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A special outfit

 What you wore.

 What occasion it was.
 Where you bought it.
 What people thought about it.

Vocab Gra Opening Tech Cont Design Total

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Opening: I am a fashion enthusiast, so I have explored and worn many

unique and eye-catching designs. Having said that, there was a time
when I stood a chance of wearing a special outfit that I had never
thought of before, and that was a medical gown…

[1] What you wore: It is a light blue disposable medical gown made of
breathable material. The gown had long sleeves and extended down to
my knees, securing at the back to ensure full coverage. Additionally, I
had on a pair of single-use gloves and a face mask to complete the
protective ensemble.

[2] What occasion: That was when I engaged in a volunteer campaign

for the community during the COVID-19 about three years ago….. I had
to wear the medical protection outfit day in, day out

[3] Where: I didn't pay for the outfit because I was given it by the leader
of the volunteer team. I was looking forward to wearing them, even
though it made me sweat buckets. In other words, putting on these
clothes had great significance during the outbreak since it was crucial
to minimize the risk of transmission and protect both the
volunteers and the individuals in the quarantine camp.

[4] What people thought:

I supported medical officers by guiding medical declarations for residents

and taking body temperatures. And my friends took pride in my courage,
they said I was like a heroine. On the contrary, my parents thought I was
unwise since participation since participation in the quarantine camp was
so hazardous. But for me, this medical gown turns a host of others’
heads and it was so happy when I got to contribute my share of effort to
help the community.
Development in a city
 What is development
 When you heard about it
 How it benefits the public
 How it influences you

Opening: I'm not an updater, so I know next to nothing about changes in

my city. Having said that, there is a construction that springs to my mind
at this moment, so I would like to talk about Duong Tu Giang Park.

[1] What: This place is a new ample park that just opened recently. It is
situated in the vibrant area of my city. The advent of the park attracts
many youngsters to escape the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life.
Since it was an integration of entertainment facilities and greenery.

[2] When: If my memory serves me right. This park was built 3 years ago
when I had many months off with nothing to do. Therefore, I decided to
surf social media to kill my boredom. And what caught my eye was a
news about Duong Tu Giang Park, aka B5 Park, would be built to create
urban beauty.

[3] How it benefits: The coming forth of the park has transformed the
area into an engaged community gathering place. It is a perfect place for
social activities such as recreational games, socializing, culinary
showcases and street sports which appeal to people of all ages. Due to
its advantageous location, the park also serves as a convenient platform
to organize big events such as the recent fireworks show to celebrate
the new year.

[4] How it influences: My studying during weekdays makes me

exhausted. Therefore, I often go to this park on weekends to walk, chat
with friends and participate in entertainment activities with music clubs
there. When the fast pace of life leaves me feeling drained, a simple
stroll around these grounds helps me de-stress and recharge.

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