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How does deforestation affect the lithosphere?

The lithosphere is includes the outer part of the Earth, particularly the mantle and upper mantle.
Deforestation affects the Lithosphere by weakening the soil which will thus end in a landslide and
alter the landscapes. The more trees that are cut down, the more unstable the land is which
endangers the living organisms that step foot upon it.

how does deforestation affect the hydrosphere

The hydrosphere consists of all the Earths bodies of water, from the biggest of seas to the smallest of
lakes. Due to the trees rapidly decreasing numbers, the water cycle will be disrupted. Floods would
happen more frequently, which then disrupts the life on both land and water.

how does deforestation affect the biosphere

Since the Biosphere is made up of all living organisms on Earth, Deforestation can affect the Biosphere
very negatively to the point of fatality. Deforestation can heavily impact the biosphere as it is one of
the reasons for Global warming. The number of trees decreasing means that our oxygen levels will
also decrease, which is fatal as we living organisms need the Oxygen desperately.

how does deforestation affect the atmosphere

Because of the trees being cut down, the carbon it had absorbed is released back into the
atmosphere, which then contributes to the growing danger of Global warming. Not enough oxygen
would be produced which is detrimental to the health of all living organisms on Earth. The ozone layer
is also in danger because of it. (Though it is already on it’s path to recovery.)

How does each sphere affect each other?

Lithosphere < > Hydrosphere

Deforestation would damage the soil of the lithosphere, which then causes erosion. The soil and
minerals would fall into the water, possible contaminating it due to the bacteria from the soil
transferring to the water. Homes of both water and land life will be affected. Buildings from the
outside will sink underwater, damaging the area that is inhabited by the water wild-life.

Lithosphere< >Biosphere

The lithosphere is a crucial part that ensures that the Biosphere survives. If we were to destroy the
lithosphere and Biosphere by deforestation which then triggers a butterfly effect, and ends in total
extinction. It’s terrible to think about really, If the Lithosphere corrodes then our whole environment
would end up impossible to live in, oxygen and clean water will be depleted which will cause all life to

Lithosphere< >atmosphere

A damaged Lithosphere will affect the atmosphere by worsening the global warming, possibly causing
another rift into the ozone layer and more.

Hydrosphere> <Biosphere
The hydrosphere is a lifeline for all living things, somewhere where living organisms can drink from,
rejuvenating their vigor. If the Hydrosphere was affected and changed from the depletion of trees, the
ecosystem would also suffer. Bodies of water need the trees to hold the land together.

Hydrosphere> <Atmosphere
The Hydrosphere provides moisture to the atmosphere, which controls both humidity and
precipitation patterns. If the Hydrosphere were to be disrupted by deforestation affecting the
Lithosphere and Biosphere, it will most definitely affect the Hydrosphere which will then affect the
Atmosphere the same.

Biosphere> <Atmosphere

Trees are very important to keep the Biosphere alive, that much is clear. However, with the depletion
of trees- oxygen will become scarce which then Carbon Dioxide will overlap the Oxygen which then
will affect the atmosphere in all negative ways.

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