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Name: Lyza Joyce P.

Serioza Course, Year&Section: BSN 1-B

My best teacher for me is my very own mother. When I was a kindergarten student, my mother
is my first teacher. She possesses remarkable qualities that enable me and her students to not only
educate but also shape the minds and inspire the souls.
Firstly, why she is the best teacher? Because she has an innate ability to connect with her
students on a personal level. She understands that each student is unique, with their own strengths,
weaknesses, and learning styles. Taking the time to build relationships with her students, they create
a safe and supportive environment where learners can thrive. She always shows a genuine interest of
her students' lives, concerns, and dreams. This connection fosters an open line of communication,
ensuring her students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and seeking guidance.
Secondly, she possesses a deep passion for her subject matter. She have a contagious
enthusiasm that ignites curiosity and love for learning in her students. Whether it's literature,
mathematics, science, or art, their passion shines through in their teaching methods, bringing the
subject matter to life. Through engaging lessons and creative approaches, she captivates the attention
of her students and make even the most complex concepts accessible and exciting. This passion fuels a
thirst for knowledge within her students and instills a lifelong love of learning.
Furthermore, the best teachers are not only concerned with academic progress but also with
the holistic development of her students. She teaches me the importance of nurturing the social,
emotional, and character growth of each individual. Since I was a child, she acts as mentor to me,
providing guidance and support beyond the confines of the classroom. She teaches me important life
skills, promote values such as empathy, teamwork, and resilience, and help students navigate the
challenges they may face both in and out of school.
By fostering a well-rounded education, she empowers her students to become confident,
compassionate, and responsible members of society. Moreover, she continuously strives for growth
and improvement in their own practice. She never settles for mediocrity but instead seek
opportunities for professional development and innovation. So for me, I can see all the characteristic
of being a best teacher to my one and only beloved mother.

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