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Here is a list of additional starting prompts that you may use in different job roles.

Remember: these are just initial prompts - Take the potential limitations into account
Experiment with the improvement suggestions - Iterate and refine - Good prompts require creativity and experimentation.
Always validate the output and follow the guiding principles and best practices discussed in the course.



Generating blog post "Generate 10 blog post ideas for our website on Topic May not always align with Provide specific sub-topics or desired
ideas the topic of [topic]" desired focus or style keywords

Creating blog post "Create an outline for a blog post on the Topic May not capture all relevant Provide specific points or a preferred
outlines following topic: [topic]" points or desired structure structure to follow

Researching for blog "Find 5 relevant sources for writing a blog post Topic May not always identify the Specify desired types of sources or credibility
posts on the topic: [topic]" most authoritative sources criteria

Writing introductions "Write an engaging introduction for a blog post Topic May not always capture the Provide examples of previous introductions or
on the topic: [topic]" desired tone or style a tone guide

Writing conclusions "Write a strong conclusion for a blog post on Topic May not always convey the Include specific points to cover or a desired
the topic: [topic]" desired message or call-to-action call-to-action

Editing blog posts "Edit the following blog post excerpt for clarity, Excerpt May not align with the writer's Provide specific guidelines or a style guide
grammar and style: [excerpt]" original intent or desired style

Optimizing blog posts for "Suggest 5 SEO improvements for the following Post title and URL May not cover all potential SEO Provide a list of target keywords or specific
SEO blog post: [post title and URL]" improvements areas to optimize

Promoting blog posts "Create a promotional plan to share our latest Topic May not cover all desired Specify preferred channels or promotional
blog post on [topic] across social media and promotional channels tactics
other channels"

Analyzing blog post "Analyze the performance of our last 10 blog URLs or performance May not provide in-depth Provide specific areas of focus for analysis
performance posts and suggest improvements" data insights

Updating old blog posts "Suggest 3 updates to improve the relevance of Post title and URL May not cover all necessary Provide specific areas to update or desired
the following blog post: [post title and URL]" updates outcomesTask

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Marketing and Communications
Here is a list of additional starting prompts that you may use in different job roles.

Remember: these are just initial prompts - Take the potential limitations into account
Experiment with the improvement suggestions - Iterate and refine - Good prompts require creativity and experimentation.
Always validate the output and follow the guiding principles and best practices discussed in the course.

Communications Specialists


Communication strategy Develop a communication strategy for our Department or team May not always align with the desired Include specific communication goals, desired
[department or team] information goals or objectives outcomes, or target audience

Key message Develop key messages for a communication Topic May not always convey the desired Include specific message themes, desired tone,
development campaign on [topic] message or tone or target audience

Press release writing Write a press release for our [product or event] Product or event May not always align with the desired Include specific press release guidelines,
information style or format desired style, or key points

Media outreach Create a media outreach plan for our [product or Product or event May not always consider all relevant Include specific media targets, desired
event] information factors or constraints outcomes, or outreach strategies

Social media content Develop social media content for our [campaign Campaign or initiative May not always align with the desired Include specific social media platforms, desired
or initiative] information style or tone style, or content types

Internal communication Design an internal communication plan for our Department or team May not always address all relevant Include specific communication channels,
[department or team] information communication needs or challenges desired outcomes, or potential issues

Crisis communication Create a crisis communication plan for our Organization or May not always consider all relevant Include specific crisis scenarios, desired
[organization or department] department factors or constraints outcomes, or response strategies
Stakeholder Develop a stakeholder communication plan for Project or initiative May not always address all relevant Include specific stakeholder groups, desired
communication our [project or initiative] information stakeholder needs or concerns outcomes, or communication channels

Communication Design a communication measurement plan for Campaign or initiative May not always provide actionable Include specific measurement goals, desired
measurement our [campaign or initiative] information insights or accurate measurements outcomes, or data collection methods

Speech writing Write a speech for our [executive or Executive or May not always convey the desired Include specific speech themes, desired tone,
spokesperson] on [topic] spokesperson and message or tone or target audienceTask

Page 2 of 7
Marketing and Communications
Here is a list of additional starting prompts that you may use in different job roles.

Remember: these are just initial prompts - Take the potential limitations into account
Experiment with the improvement suggestions - Iterate and refine - Good prompts require creativity and experimentation.
Always validate the output and follow the guiding principles and best practices discussed in the course.

Content Writers


Article topic Generate a list of 10 article topics related to [industry Industry or subject May not always include the most Include specific industry or subject focus,
generation or subject] recent or relevant topics desired outcomes, or content type

Outline creation Create an outline for an article on the following topic: Topic May not always address all relevant Include specific topic focus, desired outcomes,
[topic] subtopics or details or outline structure

Keyword research Find the top 10 keywords related to [topic] for SEO Topic May not always provide the most Include specific topic focus, desired outcomes,
purposes effective or relevant keywords or keyword type

Title and headline Generate 5 potential titles and headlines for an article Topic May not always align with Include specific topic focus, desired outcomes,
generation about [topic] organization's brand voice or style or title and headline preferences

Introduction writing Write an engaging introduction for an article on the Topic May not always address all relevant Include specific topic focus, desired outcomes,
following topic: [topic] introduction elements or or introduction structure
Editing and Edit and proofread the following article excerpt for Excerpt May not always catch every error or Include specific editing and proofreading
proofreading grammar, spelling and clarity: [excerpt] issue requirements, desired outcomes, or focus areas

Content optimization Optimize the following article excerpt for SEO: Excerpt May not always address all relevant Include specific SEO requirements, desired
[excerpt] SEO factors or constraints outcomes, or focus areas

Writer feedback Provide feedback on the following article excerpt to Excerpt May not always provide in-depth Include specific writer feedback goals, desired
help the writer improve: [excerpt] insights or actionable outcomes, or focus areas
Article conclusion Write a compelling conclusion for an article on the Topic May not always address all relevant Include specific topic focus, desired outcomes,
following topic: [topic] conclusion elements or considerations or conclusion structure

Content repurposing Repurpose the following article content into a different Content May not always consider all relevant Include specific repurposing requirements,
format (e.g., infographic, video script): [content] repurposing factors or constraints desired outcomes, or focus areasTask

Page 3 of 7
Marketing and Communications
Here is a list of additional starting prompts that you may use in different job roles.

Remember: these are just initial prompts - Take the potential limitations into account
Experiment with the improvement suggestions - Iterate and refine - Good prompts require creativity and experimentation.
Always validate the output and follow the guiding principles and best practices discussed in the course.

Creative Writers


Story idea generation Generate 5 story ideas based on the following Theme May not always align with the desired Provide specific settings, characters, or plot
theme: [theme] style or tone elements to include

Character development Develop a character profile for [character name], Character name May not always capture the desired Include specific traits, goals, or relationships to
including their background, motivations and character traits or depth develop

Dialogue writing Write a dialogue between [character1] and Character names and May not always convey the desired Include specific phrases or emotions to express
[character2] discussing [topic] topic tone or style in the dialogue

Worldbuilding Create a detailed description of the setting for a Location May not always capture the desired Provide specific elements, landmarks, or cultural
story taking place in [location] level of detail or atmosphere aspects to include

Plot development Develop a plot outline for a story involving [main Main character and May not always address all desired plot Include specific events, twists, or resolutions to
character] and [central conflict] central conflict points or themes incorporate

Writing style and tone Write a passage in the style of [author or genre] Author or genre May not always accurately replicate the Provide specific phrases, techniques, or stylistic
desired style or tone elements to emulate

Scene description Describe the following scene in detail: [scene Scene summary May not always evoke the desired Include specific sensory details, emotions, or
summary] atmosphere or emotion symbolism to incorporate

Pacing and structure Analyze the pacing and structure of the Story excerpt May not always provide in-depth Provide specific issues, concerns, or desired
following story excerpt: [excerpt] insights or actionable feedback pacing and structure

Writing exercises Provide a creative writing exercise focused on Writing skill May not always be tailored to the Include specific objectives, goals, or desired
[writing skill] writer's specific needs or preferences outcomes for the exercise

Editing and revision Edit and revise the following story passage: Story passage May not always address all desired Provide specific areas of focus, like grammar,
[passage] changes or improvements style, or clarityTask

Page 4 of 7
Marketing and Communications
Here is a list of additional starting prompts that you may use in different job roles.

Remember: these are just initial prompts - Take the potential limitations into account
Experiment with the improvement suggestions - Iterate and refine - Good prompts require creativity and experimentation.
Always validate the output and follow the guiding principles and best practices discussed in the course.



Proofreading Proofread the following document for grammar, Document text May not always catch all errors Provide specific areas of concern or desired style
spelling and punctuation errors: [document] guidelines

Structural editing Analyze the structure and organization of the Document text May not always provide in-depth Provide specific issues, concerns, or desired
following document: [document] and suggest insights or actionable feedback structure

Content editing Edit the following document for clarity, Document text May not always address all desired Provide specific areas of focus or desired style
coherence and consistency: [document] changes or improvements guidelines

Fact-checking Fact-check the following document: [document] Document text May not always catch all inaccuracies Provide specific areas of concern or potential
and provide any necessary corrections sources of information

Style guide adherence Ensure the following document adheres to our Style guide and May not always identify all style guide Provide specific style guide rules or desired
[style guide]: [document] document text violations formatting

Formatting Format the following document according to the Document text and May not always achieve the desired Include specific formatting requirements or
provided guidelines: [document] formatting guidelines layout or design desired elements

Citations and references Check the citations and references in the Document text and May not always catch all citation or Provide specific citation rules or desired
following document: [document] and ensure citation style reference errors formatting
they adhere to the [citation style]

Plagiarism detection Detect and report any instances of plagiarism in Document text May not always identify all instances of Provide specific areas of concern or desired
the following document: [document] plagiarism plagiarism detection tools

Editor's feedback Provide feedback on the following document: Document text May not always address all desired Include specific areas of focus or desired
[document], focusing on areas for improvement changes or improvements feedback topics

Editing and revision plan Create an editing and revision plan for the Document text May not cover all desired changes or Include specific objectives, goals, or desired
following document: [document] improvements outcomes for the planTask

Page 5 of 7
Marketing and Communications
Here is a list of additional starting prompts that you may use in different job roles.

Remember: these are just initial prompts - Take the potential limitations into account
Experiment with the improvement suggestions - Iterate and refine - Good prompts require creativity and experimentation.
Always validate the output and follow the guiding principles and best practices discussed in the course.



Proofreading Proofread the following document for grammar, spelling and Document text May not always catch all errors Provide specific areas of concern or
punctuation errors: [document] desired style guidelines

Error identification Identify errors in the following document and categorize them as Document text May not always catch all errors Provide specific error types or
grammar, spelling, or punctuation: [document] categories of interest

Style guide Ensure the following document adheres to our [style guide]: Style guide and document May not always identify all style Provide specific style guide rules or
adherence [document] text guide violations desired formatting

Formatting Check the formatting of the following document: [document] and Document text May not always achieve the Include specific formatting
correct any inconsistencies desired layout or design requirements or desired elements

Consistency Review the following document for consistency in terminology, tone Document text May not always address all desired Provide specific areas of focus or
and voice: [document] consistency concerns desired style guidelines

Citation and Check the citations and references in the following document: Document text and May not always catch all citation Provide specific citation rules or
reference check [document] and ensure they adhere to the [citation style] citation style or reference errors desired formatting

Plagiarism Detect and report any instances of plagiarism in the following Document text May not always identify all Provide specific areas of concern or
detection document: [document] instances of plagiarism desired plagiarism detection tools

Document Compare the following documents: [document1] and [document2] Document1 and May not always catch all Provide specific areas of focus or
comparison and identify any discrepancies or inconsistencies Document2 discrepancies or inconsistencies desired comparison criteria

Language Review the following translated document: [document] and ensure it Document text and target May not always address all Provide specific areas of concern or
localization is accurate and culturally appropriate for the [target language/country localization concerns or desired localization guidelines
language/country] inaccuracies

Suggestions for Provide suggestions for improving the clarity, coherence and Document text May not always address all desired Include specific areas of focus or
improvement readability of the following document: [document] changes or improvements desired style guidelinesTask

Page 6 of 7
Marketing and Communications
Here is a list of additional starting prompts that you may use in different job roles.

Remember: these are just initial prompts - Take the potential limitations into account
Experiment with the improvement suggestions - Iterate and refine - Good prompts require creativity and experimentation.
Always validate the output and follow the guiding principles and best practices discussed in the course.

Social Media Managers


Content curation Create a list of 10 trending topics in the [industry] Industry May not always include the most recent or Include specific industry focus, desired
for social media content relevant trends outcomes, or content type

Post scheduling Generate an optimal posting schedule for our Organization's social May not always consider all relevant factors Include specific posting goals, desired
social media channels media channels or constraints outcomes, or channel preferences

Hashtag research Find the top 10 hashtags related to [topic] for Topic May not always provide the most effective or Include specific topic focus, desired outcomes,
Instagram posts relevant hashtags or hashtag type

Engagement Analyze the engagement of our social media posts Organization's social May not always address all relevant Include specific engagement goals, desired
analysis for the past month and provide recommendations media data engagement factors or challenges outcomes, or focus areas

Competitor Perform a competitor analysis for our Competitors May not always provide in-depth insights or Include specific competitor details, desired
analysis [organization] on social media, focusing on the actionable recommendations outcomes, or focus areas
following competitors: [competitors]

Content creation Generate a social media post promoting our latest Product or service May not always align with organization's Include specific product or service details,
[product or service] information brand voice or style desired outcomes, or brand guidelines

Ad campaign Design a social media ad campaign for our Product or service May not always address all relevant ad Include specific ad campaign goals, desired
planning [product or service] information campaign needs or challenges outcomes, or focus areas

Analytics report Create a social media analytics report for our Organization's social May not always consider all relevant Include specific analytics requirements,
[organization] for the past month media data analytics factors or constraints desired outcomes, or focus areas

Influencer Develop an influencer outreach strategy for our Organization May not always address all relevant Include specific influencer outreach goals,
outreach [organization] influencer outreach needs or challenges desired outcomes, or focus areas

Social media audit Perform a social media audit for our [organization] Organization May not always provide in-depth insights or Include specific audit goals, desired outcomes,
actionable recommendations or focus areasTask

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Marketing and Communications

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