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New Program (re)Design Proposal: Black Achievement Center

Alexis M. Harp

HESA 611: Organization, Administration, & Finance in Higher Education

December 10, 2023

Dr. Dustin Evatt, E.Ed

New Program (re)Design Proposal

Imagine you move to a new area to begin your college journey. This area is new to what you are

typically used to. Located in a rural college town, there are not many things to do outside of being a

student on campus. Restaurants, stores, and evening entertainment are all limited in your new college

town. You begin to notice there are not many people who look like you in this area as well. It is difficult

for you to find hair products, a barber shop, and healthcare workers who belong to similar identities as

you. This begins to stir confusion with your personal sense of belonging and welcomeness in your new

college town and on campus.

This is a real and common issue for our black identifying students at our predominantly white

institutions that are positioned in rural, college towns. Our students struggle to make meaning of their

reasoning to be at institutions who do not typically cater to students who identify similarly to how they

do. Upon the research of the history of higher education, we understand that the foundation on which it

was built was to serve a specific type of student. Higher education catered to the white males who came

from good families who were in high socioeconomic statuses. As we have moved away from these

ideals, we are still working on creating inclusive spaces for students with different identities.


Western Carolina has done work to make sure they are continuing to honor their promise to the

students, faculty, staff, and surrounding community. Western Carolina University has decided to focus

on seven different directions in their updated strategic plan. For my program (re)design, I have focused

on Direction 2: The Student Experience. This direction highlights: “We will enrich the student experience

through creating intentional co-curricular and curricular programs, which will prepare students to

successfully engage in a vibrant, complex, and culturally diverse world” (Western Carolina University,

2021). In this specific direction, they focus on a few goals that I would like to highlight in relation to my

new program.

New Program (re)Design Proposal

Goal 2.1.3: Implement diversity and inclusion initiatives to enhance students' understanding of other

ethnicities and cultures

Goal 2.5.1: Provide programs and initiatives, both formally and informally, for students living off-campus

and on campus in residence halls designed to create a sense of belonging among incoming and

continuing students

This new direction focusing on students’ sense of belonging and welcoming at our university fits

perfectly with the mission, vision, and outcomes of the Black Achievement Center. The purpose of the

Black Achievement Center is to ensure the experience and quality of education of our black identifying

students committed to learning, growing , developing, and thriving. This fits perfectly into the goals the

university has under Direction 2 from the strategic plan. Adding this new addition will allow students

who identify as black to come and feel seen, understood, and valued on a campus where they do not

feel like they can find belonging as the minority.

New Program (re)Design Proposal

For my (re)design, I focused on Strayhorn’s Multi-Level Model of Belonging (2023).

This model allowed me to focus on what I wanted this office to properly produce. This model was based

of Strayhorn’s Sense of Belonging Theory (2012) which shows us that “Sense of belonging matters and it

is sufficient to drive human behavior” (para #13). The act of belonging is a basic human need (Maslow,

1954). The ability to feel and be a part of a group is very important to us as humans. While creating this

(re)design, I made sure that I followed steps 1 through 5 and the promising practices to make sure that

the office would serve its purpose at Western Carolina University


For my program (re)design, I am proposing the addition of a Black Achievement Center here at

Western Carolina University. The area we live in has not fully met the needs of the diverse population of

students we bring into our university. I believe that this center will allow black identifying students the

New Program (re)Design Proposal

ability to find their home at our institution. I understand that we have the Intercultural Affairs (ICA)

Office here at Western Carolina University. Although I believe that this resource is great and is actively

working on creating spaces for students with intersectional identities, we cannot continue to throw all of

the “diversity” programming to ICA.

The mission of ICA is to “work with all members of the University to provide a campus

environment where students from different backgrounds and culture groups feel appreciated, respected

and valued. Through educational, social, and leadership programs, ICA promotes inclusive values of

social justice and human dignity while preparing students to thrive in a diverse and interconnected

world” (Western Carolina University - Intercultural Affairs, n.d.). The purpose of their office is to focus on

how we can best prepare our students to work and function in a diverse world. I feel that our students

of color, specifically our black students, find a home in ICA without the proper programming to fully

support them with the issues they may face while being on campus.

This center will help with the amount of students who identify as black make their decision to

come to Western and to make their decision to stay at Western. Having this office will help with our

retention efforts, hit our Direction 2 from the strategic plan, and allow us to hit our goals when it comes

to student mattering and well-being. I understand it is important to properly express the purpose,

mission, and values of the office. Below, I have given the mission and values of the Black Achievement

Center if it were to be created at Western Carolina University.


The Black Achievement Center is dedicated to empowering and uplifting Black students on

campus through academic excellence, cultivating cultural pride, and promoting leadership development.

Through our tailored programs, mentorship opportunities, and community engagement, our mission is

to provide a supportive and inspiring environment that equips students with the tools and confidence

needed to excel academically, embrace their cultural heritage, and become impactful leaders in their

New Program (re)Design Proposal

communities and beyond. It is our goal to break down barriers, celebrate diversity, and create pathways

to success for every individual who walks through our doors.


1. The Black Achievement Center sets high standards that academic excellence is our expectation.

Students in our office will thrive because of our innovative resources, targeted support, and

personalized mentorship opportunities.

2. The Black Achievement Center creates a vibrant cultural hub where individuals can celebrate,

explore, and embrace their black identity.

3. The Black Achievement Center will create a generation of leaders who are focused on the

commitment of making a positive and long-lasting impact on society. Preparing our students

with confidence, skills, and responsibility to make a changing impression on the world.

I have also included the learning outcomes of which we hope the center will successful hit with all of our


1. Students that are involved in the Black Achievement Center will show measurable

improvements in their academic performance through targeted support and resources.

2. Students will become empowered leaders through committed community engagement,

sharpened leadership skills, and thorough participation.

3. Students will develop a sense of cultural identity and empowerment through increased self-

confidence and pride through programming to celebrate history and heritage.

Human Resources

I based the Black Achievement Center off of 3 different institutions who I believe are doing this

work exceptionally well. North Carolina Central University runs a Men’s Achievement Center (MAC)

which provides resources and support to young black males as they matriculate their journey at NCCU.

Their center is located under their Student Engagement and Development department. North Carolina

New Program (re)Design Proposal

State University has their African American Cultural Center which provides history and resources for

their black and African American identifying students. They are located under the office for Institutional

Equity and Diversity. Lastly, The University of San Diego has their Black Achievement, Success, and

Engagement (BASE) center. They focus on leadership, education, and advancement for their black

identifying students. BASE is located under their division of Student Success.

I propose that the Black Achievement Center be placed under the division of Student Affairs

here. We would work hand-in-hand with programming with ICA, but will be housed in our own office.

Upon doing research of the position at NCCU, this is what I believe the salary ranges should be for the


Position Salary

Coordinator of Student Success $55,000

Administrative Office Assistant $38,000

As far as the upfront cost to create this office, I am proposing that $100,000 be put towards the

implementation of this office. This would help us create the space and purchase furniture. I based this

knowledge off of conversations with my staff regarding the cost it is to replace and/or buy new

furniture, the amount of money that goes into office supplies, and how much money we keep in

reserves just in case we may need the money for an emergency.

The Black Achievement Center

The Black Achievement Center will offer the following programs in their space to help make sure we

achieve our learning outcomes:

The Black Scholars Program

New Program (re)Design Proposal

● This program will be a cohort-based leadership initiative that assists students with academic

support, understanding their role in civic engagement, and being present in the community with

service. This will be an application-based program where students will be selected and move

throughout their college journey together.

Black Student Resources

● We will showcase black resources for students to use that are online, near, or close to the

surrounding area. Our resources will include LGBTIQ+, access to community service, and

leadership development opportunities.

Black Wellness Corner

● This will be an area located in our office that will showcase black hair care products, black skin

care products, and information to black health care workers. This will help students find primary

care doctors, dentists, OBGYN services, and more.

Signature Programming

● We will be intentional about our programming efforts to make sure that we are providing as

much for our students as possible. We will provide monthly barber(s) and black hair care

specialist(s) to assist our students with their personal care. Programs that focus on financial

literacy to help our students understand the importance of credit and the value of our money

today. We will also implement Black Wellness Week to help with representation and visibility

efforts on campus.

Western Carolina already has a few registered student organizations on campus that I believe

could be housed under the Black Achievement Center. Western has a Black Student Union organization

that is dedicated to the advancement of black students here, but does not have a physical space. We

also have a stomp and shake cheerleading team who does not have a physical space to have executive

board meetings or a space for them to invite prospective new members to come meet them at. I believe

New Program (re)Design Proposal

that giving them this opportunity to have a physical space on campus will help with their recruitment

and retention efforts of their organizations.


I have already taken in some limitations that I believe will come across in the process of getting

this office approved at Western Carolina. I believe that there may be some push back from the name

and the location of which Western Carolina is placed. I challenge and encourage our leaders who will see

this proposal to understand this historical background of higher education as well as the importance of

belonging with our students. To use this as an opportunity to educate those who may not agree and

apply this to our strategic values as a university. I have also taken into consideration the funding to

support a program like this. I challenge us to look into state federal funding to assist starting the

program, donations and sponsorships from active alumni at Western, and finding grants to apply for to

support our efforts as an office. This would help us with partnerships on and off campus.


In conclusion, I believe that the Black Achievement Center could be a vital part in supporting our

strategic plan. This will give students who identify in this community the opportunity to work alongside

people who have identities like them, create relationships, and foster a sense of belonging here on our

campus. “People judge their experience by how they were treated" (Alberta Health Services, 2023) and

if we create intentional programming, cross-campus collaboration, and support, we can create a home

away from home for our students and assist ICA to take some of the weight off their shoulders. The

creation of this office will allow ICA to have the opportunity to go back to focusing on their mission and

create a partnership to assist students with intersectional identities.

New Program (re)Design Proposal


About BASE - Black Achievement Success and Engagement | University of San Francisco. (n.d.).

Alberta Health Services. (2020). Why welcoming is important. Retrieved December 9, 2023.

Davenport, M. Y. (2013). Culture Centers in Higher Education: Perspectives on Identity; Theory

and Practice by Lori B. Patton (review). The Review of Higher Education, 36(3), 409–411.

Mcleod, S., PhD. (2023). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Simply Psychology.

Mission, Vision and Values of the NC State African American Cultural Center. (n.d.).

Strayhorn, T. L., PhD. (2023, June 7). Sense of belonging: changing institutions, not just

individuals. Medium.


The Men’s Achievement Center | North Carolina Central University. (n.d.).

Western Carolina University - Intercultural Affairs. (n.d.). Western Carolina University

Intercultural Affairs.

Western Carolina University - Strategic Direction 2: Student experience. (n.d.). Strategic Direction

2: Student Experience.


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