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(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task- Assignment - A trip to the past

Cycle : IV

Course : English III


Members :

Braulio Sebastián Olivera Támara Franz Luigi Najarro Gutierrez Yamil André Chávez Castro

Huancayo, April 22, 2023

(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task- Assignment - A trip to the past

Hello everybody! 
Now it's time for you to do the task for this week, so I invite you to check the
instructions below. Remember that if you need to review a topic, you can always
check the course material as often as needed. Keep in mind that you have to
present this task during week 4.


He was a Peruvian military and political
sailor, for his heroism he was
posthumously named Grand Admiral of
the Peruvian Navy. He was born on
July 27, 1834 in Piura and died in
combat on October 8, 1979 at the age
of 45. He participated in the War of the
Pacific and being then head of the first
naval division, defeated the Chilean
fleet in the naval combat of Iquique on
May 21, 1879, sinking the corvette,
Esmeralda. This is Grau's first display
of human sensitivity, as he not only
avoids harming civilians, but also
rescues victims from an enemy ship.
Finally, another important action for the
Grau was the Battle of Angamos. It was
October 8, 1879, in front of Punta
Angamos, surrounded by two enemy
divisions that were waging unequal
combat. Grau died in the first minutes of
the battle after a shell fired from the
battleship Cochrane destroyed his

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