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Defeat of Geramy in WW2

**Can only be tested in Section B as SEQ – fairly simple

to explain once u have described the factor- but make sure
you guys get the facts right first !!


Role of USA

Germany’s Weakness

Allied Resistance
1. USA’s Role in the War

Was the entrance of the USA into
WWII the main reason for
Germany’s defeat in WWII?

Lend-Lease Act (1939-1941)
Contribution to Allied War Effort Importance of Contribution

Ø 1937 Neutrality act was revised in September Ø The lend-lease act injected fresh resources
1939, allowing B&F to buy arms on a ‘cash and to the Allied War Effort
carry’ basis- B&F could pay in cash and get Ø By the end of 1940, B resources were
weapons nearing exhaustion and it could not afford
Ø However, President Roosevelt persuaded to purchase arms on ‘cash & carry” terms
Congress to pass the Lend-Lease act – USA
could supply food, weapons and equipment to B
Ø Thus, the USA’s lend-lease act provided the
and any country whose defense was vital to Allies with resources such as weapons and
threat of USA’s equipment as well as food supplies.
Ø Later extended to the USSR when G launched Ø The supplies and resources enabled the
Operation Barbarosa in June 1941 Allies to eventually defeat G, which was also
Ø Under the lend-lease act, payment for purchase drained by the war.
of weapons could be deferred and payment
may not be in cash. Almost $50billion of
resources was provided to the Allies, including
the USSR.
Ø Lend-Lease act signaled the end of American
neutrality – ie, they are siding with the Allied

Contribution of Manpower and Resources to Britain
Contribution to Allied War Effort Importance of Contribution

Ø Roosevelt firmly believed that the USA Ø The support of the USA provided the Allies
should be the ‘arsenal of democracy’ with the psychological and material
Ø This meant that the USA should play an support toward the war effort
active role in supporting the Allies Ø By equipping the Allies with resources, the
Allies were able to gain military superiority
against the Axis powers, short of
over G, which was drained as the war
entering the war dragged on
Ø After F fell to G in 1940, the USA Ø This ultimately enabled the Allies to achieve
stepped up its aids to B, giving 50 old victory over the Axis Powers.
destroyers in return for 8 naval bases in
the Caribbean
Ø Stronger binds were forged between
USA and B as the 2 leaders
corresponded frequently with each
Ø In response, G and I joined J in the
Tripartite Pact

Tripartite Pact –
the Axis Powers
Article 3 of the pact : “(The Three
Powers – J,G,I) will assist one another
with all political, economic and
militart means when one of the 3
parties is at war with a power at
present not involved in the European
war or the Sino-Japanese conflict..”

Expanded and re-equiped the US Army and Navy, and stepped up
Contribution to Allied War Effort Importance of Contribution
Ø Roosevelt had planned to expand the Ø Roosevelt’s ‘freside chats’ convinced
US army and Navy, and stepped up American of the need to end isolationism
rearmament and of being more involved in the war. The
Ø The USA had the largest advantage of support of the Americans provided moral
being the largest producer of goods and support for the Allies
it efficiently converted its factories to Ø The USA was able to produce military
produce military resources at a faster resources at such a rapid rate that the AXIS
rate than the Axis Powers powers could not keep up
Ø The USA also sent a large number of Ø The additional troops bolstered the Allied
American military personnel to aid war capabilities and with the increased
numbers, ultimately contributed to the
Allied military campaigns. For example,
defeat of G’s drained and war weary army
a total of 11 million American soldiers
fought alongside B’s 4.5 million soldiers
and F’s 2.5 million soldiers

Provided escort roles for all Allied convoys at sea

Contribution to Allied War Effort Importance of Contribution

Ø The US navy provided escort roles for all Ø Allied shipscarrying essential war supplies
Allied convoys at sea after being to support the ongoing war effort against
attacked by German U-boats in late Germany were able to cross the seas safely
1941. as they were escorted by the US Navy
Ø This prevented Britain from starving to
death and kept the resistance against
Germany going

Economis Sanctions

Contribution to Allied War Effort Importance of Contribution

Ø USA imposed economic sanctions on the Ø The economic sanctions deprived the Axis
Axis powers powers of essential resources required for
Ø Resources such as iron were restricted the war effort
to Japan for the war effort Ø With the supplies drained due to the long
drawn war, the Axis powers were weakened
Ø J’s assets in the USA were also frozen militarily due to the US sanctions
when it invaded French Indochina in Ø This contributed to G’s ultimate defeat

Declaration of War against Japan after Pearl Harbour

Contribution to Allied War Effort Importance of Contribution

Ø USA formally entered WWII in the Asia- Ø The formal entrance of the USA into the war
Pacific theatre when J launched a meant that further expansion of US’s aid as
surprise attack on Pearl Harbour on 7 well as collaboration with the Allies in
December 1941 military strategies, which eventually led to
the fall of Germany.
Ø The USA declared war on Japan in
Ø Hitler declared war on the USA à
because of the Tripartite pact

Collaboration with the Allies on Military Strategies

Contribution to Allied War Effort Importance of Contribution

Ø The USA’s participation in crafting Allied military
strategies helped the Allies achieve superiority Ø Control of air&sea ultimately contributed to
of the air and sea. G’s defeat as essential resources were not
Ø The Allies were able to destroy many G cities, able to reach G ; G could not replenish its
military sites and oilfields. This slowed down G’s war resources, making them weak and
production of war materials. G also focused on enabling the Allies to defeat them.
the production of anti-aircraft guns rather than Ø Control of air and sea also led to Allied
tanks. This heavily compromised the military
tactical success against G
readiness of the G army. The Luftwaffe lost
control of the air
Ø Eg: D-day of June 1944 involved the
Ø Allies were able to gain control of the sea by combined military and equipment from the
using vital bases in the mid-Atlantic. The Allies Allied powers which resulted in a decisive
also produced longer-range aircraft which Allied Victory
successfully attacked German U-boats Ø Eg, Allies invaded Italy which made Hitler
(submarines) and planes. The Allies also send forces south away from the Eastern
produced better equipment such as anti- Front
submarine weapons, radio communications and
radar. G was forced to recall its U-boats in 1943,
and hence enabling the Allies to gain
superiority of the sea.

D-Day, 6 June
Allied invasion of Nazi-dominated
Europe through landings in
Normandy. It was the largest
seaborne invasion in history. D-Day
laid the foundations for Allied
Victory on the Western Front

2. Germany’s Weakness

How did Germany’s
Weakness contribute to
its defeat in WWII?

Inappropriate use of resources and military funds

Ineffectiveness of Military Tactics Slow and inefficent armament

The military leaders of the army, navy and air force
competed with each other for limited funds instead of
Ø In G, there were not enough workers to
working together to produce an effective Wehrmacht produce the weapons needed
(defence force) Ø This was because slave laborer's in the
Ø Instead of using these funds to bring about an factories were starved and G women were
effective front consisting of the three sections of the discouraged from working and contributing
Wehrmacht, the competition only led to funds not to the war effort: Nazis were ideologically
being used wisely
Ø Also Hitler insisted on making all the important opposed to women working/ All jewish &
decisions himself, and often went against the advice Polish males had to perform unpaid forced
of his experienced generals à In the Battle of Britain, labour
Hitler had ordered the Luftwaffe to attack Britain’s Ø G also produced too many types of weapons,
cities instead of focusing on destroying the British making it necessary to produce even more
Royal Air Force (RAF)
types of spare parts needed for the repair of
Ø This gave the RAF time to recover and enabled it to
prevent B from falling to G à Eg, in 1941, Hitler these weapons --. Eg, focus on producing
again went against the advice of his generals and tanks instead of spare parts (eg, engines,
attacked other Russian cities, such as Ukraine, instead gearboxes)
of focusing on capturing Moscow. This cost the G the Ø In contrast, the West focused on only proven
opportunity to secure a victory against the USSR. weapons, making it unlikely to be lacking in
spare parts

Inappropriate use of resources and military funds

Shortage of proven weapons and How were all these factors

essential equipment important for German Defeat ?
Ø Hitler constantly demanded the most up-to- Ø Thus, producing a huge variety of weapons was
date weapons. Some weapons were not even too costly and inefficient. At the same time,
tested before mass production workers were inadequate and thus G suffered
Ø Thus, there was a shortage of proven weapons from slow and inefficient rearmaments
and equipment such as trucks, infantry vehicles Ø This weakness was further aggravated by the
and sustainable clothing to deal with the fact that G did not utilize its already limited
Russian winter when G invaded the USSR à For resources & military funds astutely and this put
eg, Allied Powers used cotton webbing, G at a further disadvantage compared to the
Germans continued to use leather belts and Allies.
ammunition pouches that bent, warped,
cracked, and could become tangled and
constricting, especially when soldier had to
crawl or roll about on the ground

In use, it was found that the barrel
attachment became distorted and
quickly wore out from the pressure
of the rounds being fired. Also, the
bullets often shattered on exiting
the krummlauf àeg of German
failed and unproven weapons

Ineffective Command Structure

Consequence on G’s effectiveness in sustaining the war

The G state and military command structure was a confusing system Ø OKW was also given task of central economic
of overlapping authority planning & procurement, but authority and influence
Ø Wehrmachtà unified armed forces of Nazi Germanyà Heer of the OKW’s war economy office was challenged by
(army) +Kriegsmarine(navy) + Luftwaffe (air force) the procurement offices of each branch of service, as
Ø Commander-in-chiefà Adolf Hitler well as Ministry for Armament & Munitions, which
Ø Armed Forces High Commandà Oberkommando der Wehrmacht was later merged together after the Ministry was
taken over by Albert Speer in early 1942.
(OKW)à General Field Marshal Wilhel Keitel
Ø OKW coordinated all military activities BUT Keitel’s authority over
army, air force and navy were limited ü The ineffective command structure cost the G dearly
Ø Each branch of the army had its own High Command aka : as the G suffered one setback after another
1. Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) ü The inability of G to secure a decisive victory in the
2. Oberkommando der Marine (OKM) fight against B meant the war dragged on, draining G
3. Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (OKL) of its resources, contributing to its defeat
Ø OKW had operational authority over the Western Front ü Similarly, the G found themselves unable to defeat
Ø OKH had operational authority over the Eastern Front the Red Army and hence unable to end the war
against the Soviets quickly
ü This cost G massive military losses and accounted for
G’s eventual defeat in WWII.

Heavy Reliance on Petroleum

Consequence on G’s effectiveness How was this important for

in sustaining the war German Defeat ?
Ø Petroleum was essential for the G war effort. Ø G’s heavy reliance on petroleum rendered its
However, G lacked adequate petroleum war machines & war efforts vulnerable
reserves Ø Without adequate supply petroleum resources,
Ø It invented synthetic oil which was then used as G was severely weakened, and this made its
a substitute for refined petroleum product defeat inevitable.
Ø The Nazi occupied countries, such as Austria and
Romania, were also used for the G war effort
Ø Allied Oil Campaign of WWII
ü When the Allied forces achieved control of the
air, G oil targets were heavily bombed and put
out of operation
ü From 1943 onwards, G synthetic oil plants and
oilfields were subjected to heavy bombing by
the USA
ü The Ploesti oilfields in Romania which were G’s
chief source of oil imports, were put out of
operations as a result of Allied attacks

War on Two Fronts

Consequence on G’s effectiveness How was this important for

in sustaining the war German Defeat ?
Ø While still fighting the West in Europe, Hitler Ø As a result, G’s limited war resources were
invaded the USSR in 1941 (Operation strained as it had to fight a war on two fronts
Barbarossa). This is because Hitler wanted to at the same time – G war resources depleted by
quickly achieve his goal of lebensraum a considerable amount, leaving it few resources
Ø When he seemed to be gaining the upper hand to sustain the war on two fronts
against the Soviets, Hitler again declared war Ø Having to fight a two-war front proved to be a
against the USA costly mistake which contributed to Germany’s
Ø Hitler was convinced that the USA would be defeat.
busy fighting against the Japanese in the Pacific
and not focus on the war in Europe. However,
Roosevelt concentrated his troops in North
America and Europe.

3. Allied Resistance

And this is the subtitle that makes

it comprehensible

Did Allied Resistance play an
important role in Germany’s
defeat in WWII?

Reorganisation of the Soviet Military
Action taken by Allied Nation Impact on Germany’s Defeat
Ø When G invaded the USSR, it was unprepared and Soviet Forces Ø With assistance, the USSR managed to defeat
suffered heavy casualties almost 80% of the Wehrmacht
Ø However, the USSR soon gained the upper hand. G tactical errors, Ø By 1943, the USSR was scoring decisive victories
the resistance of Soviet troops helped by the harsh winters set G against the retreating G military -- > winning
forces back and gave the USSR time to reorganize and rebuild its the Battle of Stalingrad & Battle of Kursk
Ø EG, Stalin handed control of the Red Army to competent generals
such as Georgi Zhukov who directed the defence of Moscow
against the G Army in 1941.
Ø Eg, Stalin eliminated incompetent generals and
retreating/fleeting soldiers by having them killed – this led to
soldiers standing their ground in battle as they were too scared to
Ø Eg, the Red Army made use of bitter winter of 1941 to launch
counter-attack to defeat G in the Battle of Moscow
Ø Major Russian industrial plants were moved to central and eastern
Russia, beyond German bombing reach. These industrial plants
were devoted solely to military production, and this helped the
USSR to rebuild its military rapidly – in 1940, Soviet production of
modern combat airplanes increased over 70% from the previous

Battle of Britain AKA British Resistance
Ø When F fell to G in 1940, Hitler had hoped that B would discuss peace Ø Royal Air Force Resistance
terms with G. However, Churchill made it clear that B would fight to ü Rapid extension of the RAF following the outbreak of war in Europe
the end ü 3 major combat commands: RAF Fighter Command (defence of UK), RAF
Coastal Command (to protect Allied shipping and attack enemy shipping &
Ø Allied Propaganda
RAF Bomber Command (offensive against the enemy)
ü Keep Calm and Carry On Posters ü Bomber Command: 2 areas of attack – strategic bombing campaign against
ü Dunkirk Spirit : Originated from the Dunkirk Evacuation – when German war production + bombing of coastal waters off G to contain its
Allied soldiers were evacuated from the beaches and harbor of naval operations & prevent the U-boats from freely operating against Allied
Dunkirk, France, as they were cut off and surrounded by the G army shipping
during the Battle of France. Some civilians contributed their boats as ü RAF developed new technology and tactics
means to help in the evacuation even though they knew they were 1. Navigational aids
risking their lives. Since the evacuation was successfully pulled off, it 2. Electronic aids in defence and attack
was presented as a miracle to the public Thus, the Dunkirk Spirit 3. Supporting electronic warfare aircraft
4. Tactics to overwhelm G defences control system
is used to describe the British public pulling together and
5. Tactics to directly combat against G night-fighter forces
overcoming times of adversity 6. Target marking techniqueas
Ø Resilience in the face of G attacks
ü Since it was one of the principal strategies of the G attack to attack Impact on G defeat
shipping bound for B, there were extreme shortages Ø At the same time, the resilience of the British people strengthen their
ü The Ministry of Food instituted system of rationing resolve to defeat the Germans
ü This kept the nation from starving into submission Ø This also enabled Britain to remain the base of operations for the
Western Front and for D-day
Ø The fierce resistance in the Battle of Britain ultimately drained G’s war
resources and contributed to its defeat.
Codenamed Operation Dynamo, the
Dunkirk evacuation sought to
evacuate Allied Soldiers from France
after Germany’s invasion.

Resistance Movements aka Resistance in Europe
Action taken by Allied Nation Impact on Germany’s Defeat
Ø Resistance movements in Nazi-occupied Europe provided vital
information and support to the Allies Ø Thus, these resistance movements strained
Ø Before 1941, the sudden brutal G attack meant there was German resources as considerable manpower
limited resistance, as most people were too traumatized to and equipment had to be used to put down
resist these resistance movements
Ø However, when G attacked the USSR, the communists who were Ø This weakened the G war effort further, leading
experienced in underground movements were involved in to its eventual defeat.
resisting the Nazis
Ø These resistance movements were involved in sabotage
operations, spreading false intelligence to the Germans, and
helped gather intelligence for the Allies
Ø Eg, Soviet partisans fought guerrilla warfare behind Axis lines
from bases within Soviet-held territory to disrupt Eastern
Front’s road and rail communications for Germany
Ø Eg, Polish resistance movement was the largest underground
resistance in all of Nazi-occupied Europe- most notable for
disrupting German supply lines to the Eastern Front, providing
military intelligence to the British, and for saving more Jewish
lives in the Holocaust than any other Allied organization or
Ø Impressed by the success of the communist resistance
movement, many in Europe joined the communist resistance

Firstly, its on Netflix !! A dutch banker
and a resistance leader, Walraven
(Wally) van Hall founded the bank of
the Resistance which was used to
distribute funds to victims of
the Nazi occupation of the
Netherlands and fund the Dutch

Thoughts ?

‘It was Soviet Blood rather than American Might that allowed the Allies to win
in WWII” How far do you agree? Explain your answer [12]

End of Defeat of


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