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Marina Fernández


1. he speaker says she met her husband …
a) when he helped her to prepare for tests.
b) when they were put in the same class.
c) when she spent time with friends after lessons.
2. The speaker feels that Mrs Janes …
a) cooked too little food for the students.
b) liked to prepare home-made food.
c) insisted on making healthy food.
3. How did the speaker feel about Phillip Norton?
a) happy once the teachers controlled Phillip’s behaviour
b) annoyed because Phillip always chose the same child
c) pleased when Phillip’s home situation changed
4. What did the speaker think about her uniform?
a) The girls’ uniform was particularly bad.
b) It allowed people to worry less about clothing.
c) Older students wanted to choose their own clothes.
5. In this extract, what is the speaker doing?
a) describing the best way to present books to children
b) talking about a happy day from his time at school
c) The café
6. What does the speaker think about separating boys and girls in education?
a) It didn’t give her realistic experiences.
b) It made her think about her own goals.
c) It stopped girls from competing as much.
Marina Fernández

1. he speaker says she met her husband …
a) when he helped her to prepare for tests.
b) when they were put in the same class.
c) when she spent time with friends after lessons.
2. The speaker feels that Mrs Janes …
a) cooked too little food for the students.
b) liked to prepare home-made food.
c) insisted on making healthy food.
3. How did the speaker feel about Phillip Norton?
a) happy once the teachers controlled Phillip’s behaviour
b) annoyed because Phillip always chose the same child
c) pleased when Phillip’s home situation changed
4. What did the speaker think about her uniform?
a) The girls’ uniform was particularly bad.
b) It allowed people to worry less about clothing.
c) Older students wanted to choose their own clothes.
5. In this extract, what is the speaker doing?
a) describing the best way to present books to children
b) talking about a happy day from his time at school
c) The café
6. What does the speaker think about separating boys and girls in education?
a) It didn’t give her realistic experiences.
b) It made her think about her own goals.
c) It stopped girls from competing as much.

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