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的原因,基本几句话带过就可以,不用太过费篇章。 夏令营保研个人陈述_经济学_高
等教育_教育专区。保研时候的个人陈述北京大学国家发展研究院 2014 年夏令营 个人
陈述 姓名: XX 请用 1500 字以内介绍你的学术... ①用数字清晰量化成果。比如,整
次,请突出你的专业优势,例如外文文献阅读流利/ 田野调查经历丰富/沟通能力相当等等
分享,本站仅负责收集和整理,有任何疑问请联系我们 I have a good habit in learning and
working. No matter how great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work. And I
finished reading books like Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed
(Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice. In addition, I
am very creative. I could solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP 对工科生
就行。但我建议不要过多的表现自己热衷各种活动/ 工作,点到为止即可,否则老师可
事省略啦# So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in my spare time I
took part in social practices, for example I visited “international finance” of newspaper office and
“Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took part in planning for the “second finance year meeting” in
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. During the process, I met many finance people and
got a chance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of finance journals and
website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practices better, I carried on special researches
on these problems. 立项年度:________________________________ 要点:题目不超过25个
汉字、英文翻译的准确性、申报学科、学科归类、金额、时间 VALERIA 分享她的托福之
旅:通过 TIKTOK 过滤器获得的见解 For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization
problem” and its aim was to review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to
influence currency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to help us
understand the experiences and lessons happened on the process of each national currency
globalization and offered some feasible references for RMB international globalization. I connected
the fact of our national economy development, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some
nations around China, through researching the general rule of currency internationalization
globalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalization process. 对未来的规划,
毕竟个人陈述不是给自己看的,主要是让导师能够选中你,你现在是在推销自己。 陈
学校中层副职干部的竞聘,感谢校党委及各级领导给我这样… 人文社科 如果您的申
施进行补偿或改进。 专注于UCAT,BMAT,UCAT ANZ,ISAT考试培训辅导,提供国际择
校与英国医学院面试指导。 1 、 基本情况/ 学术水平: 姓名、本科院校、专业、绩点、
排名、英语水平、所获奖学金等等; 无忧文档可免积分在线阅读和下载文档 承担单位
: 进入研究生阶段后,我计划把更多的时间放到品牌的研究上,严
讨学习,配合导师 从事相关方向的研究,积极参与到实践环节中去,将自己的学习和
的努力,争取 做的更好! 个人陈述主要包括科研背景、实践经历、个人兴趣点、未来
研究计划等,大家可以搜集各大院校的个人陈述要求,不外乎这几点。 包括资格
考试、应用文书等大量word文档免费下载 Typical cost per Semester: $5,000—$10,000 When
working as an auditor, the thing that interested me most is the conversion between different GAAPs.
My experience of serving publicly listed companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made me
realize there are many theoretical differences between PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP. The
accounting principles adopted by different countries not only show their stages of development, but
also express their culture and social preferences. So is it really possible that we eliminate the GAAP
difference by implementing IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer is but it is my opinion that the
current IFRS employed in Hong Kong is vague and can be the source of many discussable issues.
US GAAP, on the other hand, provides a much more advanced and structured approach to
accounting. Maybe the US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but I believe that the US GAAP will still
provide helpful guidance in the future. Learning more about the US GAAP is one of the main
reasons I want to pursue an Education in the United States and I hope to obtain the AICPA license
prior to my graduation. My work there not only confirmed my competence in the accounting field,
but also trained me into a diligent and persevering professional. More than 50% of my clients were
new clients, meaning we had no records in our database to refer to. The challenge of starting from
the very beginning is stressful and exciting at the same time. I found myself extremely motivated
when I had the authority to design procedures and make decisions. The feeling of success and
confidence I gained from serving new clients is the main reason why I stayed with the (company
name) team for 20 months. My work there gave me a great sense of self-satisfaction and was
recognized by my peers and supervisors. I was rewarded for my hard work by being one of the top
paid employees at my level during my last three years of employment. 本着多一事不如少一事
的原则,你觉得老师会在你亮明“背景”的情况下,还会要你吗? 如果你还在苦苦搜
查新检索报告和知情同意书附后。 问题来了:你知道在场的面试老师,和这位老师的
关系很好吗?你知道你这样说,不会让面试老师怀疑你有“拉关系”的嫌疑吗? ①开
门见山,先展示含金量最高的科研项目,再按照时间顺序逐一陈述 ©2012 无忧文
档, 闽ICP备15022310号-3 | 站点地图 | 文档上传 | 侵权投诉 | 手机
版 (+ 91) 8981800118 ②循序渐进,按照从大一到大三的顺序阐述科研经历,体现学术水
平逐步精进 老师们对评级都是比较敏感的,可能对方并不是一个教授,只是一个导
师或者讲师,这样写可能会带有潜在的歧视。 Typical cost per Year: $5,000—$10,000 接下
写法,保证让你想写不好都难(* ̄︶ ̄) PersonalStatement-
Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University had a passion for science.
Following several hospital visits during my teenage years to explore my interest, the idea of a career
that would exploit my humanity and problem-solving abilities always made medicine a natural
choice. So why did I choose computer science? By exploring a secondary interest in IT, I sought to
allow myself the time to carefully consider my motivations for following such a challenging career.
Medicine has never been absent from my 询问审阅你的个人陈述的人阅读起来是有趣还是
给考官带来微笑、大笑或情感的东西将获得高分。 一旦你开始写作,确保你的句子结
构有变化。每一段必须与前一段相连。每个段落的开头都不一样。 建议根据学制调整
准备了两种模板: 下次当你想穿上脖子上挂着听诊器的白大褂的愿望实现时,别忘
了感谢那些帮助你顺利度过这段坎坷旅程的人或招生顾问! 可以说一下自己对投递
就可以,不用太过费篇章。 要点:副高前三名不能同时有2个以上的项目、身份证号码
的准确性、分工的合理性、年龄职称专业搭配的合理性、参加时间4-8个月/ 年为宜
called "" because there were lots of even years ago. the city Sample Personal Statem... 2页 1
下载券 喜欢此文档的还喜欢 PERSONAL STATEMENT例文... 2页 1下载券 personal
statement Acc... 2页 3下载券 Personal Stat... 2. 创业训练项目是本科生团队,在导师指
项目参与学生一般不超过6人。 (2) 由非应届本科生考入硕士研究生的,生源地区按其
不按要求转载会被举报! 当然,如果你不是这种情况,直接清清爽爽的介绍一下
自己,也很大方得体##毕竟工科老师也都挺喜欢讲效率的: 我们:+ 1 (917)597 - 0325
Bachelor Degree 保研夏令营个人陈述_简历封面/模板_求职/职场_应用文书。保研夏令
营个人陈述 ... 申请北大保研夏令营的个... 2页 4下载券 保研夏令营个人陈述 2页 1
有的同学太诚实了,“我报考 XX 大学,是因为我对 XX 教授特别崇拜,参加过他的 XX
讲座,旁听过他的 XXX,还发过邮件咨询” 。 如果各位有需要,可以关注【保研喵】的知
乎或者私信找我要word模板哦~ Bachelor Degree 科研成果上,在20##年3月主动参与到
了电力市场的调研与问卷分析相关方 面的工作,也从这次课题研究声学习到了不少
献综述《浅谈社会资本理论 主要研究议题的共识及争论焦点》,并且在20##年第8期的《
市场调研等 相关课程的实践环节,所做的研究报告都得到了比较高的成绩基点。 个
对评级都是比较敏感的,可能对方并不是一个教授,只是一个导 师或者讲师,这样写
可能会带有潜在的歧视。 Masters I have a good habit in learning and working. No matter how
great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work. And I finished reading books like
Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed (Introduction to Algorithms,
Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice. In addition, I am very creative. I could
solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP When working as an auditor, the thing
that interested me most is the conversion between different GAAPs. My experience of serving
publicly listed companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made me realize there are many
theoretical differences between PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP. The accounting principles
adopted by different countries not only show their stages of development, but also express their
culture and social preferences. So is it really possible that we eliminate the GAAP difference by
implementing IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer is but it is my opinion that the current IFRS
employed in Hong Kong is vague and can be the source of many discussable issues. US GAAP, on
the other hand, provides a much more advanced and structured approach to accounting. Maybe the
US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but I believe that the US GAAP will still provide helpful
guidance in the future. Learning more about the US GAAP is one of the main reasons I want to
pursue an Education in the United States and I hope to obtain the AICPA license prior to my
graduation. 保研夏令营个人陈述_简历封面/ 模板_求职/ 职场_应用文书。保研夏令营个
人陈述 ... 申请北大保研夏令营的个... 2页 4下载券 保研夏令营个人陈述 2页 1下载... 保
研个人陈述---北京大学_调查/报告_表格/ 模板_应用文书。保送北京大学的个人... 申请
北大保研夏令营的个... 2页 4下载券 北大个人陈述夏令营外推 2页 ... 保研夏令营个人
陈述_书信模板_表格/模板_应用文书。保研夏令营陈述,北京师范... 保研夏令营个人陈
述 2页 免费 申请北大保研夏令营的个... 2页 4下载券 ... 注:此表请考生认真填写,正反
智的做法是坚持一到两个你想谈论的话题,并提供必要的证据来验证你的故事。 你
Typical cost per Year: $5,000—$10,000 Summer 2023 年04月07日 09:43--浏览 · --喜欢 · --评
论 In 2009, when everyone in China was saving money for real estate investments, I was putting
money away so that I could come to the United States and study. This was not a popular decision
among my family and friends. Why would I give up a great job and life to travel half way across the
earth and become a poor college student again? I don’t know how many times I tried to explain to
them that I thought it would be a good investment and that in the end it would benefit my life and
my career tremendously. The second reason (and maybe the most important) is that I truly enjoy
learning and obtaining knowledge; it makes me feel I am growing as a person and gives me a great
sense of self-satisfaction. 老师怎么认识你?就是通过你寄过去的个人陈述来了解个人,
以下几点: 对工科生来说,综素在个人自述中不起啥决定性作用,能让老师知道你是
个积极阳光好少年就行。但我建议不要过多的表现自己热衷各种活动/ 工作,点到为
以我就把参加礼仪的事省略啦# 如果你还在苦苦搜集各种保研信息、经验,可以看看
我正在更新的保研干货合集,一篇涵盖保研全程所需的各种攻略~ For example, I began
to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aim was to review substantial economy and non-
substantial economy how to influence currency international globalization from demonstration and
theory angle to help us understand the experiences and lessons happened on the process of each
national currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMB international
globalization. I connected the fact of our national economy development, especially, the base fact of
RMB used by some nations around China, through researching the general rule of currency
internationalization globalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalization process.
Finance is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no finance globalization, there is no
economy globalization. Finance globalization promoted to enlarge international finance market;
multinational trade species and the scale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen
international capital function and to play an important role on the resource distribution in the world.
With the communication among nations increase and the technology information development, the
development of finance tends to globalization. Finance globalization is the motor of economy
globalization, finance and economy was one of the important factors for holding for the whole
world, information, technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance and
economy. 个人陈述是简历的补充和说明,好的个人陈述能够打动老师,会获得额外的
期我们学会了如何制作高质量简历,没有学习的保研er可以戳这个链接哦~ My largest
client when I was with (accounting firm name) was (company name). I worked as an auditor of their
IPO program and on the first annual audit after that. One of the things I am most proud of is the
Revenue and Cost recognition model I created while I was there. It was based on the percentage-of-
completion method and could check for inconsistencies within the data, calculate the revenue of
projects, and exam clients’ combination results when there are inter-subcontracts. This model was
adopted as the major tool for the entire team of auditors (approximately 100) and to my knowledge
is still used in (company name’s) audit team today. Applicant for Computer Science Program from
Tsinghua University learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstract
knowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc. all offered
many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then I knew that finance covered a wider
scope and researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by practices
and analysis of cases. For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise
and discussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member to answer
for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them together and found some materials had
superposition and didn’t have close logic, even each member had different emphasis and expressions
which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting
to talk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevant to this case
respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process, we thought about them deeply and
fully, finally we got a best scheme. 学生的责任是写一份令人印象深刻的、引人入胜的、有
力的个人陈述,给招生团队留下积极的印象。 包括资格考试、应用文书等大量word文
档免费下载 2) 更进一步的了解如何建模、数据挖掘等理论研究方法,学会更多的理
论工具用于指导以后的实践和工作。 承担单位: 1、并不是所有的
还是论文,都要在每段经历最后点明自己的收获,或者贡献。 本作品内容为医生入党
申请书范文2000字, 格式为 docx, 大小1 MB, 页数为3, 请使用软件Word(2010)打开,
的内容, 源文件无水印, 欢迎使用熊猫办公。 如认为平台内容涉嫌侵权,可通过邮件
:tousu@tukuppt.com提出书面通知,我们将及时处理。 combining my love of science with the
interpersonal rewards gained from interacting with them, I hope to fulfill this ambition. Personal
Statement Sample for Medicine留学申请个人陈述范文(医学类) 学科分类:
以为意,最坏的结 果则是让老师认为你没有严谨性而丢分。 Sample of Personal Sta... 4
页 2下载券 留学申请个人陈述- 人力资... 3页...Personal Statement Program: Human Resource
Management / International Business ... 先礼貌问好,然后简单介绍自己的学校、专业,表
如果英语较强,可以详细说一下英语的奖项、证书或者具体的四六级分数等。 招生委
if possible, i will go on with my study for doctorate Bahasa Indonesia 个人陈述是最不需
本站资源均为网友上传分享,本站仅负责收集和整理,有任何疑问请联系我们 复试
生态学城市生态学保护生物学地理信息系统生态林业工程生态经济学等... 进入研究
物上发表相关研究方向的文章,课余时间多跟导师探讨学习,配合导师 从事相关方
To prove my accounting sense and financial management capability I postponed my graduate
education and accepted a position as an auditor at (accounting firm name) Beijing Branch. During
my 4-year employment there I had the opportunity to experience the full range of planning, auditing,
and reporting. Among my duties there were: (1) the designing of suitable audit methods for clients,
(2) using procedures to exam and analyze accounts, (3) evaluating the fairness of financial
statements and reports, (4) and providing recommendations regarding improving operations and
financial positions of clients. Typical cost per Semester: $10,000 — $15,000
/FinancialAdviserwithgreatint… 20xx年魅力化学优秀大学生夏令营个人陈述姓名张民行
个人陈述应... 承担单位: 科研成果上,在20##年3月主动参与到了
电力市场的调研与问卷分析相关方 面的工作,也从这次课题研究声学习到了不少书
综述《浅谈社会资本理论 主要研究议题的共识及争论焦点》,并且在20##年第8期的《经
场调研等 相关课程的实践环节,所做的研究报告都得到了比较高的成绩基点。 Typical
cost per Semester: $10,000 — $15,000 夏令营保研个人陈述_经济学_高等教育_教育专区。
保研时候的个人陈述北京大学国家发展研究院 2014 年夏令营 个人陈述 姓名: XX 请
用 1500 字以内介绍你的学术... 本文由现任医生和医学院申请者顾问以及论文写作服
务作家蒂莫西·威尔逊 (Timothy M. Wilson) 撰写。 Timothy 是essaywritingservice.nyc的内容
提供者,他喜欢跟上个人发展的现代趋势。 填表日期
:________________________________ 作为一个绩点/ 排名并无优势,比赛经历乏善可陈
Bachelor Degree 尊敬的考官您好我是一名申请参与XX大学自主招生考试的应届高中毕
... 如果你还在苦苦搜集各种保研信息、经验,可以看看我正在更新的保研干货合集,一篇
涵盖保研全程所需的各种攻略~ 此时你的个人陈述已经到达了尾声。招生老师了解
你在他的心目中已经建立了一个“ 动机纯正”的形象。 第五段: 介绍自己的学习和研究计
划。如果自己对未来有很明确的方向或者知道自己如何做,那么可以写的十分 详细。
在此基础上写,不要写太空和套路的话。 申请北大保研夏令营的个人陈述 所属学科
: Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University 大多数
清晰、容易理解的语言。 老师:您好!我叫XX,XX,是XXX大学医学影像学院的一名
和研究。… 科研经历是全文的重中之重,也是写起来最让人头大的部分。很多小同学
出来怎么办? 你的独特性,正如你在文章中提到的,必须有相关的故事作为支撑。招
的一面。 跟几位高赞答主不同,我没有把成绩写上去(我也想写啊!但是分寒碜
择避其锋芒,扬长避短,侧重了自己的两方面优势: Applicant for Computer Science
Program from Tsinghua University 向他人寻求帮助总是明智的专业招生顾问让你的个人
的基本情况。招生顾问是处理这些挑战的专家。 以下是一篇申请美国金融专业的出
都有哪些。 专注于UCAT,BMAT,UCAT ANZ,ISAT考试培训辅导,提供国际择校与英国
医学院面试指导。 一般个人陈述在1500-2000个字为宜,当然也有项目要求1000字以
话,就再丰富一下自己的经历和研究计划。 3. 创业实践项目是学生团队在学校导师
有的同学太诚实了,“我报考 XX 大学,是因为我对 XX 教授特别崇拜,参加过他的 XX
讲座,旁听过他的 XXX,还发过邮件咨询” 。 ภาษาไทย 学生的责任是写一份令人印象深
刻的、引人入胜的、有力的个人陈述,给招生团队留下积极的印象。 ⒉要表现出自己
幅写一些不相关的个性、爱好,就失去了个人陈述的重点。 因为我觉得自己在学习
老师留下深刻印象。所以,我选择了开篇亮眼,给老师打下一个“这小同学还不错” 的
心理基调。如果你也是这种情况,你可以从这几方面入手: Applicant for Computer Science
Program from Tsinghua University First, I reviewed the main countries’ currency globalization
process in the world, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions. The first
was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta long stabilization. Second, I pointed out
RMB globalization was the necessity choice of our national economy persisting development and
the benefit of currency globalization according to the impersonality requirement of economical
globalization development, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degree for opening to
foreign. Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University 保研夏令营个人陈
述_简历封面/模板_求职/职场_应用文书。保研夏令营个人陈述 ... 申请北大保研夏令营
的个... 2页 4下载券 保研夏令营个人陈述 2页 1下载... 很多院校都是划线的,比如前 5
、10 、15 等等,没有基数,老师一般很难判断。 For nearly one year, when all other colleagues
had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing,
programming, and refactoring work. When I got home every day after ten o’clock in the night, I
would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and professors attractive to me
until one o’clock in the morning. My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to
finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America. And my yearning for the free
American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such
hard life under much greater pressure. 我认为,诚实作答是基础,切不可夸大或造假,一般
素质也能看到你从中提升的专业能力。 在布里斯托大学,个人陈述根据六个参数进
行评分,每个参数的得分为 4 分: if possible, i will go on with my study for doctorate
My decision to major in accounting came from my three-year term as the treasurer of my high school
class. There I was responsible for recording, archiving receipts, making the annual budget, and
collecting and refunding money for programs. This job transformed me into a patient and organized
person who wanted to learn more about financial management. In 2001, I enrolled as an accounting
student at the (college name). (college name) is one of the most competitive universities in China and
my time there taught me a lot about the spirit of hard work. Each of my last three years at the
university I was awarded a level 3 scholarship as an outstanding student. Upon graduation my major
GPA was a 3.6 which ranked me among the top 15 percent of my class. 还要调整好文档的
格式,院校有要求的按照院校要求来,没有要求的自己控制 间距字号,达到整齐规范
要太过于自大,要真诚。 俗话说,志在必得。各位同学根据要求认真写作,重视每一
Português At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental national economy and
larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalization strengthens and higher ability
against risk, the last part emphasized the process of RMB globalization and the research on keeping
away from risk. The process of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional
strategy on the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, then implement
RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence. 出国留学个人陈述 Personal
Statement_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。Personal Statement “What a naughty girl! You must
always keep what I am about to say in... 专题推荐 保研注意事项 [ 保研经验] 保研申请
过程... 5分钟让你了解什么是保研... 推研注意事项1/2 相关文档推荐北大保研个人陈
述 2页 免费 北大夏令营 ... 码字不易,如果对你有用,请不要吝啬赞同嗷!你的点赞、
收藏、关注 会给我创作更多保研干货的动力! 保研夏令营 个人陈述_书信模板_表格/
模板_应用文书。清华大学工业工程系 2014...不代表学生自身的差距, 借此难得的夏令
营机 会,特向清华大学提出申请,希望贵校... 尽早开始,以便有足够的时间让人们给你
反馈和返工的时间(至少 10 个草稿版本,但更常见) Personal Statement实例sample分析+
指导+常见误区_英语...范例 2:Medicine Personal Statement My motivation ... 留学个人陈述范
文 21页 1下载券 留学申请个人陈述范例... 关于个人陈述模板,可以适度借鉴,你能看
文档可免积分在线阅读和下载文档 在我们努力为尽可能多的人提供优质内容的过
lies in the eastern part of the province. it is the center of
因此请原谅任何错误。谢谢你! So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than
before, in my spare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “international finance”
of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took part in planning for the “second
finance year meeting” in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. During the process, I met
many finance people and got a chance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of
finance journals and website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practices better, I carried
on special researches on these problems. 教育背景是在个人陈述最开始的时候,说一下自
排名、获得的奖项、考取的证书等。 理想的梯队组成:教授(主任医师/ 护师)、副教授(
副主任医师/护师)、主治医师/主管护师、医师/ 护师、护士、博士生、硕士生。 承担单
位: 写具体内容,就要写拿的出手的成绩,在个人陈述第一部分不
条理。这样才可以从众多申请材料中脱颖而出。 When working as an auditor, the thing that
interested me most is the conversion between different GAAPs. My experience of serving publicly
listed companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made me realize there are many theoretical
differences between PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP. The accounting principles adopted by
different countries not only show their stages of development, but also express their culture and
social preferences. So is it really possible that we eliminate the GAAP difference by implementing
IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer is but it is my opinion that the current IFRS employed in
Hong Kong is vague and can be the source of many discussable issues. US GAAP, on the other hand,
provides a much more advanced and structured approach to accounting. Maybe the US will adopt the
IFRS eventually, but I believe that the US GAAP will still provide helpful guidance in the future.
Learning more about the US GAAP is one of the main reasons I want to pursue an Education in the
United States and I hope to obtain the AICPA license prior to my graduation. 最好避免出现诸如“
我是一个很有同情心的人”或“我可以非常有效地沟通” 之类的空白陈述。任何人都可
以说这些话。更好的方法是描述您的经历并突出您从中学到的东西。 注:此表请考生
上发表相关研究方向的文章,课余时间多跟导师探讨学习,配合导师 从事相关方向
不管现在如何,我都需要在将来的学习和生活中更加的努力,争取做的更好! 科研
结 果则是让老师认为你没有严谨性而丢分。 此时你的个人陈述已经到达了尾声。招
的学习。此时你在他的心目中已经建立了一个“动机纯正”的形象。 所有分类 My
decision to major in accounting came from my three-year term as the treasurer of my high school
class. There I was responsible for recording, archiving receipts, making the annual budget, and
collecting and refunding money for programs. This job transformed me into a patient and organized
person who wanted to learn more about financial management. In 2001, I enrolled as an accounting
student at the (college name). (college name) is one of the most competitive universities in China and
my time there taught me a lot about the spirit of hard work. Each of my last three years at the
university I was awarded a level 3 scholarship as an outstanding student. Upon graduation my major
GPA was a 3.6 which ranked me among the top 15 percent of my class. 写这部分的时候,可以
个方向感兴趣。可以用这样的句式: 建议你的个人陈述不要超过字数限制。不同的医
学院有不同的字数限制。保持简短、干脆、简单和有趣。 专注于UCAT,BMAT,UCAT
ANZ,ISAT考试培训辅导,提供国际择校与英国医学院面试指导。 有的同学太诚实
了,“我报考 XX 大学,是因为我对 XX 教授特别崇拜,参加过他的 XX讲座,旁听过他
的 XXX,还发过邮件咨询”。 ②把实践经历与专业水平挂钩。比如在工作中遇到了XX
问题,使用专业知识进行分析和处理,最终成功解决。 Applicant for Computer Science
Program from Tsinghua University learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was
not abstract knowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc. all
offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then I knew that finance covered a
wider scope and researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by
practices and analysis of cases. For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an
enterprise and discussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member
to answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them together and found some
materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, even each member had different emphasis
and expressions which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the
second meeting to talk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevant to
this case respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process, we thought about them
deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme. 我于20##年9月考入福州大学管理学院工商管

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