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Group 4

After Group four led the class, I learned how to cite sources in a correct and proper manner. I
learned about the two main types of citation formats, these being MLA and APA. MLA stands for
Modern Language association and APA stands for American Psychological Association. I learned
the importance of having credible sources because it helps to boost the strength of the argument.
It also builds trust and shows writing skills. Citing sources creates intertextuality and the sources
can be argued or help the argument. Group four discussed the article “Assessing Source
Credibility for Crafting a Well-Informed Argument,” and the main points included using ethos,
logos, and pathos to create credibility. Group four helped me to look for credibility in writing
with a few signs. The main one was looking for bias and asking questions like if the author of the
article is credible, if he has a background on the subject, or if his sources are credible. This also
leads back to the other group who presented when looking across the web to see if the
information from a source is credible or not depending on if multiple sources give the same
Rhetoric and ethical research intersect with one another when looking for bias in a piece of
writing. What I mean by this is when looking for bias, the reader is looking for if the author has
an opinion or, in other words, the author’s “ethics” and this is intersecting with rhetoric because
it is the author's piece of literature.
I can apply these concepts to my research by being careful when selecting my sources because I
know to look for bias in writing. I know to ask questions whilst reading a piece of writing to see
if it has bias. I also will look to cite my sources in the correct format.

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