’s very kind of you.

12- Finish the following dialogue:

Yasser meets a Japanese tourist.
Yasser : Where do you come from? Tourist (1) -------------------------------------
Yasser : (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : I’ll stay here for two weeks. Yasser What places will you visit?
Tourist : (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------.
Yasser : Have a nice stay in Egypt. Tourist; Thank you.

14- Finish the following dialogue:

Hoda : Good morning, Mona. Mona; Good morning, Hoda.
Hoda : (1) -----------------------------------------------------------?
Mona : No, it isn’t my watch. I’ve just found it.
Hoda : (2) -----------------------------------------------------------?
Mona : In the playground. Hoda; What will you do with it?
Mona : (3) -----------------------------------------------------------.
Hoda : That’s right. The headmaster can find its owner.

15- Finish the following dialogue:

Ameer is talking to an American tourist.
Sameer : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come from?
Tourist : (1) -----------------------------------------------------------------.
Sameer : (2) -----------------------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : I’m going to stay here for fifteen days.
Sameer : What places are you planning to visit?
Tourist : (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------.

16- Finish the following dialogue:

Usama meets a Japanese tourist.
Usama : Welcome to Egypt. Can you speak English?
Tourist : Yes. I can. Usama;_ Where do you come from?
Tourist : (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------.
Usama : (2) -----------------------------------------------------------------?
I will stay here for two weeks. Usama;_ What places will you
Tourist :
Tourist : (3) -----------------------------------------------------------------.
Usama : Have a nice stay with us in Egypt.

17- Finish the following dialogue

Magdi is talking to a tourist.
Magdi : Hello, when did you arrive in Egypt?
Tourist : Two days ago. Magdi; How do you like Egypt?
Tourist : (1) -------------------------------------------.
Magdi : (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : I’m staying at Hilton Hotel.
Magdi : (3) ----------------------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : Just a week. Magdi:- I wish you a happy stay in Egypt.

18- Finish the following dialogue:

Heba is talking to Samira who is wearing a nice dress.
Heba : Hello! Samira. Your dress is very nice, is it new?
Samira : (1) ------------------------------------------------------.
Heba : (2) -------------------------------------. Samira I bought it last week.
Heba : (3) ------------------------------------------------------?
Samira : It is one hundred pounds.
Heba : It is very cheap. Can you show me the shop?
Samira : With pleasure. But not today. I have a lot of homework.

19- Finish the following dialogue:

Adel and Bassem are speaking about learning foreign languages
Adel : Do you learn any foreign languages?
Bassem : Yes, I do. I learn only one.
Adel:- What is it?
Bassem : (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------
Adel : (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------?
Bassem : I learn English because it is an international language.
Adel : (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------?
Bassem : I have been learning it for six years now.

 Finish the following dialogue:

1- Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha :......................................................................
Maher : .................................................?
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our
Maher: I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.
Model Answer
 Basketball.  How often do you play it?  What about you?

2- Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.

Hani : Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani : ..........................................................?
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir :....................................That's very kind of you.
Model Answer
 Where are you going?  Why are you going there? Certainly.

3- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy :..........................We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorro................................
Samy : Thank you.

(1) Finish the following dialogue: (3 marks)

Two sisters are talking about swine flu.
Jehad: Have you heard about Swine Flu?.
Rahma: No……………. (1) …………….. ?
Jehad: It is a kind of flu which is very dangerous.
Rahma: ………………………(3) …………………………?
Jehad : Because it spreads quickly..
Rahma : .How can I protect myself from it?
Jehad : ………………………………….
Rahma : you are right . we should wash our hands and be clean.

3- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father :……………(1) ..........................................?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy : …….. (2)… ….... We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorrow ………..(3).......................
Samy :Thank you.

4- Ayman is talking to his old grandpa.

Ayman : How are you, grandpa?
Grandpa :I'm fine. You haven't come for long. What is it?
Ayman : ……………(1)……………………. .
Grandpa : And have you finished your exams?
Ayman :…………………..(2)………………… .
Grandpa :When is the result?
Ayman : ………………..(3)……………………. .
Grandpa : I hope you will succeed, Ayman.

5- Nadia's wedding is tomorrow.

Mother : Why do you look worried, Nadia?
Nadia : The dressmaker hasn't……(1)………. .
Mother : …………….(2)…………………..?
Nadia : I'v just phoned her on the mobile.
Mother : Don't worry. If the drees isn't ready tonight,……(3)……………..
Nadia : Tanks a lot, mum.
Mother : Oh, honey. You'll be the most beautiful bride.

6-Saad is buying a new house and talking to the owner.

Owner : Welcome, Mr Saad.
Saad : Thank you. May I……..(1)…………?
Owner : Of course. You can see every inch in the house before….(2)…………
Saad : ……….(3)……………?
Owner : Five bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen and two bathrooms.
Saad : Fantastic. Let's go.

7- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Mona and Huda who
has lost her gold watch.
Mona : Good morning, Huda, Why are you so sad?
Huda : ………………………………. (1) ……………………. .
Mona : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that ………….. (2) ………….. ?
Huda : My mother, on my success last year.
Mona : Are you sure you were wearing it yesterday?
Huda : …………………………….. (3) ……………………. .

8- Finish the following dialogue:

Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha : (1)……………………………………
Mahe : (2)…………………………………?
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house (3)………………..?
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.
9. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Azza and Lamiaa who
was at the supermarket
Azza: Hi! Lamiaa, I phoned you yesterday but you were out.
Lamiaa : …………………………….. (1) ………………………. .
Azza : ……………………………… (2) ………………………. ?
Lamiaa: I bought some butter, sugar and rice.
Azaa : ……………………………… (3) ………………………
Lamiaa: I went back home at 7 O'clock in the evening.

10- Finish the following dialogue: Basant is talking to her mother about her first day
of school.
Sameer is talking to an American tourist.
Sameer : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come from?
Tourist : (1) ------------------------------------------.
Sameer : (2) -----------------------------------?
Tourist : I’m going to stay here for fifteen days.
Sameer : What places are you planning to visit?
Tourist : (3) -----------------------------------------------.

12-Finish the following dialogue

Hesham is meeting some tourists for the first time. He is asking them about their stay
in Egypt.
Helen Mr Hesham, I'd like you to meet my friend, Laura.
Hesham …..……………………………..……?
Laura pleased to meet you.
Hesham Are you enjoying your stay at the hotel?
Laura ……………………………………………….……………..
Hesham Great! Would you like to go visit the Pyramids today?
Helen No, sorry, we've got other plans.
Hesham :…………………………………………………………?
Laura Tomorrow's fine.
Hesham Ok, we'll send the company car over at 7 am.
Laura Thanks, Mr Hesham.
Hesham Goodbye.

- Samy is getting fat and he's asking the doctor's advice.

Doctor : How can I help you ?
Samy : I'm getting fat and I feel I have no energy.
Doctor : …………………….……………..….?
Samy : I like kinds of food like cake, chocolates and biscuits.
Doctor : ……..……………………………..….?
Samy : No, I didn't. I used to be thin.
Doctor: You put on weight because of eating the wrong food. You..…...

(1) Finish the following dialogue: (3 marks)

Two sisters are talking about swine flu.
Jehad: Have you heard about Swine Flu?.
Rahma: No……………. (1) …………….. ?
Jehad: It is a kind of flu which is very dangerous.
Rahma: ………………………(3) …………………………?
Jehad : Because it spreads quickly..
Rahma : .How can I protect myself from it?
Jehad : ………………………………….
Rahma : you are right . we should wash our hands and be clean.

2- Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.

Hani :Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a hurry….. (1)…… ……?
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani : …………….(2)………………………………………………?
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir :…………….. (3)…………………….. That's very kind of you.

3- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father :……………(1) ...........................................................?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy :………….. (2)……………………….... We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorrow ………..(3).................................................
Samy :Thank you.

4- Ayman is talking to his old grandpa.
Ayman : How are you, grandpa?
Grandpa :I'm fine. You haven't come for long. What is it?
Ayman : ……………(1)……………………. .
Grandpa : And have you finished your exams?
Ayman :…………………..(2)………………… .
Grandpa :When is the result?
Ayman : ………………..(3)……………………. .
Grandpa : I hope you will succeed, Ayman

5- Nadia's wedding is tomorrow.
Mother : Why do you look worried, Nadia?
Nadia : The dressmaker hasn't……(1)………. .
Mother : …………….(2)…………………..?
Nadia : I'v just phoned her on the mobile.
Mother : Don't worry. If the drees isn't ready tonight,……(3)……………..
Nadia : Tanks a lot, mum.
Mother : Oh, honey. You'll be the most beautiful bride.
6-Saad is buying a new house and talking to the owner.
Owner : Welcome, Mr Saad.
Saad : Thank you. May I……..(1)…………?
Owner : Of course. You can see every inch in the house before….(2)…………
Saad : ……….(3)……………?
Owner : Five bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen and two bathrooms.
Saad : Fantastic. Let's go.
7- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Mona and Huda who
has lost her gold watch.
Mona : Good morning, Huda, Why are you so sad?
Huda : ………………………………. (1) ……………………. .
Mona : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that ……………….. (2) ………….. ?
Huda : My mother, on my success last year.
Mona : Are you sure you were wearing it yesterday?
Huda : …………………………….. (3) ……………………. .

8- Finish the following dialogue:
Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha : (1)……………………………………
Mahe : (2)…………………………………?
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house (3)………………..?
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.
9. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Azza and Lamiaa who
was at the supermarket
Azza: Hi! Lamiaa, I phoned you yesterday but you were out.
Lamiaa : …………………………….. (1) ………………………. .
Azza : ……………………………… (2) ………………………. ?
Lamiaa: I bought some butter, sugar and rice.
Azaa : ……………………………… (3) ………………………
Lamiaa: I went back home at 7 O'clock in the evening.

10- Finish the following dialogue: Basant is talking to her mother about her first day
of school.
11- Finish the following dialogue: (3 marks)
Sameer is talking to an American tourist.
Sameer : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come from?
Tourist : (1) -----------------------------------------------------------------.
Sameer : (2) -----------------------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : I’m going to stay here for fifteen days.
Sameer : What places are you planning to visit?
Tourist : (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------.
12-Finish the following dialogue
Hesham is meeting some tourists for the first time. He is asking them about their stay
in Egypt.
Helen Mr Hesham, I'd like you to meet my friend, Laura.
Hesham …..……………………………..……?
Laura pleased to meet you.
Hesham Are you enjoying your stay at the hotel?
Laura ……………………………………………….……………..
Hesham Great! Would you like to go visit the Pyramids today?
Helen No, sorry, we've got other plans.
Hesham :…………………………………………………………?
Laura Tomorrow's fine.

2- Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.

Hani :Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a hurry….. (1)…… ……?
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani : …………….(2)………………………………………………?
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir :…………….. (3)…………………….. That's very kind of you.

3- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father :……………(1) ...........................................................?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy :………….. (2)……………………….... We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorrow ………..(3).................................................
Samy :Thank you.

4- Ayman is talking to his old grandpa.

Ayman : How are you, grandpa?
Grandpa :I'm fine. You haven't come for long. What is it?
Ayman : ……………(1)……………………. .
Grandpa : And have you finished your exams?
Ayman :…………………..(2)………………… .
Grandpa :When is the result?
Ayman : ………………..(3)……………………. .
Grandpa : I hope you will succeed, Ayman

5- Nadia's wedding is tomorrow.

Mother : Why do you look worried, Nadia?
Nadia : The dressmaker hasn't……(1)………. .
Mother : …………….(2)…………………..?
Nadia : I'v just phoned her on the mobile.
Mother : Don't worry. If the drees isn't ready tonight,……(3)……………..
Nadia : Tanks a lot, mum.
Mother : Oh, honey. You'll be the most beautiful bride.

6-Saad is buying a new house and talking to the owner.

Owner : Welcome, Mr Saad.
Saad : Thank you. May I……..(1)…………?
Owner : Of course. You can see every inch in the house before….(2)…………
Saad : ……….(3)……………?
Owner : Five bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen and two bathrooms.
Saad : Fantastic. Let's go.

7- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Mona and Huda who
has lost her gold watch.
Mona : Good morning, Huda, Why are you so sad?
Huda : ………………………………. (1) ……………………. .
Mona : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that ……………….. (2) ………….. ?
Huda : My mother, on my success last year.
Mona : Are you sure you were wearing it yesterday?
Huda : …………………………….. (3) ……………………. .

8- Finish the following dialogue:

Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha : (1)……………………………………
Mahe : (2)…………………………………?
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house (3)………………..?
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.

9. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Azza and Lamiaa who
was at the supermarket
Azza: Hi! Lamiaa, I phoned you yesterday but you were out.
Lamiaa : …………………………….. (1) ………………………. .
Azza : ……………………………… (2) ………………………. ?
Lamiaa: I bought some butter, sugar and rice.
Azaa : ……………………………… (3) ………………………
Lamiaa: I went back home at 7 O'clock in the evening.

10- Finish the following dialogue: Basant is talking to her mother about her first day
of school.

11- Finish the following dialogue: (3 marks)

Sameer is talking to an American tourist.
Sameer : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come from?
Tourist : (1) -----------------------------------------------------------------.
Sameer : (2) -----------------------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : I’m going to stay here for fifteen days.
Sameer : What places are you planning to visit?
Tourist : (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------.

12-Finish the following dialogue

Hesham is meeting some tourists for the first time. He is asking them about their
stay in Egypt.
Helen Mr Hesham, I'd like you to meet my friend, Laura.
Hesham …..……………………………..……?
Laura pleased to meet you.
Hesham Are you enjoying your stay at the hotel?
Laura ……………………………………………….……………..
Hesham Great! Would you like to go visit the Pyramids today?
Helen No, sorry, we've got other plans.
Hesham :…………………………………………………………?
Laura Tomorrow's fine.
Hesham Ok, we'll send the company car over at 7 am.
Laura Thanks, Mr Hesham.
Hesham Goodbye.

(1) Finish the following dialogue: (3 marks)

Two sisters are talking about swine flu.
Jehad: Have you heard about Swine Flu?.
Rahma: No……………. (1) …………….. ?
Jehad: It is a kind of flu which is very dangerous.
Rahma: ………………………(3) …………………………?
Jehad : Because it spreads quickly..
Rahma : .How can I protect myself from it?
Jehad : ………………………………….
Rahma : you are right . we should wash our hands and be clean.

2- Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.

Hani :Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a hurry….. (1)…… ……?
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani : …………….(2)………………………………………………?
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir :…………….. (3)…………………….. That's very kind of you.

3- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father :……………(1) ...........................................................?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy :………….. (2)……………………….... We use computers at school.
Father : OK. Tomorrow ………..(3).................................................
Samy :Thank you.

4- Ayman is talking to his old grandpa.

Ayman : How are you, grandpa?
Grandpa :I'm fine. You haven't come for long. What is it?
Ayman : ……………(1)……………………. .
Grandpa : And have you finished your exams?
Ayman :…………………..(2)………………… .
Grandpa :When is the result?
Ayman : ………………..(3)……………………. .
Grandpa : I hope you will succeed, Ayman

5- Nadia's wedding is tomorrow.

Mother : Why do you look worried, Nadia?
Nadia : The dressmaker hasn't……(1)………. .
Mother : …………….(2)…………………..?
Nadia : I'v just phoned her on the mobile.
Mother : Don't worry. If the drees isn't ready tonight,……(3)……………..
Nadia : Tanks a lot, mum.
Mother : Oh, honey. You'll be the most beautiful bride.
6-Saad is buying a new house and talking to the owner.
Owner : Welcome, Mr Saad.
Saad : Thank you. May I……..(1)…………?
Owner : Of course. You can see every inch in the house before….(2)…………
Saad : ……….(3)……………?
Owner : Five bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen and two bathrooms.
Saad : Fantastic. Let's go.

7- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Mona and Huda who
has lost her gold watch.
Mona : Good morning, Huda, Why are you so sad?
Huda : ………………………………. (1) ……………………. .
Mona : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that ……………….. (2) ………….. ?
Huda : My mother, on my success last year.
Mona : Are you sure you were wearing it yesterday?
Huda : …………………………….. (3) ……………………. .

8- Finish the following dialogue:

Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha : (1)……………………………………
Mahe : (2)…………………………………?
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house (3)………………..?
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.

9. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue between Azza and Lamiaa who
was at the supermarket
Azza: Hi! Lamiaa, I phoned you yesterday but you were out.
Lamiaa : …………………………….. (1) ………………………. .
Azza : ……………………………… (2) ………………………. ?
Lamiaa: I bought some butter, sugar and rice.
Azaa : ……………………………… (3) ………………………
Lamiaa: I went back home at 7 O'clock in the evening.

10- Finish the following dialogue: Basant is talking to her mother about her first day
of school.
11- Finish the following dialogue: (3 marks)
Sameer is talking to an American tourist.
Sameer : Welcome to Egypt. Where do you come from?
Tourist : (1) -----------------------------------------------------------------.
Sameer : (2) -----------------------------------------------------------------?
Tourist : I’m going to stay here for fifteen days.
Sameer : What places are you planning to visit?
Tourist : (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------.

12-Finish the following dialogue

Hesham is meeting some tourists for the first time. He is asking them about their
stay in Egypt.
Helen Mr Hesham, I'd like you to meet my friend, Laura.
Hesham …..……………………………..……?
Laura pleased to meet you.
Hesham Are you enjoying your stay at the hotel?
Laura ……………………………………………….……………..
Hesham Great! Would you like to go visit the Pyramids today?
Helen No, sorry, we've got other plans.
Hesham :…………………………………………………………?
Laura Tomorrow's fine.
Hesham Ok, we'll send the company car over at 7 am.
Laura Thanks, Mr Hesham.
Hesham Goodbye.

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