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Citizens, having a wide range of food, are more likely to eat more food grown in other regions than those
grown in local areas. From my perspective, its benefits outweigh its drawbacks in general.
First, one positive aspect of widening food resources is related to individuals' health. Some special crops or
fruits are only produced in certain areas, considering the restriction of humidity and temperature. If people
have access to various food supplies, rather than solely sticking to the local food, they will possess a more
balanced and beneficial diet, which means they can absorb more nutrition and have a higher fitness level.
Otherwise, inhabitants may suffer from some illnesses, including avitaminosis, stomachache, and other
health-related issues.
Moreover, individuals' wide variety of food can also bring another profit to those who cultivate food in other
religions. ln the past, the domain of trace was limited because of the undeveloped transport, to some degree
restricting the formers' income. Nowadays, citizens eat more exotic food rather than local food, promoting the
agricultural industry and boosting the economy. Farmers in other provinces can also share wide customer
resources. Able to earn more than before.
However, it is significant to note the negative aspect of dependence on other religions, especially other
countries Some main food, such as rice and beans, cannot be totally relied on import. On the contrary, it is
the domestic food resource that should account for the majority of the market share. Only by doing this, can
the economy remains stable when other nations cut down the food supplies,
To summary up, having a wide range of food resources is beneficial for consumers' health as well as farmers'
But in the domain of countries, the main resource of important food should be commanded by the nation.
2. In recent times, more and more individuals are choosing to have children later in life. This shift in trend can
be attributed to a variety of reasons, and it has notable impacts on families and society.
One significant reason for delaying parenthood is the focus on careers and financial stability. People
nowadays want to ensure a stable financial situation and a secure job before taking on the responsibilities of
raising children. This is particularly true for women, who often delay having children until they have
established themselves in their careers
Changing societal expectations also play a role in this trend. Unlike in the past, modern couples prioritize
personal fulfillment and self-discovery before starting a family. This cultural change reflects a desire for
individual autonomy and the belief that delaying parenthood allows more time for personal pursuits and
The impacts of this trend are mixed. On the positive side, couples who delay parenthood are often more
mature and financially secure when they decide to have children, creating a potentially more stable family
environment. However there are drawbacks, such as the challenges associated with the age gap between
parents and children and potential health issues.
From a societal perspective, delayed parenthood contributes to an aging population. This demographic shift
constrain social support systems, healthcare services, and pension programs. Moreover, a lower birth rate
may impact the labor force and economic growth.
In conclusion, the decision to have children later in life is influenced by career aspirations and changing
societal norms. While delayed parenthood can result in more stable families, it also presents challenges for
both individual families and society as a whole. Striking a balance between the advantages and
disadvantages of this trend inessential for policymakers and individuals navigating the complexities of family

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