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Computer Basics

Microsoft office exam5:

Microsoft Word: Objective: Create a one-page report on "History of
Personal Computers."
1. Title (1 point):
 Type "History of Personal Computers" at the top.
 Font: "Courier New", Size "20", Underlined and center-align
2. Content (4 points):
 Paste three paragraphs given before the exam.
 Font: "Arial" and Size "11" (1).
 Highlight the indicated words to the student's own data and
italicize and bold them (1).
 Justify-align the paragraphs and indent the first line in each
paragraph with 0.4-inch (1).
 Set the line spacing to 1.5 (1).
3. Styling and Numbered List (5 points):
 At the end of the paragraphs, insert a bullet list of 5
significant dates from the data given below.
 Choose a open bullet list style (1).
 Justify the list with line spacing 1.5. (1)
 Italicize and bolden the date of each item in the list (1).
 Set page borders to a dotted line with a 3 point width (1).
 Save the file on Desktop with your name and group numbrt.
Ex. AlObaidi_G2.docx (1).
The data for the exam is given as follows:
The three paragraphs:
Personal computers are digital devices that can be used by only one person at a time. “
They consist of a central processing unit, memory, and various peripheral devices,
such as keyboards, monitors, and printers. My name is Mohammed Alobaidi and I am
26 years old. I use personal computers every day for various purposes, such as writing
.documents, browsing the web, playing games, and watching videos
The history of personal computers began in 1971, when the first microprocessor was
invented. This made it possible to create smaller and cheaper computers that could be
used by individuals. The first personal computer was the Altair 8800, which was sold
as a kit in 1975. It was followed by three preassembled mass-produced personal
.computers in 1977: the Apple II, the TRS-80, and the PET
The personal computer industry grew rapidly in the 1980s and 1990s, with the
introduction of new models, operating systems, software, and hardware. Some of the
most influential products were the IBM PC, the Macintosh, Windows, DOS, Word,
Excel, and the Internet. Personal computers became more powerful, user-friendly, and
affordable, and were adopted by millions of people around the world for both personal
”.and professional use

The data for the list:

The first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, is invented, making it possible to :1971
.create smaller and cheaper computers
Microsoft is founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, and the first personal :1975
.computer kit, the Altair 8800, is sold
Three preassembled mass-produced personal computers are launched: the :1977
.Apple II, the TRS-80, and the PET
IBM launches its IBM Personal Computer, running on Microsoft’s DOS :1981
.operating system, and becomes the industry standard
1984: Apple introduces the Macintosh, the first successful home computer with a
graphical user interface and a mouse.

The final output should be like:

2. Microsoft Excel:
Microsoft Excel: Objective: Monitor monthly expenses of students.
1. Data Entry (5 points):
 Create a table with student names and their monthly
expenses. The data are below
 Add two columns: “March” and “April” (1).
 Autofit the cells (1).
 First row: gray color, Font: "Comic Sans MS", Size: 12 (1).
 Table content: cell styles Accent 3. (Row 8 x column 3) (1).
 Add a thick border to all cells (1).
2. Calculations (3 points):
 Add a column: "Average Spending" and calculate average
monthly spending (1).
 Calculate the lowest monthly expense among all students
 Use conditional formatting to highlight students who spent
more than $500 across two months in light red (1).
3. Visualization (2 points):
 Create a pie chart showing expense distribution of four
students. Label the chart "Average Spending" (1).
 Save as your name and group number. Ex.
AlObaidi_G2.xlxs (1).

The data for the table:

Name January February
Ali 500 550
Ahmad 400 450
Maha 600 650
The final output should be like:
3. Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint (10 marks):
Microsoft PowerPoint: Objective: Discuss "Evolution of Storage
1. Slide Creation (4 points):
 Create slides titled: "Floppy Disks," "CD-ROMs," and
"Flash Drives" (1).
 First slide layout: “Title Slide”, Second slides layout: “Title
only”, Third slide layout: “Title and Two Content” (3).
2. Content Addition (2 points):
 Add an image for each storage type. With Bevel Perspective
Frame (1).
 Add bullet points discussing the storage capacity of flash
drives (1).
3. Design & Transition (4 points):
 Design theme: "Facet", variant “Purble” (1).
 “Reveal” slide transition (1).
 “Wheel” animation for images (1).
 Save as your surname and group number. Ex.
AlObaidi_G2.ppt (1).

The pictures to add are:


The final output should be like:

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