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1. What is the importance of english?

2. What is your weakness/es in learning english related to Sub-CMPK listed previously?

3. How will you deal with your weakness/es?
(You may express your expectation after learning english in this semester)

1. English is a global language. It is used in a variety of fields, including business, education,

science, technology, and culture. By mastering English, I can communicate with people from all
over the world. What is importance English to me : because english is international of language.
i can use english for travel anywhere in the world, I can get a good job like a freelancer, English
is access a world of entertainment. Not only that, Im’ Learning English is to get big salary.
2. My weakness in English : I don’t know how to arrage word, not only in writing but also in oral.
But I understand if someone speaking English even though I do not understand all the words.
I have not yet to dept English ,so I don’t know what is English look like.
3. I want to study hard to learning English because English is very important and will be used now
and in the future. My skill in English is only know if someone speaking English. If possible. would
like to get additional lessons to pursue my studies in this English subject and I will to my best.
my expect after learning English in this semester is : I can speak English and writing and
complete my goals.

Name: Muhamamad Mizan

Study id: 2311032

Major: Civil Engineering

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