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Sigmund Frued
EditEd by: ZEshan Umar

5 Stages of
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Personality Development
He is founder of Psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis is one of the influential theorist on personality development.
Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg also work on personality development.

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Freud's five stages of psychosexual
He claimed that children goes through a series of psychosexual stages that
leads to the development of adult personality.
1. Oral stage
2. Anal stage
3. Phallic stage
4. Latency stage
5. Genital stage
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Oral stage( 0-1):
He claimed that life is built on tension and pleasure.

Oral stage( 0-1): the libido is centered on the baby’s mouth. Mother
feeding, sucking, tasting, biting. If more gratification make child immature
and less cause tension.

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Anal stage(1-3):
Anal stage(1-3): the libido is bowel and the bladder control. Child maximum
time in toilet for gratification. Id ego develop at that stage.
We need to teach the child morality and cleanliness, neatness.

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Phallic stage(3-6):
Phallic stage(3-6): child know the sexual difference, attraction arouse in child,
jealousy, fear, rivalry arouse.
The term Odipus complex and Electra complex use.
By same sex parenting preference, can be resolved.

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Latency (6-puberty)
Late: libido dormant and no further development take place. Sexual impulses
repressed, sexual energy sublimated towards school work, hobbies, and
Child develop new skills, play with friends.

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Genital Stage(Puberty to Adulthood) 12-18

This is time of adolescent sexual experimentation.

One like one to one relationship.
Sometime in genital stage people also have previous signs.
In this opposite gender is favorite.

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It is a developmental theory but Freud never included studies on children
First 5 years are not as important as Freud believed
Ignored social and Traumatic experiences
Sexual desires are not as important as Freud believes
Good history but bad science.

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Sigmund Frued
EditEd by: ZEshan Umar

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Life Instinct Theory

Life Instinct Theory
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of
He gave Life instinct Theory, that is also called Eros.

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An individuals to seek pleasure and to engage in life-sustaining activities.
It drives towards survival, growth, and reproduction.
It is represented in the libido, which is the energy that fuels sexual and life
Sex is the primary motivation.
He also talk about creative behavior by EROS.

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Thanatos is the death instinct, which drives individuals to seek destruction
and death.
This instinct is often repressed, and its energy is redirected towards Eros.
Freud believed that individuals who were unable to manage their life and
death instincts were more likely to suffer from mental illness.

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Lack of Empirical Evidences
This is subjective interpretation.
Oversimplification of human behavior.
Ignore basic biological drives.
He has Misogynist behavior.

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Personality type

Sigmund Freud

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Personality Types
According to Sigmund Freud Personality divided into three types.
1. Id
2. Ego
3. Superego

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Instinctual part of personality
 Operates on the pleasure principle
Seeks immediate gratification of basic needs and desires.

A person who is hungry might feel a strong urge to grab food from
someone else's plate without considering the consequences or social norms.

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Rational and logical part of personality
 Mediates between the id and the external world.

Person might resist the urge to grab food from someone else's plate,
recognizing that it would be impolite and could have negative social

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Moral and ethical part of personality
 Develops from social and cultural influences.
Which is acceptable, which is not, where we need to speak and where need to be
voice of our conscience, providing a sense of right and wrong that helps guide our
behavior and decision-making.
 Person who is highly self-critical and constantly evaluates their own actions and thoughts against an idealized
standard of behavior. This type of person might be perfectionistic, constantly striving to improve themselves
and feeling guilty or inadequate when they fall short of their own expectations.

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Psychoanalysis Theory

Sigmund Freud

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Psychoanalysis Theory
This theory was developed by Sigmund Freud.
Our behavior is influenced by the unconscious factors.
The goal of this theory is to unconscious factors into conscious factors.
This is also called talk therapy, where client encouraged to talk, to explore

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Psychoanalysis Theory
According to psychoanalytic theory, the mind is divided into three parts: the
conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious.

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The conscious mind is what we are aware of at any given moment.
It includes our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that we are actively aware

For Example: we are reading this sentence and understanding.

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Sub Conscious
The preconscious contains information that is not currently in our
awareness, but can be easily accessed.

For example, if you are asked to recall your phone number, you may
need to stop and think for a moment before answering.

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The unconscious is the largest and most important part of the mind,
thoughts, memories, and desires that we are not aware of.

For example, a person who has a fear of heights may not know why
they have that fear, but through therapy, they may discover that they
had a traumatic experience in their past that involved heights.

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Psychoanalysis Theory
psychoanalysis is a complex and comprehensive theory
 Its aims is to understand the human mind and behavior.
It has been influential in the development of modern psychology
Continues to be used as a treatment approach for a variety of mental health

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Sigmund Frued
EditEd by: ZEshan Umar

Defense Mechanism
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Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies
 that individuals use to protect themselves from unpleasant emotions,
thoughts, and experiences.
These mechanisms can be automatic, unconscious, or conscious,
 and are used to reduce anxiety, guilt, and other forms of emotional distress.

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Defense Mechanism
There are about 16 ways how one can direct himself.

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1. Repression:
• Repression is the unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts, feelings,
and memories from our awareness.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us avoid painful emotions and
memories that we are not ready to confront.
. For example, a person who has been sexually assaulted may repress
memories of the attack in order to avoid the associated emotional pain.

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2. Denial:
• Denial is the refusal to accept the reality of a situation or the existence of a
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us cope with painful or threatening
situations by ignoring or downplaying them.
For Example: a person have lungs problem due to smocking, but He said I
have no issue regarding this.

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3. Projection
• Projection is the unconscious attribution of one's own unacceptable
thoughts, feelings, or motives to someone else.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us avoid taking responsibility for our
own negative emotions and actions.
For Example: If I am jealous to someone, I blame my failure on him.

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4. Rationalization
• Rationalization is the use of logical-sounding reasons or excuses to justify
one's behavior or decisions.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us avoid facing our true motivations and
For example, a person who is caught cheating on a test may rationalize their
behavior by saying that they needed to pass the test in order to keep their

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5. Sublimation

• Sublimation is the channeling of unacceptable impulses or emotions into

socially acceptable behaviors or activities.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us transform our negative impulses into
positive actions.
For example, a person who has aggressive tendencies may channel those
tendencies into a competitive sport,

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6. Displacement
Displacement involves redirecting an unacceptable thought or emotion from
its original source to a more acceptable target.
 This defense mechanism can be used to avoid conflict or to reduce anxiety
 For example, a person who is angry with their boss may go home and take
out their frustration on their family members.

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7. Regression
A person behave like a child after doing something unacceptable.
This defense mechanism can be used to cope with stress or to avoid dealing
with adult responsibilities.
For Example: A child who has just had a new sibling born may start wetting
the bed again, even though they had previously been potty-trained.

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8. Reaction Formation
• Reaction formation is the expression of the opposite of one's true feelings
or impulses.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us avoid confronting our negative
emotions by exaggerating the opposite emotions.
• This defense mechanism can be used to avoid feelings of guilt or shame, or
to maintain social harmony
For Example: I ask someone lover, do you love her, he said no I was just
passing my time.
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9. Intellectualization
• Intellectualization is the use of excessive reasoning or analysis to avoid
dealing with painful emotions.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us distance ourselves from emotional
situations and make sense of them intellectually.
• For Example: For example, a person who has been diagnosed with a serious
illness may focus on researching the disease and its treatment options, rather
than processing their emotions around the diagnosis.

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10. Suppression
Suppression involves intentionally pushing thoughts or emotions out of
conscious awareness in order to focus on other things.
This defense mechanism is similar to repression, but it involves a conscious
effort to avoid thinking or feeling a certain way.
For example, a person who is anxious about an upcoming job interview
may intentionally focus on other tasks in order to avoid thinking about the

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11. Undoing
• Undoing is the attempt to reverse or undo an unacceptable thought, feeling,
or behavior by performing an opposite action.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us relieve the guilt or anxiety associated
with the original thought, feeling, or behavior.
For example, a person who has cheated on their partner may buy them
expensive gifts or engage in other romantic gestures to make up for the

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12. Compensation
• Compensation is the attempt to make up for a real or perceived weakness by
emphasizing or overdeveloping another trait.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us overcome feelings of inferiority or
inadequacy by excelling in other areas.
For Example: we give less money to someone for something, and ask him
to take extra for other thing.

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13. Fantasy
• Fantasy is the creation of an imaginary situation or scenario that helps us
cope with anxiety or stress.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us escape from reality temporarily.
For Example: A person who is unhappy with their job may fantasize about
quitting and traveling the world.

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14. Idealization
• Idealization is the exaggeration of positive qualities in another person or
object to enhance our own self-esteem or reduce anxiety.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us maintain a positive self-image by
associating ourselves with positive qualities.
For Example: A person who idealizes a celebrity may believe that they are
just like that celebrity and have the same qualities.

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15. Minimization
• Minimization is the downplaying of the significance or impact of a situation,
event, or emotion.
• It is a defense mechanism that helps us cope with negative situations by
making them seem less important.
For Example: A person who is fired from their job may tell themselves that
it's not a big deal and that they didn't really like the job anyway.

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16. Avoidance
• Avoidance is the intentional avoidance of situations, people, or activities that
trigger negative emotions or anxiety.
• It is a defense mechanism
For Example: Avoidance is the intentional avoidance of situations, people,
or activities that trigger negative emotions or anxiety.

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