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Ingles III


(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task: Assignment - A trip to the past


Delgado Heredia Carla Fiorela


Carpio Romero Sandra Juliana

Chiclayo_23 de Abril _2023


Miguel María Grau Seminario. Was a Peruvian military sailor, and posthumous Grand
Admiral of the Peruvian Navy. He born on july 27,1834 in Piura. Miguel Grau always
traveld in a ship, but the ship disappeared in the naval combat of Punta Gorda.

Some time later, he won the naval combat of Iquique, sinking the convertte,
Esmeralda. This was the first occasion in which Grau showed his great human
sensibility, since he not only avoided Harding the civilian population, but also saved the
shipwrewcked sailors of the enemy ship. Finally, another important act of Grau was
combat of Angamos. This was on October 8, 1879, in front of Piura Angamos, he was
surrounded by two enemy divisions, engaging in an unequal combat. Grau died in the
first minutes of the fight, due to the effects of a grenade fired by the battleship
Cochrane, which destroyed his body. His last sentence was: “No one gives up on this
ship “.

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