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How to get rid of annoying people

Girl: My Brother is so annoying. I am fed up with his

Boy: Annoying people are so bad. I feel like slapping them.
Girl: Me too. But I can’t do that. It’s so irritating.
Boy: Wait I’ll tell you in my ways about him and about how
you should deal with him.
 Don’t give any reaction
 Stay calm
 Point out their annoying habits
 See if they are willing to change
 Cut them off
Girl: Can you please explain these ways in detail to me?
Boy: Yeah sure. Let’s see how to deal with an annoying
person such as your brother.
As we know that there are some people in our lives who continuously try to
annoy us, but there are some situations in which we can’t get rid of those
annoying people. Being with annoying people can have many different
disadvantages on you and your life as well, being with an annoying person for
all day can result in a stressed-out mood, and all these things can easily ruin
your day that is why it is very important to get rid of all the annoying people
who continuously annoy you so that you can live peacefully.
There are many different times when someone tries to annoy us, and at that
time we don’t have any choice but to deal with them so if you are also a
person who is trying to get rid of annoying people then in this article, we will
discuss many different ways by which we can easily get rid of annoying

1.Don’t give any reaction

The most important thing that you can do to get rid of annoying people
is that you should not react whenever they try to bother you, you should
always try to tell the person nonverbally that you’re not interested in
them, there are many different things that you can do in order to
express your discontent to the person, for example, you can make
mean faces or mutter things. All these things will help the person to
understand that you are not interested in them, and one more thing that
you should always keep in your mind that the silence does not make
you weak and you should not get into any physical violence with the
person who tried to annoy because getting in physical violence can cost
you your health.

2.Stay calm
The main objective of a person who is trying to annoy you is that he or
she wants you to be stressed out, and if you don’t want to be stressed
out because of that annoying person then the most important thing that
you should do is that whenever they see things that can easily annoy
you, stay calm. By staying calm, you can easily avoid that person, after
some time he will also understand that there is no benefit of annoying
you because you don’t react the way they want you to, and one thing
you should always keep in mind is the ability to tolerate the people who
are continuously trying to annoy you is directly proportional to how
emotionally stable you are. So, you should stay calm.

3.Point out their annoying habits

If the person who is annoying you is your close one and the one who
you don’t want to leave then there are some important things that you
should do to stop their annoying habits, you can easily go and confront
them and tell them all the annoying habits that they are doing which are
annoying you, you can just simply go to them and tell them the reason
why you are feeling annoyed whenever they do this kind of habits if the
person is very close to you, can just go and tell to them that why are
you feeling annoyed so that the person can easily understand your point
of view and can stop doing those annoying habits.

4.See if they are willing to change

After confronting the person and telling them about their annoying
habits that they are doing which are continuously annoying you, just see
whether the person who is trying to annoy you is willing to change or
not, if a person is willing to change and trying harder not to annoy you
then you should also understand the his perspective and try to help
them which can help the person to work on himself or herself, and by
following all these things the person can easily start to change
themselves. But if the person is not willing to change then you should
start trying to avoid that person as that person always keeps himself or
herself in the first place.
5.Cut them off
Even after telling all the different things that they are doing continuously
which is annoying you, if they are not stopping themselves from doing
those things, then the easiest way to get rid of those annoying people is
that you should start to cut them off. You can easily refuse to answer
their calls or you can even block them, by doing so after some time
such people will understand that you are not giving attention to them
and they will also stop calling or texting you, this will indirectly help you
to get rid of those annoying people so that you can live your life

This shares the most important ways by which you can easily get rid of
the annoying person and one more thing that you should always keep in
your mind, whenever a person is trying to annoy you, first confront him,
and you should not indulge in any physical violence because indulging
in any physical violence can cause harm to your post or your health.

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