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Name : Hira Aldiana Zahra

NIM : 20210350125
Study Program : Farmasi 2021/ FM 2


During the holidays maybe 2 year ago, before Covid-19 comes to our country, my

father and I plan to take a vacation somewhere that has a beautiful beach view, the beach names

is . I went with my father by motorbike. The location is not far from my house, which is a

neighboring city. After we arrived there, we have not found the beach, to get to the beach we

have to pass like a forest. Many visitors often slip there. So my dad and I were very careful.

After a long time of walking, we finally found the beach. There are also a lot of big rocks that are

good in the photo. So I decided to take pictures there too, because the rock is quite large and also

hard so I climbed to the top of the rock. When I climbed up suddenly I heard a “kreeekkk….”. I

was surprised what was torn? it turned out that when I saw my leg it turned out that my pants

were torn, luckily only the knee was torn, because as it happens I was wearing jeans, then my

father swiftly covered the torn my pants using the cloth mask he used when traveling at that time.

After finished taking photos in one place. My father and I moved from this place and

looking for a different place. In that place there were 3 foreigners also visited the beach. I tried to

get up the courage to interact to increase my English skills with these foreigners. And when I

greeted and asked his name and where he came from, it turned out that he was from the

Philippines. After trying to interact, I also got permission to take a photo with him. Captured the

moment to meet foreigner, because in my opinion the beach is very beautiful but only famous in

the surrounding cities. and maybe the foreign tourist is an explorer who likes hidden tourist spots

that not many people know about it.

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